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“Contents” from the 1835 edition

of the Doctrine and Covenants

In this edition, sections were ordered differently than they are today and
were broken into paragraphs rather than verses.

1835 1981
Key Phrase
Edition LDS Edition
A Sec. Par. Sec. Verse(s)
Aaronic or lesser priesthood an appendage, &c. 3 8 107 13
Authority of the standing councils at the stakes 3 14 107 36
Authority of the standing council at Zion 3 15 107 37
Adam blessed his posterity in Adam-ondi-Ahman 3 28 107 53
Adam prophesied concerning his posterity 5* 29 107 56
Authority of bishops 3 32 107 68
Appeal from the bishop’s council to the high council 3 35 107 78
Appendages of the high priesthood 4 5 84 29
Appeal to the seat of the first presidency 5 11 102 24
Another comforter 7 1 88 1
All things of God 7 10 88 39
All kingdoms receive of the Lord’s presence 7 14 88 56
Arm of mercy atoned 10 1 29 1
Adam transgressed 10 11 29 40
Authority necessary to preach 13 4 42 11
Adulterers cast out, 13 7 42 19
Ask God for wisdom, 13 18 42 63
All gifts to some, 16 8 46 28
All things done in the name of Christ, 16 9 46 31
Abominations in the church, 17 2 50 4
Ask the Father, 17 7 50 31
After much tribulation cometh the blessing, 18 2 58 3

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