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Long- versus short-range foraging strategies of hoary (Lasiurus cinereus) and

silver-haired (Lasionycteris noctivagans) bats and the consequences for prey selection
Zoology Department, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man., Canada R3T 2N2
Received April 1 1 , 1985

BARCLAY, R. M. R. 1985. Long- versus short-range foraging strategies of hoary (Lnsiurus cinereus) and silver-haired
(Lasionycteris noctivagans) bats and the consequences for prey selection. Can. J . Zool. 63: 2507 - 25 1 5.
Habitat use, temporal activity, foraging behaviour, and prey selection of hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus) and silver-haired
bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) were studied at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Bat activity was assessed by monitoring echolocation
calls with ultrasonic detectors. Prey availability was determined using sticky and Malaise traps and dietary information was
obtained from fecal analysis. Both species were active all night and foraged primarily in the lee of a narrow forested ridge.
Lasionycteris noctivagans foraged in a manner that indicates that it detects and pursues prey over short distances. These bats
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fly slowly, are highly manoeuverable, and were commonly observed feeding on swarms of insects in small clearings. They
use echolocation calls that support the notion of a short-range foraging strategy and feed opportunistically on whatever insects
are available. Lasiurus cinereus, on the other hand, uses a long-range prey detection and pursuit foraging strategy. They fly
rapidly along straight line paths in open areas and use echolocation calls designed to detect insects at a distance. The diet
consists primarily of large insects (moths, beetles, and dragonflies), but the bats nonetheless feed opportunistically. The
foraging strategy likely restricts the availability and profitability of small insects as prey.

BARCLAY, R. M. R. 1985. Long- versus short-range foraging strategies of hoary (Lasiurus cinereus) and silver-haired
(Lasionycteris noctivagans) bats and the consequences for prey selection. Can. J . Zool. 63: 2507 - 25 15.
L'utilisation de l'habitat, I'activitk en fonction du temps, le comportement de recherche de nourriture et la sklection des
proies ont fait l'objet d'une ktude chez la chauve-souris cendrke (Lasiurus cinereus) et chez la chauve-souris argentke
(Lasionycteris noctivagans) a Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Des dktecteurs d'ultra-sons ont servi a enregistrer les cris d'kcho-
location. La disponibilitk des proies a ktk dkterminke au moyen de pieges collants et de pieges Malaise et I'analyse des feces
a permis d'ktudier le rkgime alimentaire des chauves-souris. Les deux eseces se sont avkrkes actives toute la nuit et elles
recherchaient leur nourriture dans la zone sous le vent d'une cr6te ktroite et boiske. Lasionycteris noctivagans semble dktecter
For personal use only.

la presence de ses proies et chasser sur de courtes distances. Ces chauves-souris volent lentement, font preuve d'une grande
manoeuvrabilitk et se nourrissent souvent au sein de nukes d'insectes dans les petites clairieres. Leurs cris d'kcholocation
indiquent qu'elles utilisent une stratkgie de recherche de nourriture de courte portke et qu'elles ont un comportement alimentaire
opportuniste, se nourrissant de tout insecte disponible. En revanche, Lasiurus cinereus fait de la dktection de longue portke
et poursuit ses proies sur de longues distances. Les chauves-souris de cette espece ont un vol rapide en ligne droite dans les
rkgions dkgagkes et leurs cris d'kcholocation leur permettent de dktecter leurs proies sur de longues distances. Leur rkgime
alimentaire est surtout constituk d'insectes de grande taille (papillons de nuit, colkopteres et libellules), mais leur mode
d'alirnentation derneure tout de m6me opportuniste. La mkthode de recherche de nourriture de ces chauves-souris rend
probablernent moins profitable la consommation des petits insectes, tout en rkduisant leur disponibilitk.
[Traduit par le journal]

