The Philippines Energy Future & Low-Carbon Dev't Strategies

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Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

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The Philippines energy future and low-carbon development strategies

Md Alam Hossain Mondal*, Mark Rosegrant, Claudia Ringler, Angga Pradesha,
Rowena Valmonte-Santos
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2033 K Street, NW Washington DC, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents an assessment of alternative, long-term energy supply and low-carbon strategies for
Available online 4 February 2018 the Philippine power sector from 2014 to 2040 using TIMES model. It examines the potential contri-
bution of renewable energy to diversify the Philippine energy supply-mix to meet future electricity
Keywords: demands. The reference scenario compares the impact of four alternative policy goals: (1) carbon tax, (2)
Energy future targeted renewable-based power generation, (3) limited coal share in supply-mix, and (4) renewables
subsidy. The reference scenario shows a significant increase of the share of coal-based power generation
Climate change
and import dependency of fossil-fuel increases from 227 PJ in 2016 to 1073 PJ in 2040. The model results
Energy security
for the alternative policy scenarios show a large potential for renewable energy-based power generation.
The alternative policy options show a significant decrease of import dependency in the energy supply-
mix for power generation. Most alternative policy scenarios project a higher total system cost, with
the exception of the subsidy scenario. System cost increases only 2.6% in the renewables target scenario
relative to the reference scenario. However, long-term benefits from investing in the alternative policy
options would need to be considered, including diversification of energy supply-mix, improved energy
security, and progress toward a low-carbon society.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction consumption were 36.01 million tons of oil-equivalent (mtoe) and

22.36 mtoe in 2006, and increased to 47.5 mtoe and 28.57 mtoe in
Energy consumption drives economic growth and is a key input 2014, respectively [5]. Total imported energy was 14.26 mtoe in
for socio-economic development [1]. Access to clean energy is 2006 and increased to 20.86 mtoe in 2014; this represents a share
considered vital for modern living and a necessary element for all of 44% in the primary energy supply-mix. About 75% of fossil-fuel
production sectors to function well [2]. The Philippines' energy demand is met through imports [7]. Coal imports increased about
sector faces the dual challenges of (1) heavy reliance on fossil fuels two-fold between 2006 and 2014 [5]. Fuel consumption by the
and imported energy and (2) high energy demand. The average Philippine power sector accounts for about 46% of total primary
annual growth of Philippine gross domestic product (GDP, a nota- energy. The country's demand-supply outlook between 2015 and
tion list is given in Table 1) in the past ten years has been 5.4% [3] 2030 shows an additional 7 gigawatt (GW) capacity required to
and the country plans to increase its GDP growth to 7% by 2040 [4]. meet the expected electricity demand by 2030 [6].
The planned, higher GDP growth will drive higher energy demand The Philippine power sector currently relies largely on fossil-
growth. fuels (about 77%) and is expected to increase use of coal-based
The country's primary energy supply consists of 60% fossil fuels plants to meet future energy demand, which would negatively
and 40% renewable energy. The share of oil in the total energy affect environmental outcomes. Coal consumption in the power
supply-mix is significant, at about 31% in 2014 [5,6]. The country's sector increased from 7 million tons (mt) in 2006 to 15.5 mt in 2014.
self-sufficiency in primary energy supply has decreased in recent Due to heavy reliance on coal-based power generation, greenhouse
years. The renewable energy share declined from 43% in 2012 to gas (GHG) emissions are expected to grow rapidly. CO2 emissions
40% in 2014 [6]. Total primary energy supply and final energy from coal power plants amounted to 26 mt and are projected to
increase to 92 mt of carbon dioxide per year if all planned coal
plants are installed [8].
* Corresponding author. The country has been suffering electricity outages or shortages,
E-mail address: (M.A.H. Mondal). particularly during the summer months, since the 1990s. Electricity
0360-5442/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 143

Table 1
Notation list.

CC: Combined Cycle MARKAL: MARKet Allocation

CDM: Clean Development Mechanism MESSAGE: Model for Energy Supply Strategy Alternatives and their General
CO2: Carbon dioxide Environmental Impact
CSP: Concentrated Solar Power mt: million tons
DOE: Department of Energy mtoe: million tons of oil-equivalent
EFOM: Energy Flow Optimization Model NOx: Nitrogen oxides
ETSAP: Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program NREP: National Renewable Energy Program
FiT: Feed-in Tariff PJ: Peta joule
GDP: Gross Domestic Product POLES: Prospective Outlook for Long-Term Energy. Scenarios
GHG: greenhouse gas PSC: Pulverized Sub-Critical
GW: gigawatt PV: Photovoltaics
GWh: gigawatt hours RES: Reference Energy System
IGCC: Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle SO2: Sulfur dioxide
IMF: International Monetary Fund ST: Steam Turbine
INDCs: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions T&D: Transmission and Distribution
IPCC: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change TIMES: Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System
WASP: Wien Automatic System Planning Package

