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CPR 75 TGIF Bulletin – Friday 5th Nov 2010

Sending this out early …as some are off for Deepavali !
Read Shanti Keogh’s Pet story in column (6) ...

Wishing all celebrants a Happy


(1) Valerene Matthews :

wow, thelma - the picture of you and siew lee in the year 2030 - i can really see the
likeness! the driving around in circles in 2030? are you kidding me? i do that NOW.

shanti - using tippex on a computer screen hahahahahahaha! loved this. but nearly made
me pee in my pants.

Thelma & SiewLee say:

We’re going on a road-trip – this time to S’pore – to visit our ol’
pals in S’pore … wanna come along? Bring along lots of Tena or Dry+Light …as
we don’t want to get lost after making endless pee-stops! Lol!

P.S. Our sincerest condolences on the passing of Mr Melvin Matthews on Tuesday, 2nd Nov
at 2310hours. An e-mail to announce his demise was posted to ex-classmates earlier.

(2) Leong Suat Mei :

Palomino Island

Hi Ladies!

Palomino island is where the sea lions live. It was a 'smelly' experience
for this trip... as we neared the island, the smell of 'guano' was really
coming up our noses,.... so much so that the tour guide gave us a
cotton swab dipped in 'alcohol' (like the nail polish remover
smell!)...told us to hold it close to our nose while the boat stays there
for us to take photos....
The whole island surface is covered with sea lions... and we saw a few
Humbolt penguins in another small rock.

Some brave ones jumped in the sea to go nearer to the sea lions
(supposedly to swim with them) but... just near enough...
This is included in the tour which costs USD35.00
Just a 4 hour tour. I shall never forget the smell.... !!!! Urrghhh...

Other than that, the boat ride is quite smooth with a few bumps in
between ... choppy at some areas but only for a few minutes
Do I still look the same ? No.... have aged of cos,....

Swottie xxxx

(3) Pam Hendroff & Lilian Low :

The Amazing Hair Dryer :

[Translated from Mandarin]

(by Z. D. Zhou)
Not long ago a friend took her ten-year-old boy to my house
looking for to my wife, saying that her child had hiccups all
day long. The child was very uncomfortable and unable to eat
at all. After she checked, my wife said there was a muscle
spasm in his diaphragm.

Without hesitation, she took out a blow dryer, turned on the

power and started blowing at the boy's stomach. About 10
minutes later, the boy burped and fell relieved. We were
surprised that this thing can do the trick. But my just wife

A few days later, I had a stiff neck when I woke up in the

morning. I could hardly turn my head. I recalled my stiff neck
problem was treated a few times by acupuncture and cupping
when I was younger. I asked my wife for the similar treatment.
She said there weren't any needles at home or any suitable
small jars for cupping. She just took out a hair dryer. I couldn't
help laughing. Again? This thing can cure stiff neck too?

She blew on my shoulders and my neck for about 15 minutes.

My neck was really loosened up. I could turn my head now.
Later in the evening, she repeated that on me once more. The
pain in my neck was significantly reduced. I crowned her the
"Queen of blow drying".

She explained that this was inspired by the method people

used in the old days. In hospitals, with all the modern
equipments we have, doctors do not need blow dryers. Back in
the old days, in rural villages especially, doctors were poorly
equipped with medical supplies. So they came up with other
means to treat patients with common pains.

Suddenly I realized this is the thermal effect on pains with the

heat generated by a blow dryer. Modern physiotherapy
equipment such as electric, laser, thermal, ultrasound and
others can easily generate heat for effective treatment. They
are, of course, more powerful then a blow dryer. However,
when they are not available, using a blow dryer to generate
heat will also work, temporarily at least, on common pains
such as back pain, muscle spasm, stiff neck, leg cramps, etc. It
is easily accessible and easy to operate as long as there is

The blow dryer is really amazing. Try it. Hope it works for you

Thelma says :
‘Queen of Blow-Drying?’… wow! I tried it the other day
(when it was a dark & gloomy and rainy day) for my stiff neck & stiff
fingers (arthritis and rheumatism runs in my family) – it worked like
magic! Now I need to run out to buy a hair dryer for every room in the
house …

(4) Lilian Low :

Samy Vellu was visiting India when he fell and broke his jaw.