Fenton 1984) or an ambush foraging strategy (e.g., Vaughan
The foraging strategies employed by organisms are of inter- 1977), but most are aerial insectivores, catching prey on the
est from evolutionary and ecological points of view. Differ- wing. Among aerial insectivorous species, one of the main
ences in species' foraging strategies, evolved through inter- differences in foraging strategy may be between species that
specific competition and selection for resource partitioning, detect insects at short range and those that detect them at long
may be important in determining community structure (Strong range (Fenton and Bell 1979). This may have important im-
et al. 1984). In an ecological sense, optimal foraging theory plications for other aspects of foraging strategies, including
predicts that natural selection should favour individuals capable prey selection.
of choosing prey so as to optimize some aspect of energy or There is much debate as to whether insectivorous bats select
nutrient intake or time output (e.g., Krebs 1978). In terms of certain types of prey or are opportunistic feeders. Many studies
diet, morphological or physiological adaptations may restrict indicate that insectivorous bats specialize on certain taxa (e.g.,
the prey available to a species (e.g., Freeman 1979; Schmitt Ross 1967; Black 1972, 1974, 1979; Belwood and Fenton
and Holbrook 1984) and passive prey selection may result 1976; Buchler 1976; Goldman and Henson 1977; Belwood and
since an individual is restricted in what it can consume. On the Fullard 1984; Warner 1985), body sizes (Ross 1967; Funakoshi
other hand, prey selected by individuals for optimal foraging and Uchida 1975; Black 1979; Belwood and Fullard 1984), or
reasons (e.g., Elner and Hughes 1978; Zach 1979) involves hardness (Freeman 1979, 198 1 ) of insects. Other studies,
active selection. Foraging strategies presumably involve a however, indicate that opportunistic feeding is important
combination of these two forms of prey selection. (e.g., Bradbury and Vehrencamp 1976; Fenton and Morris
Various aspects of foraging strategies have been studied in 1976; Gould 1978; Bell 1980) if only at certain times (Anthony
insectivorous bats. Certain species are adapted for a gleaning and Kunz 1977; Swift et al. 1985).
mode of prey capture (e.g., Fenton and Bell 1979; Bell and In studies reporting prey selection, prey availability has
often not been assessed (e.g., Ross 1967; Black 1972; Warner
'Present address: Biology Department, University of Calgary, 1985) or is reflected in the diet (Black 1974). In other cases,
Calgary, Alta., Canada T2N 1N4. prey numbers rather than biomass have been analyzed (Buchler
2508 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 63, 1985

1976; Belwood and Fullard 1984). Determining prey avail- hoary bat (L. cinereus), and the silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noc-
ability is not easy, especially given the biases of insect sam- tivagans) (Barclay 1 984). Only hoary and silver-haired bats are
pling techniques. In addition, various morphological, phys- common and present throughout the summer (Barclay 1984).
iological, and echolocation call characteristics of a bat species
may restrict what prey is actually available to it. Methods and materials
The purpose of this study was to investigate the foraging The study was conducted during August and September 1981 and
strategies and prey selection of two sympatric aerial in- May through September 1982- 1984. Roosting bats were located vi-
sectivorous bats, the hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) and the sually during the day by searching suitable sites in the forested ridge.
Lasiurus cinereus usually roosts high in tree foliage whereas L. noc-
silver-haired bat (Lasionycteris noctivagans). In particular, I tivagans roosts in small crevices in tree trunks (R. M. R. Barclay,
was interested in the consequences of short- versus long-range unpublished data). Bats were captured by hand from their roosts or in
strategies on other aspects of foraging by these bats. Evidence Tuttle traps (Tuttle 1974) and mist nets as they foraged at night. Bats
and preliminary observations suggested that L. cinereus is a were held overnight in individual cloth bags, sexed, aged as adult or
long-range insect detector and pursuer. It has one of the highest juvenile (young of the year) on the basis of ossification of the meta-
wing loadings and aspect ratios of any species in North carpel phalangeal joints (Racey 1974), and banded on the forearm with
coloured plastic split rings (Barclay 1985). The bats were released on
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America (Farney and Fleharty 1969) and is thus adapted for fast
but unmanoeuverable flight, a suggestion supported by obser- the evening following capture and in 1981 their echolocation calls
vations (Hayward and Davis 1964; Belwood and Fullard 1984). were recorded using an Ampex tape recorder operated at 76 cm/s.
Lasionycteris noctivagans, on the other hand, has a lower wing These calls were analyzed on a Kay 7029 sonograph.
Foraging activity was assessed in a number of ways. I made visual
loading and aspect ratio (Farney and Fleharty 1969) and flies observations of the departure of bats from roosts and of their foraging
more slowly but with more manoeuverability (Whitaker et al. behaviour. Foraging activity was monitored with ultrasonic micro-
1977). These facts suggest that L. noctivagans is adapted for phones to detect the echolocation calls of flying bats. 'This technique
short-range insect detection and pursuit. has been used in a number of studies (e.g., Bell 1980; Fenton and
Both L. noctivagans and L. cinereus are migratory, solitary, Thomas 1980) and allows identification of flying bats on the basis of
tree-roosting species about which relatively little is known species-distinct echolocation calls. I monitored activity with a QMC
(Barbour and Davis 1969; Kunz 1982; Shump and Shump mini bat detector tuned to 35 kHz and a broadband ultrasonic micro-
1982). Both species are widely distributed throughout North phone coupled with an NLS MS-15 oscilloscope through a period
America. The hoary bat is also found in Central and South (zero crossing) meter (Simmons et al. 1979). The analysis of calls
recorded in 1981 from known individuals allowed me to identify to
America and the Hawaiian islands. Lasiurus cinereus is one of
For personal use only.