demand was about 25.6 GWh (GWh) in 1991 and increased to about planning using a comprehensive modeling tool helps national
53 GWh in 2003 and 77.3 GWh in 2014 [5]. Primary energy supply is governments anticipate and respond to the rapid changes occurring
expected to double between 2011 and 2030. Energy scarcity has in the energy sector, including changes in technology learning
detrimental impacts on economic growth. Current challenges in the curves in lowering costs for clean energy technologies and intro-
electricity sector in the Philippines include a supply-demand gap duction of innovative technologies. However, comprehensive en-
characterized by unmet demand; high electricity prices; under- ergy assessment, designed to support long-term energy policy
investment in generation; reduced self-sufficiency; and expected development, is currently lacking in the Philippines.
high growth of GHG emissions levels. A national renewable energy Relevant energy supply modeling tools for national and regional
program was adopted to dramatically increase (three-fold) the scale analysis include: MARKAL/TIMES, MESSAGE, POLES, and
generation capacity of renewable energy technologies for power WASP [12]. The TIMES model (a successor of the MARKAL model)
generation by 2030 [9]; this help to substantially mitigate GHG used in this study is the most widely used energy systems opti-
emissions from the power sector. mization model. The MARKAL/TIMES model has been used for
To help reduce global climate change, the government of the many national [13e18], regional [19e22], and global studies
Philippines has made a commitment to limit the future growth of [23e25].
GHG emissions by implementing alternative policy options, such as This study develops a TIMES (The Integrated MARKAL-EFOM
carbon taxes, improvement of energy efficiency in both generation System) modeling framework for the Philippines to identify least-
and consumption, diversification of the energy supply-mix, and cost solutions for alternative technology selection and policy op-
accelerated development of renewable energy [10]. The country tions to meet the projected electricity demand over 26 years
intends to reduce emissions by about 70% from different sectors, (20142040). The main objective of this study is to identify alter-
such as energy, transport, waste, forestry, and industry, by 2030, native energy development pathways applying the TIMES optimi-
compared to the business-as-usual scenario of emission levels be- zation framework that meet the Philippines' rising electricity
tween 2000 and 2030 [11]. demand while improving energy security, promoting access to
Potential ways to address these challenges include diversifica- reliable modern energy, and mitigating GHG emissions. Sensitivity
tion of the energy supply-mix and inclusion of climate-change analysis is performed considering variation of key parameters such
mitigation strategies in energy development and infrastructure as discount rates, coal price, investment cost of renewable energy
support. These efforts should support national economic develop- technologies and impacts on natural gas supply curve.
ment through employment generation, increased food security, The intention of this study is not to predict future developments
and reduced poverty. of the energy sector, but rather to provide insights into the impli-
The renewable energy potential of the Philippines is relatively cations of different technology and energy options that can be
high and could contribute to the supply of modern reliable energy pursued by the government of the Philippines in a sustainable way
services and improved overall energy security. The government's over the long term.
energy reform agenda highlights the importance of access to a
more reliable energy supply, using indigenous energy resources
while minimizing imported fossil fuels in an optimal and cost- 2. TIMES model
effective way. The government's energy reform agenda focuses on
(1) ensuring energy security, (2) achieving optimal energy pricing, TIMES combines advanced versions of the MARKAL
(3) diversifying sources of fuel, and (4) developing a sustainable (market allocation) model. The MARKAL model is a linear pro-
energy system. gramming model developed shortly after the oil crisis in 1976 by a
The feasibility of this type of diversification of the energy consortium of members of the International Energy Agency's En-
supply-mix, integration of renewable energy into the energy sys- ergy Technology Systems Analysis Program (ETSAP) to serve as an
tem, and policy implications for long-term sustainable energy energy-system planning and optimization tool in order to under-
policy development can be assessed by applying bottom-up energy stand whether: (1) alternatives to oil were technically feasible and
optimization models. This can provide important insights into the economically and environmentally sustainable, (2) solutions were
implications of prospective technologies that can be pursued by the global or dependent on national circumstances, and (3) global en-
Philippine government to improve energy security and develop a ergy research and development paths were possible or advanta-
low-carbon society in a cost-efficient and effective way. Energy geous. TIMES is the successor of MARKAL and the executive
committee of ETSAP began promoting the TIMES model for new
144 M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

users starting in 2008. The model consists of a set of constraints and one objective
The TIMES model is a linear programming bottom-up energy function, which is usually chosen to minimize the long-term dis-
model. The model computes an economic equilibrium for energy counted system cost of the energy system. The constraints (equa-
markets, from the supply to end-use energy services. TIMES com- tions or inequalities) and objective function (criterion to be
putes both the energy flow and energy prices in such a way that the minimized or maximized) are expressed by decision variables and
suppliers of energy produce exactly the amount of energy needed parameters, where decision variables are unknown or endogenous
to meet demand. It is a demand-driven model. quantities, which TIMES determines, and parameters are known or
The main building blocks of the model are the processes (types exogenous quantities that are specified by the modeler. The
of power plants or technologies) and commodities (energy carrier, configuration of the supplied RES is dynamically adjusted by TIMES
cost, emissions, etc.), which are connected by commodity flows in a in such a way that all model equations are satisfied and long-term
network called reference energy system (RES). This approach fa- system cost is minimized. The objective function is the sum of all
cilitates graphical analysis of the whole energy systemdfrom pri- region objectives, all discounted to the same modeler-selected base
mary energy resources at the start to sector-wide energy services at year, as shown in equation.
the enddusing different conversion processes.
The TIMES model determines the energy and technology mix OBJðzÞ ¼ ½REG OBJðz; rÞ (1)
needed to meet the energy demand of an energy system, given r2REG
specific limitations regarding available technologies and energy
sources. It then determines an optimal energy supply mix (in where OBJðzÞ: The total system cost, discounted to the beginning of
economic terms) based on technological and economic parameters, the year z, r: region.
such as the minimum cost for the technologies selected. (The Each regional (REG) objective OBJðzÞ is decomposed into the
schematic structure of the TIMES model is presented in Fig. 1.) Key sum of nine components that can be presented as equation.
exogenous input parameters are: techno-economic database, en-

2 3
REG OBJðz; rÞ ¼ DISCðy; zÞ  4 þFIXCOSTðyÞ þ FIXTAXSUBðyÞ þ VARCOSTðyÞþ 5 (2)

ergy demand, energy prices, emission coefficients, targets, sub- where DISCðy; zÞ :value, discounted to the beginning of year z using
sidies, and taxes. Key endogenous outputs are: technology general discount factor, the regional index r is omitted from the
investments, annual activities of technologies, energy requirement, nine components for simplicity of notation. The 1st and 2nd terms
marginal energy prices, levelized cost of electricity, import/export are linked to investment costs, 3rd one is related to decom-
of energy, emission trajectories, emissions permits, and total dis- missioning capital costs, the 4th and 5th terms are linked to fixed
counted system costs. annual costs, 6th term is to all variable costs, 7th one is demand loss

Fig. 1. Schematic structure of the TIMES model.

