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Additional Information

Informasi Tambahan

3.B1 Prestasi/Penghargaan -
Achievements / Rewards

3.B2 Keikutsertaan dalam Organisasi -

Organization Experience

3.B3 Sertifikat Keahlian l.

Skill Certificate

3.B4 Kerja Praktik/Magang -


3.B5 Pendidikan Karakter -

Character Education

3.B6 Seminar/Workshop 1.
Seminar/Workshop 2.

Semarang, Maret 2018

Ketua Program Studi Ners
( The Head of Undergraduate of Nursing Program of Study )

Ns. Dwi Indah Iswanti, M.Kep

NIK. 198106262008102102

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