species 97.6% (n = 5006) of the bat passes detected in the three

the largest species in North America (adult mass 20-35 g; subsequent years.
Barbour and Davis 1969; Shump and Shump 1982) and re- Habitat and temporal aspects of bat activity were assessed along
portedly preys heavily on moths (Ross 1967; Black 1972, 1974; three transects using the ultrasonic equipment. Transects were walked
Belwood and Fullard 1984). Black (1974) considered L. cin- or paddled at least once a week and included sections in the four main
ereus a "moth strategist" (i.e., specialist). Lasionycteris noc- habitats of the study area: along the beach on the north side of the ridge
tivagans is a smaller species (8- 1 1 g) (Kunz 1982), and (beach), along the south side of the ridge (ridge), through the marsh
although Black (1974) classed it as a moth strategist, a number meadows (meadow), and on the bays and channels of the marsh
of other studies indicate it is more opportunistic (Whitaker (marsh). Each transect took approximately 1.5 h to traverse. Each
1972; Whitaker et al. 1981); a clear picture of the diet of this section of a transect was timed and the number of bat passes and
feeding buzzes was recorded. A feeding buzz is the rapid series of
species is not yet available.
echolocation calls produced by a bat as it attempts to capture an insect
and is easily identifiable on the bat detector.
The study area During 1983 and 1984, temporal aspects of bat activity were inves-
The study was conducted in the vicinity of the University of Man- tigated. A particular transect was traversed three times in a night, once
itoba Field Station, Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada, located at the beginning 4 to 1 h after sunset, once ending 4 to I h before sunrise, and
southern end of Lake Manitoba (50'1 1 ' N; 98'23' W). Lake Manitoba once midway between the first and last.
is a large, shallow lake that is separated from Delta Marsh by a narrow At the beginning and end of each transect, ambient temperature
(average width 80 m) forested dune ridge which runs for over 20 km (+0.5'C), moonlight, cloud cover, precipitation, and wind speed
around the southern end of the lake. The ridge is dominated by and direction were noted. Records of minimum and maximum tem-
willows (Salix interior and S. amygdaloides), green ash (Fraxinus peratures, continuously recorded wind speed and direction, and
pennsylvanica), and Manitoba maple (Acer negundo) (see Mackenzie precipitation were obtained from Environment Canada metereological
1982 for details). The marsh is composed of open bays, narrow instruments present at the Field Station.
channels, and meadows. Emergent vegetation is dominated by the Aerial insect abundance and distribution was assessed at night
giant reed (Phragmites australis) with smaller amounts of bulrush during 1982 and 1983 using sticky traps made from 38 cm long,
(Scirpus spp.) and cattail (Typha spp.), while the meadows are dom- 11 cm diameter black plastic pipe coated with Tanglefoot. Traps were
inated by sprangle-top (white-top) (Scolochloafestucacea) and thistle set at heights of 2 and 8 m on the beach and in a clearing on the south
(Sonchus spp.). side of the ridge, at 2 m in a meadow, and at 0 m on the lake and
Ice on the lake and marsh typically breaks up in late April or early marsh. Waves prevented placing high traps over the lake or marsh as
May and reforms in November. Prevailing winds, which can be very supporting posts would not remain anchored in the sediment. In 1982
strong because of the openness of the area, are from the northwest and additional traps were placed in the middle of the ridge and at 2- and
southeast and the forested ridge thus provides a windbreak. 8-m heights on the south side of the ridge. In 1983, additional traps
Both the marsh and lake are extremely productive and insect abun- were placed at 8 m in the meadow and at 2 and 8 m near a yard light
dance is very high. 'Throughout the summer synchronous hatches of on the south side of the ridge where bats commonly fed. Comparisons
chironomids occur and these dominate the insect fauna and form the of insect abundance between years are based only on trap sites used
basis of the diet of the insectivorous birds nesting in the area (e.g., in both years.
Busby and Sealy 1979; Sealy 1980). Traps were positioned at sunset and retrieved at sunrise once a week
Four species of bats are known from the Delta Marsh area, the little during 1982. In 1983, traps were used twice a week and positioned
brown bat (Myotis lucifugus), the red bat (Lasiurus borealis), the during the same three time periods used for the transects.