M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 145

costs, the 8th term is actually a revenue that accounts for com- scenario is adopted in this TIMES modeling, because it best reflects
modity recycling occurring after the end of horizon (EOH), and the the pattern of recent economic growth. Table 3 presents projected
9th term is the salvage value of all capital costs of technologies regional and sector-wise electricity demands. About 75% of elec-
whose life extends beyond EOH. tricity demand is in the Luzon region, where the commercial sector
Table 2 shows short-listed elements (basic equations) of the dominates overall consumption. Total electricity consumption was
TIMES model. Details of the TIMES objective function, equations, 63.4 TWh (TWh) in 2014, and is projected to grow to 194.4 TWh in
variables, and parameters are discussed in the Energy Technology 2040.
Systems Analysis Program's documentation for the TIMES model
[26]. 3.3. Primary energy resources

3. Development of the Philippines TIMES framework Primary energy resource costs need to be determined along
with their availability and supply limits for the modeling. Energy
3.1. Philippines reference energy system supply prices and availability limits for electricity generation in the
Philippines are presented in Table 4. Fossil-fuel supply data for 2014
The reference energy system (RES) is the structural background and 2015 are taken from the Philippines' energy balance sheets
of the TIMES model and provides an illustrative impression of the supplied by the Department of Energy (DOE). The upper bounds of
nature of an energy system. The development of a RES for the coal and gas production for power generation in the Philippines is
Philippines is a key contribution of this study. The RES includes all expected to be 272 PJ and 301 PJ, respectively, by 2040. Due to the
energy activities, from the source to the final end-use energy de- lack of energy prices for power generation in the Philippines, the
mand. The RES can be extended to show emissions from energy authors used the energy prices reported by the International
activities when primary energy is transported or converted from Monetary Fund (IMF) for the years 2014, 2015, and 2016 [30]. All
one form to another. The TIMES model consists of a large set of costs are in 2014 US dollars (US$1 ¼ 46 Philippine pesos). The im-
energy technologies, linked together by energy flows that mutually ported coal price decreased from US$2.59/gigajoule (GJ) in 2014 to
form the RES. Fig. 2 presents the Philippines RES for the power US$1.96/GJ in 2016. Gas prices declined from US$3.26/GJ in 2014 to
sector. All feasible energy resources such as coal, oil, gas, wind, US$1.83/GJ in 2016. Imported crude oil prices declined from
solar, biomass, hydro, and geothermal are incorporated in the RES, US$15.78/GJ in 2014 to US$6.93/GJ in 2016 [30]. An annual increase
including respective conversion technologies, transmission, and rate of 2.00%, 3.25%, and 4.00% for coal, gas, and crude oil, respec-
distribution as well as sector-wise electricity demand. The TIMES tively, is considered from 2016 to the end of the analysis period
model finds the routes, energy-mix, and technologies presented in [37e39]. Renewable power generation capacity growth in the
RES that are best fit to meet the electricity demand in terms of Philippines is very largedsolar, wind, and biomass-based power
minimizing the system cost and optimizing energy resource use to plant capacity increased from 26 MW in 2005 to 434 MW in 2014
meet the overall objectives of the energy system. Techno-economic [5]. Conventional renewable technologies, such as large hydro and
parameters of each technology are included in this system to geothermal power generation capacity, increased slightly from
identify the least-cost solution. The various constraints listed in 5200 MW in 2005 to 5461 MW in 2014. Considering recent
Table 2 are incorporated into this framework. renewable energy technology development in the Philippines and
the global growth standard, a maximum annual growth of 30% is
3.2. Exogenous electricity demand applied for solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind-power plants [31]. An
annual growth of 10% is also applied for hydro and geothermal
The TIMES model needs projected energy service demands over power plants for new investment.
the time horizon of analysis. It is possible to project energy demand
in TIMES using macroeconomic forecasts as a demand driver. The 3.4. Conversion technologies
Philippines' future electricity demand was recently evaluated by a
comprehensive study applying detailed microeconomic factors The characteristics of all conversion technologies need to be
[28,29]. The study projected electricity demand for two alternative developed in the reference energy system. These technologies
GDP growth scenarios: (1) strong growth and (2) weak growth for convert energy from primary resources to electricity to meet the
the Philippines up to 2040. The study shows that electricity de- specified end-use electricity demand. The Philippines TIMES model
mand is expected to grow at an annual rate of 4.3% in the strong incorporates a fairly representative set of conversion technologies,
growth scenario. Year-wise, projected demand growth is high in including all existing and planned technologies as well as a total of
2015 at 6% and declines to 4.5% in 2020, 4.3% in 2030, and 4.2% by 12 different conversion technology types: pulverized coal subcrit-
2040 in the strong growth scenario. The identified year-wise ical, integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), oil-based steam
electricity demand growth based on the strong economic growth turbine (ST), diesel-based simple cycle, gas-based combined cycle

Table 2
TIMES basic short-listed equations [27].

Capacity transfer The total available capacity is equal to the sum of investments at past and current periods plus capacity in place prior to the horizon
Activity definition Equates an overall activity variable with the appropriate set of flow variables, properly weighted
Use of capacity The activity of the technology may not exceed its available capacity, as specified by the user defined availability factor
Commodity balance The disposition (consumption and export) of each commodity balances its procurement (production and imports)
Efficiency definition The ratio of the sum of some of its output flows to the sum of some of its input flows is equal to a constant efficiency
Flow share Limit the flexibility by constraining the share of each flow within its own group
Peak There must be enough installed capacity to exceed the required capacity in the season with largest demand for commodity
by a safety factor (peak reserve)
User constraints Impose annual or cumulative bounds on commodities (emissions or fossil fuel reserves limit) limit the share of processes
in the total production of commodity, limit investment in a process, dictate a percentage of a fuel for electricity generation
such as renewable sources
146 M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

Primary energy Conversion technologies Final energy End-use demand

Coal Circulating Fluidized Bed

Coal mining
Pulverized coal sub-supercritical

Integrated gasification combined 0.45

Coal import
cycle (IGCC)

Open cycle gas turbine


Gas mining Natural gas steam turbine

Combined cycle gas turbine 0.47
(21 TWh)

Diesel import
Diesel internal combustion engine (18.8 TWh)
Fuel oil import Fuel oil fired steam turbine 0.31 T&D loss: 9.1%
Own-use: 8.9% Industrial
Large hydropower dam (21.4 TWh)
Hydro run of river
(2.2 TWh)
Biomass 0.25
Biomass based power plant

Geothermal Geothermal power

Wind Wind power plant

Solar Photovoltaic (PV)

Concentrated solar power (CSP)

Fig. 2. Simplified reference energy system for the Philippines power sector. Notes: Values shown indicate conversion and transmission efficiency as well as demand in 2014.

