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SMKDSA English Language Panel



Task 1

Based on the excerpts below, find out who said it. Using the list of adjectives provided, match the
characters to a suitable characteristic based on what they said or did. Don’t forget to jot down the
pages as evidence!

extravagant loving happy elegant angry responsible contented

stern dutiful proud traditional excited wasteful caring

What Is Said Or Done Characters Characteristic Evidence


1. He was boyishly eager to show her the


2. ‘Edward,’ she said, crossing her legs,

‘come and join us?’

3. ‘Ah Wah,’ she said, ‘things you can

buy, I do not need.’

4. He offered her his arm and together

they walked to the house.

5. ‘If we have to do something, we must

do it right.”

6. ‘He is rich now and his office is high

up, on top of the sea.’

7. ‘I gave blood, didn’t I? You old people

just give her burial clothes!’

8. I have to go home, he thought. I have

to do that one last thing for her.

9. They love tea, perfume and cakes

made with expensive foreign fruit.

10. She refused to use anything except

real candles.
SMKDSA English Language Panel

Task 2

Arrange the following sentences to show the correct sequence of the story.

At the office, Ah Ma looked into the distance without using the binoculars.

Mr. Li could not recall his childhood days clearly.

Mr. Li bought a pair of binoculars for Ah Ma.

Next morning, after completing her prayers, she followed Mr. Li to his office.

Ah Ma was in the garden feeding the chickens.

She hoped to use the see-far glasses to see Tanjong Rhu.

She recalled the happy times she had with Mr. Li when he was a child.

When he wanted to ask and to listen to Ah Ma, she was deathly ill in the hospital.

He brought them home to give her.

She was not interested in having the binoculars or see-far glasses.

Rewrite the sentences you have arranged earlier in the space provided below.

1. ___________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________________________________

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