TABLE1. Bat habitat use under different wind conditions

Mean passes/h ( k SD)

Species Wind Ridge Beach n t P
L . noctivagans North 18.362 18.83 3.09k7.87 31 4.34 <0.001
r 16 km/h 13.84k23.33 8.18k9.93 56 2.24 <0.05
>16 km/h 13.13k15.82 31.22531.26 33 3.50 <0.002
L. cinereus North 7.61 k 12.30 0.60k 1.99 11 T=6* <0.02
5 1 6 km/h 5.33k7.98 10.63513.18 32 2.38 <0.05
>16 km/h 3.2755.36 22.58k22.81 13 T=5* <0.005
NOTE:Paired comparisons from 1982 to 1984 are used; where sample sizes were small the Wilcoxon test was used (*).
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Insects were removed from the sticky traps and washed in EtOH to
remove any Tanglefoot adhering to them. Insects were identified to
order (family for dipterans) and counted and their body lengths were
measured to the nearest millimetre. After drying for 24 h at 95"C,
insects in each taxonomic group (and body length category for L . noctivagans
chironomids) were weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g.
In addition to the sticky traps, 1 m x 1 m Malaise traps made from
black cotton cloth were used to verify the insect trapping data. Malaise
traps were placed at 2 m on the beach, along the south side of the ridge
and in the meadow and at 0 m on the marsh. Because moderate to high
winds interfered with the use and efficiency of these traps and high
traps were not feasible, sticky trap results are used for most analyses.
The diet of L. noctivagans and L. cinereus was assessed by ana-
lyzing feces collected from captured bats, from under bat roosts, and
For personal use only.

from a gravel road above which L. cinereus commonly fed. Although

the validity of fecal analysis for determining the diet of insectivorous
bats has been questioned, it has been shown to give an accurate picture
(Kunz and Whitaker 1983). Ephemeroptera may be difficult to detect
in feces (Rabinowitz and Tuttle 1982) and thus the low proportion in
my study area simplified diet analysis. Much of the error in fecal L . cinereus
analysis comes from assuming that each pellet contains the remains of * 50
F =10.6
one large or several small insects (Rabinowitz and Tuttle 1982). Since .= -2 - p~0.0001
I did not use numbers of prey in fecal samples, this source of error is z2
eliminated. '; 4-
Fecal samples were stored individually, dried for 24 h at 95°C and -
weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g. Individual pellets or fractions of I
larger pellets were analyzed for insect remains by softening them in . 80 26 125 93
70% EtOH and teasing them apart under a dissecting microscope. B Ma R Me
Insect parts were identified using sticky trap specimens for reference, FIG. 1 . Habitat use (mean passes per hour) by L. noctivafans (A)
and the percent volume contributed by each taxon in each pellet or and L . cinereus (B) using data from 1982 to 1984. The four habitats
fraction was estimated visually to the nearest 5%. Data from the are the beach or north side of the ridge (B), the south side of the ridge
pellets from each bat was pooled. (R), the marsh (Ma), and meadows (Me). Sample sizes (number of
Information concerning the diet of L. cinereus was also obtained by transects) for each habitat are given. In this and subsequent histo-
collecting culled insect parts dropped onto the gravel road above grams, 1 SE is indicated and categories not significantly different
which the bats fed. These were counted, measured, identified, and (Student-Newman-Keuls test) are indicated by a horizontal bar.
compared with live specimens collected at a nearby ultraviolet light.
Various statistical tests are used to analyze the data. Analysis of temperatures below 10°C and two remained in their roosts on
variance (ANOVA) and Student-Newman-Keuls tests were made
using SPSS programs. Other tests are from Zar (1984) and employ a
a night with heavy rain.
0.05 rejection criterion. Both species were most commonly observed flying relatively
high above the ground near tree top level (ca. 10 m), although
other aspects of their foraging behaviour were quite different.
Results On numerous occasions L. noctivagans fed in small clearings
Emergence and foraging behaviour in the ridge. Individuals appeared to be highly maneuverable
Both L. cinereus and L. noctivagans departed from their and darted in and out of insect swarms. In contrast, Lasiurus
roosts to feed approximately f h after sunset ( L . cinereus: n = cinereus was most commonly observed flying in a straight
* *
37, mean SD = 35.2 6.6 min; L. noctivagans: n = 54, line fashion in open situations. Lasiurus cinereus were never
* *
mean SD = 35.5 7.7 min). Weather conditions appeared observed feeding on prey swarms.
to affect the emergence of L. noctivagans. On three nights with Feeding buzz rates were strikingly different for the two
overcast conditions, all four bats that we monitored left their species. Three individual L. noctivagans that were observed
roosts between 16 and 32 min after sunset. Nine L. noctivagans feeding continuously for 2 to 5 min each produced between 4.3
remained in their roosts all night on two nights with ambient and 12.9 buzzes per minute. An average of 0.32 feeding buzzes
CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 63. 1085

TABLE2 . Average ( k SD) nightly percent biomass contributed by various insect taxa in sticky trap
samples ( 1982 and 1983)

May June July Aug. - Sept .