Table 3 Table 4
Electricity demand (TWh) by sector and by region. Primary energy resource limits and cost [5,30,32,37e39].

Region Sector 2014 2016 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2014 2016 2020 2025 2030 2040

Luzon Residential 15.3 16.9 20.3 25.1 30.9 38.1 47.0 Mined natural gas:
Commercial 16.1 17.8 21.3 26.4 32.6 40.1 49.4 Cost (US$/GJ) 3.26 1.83 2.08 2.44 2.86 3.94
Industry 15.0 16.5 19.8 24.5 30.2 37.2 45.8 Upper bound (PJ) 126 136 163 198 232 301
Others 0.9 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 Mined Coal:
Total 47.3 52.3 62.5 77.4 95.5 117.7 144.9 Upper bound (PJ) 153 165 183 205 228 272
Visayas Residential 2.8 3.1 3.7 4.5 5.6 6.9 8.5 Cost (US$/GJ) 1.94 1.47 1.59 1.76 1.94 2.31
Commercial 1.3 1.4 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.2 4.0 Imported Coal:
Industry 3.2 3.6 4.3 5.3 6.5 8.0 9.9 Cost (US$/GJ) 2.59 1.96 2.12 2.34 2.59 3.08
Others 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.3 Imported oil costa:
Total 8.0 8.9 10.6 13.2 16.3 20.0 24.7 (US$/GJ) 15.78 6.93 8.11 9.86 12.00 17.76
Mindanao Residential 2.9 3.2 3.8 4.7 5.9 7.2 8.9 Biomass, solar and wind Resource bound for biomass: 100 PJ. New wind
Commercial 1.4 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.4 4.2 bound: 3.3 GW and no limit imposed for solar
Industry 3.3 3.6 4.3 5.4 6.6 8.2 10.0 Hydro and geothermal An upper bound of new hydro and geothermal
Others 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.7 capacity of 10 GW
Total 8.1 8.9 10.7 13.2 16.3 20.1 24.7
Subtotal 63.4 70.1 83.8 103.8 128.1 157.8 194.4 a
Taxes and subsidies in the power sector are a debated issue in the Philippines
[33]. Diesel and fuel oil process are heavily subsidized to retain a certain percentage
of power generation share. Diesel and fuel oil prices are considered 73% and 74%
(CC), gas-based ST, hydropower, biomass-based plant, solar less, respectively, than imported oil price.

photovoltaic (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), wind, and

geothermal. Planned power plants that are expected to be installed
M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 147

by region in the next five years are incorporated into the model. [46e48]. Emissions factors such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur
Existing conversion technologies and their capacities, including dioxide (SO2), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) from fossil fuels are
government planned installation capacity by technology for the incorporated.
next 5 years, are presented in Table 5. These technologies and ca- Only centralized-grid electricity was considered. TIMES de-
pacities are included in the modeling. termines how much electricity must be generated to feed to the
Techno-economic parameters for fossil-fuel based power plants national grid in order to meet the domestic demand to support
are reviewed and incorporated in the modeling, mainly from strong economic growth. End-use demand technologies were
Refs. [34e38]. Renewable technologies are also reviewed and merged into the electricity demand allocated to their sector.
incorporated in the modeling from Refs. [35,38e43]. No upper A regional approach is applied in the Philippines TIMES model.
bounds are specified for solar PV and CSP. The installed power The regions modeled include Luzon, Mindanao, and Visayas.
generation capacities of solar PV, wind power and CSP are Existing technologies and planned technologies that are expected
permitted to grow up a rate of up to 30% every year after their to be installed by 2020 are included in the model. New technologies
introduction if they are selected by the TIMES model [12,18]. can be selected by any region based on model choice to meet least-
Table 6 presents techno-economic characteristics of selected cost, optimal solutions, and regional electricity demand. The energy
key conversion technologies. The total transmission and distribu- balance sheet for 2014 is disaggregated based on power generation-
tion (T&D) losses were 9.1% in 2014 in the Philippines [44] and this mix by region. Bilateral electricity trade across the regions are
loss is incorporated in this modeling. In addition to the T&D losses, allowed applying a trade (transmission investment) cost of
utility own-use of electricity was about 8.9% of total electricity US$0.03/kWh. Fossil-fuel prices and technology investment costs
generation in 2014. For each technology type, values are given for are assumed to be the same for all regions because most of the
efficiency, capital cost, operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, technologies are imported.
utilization factor, peak demand contribution factor, and plant life- The model assumes that all existing power plants will continue
time. A T&D charge of US$0.0025/kWh is assumed. production at current levels, which further assumes that operation
and maintenance continue into the future. This analysis assumes
3.5. Other model characteristics that sufficient infrastructural support will be available for trans-
portation and installation of new power plants. No constraint is
The analysis covers a 26-year period from 2014 to 2040. The year imposed on the availability of financial resources as the private
2014 is used as a base year due to the availability of data and annual sector is expected to be involved in future power sector
reports by the energy utilities in the Philippines. A discount rate of development.
6% is applied in this modeling. Due to lack of information on
emissions factors, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 4. Scenario development
(IPCC) guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories emissions
factors for coal, oil, and gas are considered in this modeling Drawing on the Philippines energy and environmental policy

Table 5
Existing and planned conversion technologies and their capacity (MW).

Luzon Mindanao Visayas Total capacity Planed (2015e2020)

Coal pulverized sub-critical (PSC) 4.406 0.196 0.232 4.834 3827

Gas combined cycle 2.661 0 0 2.661 50
Gas steam turbine 0.2 0.001 0 0.201
Diesel simple cycle 1.419 0.615 0.799 2.833 18.9
Oil based steam turbine 0.72 0.055 0 0.775 0
Biomass based plant 0.05 0.096 0.036 0.182 84.9
Hydro dam 1.265 0 0.806 2.071 222
Hydro run of river 1.2 0.011 0.255 1.466 0
Wind 0.283 0.09 0 0.373 14
Solar 0.057 0.052 0.001 0.11 200.5
Geothermal 0.844 0.965 0.108 1.917 0

Table 6
Overview of key conversion technologiesa.