He was unable to speak. Being the great leader that he is, he

continued his grand tour.

On the last week of his visit, although unable to speak, Samy

insisted on sending a message home to his Cabinet

Samy caught a chicken and showed it to the camera. Next he

took a goat, and showed it to the camera.

Finally he took a bag and displayed it in front of the camera.

Dr Ling was the first to see the video clip. He said, "Samy is
telling us that India has insufficient food because he showed us
a chicken and a goat and he wants Malaysia to donate bags of

Mahathir watched silently then said,"No lah....what Samy is

trying to say is

The whole Cabinet was puzzled and look to the old man for an
Mahathir reasoned, "AYAM KAMBING BAG."
("I am coming back" in Indian accent).

(5) Kamachi :

Florida Squirrels … aren’t they cute?

They young ones …

The elderly ..
1+ 2= 3
Until a child tells you what they are thinking, we can't even begin to imagine how their
mind is working....
Little Zachary was doing very badly in math. His parents had tried everything...tutors,
Flash cards, special learning centers. In short, everything they could think of to help his

Finally, in a last ditch effort, they took Zachary down and enrolled him In the local
Catholic school. After the first day, little Zachary came home with a very serious look on
his face. He didn't even kiss his mother hello. Instead, he went straight to his room and
started studying..

Books and papers were spread out all over the room and little Zachary was hard at work.
His mother was amazed. She called him down to dinner.

To her shock, the minute he was done, he marched back to his room without a word, and
in no time, he was back hitting the books as hard as before.

This went on for some time, day after day, while the mother tried to understand what
made all the difference.

Finally, little Zachary brought home his report Card... He quietly laid it on the table, went
up to his room and hit the books. With great trepidation, His Mom looked at it and to her
great surprise, Little Zachary got an 'A' in math. She could no longer hold her curiosity..
She went to his room and said, 'Son, what was it? Was it the nuns?' Little Zachary looked
at her and shook his head, no.. 'Well, then,' she replied, Was it the books, the discipline,
the structure, the uniforms? WHAT WAS IT?'

Little Zachary looked at her and said, 'Well, on the first day of school when I saw that
guy nailed to the plus sign, I knew they weren't fooling around.'

Have a wonderful day and God Bless!

See ya next time, baby…

(6) Shanti keogh

My cats and I :
We had been thinking of adopting a couple of kittens for a while but kept putting it off.
Out of the blue, we drove to the local Cats Protection League and there we found our two
kittens. Maisie and Ally came into my life in December 2000 when they were about 3
months old. From the day they arrived I have been besotted with them. They are both
everything I would for wish in a cat, each having some of the characteristics I love.

Here is Maisie when she was little – a real cutie.

Maisie is a real character. In the beginning it was almost as if she was learning to meow,
she would say mee then ow! It was so very funny. She was very timid when she came to
live with us and took awhile to come out of her shell. Then there was no stopping her!
She is dainty and petite and is a beautiful tabby cat with stunning stripes on her coat.

As she grows older (they are both 10 now), she is quieter but still has a mad half hour in
the mornings when she runs about as if she’s doing a marathon. That would be her daily
exercise. She is also very vocal when she wants something. Maisie is a very loving cat
and a lot of fun as well.

Here is my other fur baby, Ally.

Ally’s a real sweetie and of extremely good temperament. She’s a lap cat and would seek
my lap when its cold (smart!). A very good hunter, Ally has brought us many presents –
mice, birds, shrews etc – some we managed to save.
Ally is also very clever, here she reading an article in the papers about neutering cats!

Ally is top cat in our home so she keeps Maisie in check.

During Maisie’s mad running sessions, she sometimes waits in a corner and gives her a
smack – needless to say, that soon stops Maisie!

Enjoying a snooze together …

Enjoy looking at these pictures of Ally & Maisie …

Ally – when she was a baby..way back in 2001

Ally snoozing in front of the radiator … on a cold day ..

Maisie..enjoying the sunshine and the beautiful view ..

What’s for dinner, mummy?

These two girls gave me many anxious moments when we decided to bring them with us
to Malaysia. I am so glad they arrived safely and are here with us.

Thelma’s pooch, Yoko says :

I’m sooo jealous! I’d better delete this before my
mummy sees this and decides to take in … horrors…more CATS as house pets!

Love from : Thelma Lim

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