(6 nights) (1 2 nights) (I 1 nights) ( I 1 nights)

Muscoid flies
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- --

N O T ~The
: total number of each taxon caught IS shown In parentheses Mlnor amounts from other taxa made up the remalnlng blomass

L . noctivagans was true for L . noctivagans in all 3 years and for L . cinereus
@ I in 1982 and 1984. A small sample size and high variability in
1983 likely produced the nonsignificant result in that year.
For both species, activity levels were lowest over the
meadow in all 3 years while the greatest activity was either
along the beach or ridge. This was supported by feeding buzz
rates which were highest for both species over the ridge.
Wind speed and direction affected habitat use by both
For personal use only.

species (Table 1). Paired comparisons on the same night

showed that L . cinereus was most active on the lee side of the
ridge in north or south wind conditions. Lasionycteris noc-
tivagans acted similarly (Table I), although only in strong
south winds (>16 km/h) did they shift from the south to the
north side of the ridge.
Although foraging activity for both species was greatest
L . cinereus
during the middle time period (ca. 0030-0200), the temporal
@ I F=1.72 patterns were not significantly different from random (Fig. 2).
The temporal activity of L . noctivagans was affected by ambi-
ent temperature. When the temperature during the middle time
period was greater than 14"C, activity was higher than during
the early time period (Wilcoxon test, T = 143.5, p < 0.05,
n = 31) while on cooler nights this trend was reversed, al-
though the difference between early and middle activity was
not significant ( T = 98.5, p > 0.05, n = 23).
FIG.2. Bat activity (passes per hour) during the three nightly sam-
pling periods (early (E), middle (M), and late (L)) in 1983 and 1984. Insect abundance and distribution
(A) L. noctivagans. (B) L. cinereus. n is the number of nights. Over 35 000 insects (dry weight 27.8 g) were captured on the
sticky traps in 1982 and 1983 and, as expected, chironomids
per pass were heard for L . noctivagans in 1982 along the dominated in both numbers and biomass. Although both spe-
transects. In contrast, the mean feeding buzz rate for individual cies of bats often foraged at heights somewhat above the sticky
L . cinereus was 1.02 ? 0.76 per minute (range 0.18- 3.80; traps, chironomids were found at all heights and were un-
n = 30) and an average of only 0.12 buzzes per pass were doubtedly the dominant insects where the bats foraged. There
recorded in 1982. were considerable differences between the years, however.
Individual L . cinereus occasionally established what ap- Synchronous hatches of chironomids (particularly large species
peared to be feeding territories, particularly around lights on (body length > 10 mm)) were smaller in 1983 (Fig. 3A),
buildings or in the lee of the ridge during strong winds. These possibly due to cold, dry spring conditions. There was no
individuals foraged back and forth along 40- to 50-m routes and noticeable difference in the nonchironomid biomass pattern
reacted to other bats by pursuing them, emitting audible vocal- (Fig. 3B).
izations and occasionally coming in contact with them. The Chironomids were particularly abundant in June (Table 2),
pursued bat almost always disappeared after a chase. Lasionyc- averaging 8 1% of the nightly biomass on sticky traps and 67%
teris noctivagans was never observed acting in this way and in Malaise traps. Chironomids were relatively less abundant at
several individuals often fed in close proximity. other times during the summer but were still the largest com-
Neither species was active uniformly in the four habitats in ponent of the insect biomass in July and August (Table 2). The
the study area, as indicated by the transect data (Fig. I). This calculations use the mean nightly biomass percentages rather

All Insects

FIG.4. Temporal insect biomass ( 5SE) from sticky traps in 1983.

n is the number of nights of sampling.
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1.0- @
Without Chironomids ,,1 982


For personal use only.