Technology Year of introduction Investment cost (US$/kW) Fixed O&M cost (US$/kW/yr) References

Pulverized coal subcritical 2020 2012 40.24 [34e36]

Integrated gasification combined cycle 2025 2770 69.25 [34]
Fuel-oil steam turbine 2020 825 9 [24,35,36,45]
Diesel-based simple cycle 2016 461 70 [37]
Natural gas steam turbine 2020 800 35 [38]
Natural gas combined cycle 2020 917 13.17 [35,36,38]
Hydro 2020 3210 96.30 [35,38,39]
Biomass 2020 3323 73.12 [40]
Solar PV 2020 3959-3150b 60 [41,42]
Concentrated solar power 2020 4565-3939b 67.26 [38,41]
Wind 2020 2800-2500b 36 [35,40e42]
Geothermal 2020 4066 101 [35,43]

Most of the investment costs for new technologies are based on anticipated cost data from the Department of Energy.
The later value shows investment cost in 2030 as technology learning cost effects are considered in modeling, i.e. the investment costs for these technologies decrease
during the investment periods.
148 M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

goals outlined in (1) the Philippine Energy Plan (2012e2030) [49], significantly with heavy dependence on coal-based technologies.
(2) the intended nationally determined contributions of the Coal-based generation capacity increases from 5.8 GW in 2014 to
Philippines (INDCs) [11], (3) the National Renewable Energy Pro- 17.9 GW in 2040, an average growth of 4.4% per year. In the refer-
gram (NREP) [50], (4) the carbon pricing report [8], (5) the energy ence scenario, new pulverized coal subcritical (including planned)
demand projections policy brief [29], and other key documents on power plant capacity selection increases from 1.4 GW in 2016 to 4.8
the development of the power sector [29], the following alternative GW in 2040.
policy scenarios were developed in the TIMES model (summarized Gas combined cycle, hydro, and geothermal plants were also
in Table 7): chosen by the model in the later period of this analysis. The model
finds some potential for geothermal and hydropower to contribute
1. Reference scenario: This scenario does not impose any policy to electricity production in the reference scenario. Integrated
interventions and assumes the continuation of existing energy- gasification combined cycle, solar PV, CSP, and wind-, oil-, and
economic dynamics. It serves as a reference for comparing biomass-based generation capacity are not selected for new in-
alternative policy options and technology choices, as well as vestment in the reference scenario. The model outcomes show that
investments, technology capacity, energy requirements, cost, there is an opportunity to develop hydro and geothermal power
and GHG emissions. plants in the future given the expected increase in imported coal
2. Renewable portfolio standard (renewable-target) scenario: This prices. Technology learning cost effects of solar PV, CSP, and wind-
is the “what if” scenario, in which a certain share of renewable- power generation did not work in the reference case and could not
based power generation is targeted to meet electricity demand. compete with coal and available other sources of energy.
This scenario assumes an accelerated development of Electricity generation by plants increases from 76.6 TWh in 2014
renewable-based power generation from 30% of the country's to 234.9 TWh in 2040 under the reference scenario (Table 8).
total electricity demand by 2025 to 50% by 2040. This alternative Similar to the installation capacity, electricity generation from coal-
policy option is based on the NREP, which outlines the govern- based power plants increases from 36.2 TWh in 2016 to 135 TWh in
ment's renewed commitment to promoting renewable energy 2040. This represents a growth in coal generation share from about
use to contribute to power generation. 43.0% in 2016 to 57.5% in 2040. Conventional renewable energy
3. Carbon-tax scenario: This scenario is based on a recent proposal technologies (hydro and geothermal) generation shares decrease
on carbon pricing. A carbon tax of US$10/ton, US$20/ton, and from 31% in 2016 to 24% in 2040. The TIMES modeling fuel-share-
US$30/ton is imposed in 2020, 2030 and 2040, respectively mix for power generation under the reference scenario closely
4. Subsidized renewable-based power generation (renewable- follows the policy scenario of temporary utilization of the lesser-
subsidy) scenario: To promote renewable-based power gener- cost (policy 2) scenario under the FILIPINO 2040 strategy report
ation, the Philippines currently imposes a feed-in tariff (FiT). titled Energy: Power Security and Competitiveness [28]. A compari-
This scenario is the “what if” in which a subsidy is applied son of power generation shares by fuel type from TIMES and FILI-
instead of the FiT for wind, solar, biomass, and hydropower PINO 2040 is presented in Table 9.
generation. A subsidy of US$0.04/kWh for hydro and biomass, The TIMES results under the reference scenario show that fossil-
US$0.05/kWh for wind, and US$0.06/kWh for solar (30% of fuel consumption significantly increases from 535 PJ in 2014 to
existing FiT) in 2020; and in 2030, US$0.03/kWh for hydro and 1646 PJ while import dependency sharply grows from 257 PJ in
biomass, US$0.04/kWh for wind and solar (20% of existing FiT). 2014 to 1073 PJ in 2040dan average growth of fuel dependency of
5. Limited coal-based power generation (coal-share) scenario: This about 7% per year. The model suggests that the Philippines need to
scenario assumes the government's current policy of main- import energy for power generation to meet the future electricity
taining future coal-based power generation at about a 30- demand. The CO2 emissions are also expected to increase by 3.3
percent-share of total power generation. It assumes a 40- times in 2040 compared to the base year of 2014. In the reference
percent coal-based generation share in 2016, which is ex- scenario, the model did not find feasibility of electricity trading
pected to decrease to 30% by 2030 to minimize imported coal across the studied regions of Luzon, Mindanao, and Visayas.
use for power generation. Fig. 3 shows the least-cost technology capacity choices by fuel
type for all alternative policy scenarios. The total capacity is slightly
higher than under the reference scenario, due to the increased
5. TIMES optimization results contribution from renewable energy technologies, such as solar PV,
concentrated solar power, and wind, which have more limitations
The TIMES model results for the reference scenario show that due to daylight hours and wind speed, respectively. Capacity in-
the Philippines power generation capacity is expected to increase creases from 18.4 GW in 2014 to 41.5 GW, 42 GW and 48 GW in 2040
from 18.4 GW in 2014 to 37.3 GW in 2040 in order to meet the under the renewables-target, carbon-tax, and renewables-subsidy
forecast electricity demand during the modeling period (Table 8). scenarios, respectively.
The growth rate of the power generation capacity is 2.75% per year. The capacity share of coal-based power plants decreases from
Projected year-wise installation capacity is relatively lower than the about 32% in 2014 to 25%, 20%, 28%, and 17% in 2040 in the
projected electricity demand growth due to selection of more renewables-target, carbon-tax, coal-share, and renewables-subsidy
efficient power plants. The structure of generation capacity changes scenarios, respectively. The renewable energy technology capacity

