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na TimSeEs The English Academy CS Leu 1A a 1B » weavesouas Waa hRoONnsaeena 3 ONaaawne Neagye are 2 is 3 ae 4 is am 6 is 7 are 8 is is 10 am its 2 They'e... Im... 4° You're... He's... 2 We're... She's. 4 Its.. I'm not American, They're not Brazilian. Itisn't in South America. You aren't French. ‘Am | in room 10? Yes, you are. Are they students? No, they aren't. Is he from the US? Yes, he is. Are you sure? No, I'm not. ‘s 2 Are 3 'm 4 Are ‘m 6 Is 7 isnt8 's Are 10 ‘m Ther 2 Her ° Our its 5 your 6 His My 8 your, «9 Her Our Her 2 their, «= 3-—-your your 5 Our 6 she He 8 his 9 My She acity, cities an email, emails person, people a box, boxes a women, women They're children. Its a change purse. They're men. ‘Source: Oxtord, American Engish File 2” Eaton 2B 2c ANAM ALONA MOV FGA WNS wane BROnanaos TERIRE answer key Book _1_ Its an umbrella. They're sunglasses, this 2. these that 4 those They're Japanese tourists. It's an international school That isn'ta fight answer. We're good friends. Hi, Anna. Nice to meet you. Those animals are dangerous. This is a big country. My phone is very cheap. It's a very hot day. Is your teacher Australian? That car isn't very fast. Its a bad idea. Are you a good student? English is very easy. My brother is strong. This is an expensive watch, Tumon 2 don'tspeak Go 4 Don'tread Have 6 Be Take 8 Park Let's go Let's turn off Let's sit down Let's close Let's stop “was The English Academy Oemcasce 3A a She goes to the movies. He lives in an airport. They have two children. I don't like cat. The supermarket close at 9:30 p.m. My sister doesn't study English. My husband does housework. My son wants a guitar. My friend doesn’t work on Saturdays. 0 Our English class finishes at 5 o'clock. doesn’t work 2 reads speak 4 don't pay wears 6 listen donteat 8 has evonrRens Nawrne 3B Does 2 Do 3 Does Do 5 Do 6 Do Does 8 Do Does he like tennis? Does she speak Chinese? Do you eat pizza? Do they cook lasagna? Does she live in a house? Do you want an iphone? Does he drive fast? Noonwensa vas 3c How many phones do you have? Is it an interesting job? How much coffee do you drink? Where is your brother from? Do you work with computers? What kind of magazines do you read? What does he do on the weekend? Do you want another drink? Where does your sister live? }0 How do you say that in English? doyouhave 2 does he like are you from 4 — do youlike 6 — does she works doyoulive 8 do you speak doyougo 10 are you ONMeraoeNauEoNna ‘Source: Oxford, American English File 2° Eoftion 4B 4c RAURONSZ OMRON S earns RONA@4 _ TEARS answer key Book _1_ my mother’s birthday her parent's house the end of the day my sister's friend Anne's bag the student's desk They ‘te Mark's, It's Mark’ They're Bills. Its Mark's. They're Bill's. Whose 2 Whose Who's Who's 5 Whose 6 Who's o in 2 on 3 in 4 at at 6 on 7 on 8 in at 2 to 3 in 4 at to 6 - 7 in 8 at in 10 at Do you usually wear glasses? Tm hardly ever bored. She sometimes does housework. / ‘Sometimes she does housework. We go to the movies once a week. / ‘Once a week we go to the movies. Why are you always late? walk to work every day. / Every day 1 walk to work. My friend is never stressed. Does it often rain in the winter? Jam never late for class We hardly ever eat fast food. What time do you usually finist work? My parents don't often listen to the radio. My brother is always hungry at lunchtime. We don't always do our homework. Do you drive to work every day? Our teacher is hardly ever angry. ® ialseae The English Academy eae 5A a ONOUAWNSARONS 5B COV aurnonaan a Rone She can meet me after work. Can you open the door, please? My boyfriend can’t ski, We can't come to your party. ...can speak: Can you help me? I can't see you tonight. Can | close. Can | repeat... We can't stop here. ..he can't swim. Can | use your phone? What's he doing? He's cooking What are they doing? They're watching wv. What's he doing? He's playing basketball. What's it doing? It's barking. What are they doing? ‘mstaying ‘re working ‘m sitting are (you) doing ‘m looking is learning isn't enjoying ‘s making is helping he's playing Do your parents live, have do you go, | think is sleeping, doesn't usually sleep What are you doing here? I'm waiting for a friend. Do you like hamburgers? | don’t eat meat ‘The neighbors are having a party again. They have a party every weekend. ‘Source: Oxford, American English Fle 2" Eaton TRIBE answer Key Book _1_ 4 What does your husband do? He works at.. 5 Where are you going? I go to the gym every evening. 6A at it 2 him3 them 4 us 5 her 6 them b 1 — She, it, her, us 2 They, me, them 3 him, her, she, him 4 He, them, them, they, me 5 he, them, He, it 6B : a working living shopping cooking coming getting eating dancing running sleeping having running studying writing swimming b 1 He loves using a computer. 2 He likes reading the newspaper. 3 He likes doing housework, 4) He doesn't mind having lunch at work, 5 He doesn't mind coming home late. 6 He doesn't lke playing tennis. 7 He doesn't like going to the movies. 8 — He hates watching TV. 9 He hates listening to music. 6c a Are you...? Do you ...? hungry like heavy metal tried have a car waiting for a friend speak Spenish stressed know those people listening tome b 1. is, 5 Does, is 2 Do, doesn't 6 Are, are 3 Does, doesn't 7 is, doasn't 4 are,am 8 Aro, am

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