I 0.5-
2 p = 0.67
n - Middle n =19

F = 1.94
'a p=0.13
Late n=17
0.01- 1 I
FIG.3. Comparison of seasonal insect biomass from sticky traps in
1982 and 1983. (A) All insects; (B) without chironomids. The large I : l I : I
R 6 Me Ma
peak in mid-August 1983 was due to the capture of two large odo-
nates. FIG. 5. Distribution of sticky trap insect biomass by habitat (abbre-
viations as in Fig. 1) and time period in 1983. n is the number of nights
than the percent of the total monthly biomass since this reduces of sampling.
the influence of those nights with extremely high chironomid
biomass. chironomids maintained their dominance of the biomass, never
Moths constituted an average of 12.8% of the nightly bio- making up less than 23% of the total in any time period of
mass and < 1 % of the total number of insects caught on sticky any month.
traps and 14.4% of the biomass and 3.1% of the number of In both 1982 and 1983 the highest mean insect biomass per
insects in the Malaise trap samples. night occurred over the marsh, using the low traps for com-
In addition to considerable seasonal fluctuation in insect parisons. The difference was only significant in 1983, how-
abundance (Fig. 3), low ambient temperatures in May and June ever, and was due to high insect abundance over the marsh in
reduced insect abundance. Insect biomass was significantly the early period (Fig. 5). Presumably this was due to syn-
correlated with ambient temperature during the three time chronous dusk emergence of adult insects from larval stages
periods in 1983 (one-tailed Spearman rank correlation, early inhabiting the marsh (e.g., Chapman 1971). Biomass was
r, = 0 . 6 3 , ~< 0.05; middle r, = 0 . 6 5 , ~< 0.05; later, = equally distributed over the four main habitats in the middle
0.82, p < 0.01; all night r, = 0.77, p < 0.025; n = 9 nights). and late periods (Fig. 5).
Insect biomass was highest in the early time period, although Nonchironomid, large insect biomass was randomly distrib-
this difference was not significant unless one night with ex- uted over the four habitats on a mean nightly basis ( F = 0.92,
tremely high small chironomid catches is eliminated from the p = 0.4.4, df = 71), although the ridge and beach had the
data (Fig. 4). This difference was due to differences in chi- highest amounts.
ronomid and other small insect activity since the temporal Wind direction did not affect insect distribution along the
activity for large (body length > 10 mm), nonchironomid in- ridge since ridge and beach sticky traps had statistically equal
sects was random ( F = 0.89, p = 0.42, df = 50). Nonetheless, biomass in paired comparisons (south wind: t = 1.02, p >
25 12 CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 63. 1985

TABLE3. Fecal analysis of 64 samples from L. noctivagans (monthly TABLE5 . Seasonal differences in L. cinereus diet (mean percent bio-
mean percent composition k SD) mass k SD) as determined by fecal analysis using feces collected
under roosts
May June Aug. -Sept. Total
(n=33) (n=21) (n=10) (n=64) June (n= 12) July (n=48) August (n= 14)
Chironomidae Lepidoptera
Muscoid flies Odonata
Coleoptera Coleoptera
Tipulidae Muscoid flies
Lepidoptera Culicidae
Culicidae Tipulidae
Neuroptera Trichoptera
Homoptera Neuroptera
Hemiptera Homoptera
Trichoptera Chironomidae
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Other+ Other+ unknown

and beetles with chironomids constituting a very low per-
TABLE4 . The diet (as mean percent biomass k SD) of L. cinereus centage (Table 4). Individuals ate different insects at different
determined by analyzing feces collected from under roosts, trapped times of the night and of the summer. Feces from bats trapped
bats, and the ground under feeding bats while foraging in the middle of the night, and from the ground
under foraging bats, contained high levels of moths and beetles
Roost Trap Ground Total and virtually no odonates. On the other hand, feces from under
(n=77) (n= 15) (n=9) (n= 101) roosts, representing the prey eaten by the bats just prior to
Lepidoptera roosting at dawn, contained high levels of odonates in addition
Odonata to moths and beetles (Table 4). Comparison of feces collected
Coleoptera under the roosts (Table 5) indicated that the diet was more
Muscoid flies diverse in June with a low odonate component, compared with
For personal use only.

Culicidae that in July and August.

Tipulidae Although some insect wings as small as 3 mm in length were
Trichoptera found in L. cinereus feces, evidence suggested that larger in-
Neuroptera sects were important in the diet. Beetle remains included wings
Chironomidae over 10 mm in length and legs from Dytiscidae with body
Other+ lengths of about 15 mm. In addition, moth wings collected
unknown from the ground under feeding bats averaged 17.1 mm in length
(n = 50, SD = 0.23, range 12-23 mm) and indicated moths
with body lengths of 14-29 mm were being eaten.
0.05, n = 66, paired t-test; north wind: T = 54, p > 0.05,
n = 15, Wilcoxon test). Discussion
Insect biomass tended to be higher on 8- versus 2-m traps. The foraging strategies of L. noctivagans and L. cinereus are
This was true for 1982 (paired t-test, t = 2.16, p < 0.05, n = similar in some respects, but the distinction between short-
29) but only in May and June in 1983 (Wilcoxon test, ridge T and long-range strategies is supported by this study and likely
=30.5,~ < 0.001, n = 23; beach, T = 84,p = 0.02, n = 26). has important implications for habitat and prey selection.
The height difference was not evident for the entire 1983 data Both species are aerial insectivores, depart from their roosts
set ( t = 1.02, p > 0.05, n = 81). relatively early compared with individuals in more southern
Diet locations (e.g., Kunz 1973; Shump and Shump 1982), and are
Since the size of fecal samples varied, I used the percent active all night and in the same habitats. Thus, major temporal
composition of each sample (by biomass) when analyzing the and spatial partitioning of the resources is not apparent. Envi-
diet and calculated sample means. The main conclusions ronmental conditions affect where and when both species feed.
reached using this method are no different from those reached They feed primarily along the lee side of the ridge, possibly
if percent of the total fecal biomass were used. selecting areas where flight or insect capture is more efficient.
Fecal samples from 64 L. noctivagans were analyzed (dry Lasionycteris may be less affected by south winds because
mass 2.44 g). The bats had fed on a variety of insects, primarily their manoeuverability allows them to feed in small, slightly
dipterans and other small insects (Table 3), with muscoid flies sheltered clearings on the south side of the ridge, whereas
accounting for almost half the diet in May, chironomids dom- L. cinereus is restricted to more open areas because of its fast,
inating in June, and a variety of insects being eaten in August unmanoeuverable flight.
and September. Foraging by L. noctivagans is reduced at low ambient tem-
The size of the insect parts in L. noctivagans feces indicated peratures, possibly because low temperatures in the spring
that small insects constituted the bulk of the diet. Insect wings reduce insect abundance. Similar observations have been
3- 10 mm in length were common as were eyes from 2 to made for little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus) (Anthony et al.
10 mm body length chironomids. 1981) and suggest that prey becomes a limiting factor at low
I analyzed 101 fecal samples from L. cinereus (dry mass temperatures.
9.63 g). The diet was composed mainly of moths, odonates, Despite the above similarities, the two species have distinct