Table 7
Summary of scenarios analyzed in the Philippines TIMES model.

Scenarios Constraints/policy implications

Reference No policy implications. Considers only current energy-economic dynamics

Renewables-Target 30% by 2025 and 50% by 2040 renewable based power generation
Carbon-Tax 10, 20 and 30 USD/ton by 2020, 2030 and 2040, respectively
Renewables-Subsidy As discussed (US$ 0.03/kWh to 0.06/kWh)
Coal-Share 30% coal based generation by 2030
M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 149

Table 8
Generation capacity development, electricity generation, energy demand, and GHG emissions in the reference scenario.

Technology capacity (GW) by fuel Reference scenario (without any policy intervention)

2014 2016 2020 2025 2030 2040

Coal 5.84 7.22 8.22 8.22 9.40 17.93

Oil 3.61 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.64 3.63
Gas 2.86 3.33 3.33 3.34 3.84 5.00
Biomass 0.18 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.21
Geothermal 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 1.92 3.82
Hydro 3.54 3.57 3.66 3.96 5.51 6.06
Solar 0.11 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26
Wind 0.37 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.39 0.38
Total capacity (GW) 18.43 20.55 21.65 21.96 25.18 37.30
Electricity generation (TWh)
Coal 31.49 36.21 50.95 56.69 67.20 135.07
Oil 7.57 2.58 0.00 10.88 14.40 0.43
Gas 16.31 17.61 21.17 25.50 29.96 39.08
Biomass 0.96 0.19 0.64 1.26 1.26 1.13
Geothermal 10.07 10.07 10.07 10.07 10.07 23.41
Hydro 8.79 16.16 16.59 19.18 30.03 33.90
Solar 0.29 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72
Wind 1.14 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.18 1.16
Total production (TWh) 76.62 84.73 101.32 125.50 154.83 234.90
Fossil fuel consumption (PJ)
Coal 307.7 354.4 504.3 563.9 672.0 1340.6
Oil 102.36 37.2 0.00 139.71 190.41 5.04
Natural gas 124.98 136.0 163.38 197.85 232.07 300.51
Total (PJ) 535.10 528.1 667.66 901.43 1094.50 1646.12
Imported fuel 256.97 227.3 321.44 498.41 634.92 1073.41
Import share (%) 48.02 43.2 48.14 55.29 58.01 65.21
GHG emissions (“000” tons)
Carbon dioxide (CO2) 43749 43922 56870 74894 90801 144057
Nitrogen oxides (NOx) 938 956 1277 1646 1996 3390
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) 86 87 112 148 179 286

Table 9
Comparison of power generation share (%) by fuel type.

Generation by fuel type 2016 2040

Policy Brief: Policy 2 TIMES: Reference Policy Brief: Policy 2 TIMES: Reference

Coal 44 42.7 57 57.5

Natural gas 20 20.8 16 16.6
Conventional (hydro and geothermal) renewable 32 31 24 24.4
Variable renewable (biomass, wind and solar) 1 2.5 1 1.3
Others (diesel and heavy fuel oil) 3 3 2 0.2

share dramatically increases from about 32% in 2014 to 55%, 59%, constraints applied to produce 30% and 50% of renewables-based
and 67% in 2040 in the renewables-target, carbon-tax, and power generation by 2025 and 2040 (Fig. 4). Electricity genera-
renewables-subsidy scenarios, respectively. Geothermal contrib- tion from solar PV, CSP, and wind is anticipated to grow from
utes significantly in the carbon-tax, coal-share, and renewable- 1.4 TWh in 2014 to about 39 TWh in 2040. The model also selects
target scenarios. Subsidies help to promote the contribution of CSP to produce about 4.4 TWh in 2040 to meet the goal of 50%
hydro, wind, and solar technologies. CSP is chosen at the end of the renewable share by 2040.
analysis period (2040) by the model only in the renewables-target The maximum contribution from renewable energy is expected
scenarios. Oil-based power plants were not selected by the model in the carbon tax and renewables subsidy scenarios. Due to the
due to the oil price and lower efficiency of technologies. The absence of subsidies on geothermal power generation, the model
decreasing cost of solar PV and wind power over time increases the did not show feasibility to invest in new geothermal plants in the
attractiveness of these technologies and leads to a higher diffusion renewables-subsidy scenario. On the other hand, the carbon-tax
rate in the Philippines' power sector under the renewables-target, scenario shows a growing contribution of geothermal, with a pro-
carbon-tax, and renewables-subsidy scenarios. jected increase from about 10 TWh in 2014 to 59 TWh in 2040
Under the renewables-target scenario, the contribution from (Fig. 4). Due to the scenario specifications of a carbon tax and
renewable-based power increases from 21 TWh in 2014 to 117 TWh subsidies for renewables, the model finds alternatives to fossil fuels,
in 2040. Geothermal power generation is the second highest at specifically coal. Renewable energy dominates generation with 57%
44 TWh, and coal remains as the highest, at 77 TWh in 2040 (Fig. 4). and 60% in 2040 in the carbon-tax and renewables-subsidy sce-
Coal-based generation decreases in the renewable-target scenario narios, respectively. This shrinks cumulative coal-based power
to about 43% (58 TWh) in 2040 compared to the reference scenario. generation during the analysis period from 2243 TWh in the
Renewable energy production shares shift from 29% to 30% to 37% reference scenario to 1553 TWh in the carbon-tax and 1444 TWh in
to 43% to 50% by 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035, and 2040, respectively, in the renewables-subsidy scenario. Gas-based generation maintains
the renewables-target scenario. The model completely follows the almost similar shares in all scenarios, likely due to reaching
150 M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

Biomass Coal Diesel Gas Geothermal HFO Hydro Solar Wind


Capacity level (GW)




Renewable-Target Carbon-Tax Coal-Share Renewable-Subsidy
Fig. 3. Power generation capacity selection.