foraging strategies. Lasionycteris is a highly manoeuverable sizes, a suggestion also made by Swift et al. (1985). In other
bat that can efficiently prey on swarms of insects such as words, bats should pursue all but the smallest insects they
chironomids and feeds on whatever insects are available. In this detect.
study, the diet, composed primarily of small dipterans, does Certain nutrients may be critically important for bats and
not support the "moth strategist" label initially placed on differences in the nutrient content of different prey types could
this species (Black 1974). In this and other studies, there is be the basis for active prey selection (e.g., Krebs 1978). Un-
seasonal, geographic, and individual variation in the diet fortunately there is very little information regarding the nutrient
(Whitaker 1972; Whitaker et al. 1977; Whitaker et al. 1981), content of different insects. Furthermore, for insectivorous bats
supporting the notion of an opportunistic foraging strategy. to actively select prey on this basis they must be able to dis-
In this study, chironomids increased in importance in the tinguish among the various taxa. It is still not known whether
diet as they increased in relative abundance. In August and echolocation can provide enough information for bats to do this
September, however, chironomids made up a significant pro- (Fenton 1982).
portion of the trap samples but were almost absent from the For insectivorous bats, active prey selection, for whatever
diet. A similar seasonal shift in selectivity was noted for reason, is easier to visualize on the basis of prey size and this
Can. J. Zool. Downloaded from by UNIV CHICAGO on 02/22/13

M. lucifugus (Anthony and Kunz 1977) and was explained as has been suggested in several studies (Ross 1967; Black 1979;
active prey selection at times when prey were most abundant. Belwood and Fullard 1984). Optimal foraging, however, is not
This cannot explain the shift here since what appears to be prey the only explanation for such selection.
selection occurred when insect abundance was low. Changes Small insects such as chironomids are less available as prey
in prey size may have been important. Whereas in June than their abundance indicates. Different sized insects are not
large chironomids (>10 mm body length) made up 67.2% equally detectable to echolocating bats (see also Anthony and
(1982) and 26.8% (1983) of the insect biomass, in August and Kunz 1977) since larger insects reflect more intense echoes, are
September they accounted for only 12.8% (1982) and 7.3% detectable at greater distances, and thus appear to a bat as more
(1983). This may partly account for the reduced chironomid abundant than they really are. This alone, however, can not
component in the diet, since small insects are less detectable by account for the lack of chironomids in the diet of L. cinereus
bats (see below). because in June a large percent of the insect biomass was due
Lasiurus cinereus is a fast, less maneuverable flier that to large chironomids (>10 mm body length).
feeds primarily in open areas. Unlike L. noctivagans, indi- Although body length has been used in the past as a measure
vidual L. cinereus sometimes establish feeding territories of prey size, to an echolocating bat the critical characteristic
For personal use only.