Biomass Coal Diesel Gas Geothermal HFO Hydro Solar Wind


Electricity generation (TWh)





Renewable-Target Carbon-Tax Coal-Share Renewable-Subsidy

Fig. 4. Electricity generation by fuel type.

maximum availability for power generation in the Philippines. primary energy supply-mix for 2040 is considered as a principal
Fig. 5 recapitulates the wide-ranging results that are generated metric to compare the relative role of various energy sources under
by the TIMES model for each of the alternative sustainable power all developed scenarios (Fig. 5). This metric presents a clear indi-
sector development strategies for the Philippines. The optimal cation of the amount and types of primary energy choices by the
M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 151

Imp. dep: 2014-

Ren. gen: 2014-

2500 25


System cost increased (%)

2000 15
Resource level (PJ)


1500 5

1000 -5


500 -15


0 -25
Reference Renewable-Target Carbon-Tax Coal-Share Renewable-Subsidy
Biomass Mined coal Imported coal Oil Gas Geothermal Hydro Solar Wind System cost

Fig. 5. Primary energy supply-mix in 2040 and percentage change of total system cost (2014e2040). Notes: Fig. 5 also demonstrates the amount of cumulative imported energy and
renewable-based generation, including the percentage change compared to the reference scenario.

model under the specified policy constraints on power-sector to the reference scenario.
development using least-cost solutions to meet projected elec- The thin yellow internal bar in the alternative policy scenarios in
tricity demand. The colored bars (except the inside yellow thin bar) Fig. 5 represents the percentage change of total “system cost” when
show the breakdown of primary sources of energy in PJ that are compared to the reference scenario.1 The model estimates that a
expected for use to produce electricity in 2040, under the reference total of US$69.7 billion of investment is required in the reference
and alternative policy scenarios. Total fossil-fuel use in 2040 re- scenario from 2014 to 2040. In order to compare the costs of the
duces from 1646 PJ in the reference scenario to 1076 PJ in the alternative policy options, the total system cost for the reference
renewables-target, 910 PJ in the carbon-tax, 1244 PJ in the coal- scenario is used as a reference point from which percent changes in
share, and 864 PJ in the renewables-subsidy scenario. Alterna- total cost are measured for the alternative policy scenarios. The
tively, implications of renewable energy in the year 2040 increase total system cost increases by 2.6% in the renewables-target, 19.9%
from 757 PJ in the reference scenario to 1594 PJ in the renewables- in the carbon-tax, and 2.8% in the coal-share scenario when
target, 1863 PJ in the carbon-tax, 1450 PJ in the coal-share, and compared with the reference scenario. In the renewables-subsidy
1897 PJ in the renewables-subsidy scenario. Coal dominates the scenario, the total system cost decreases by 22% relative to the
energy supply-mix in the later period of this study, which shifted reference scenario due to the incentive for power generation from
into a more diverse use of renewables in all the alternative policy biomass, hydro, wind, and solar energy resources. This incentive
options. Diversification of the supply mix is one of the co-benefits contributes to substantial additional investment in these technol-
of the alternative energy development options. ogies. Electricity generation increases from 11 TWh in 2014 to
The numbers above each scenario in the first row of Fig. 5 show 131 TWh in 2040 from the technologies in the renewables-subsidy
the amount of import dependency in PJ (cumulative from 2014 to scenario. Compared to the reference scenario, cumulatively
2040) and the percentage change of dependency of the alternative 1099 TWh are added from renewable energy in the renewable-
policy options compared to the reference scenario. The numbers in subsidy scenario. Said different, a US$15.6 billion subsidy sup-
the second row present cumulative renewable-based power gen- ports the addition of 1099 TWh from renewable energy to power
eration in TWh for each scenario and the percentage increase of sector development during 2014e2040.
generation from renewables in the alternative scenarios compared The alternative energy development options can make impor-
tant contributions to improve energy security for the Philippines.
The energy security issue is evaluated through an assessment of the
diversification of the primary energy supply-mix and self-
The “system cost” represents all costs during the study period (2014e2040)
related to energy technologies investment, fuel, operation and maintenance,
sufficiency of resource use for future power generation. A key in-
import, transmission, distribution, and other costs. dicator of this is reduced dependency on imported fuels and
152 M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154