(Belwood and Fullard 1984; this study), indicating that at times related to prey detection is reflective surface area. Roeder
prey is scarce enough and prey patches are important enough to (1963) showed that the wings of moths were the important
defend them. The flexibility in foraging behaviour indicates feature influencing echo intensity and that the body played a
that a degree of opportunism in the foraging strategy exists. "negligible" role. Similarly, Kick (1982) showed that bats de-
This study indicates that, contrary to several other studies tect large-diameter targets at greater ranges than small targets.
(Black 1972, 1974; Belwood and Fullard 1984), L. cinereus is Since a moth has a wing area six times as large as a similarly
not a "moth strategist." Odonates and beetles are important in sized (body length) chironomid (R. M. R. Barclay, unpub-
the diet, supporting Freeman's ( 1981) contention that L. cin- lished data), moths and other fat-bodied, large-winged insects
ereus has the jaw and tooth structure to eat hard-bodied insects. will appear much more common than they really are while
Overall it appears that opportunistic feeding is important to chironomids and other thin-bodied, narrow-winged insects will
L. cinereus because there is dietary variation within a night be detected less often than their abundance suggests.
(this study), seasonally (this study), and geographically (Black Although the above arguments could be made for both
1972, 1974; Whitaker and Tomich 1983; Belwood and Fullard L. noctivagans and L. cinereus, adaptations for short- and
1984). long-range foraging strategies may differentially influence prey
Despite the opportunistic aspects of the L. cinereus foraging availability and profitability for the two species. The echo-
strategy and diet, it is clear from this study that these bats do location calls used by L. cinereus to search for insects are
not feed on insects in proportion to their abundance. What is consistent with a long-range prey detection foraging strategy
not clear is how important the long-range foraging strategy is and enhance the detectability of large insects (R. M. R.
in producing prey selection by affecting prey availability and Barclay, in preparation). The calls are low and essentially
profitability. constant in frequency, a structure adapted for detecting insects
Individual Lasiurus cinereus could actively select prey for a in the open at long range (e.g., Simmons and Stein 1980;
number of reasons. Some predators select prey so as to max- Lawrence and Simmons 1982). The low frequency (20- 16
imize net energy intake (e.g., Elner and Hughes 1978; Zach kHz), however, means that targets smaller than the wavelength
1979) and this has been used to explain prey selection by some of the sounds (ca. 2 cm) reflect weaker echoes than larger
insectivorous bats (Belwood and Fenton 1976). Such prey targets. Thus, very small insects (chironomids have wing
selection is usually related to prey size and the explanation is widths of 2 mm or less) may not be detected by L. cinereus or
only satisfactory if pursuing and handling a small prey item is are only detected at close range. The fast, unmanoeuverable
more energetically costly than ignoring small prey in favour of flight of L. cinereus means that insects detected only at close
searching for and capturing larger prey. For insectivorous bats, range are less available as prey because there is insufficient
which detect insects via echolocation only at short distances reaction time for the bats to manoeuver for the capture.
(Fenton 1982), search time is relatively long compared with Swarming insects such as chironomids may also not be as
pursuit time and prey are handled rapidly (Kallen and Gans energetically profitable as for a more manoeuverable bat. Las-
1972). Thus, the cost of consuming small prey is relatively iurus cinereus thus employs a style of flight and echolocation
small and I suggest energetically based prey selection for opti- calls that suggest it pursues individual prey detected at long
mal foraging reasons should only occur at extremely small prey range, a foraging strategy which reduces the availability and
25 14 CAN. J. ZOOL. VOL. 63, 1985

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Acknowledgements FENTON,M. B. 1982. Echolocation, insect hearing, and feeding
I thank Melissa Todd, Dan Farr, Kevin Cash, Elizabeth ecology of insectivorous bats. In Ecology of bats. Edited by
Straszynski, Gaynette Friesen, and Jean Dabros for their dedi- T. H. Kunz. Plenum Press, New York. pp. 261 -285.
cated assistance with field and laboratory work. M. Brock FENTON,M. B., and G. P. BELL.1979. Echolocation and feeding
Fenton kindly loaned me equipment and Dan Guinan, Gloria behaviour in four species of Myotis (Chiroptera). Can. J. Zool. 57:
1271 - 1277.
Pohajdak, Heidi den Haan, James Briskie, and Spencer Sealy
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located roosting bats during the day. The Portage Country Club desert bats (Myotis spp.). Can. J. Zool. 54: 526-530.
allowed me access to their property for this research and the FENTON, M. B., and D. W. THOMAS. 1980. Dry season overlap in
facilities of the University of Manitoba Field Station were made activity patterns, habitat use, and prey selection by some African
available by Jennifer Shay. Tom Kunz, Brock Fenton, James insectivorous bats. Biotropica, 12: 8 1 -90.
Fullard, Donald Thomas, Joseph Culp, Jackie Belwood, Gary FREEMAN, P. W. 1979. Specialized insectivory: beetle-eating and
For personal use only.

Bell, and two anonymous reviewers provided enlightening moth-eating molossid bats. J. Mammal. 60: 467-479.
comments on the manuscript. The study was conducted while 1981. Correspondence of food habits and morphology in
the author was a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research insectivorous bats. J. Mammal. 62: 166- 173.
Council of Canada (NSERC) University Research Fellow and FUNAKOSHI, K., and T. A. UCHIDA.1975. Studies on the phys-
iological and ecological adaptation of temperate insectivorous bats.
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