integration of available renewable resources, which helps to objective function is to minimize total system costs, the discount
improve overall energy security. rate becomes more significant over the length of the study period.
The TIMES model finds internal, regional trading of electricity in Two alternative discount ratesdof 4% and 8 percentdare applied,
the carbon-tax, coal-share, and renewables-subsidy scenarios. In with a 6-percent rate applied in the reference scenario. A 20-
the carbon-tax scenario, there is a potential for trade of electricity percent increase in the coal price is assessed, as well as a 20-
from Luzon to Visayas in the later periods of this studyd7 TWh in percent increase and decrease in growth of gas production, to see
2035 and 22 TWh in 2040. From Visayas to Mindanao, it is only the impact on the selection of technologies. The impact of a
feasible to trade 7 TWh in 2040 under the carbon-tax scenario. decrease of 10% in investment costs for renewable energy tech-
Cumulatively, 94 TWh in electricity trading (from Luzon to Visayas nologies is also analyzed, given that the cost of these technologies
and Visayas to Mindanao) are expected between 2030 and 2040 in has been falling is known to fall as experience with them increases.
the coal share scenario. In the renewable-subsidy scenario, the data With a discount rate of 4%, the model finds more investment in
suggest a cumulative 73 TWh of trading electricity among the re- geothermal and wind power and less investment in coal-based
gions between 2014 and 2040. power plants from 2030 to 2040. Geothermal capacity increases
An additional co-benefit of these policy scenarios is helping to significantly, from 3.82 GW in the reference scenario to 7.95 GW in
reduce GHG emissions (CO2, NOx, and SO2) through the selection of 2040 with a 4-percent rate. The lower discount rate allows for in-
efficient and clean technologies and optimal use of primary energy vestment in wind-power plants late in the analysis period
resources. In the reference scenario, GHG emissions are about (2035e2040). There are no changes on hydro capacity allocation.
2752 mt between 2014 and 2040. The level of CO2 emissions in- A higher discount rate (8%) suggests more investment in fossil-
creases from about 44 mt in 2014 to 144 mt in 2040 under the fuel-based plants. Solar and wind technologies are not selected and
reference scenarioda more than three-fold increase in emissions in geothermal capacity decreases from 3.82 GW in the reference
2040 compared to the base year of 2014. Fig. 6 shows the per- scenario to 2.30 GW in 2040. Investment in hydro power decreases
centage change in CO2 emissions for all alternative policy scenarios slightly in 2030, from 5.5 GW to 4.3 GW. A 10-percent decrease in
compared to the reference scenario. CO2 emissions go down from the investment cost of new renewable technologiesdsolar PV, CSP,
100% (144 mt in 2040) in the reference scenario to 50% (72 mt in and wind powerdcontributes to an increase in new wind capacity
2040) under the renewables subsidy scenario. CO2 emissions drop of 3 GW in 2040. Investment in wind power replaces geothermal
by 38%, 50%, and 29% in the renewables-target, carbon-tax, and capacity and, to a lesser extent, coal-based power plants between
coal-share scenarios, respectively (Fig. 6). Total CO2 emissions be- 2035 and 2040. However, solar PV and CSP are still not selected.
tween 2014 and 2040 decrease by 20%, 30%, 13%, and 36% in the Total generation capacity in 2040 reaches 38.5 GW with the 8%
renewables-target, carbon-tax, coal-share, and renewables-subsidy discount rate instead of 37.3 GW, as in the reference scenario.
scenarios, respectively, from the reference scenario emissions Production of natural gas for power generation has limited
levels. impacts on selection of renewable energy technologies. It only al-
Due to the increased use of renewable energy technologies in lows substitution of fossil-fuel-based technologies for future tech-
the energy system for power generation, the marginal electricity nology investment. A 20-percent reduction in the annual growth of
price in the renewable-target and carbon-tax scenarios is relatively the natural gas supply promotes coal-based power generation. The
higher than the price in the reference scenario (Fig. 7). In the model suggests a reduction in investment in gas-based power plant
reference scenario, the marginal distributed electricity price in- capacity of about 1 GW in 2040, mainly replaced by coal plants.
creases from US$0.09/kWh in 2016 to US$0.2/kWh in 2040 due to Opposite outcomes are found when annual growth of the natural
heavy reliance on imported fuels in the later period of the analysis. gas supply is increased by 20% compared to the reference scenario.
The marginal electricity price in the coal-share scenario is almost The coal price has a significant impact on technology selection. A
identical to the reference scenario price. The carbon tax signifi- 20-percent increase in the coal price decreases installed coal-based
cantly increases the marginal electricity price in the carbon-tax power plant capacity by a total of 5.6 GW in 2040. Natural-gas plant
scenariodby US$0.27/kWh by 2040. capacity reaches 5 GW by 2040 and uses the upper limit of gas
supply. Geothermal and hydro power are chosen as least-cost and
6. Sensitivity analysis optimal solutions to replace coal plants. Even in this case, the model
did not find investment in solar technologies feasible.
The sensitivity of these results to changes in the assumptions is
presented in this section. The analysis considers the implications 7. Conclusions
for power generation of alternative discount rates and alternative
investment costs of new renewable energy technologies (solar PV, The TIMES model findings demonstrate how different technol-
wind, and CSP), coal prices, and gas supply. Because the model's ogies and energy resources can be identified to meet projected
electricity demand and national policy priorities, namely achieving
energy security, diversifying the energy supply-mix, promoting
renewable energy technologies, and improving energy self-
Reference Renewable-Target Carbon-Tax Coal-Share Renewable-Subsidy
110% sufficiency. Each of the alternative policy options also has impli-
CO2 mitigation (% changed)

100% cations for energy system cost, energy requirements, and envi-
ronmental impacts. All of these considerations must be weighed
carefully to invest in the Philippine power sector for long-term
The model suggests that the current energy supply-mix must be
diversified to minimize import dependency on fossil fuels. Solar PV,
wind, and conventional renewable technologies play an important
2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040
role in contributing to power generation. The cost of promoting
Year renewable energy technologies to reach the renewable targets and
coal shares set forth in the policy goals is reasonable. The total
Fig. 6. Percentage change in CO2 emissions. system cost during the modeling period (2014e2040) increases by
M.A.H. Mondal et al. / Energy 147 (2018) 142e154 153


US Cent/kWh




2016 2020 2024 2028 2032 2036 2040
Reference Renewable-Target Carbon-Tax Coal-Share Renewable-Subsidy

Fig. 7. Marginal distributed electricity price.

2.6% in the renewable-target scenario and 2.9% in the coal-share linking this bottom-up energy modeling approach with a top-down
scenario compared to the reference scenario cost of US$69.7 national computable general equilibrium model. Such a study is
billion. The additional goals of energy security and GHG mitigation already planned.
would also be achieved. The total system cost increases by about
19.9% in the carbon-tax scenario and decreases by 22.5% in the Acknowledgements/Funding
renewable-subsidy scenario. The government of the Philippines
could impose a carbon tax on fossil-fuel use to encourage clean This research was supported by the CGIAR Research Programs
energy use and raise funds for the promotion of renewable energy on Policies, Institutions and Markets, Water, Land and Ecosystems
technologies. Optimization results show that 20e30% of the exist- and Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security.
ing FiT or subsidies on renewable energy would help to promote
renewable technologies and reduce 22.5% of total system cost.
The optimal energy supply-mix and technologies selected by References
the model in all alternative policy scenarios would allow the
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