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J.l APPROACH FUNDAMENTALS cumulativc área caused by the overall average project
response. It should be recognized that the slopes
A relatively straightfonvaxd and powerful anajyti- (deri\'atives) of the cumulative área curves are simply
cal method for delineating statísticaLly homogenous the response valué for each unit (r,, r j , and r¡) whüe
units from pavement response measurements along the slope of the dashed line is the overall average re-
a' highway system is the cumulative, difference ap- sponse valué of the entire project length considered.
proach. While the methodology presented is funda- At the distance, x, the cumulative área of the average
mentally easy to visualize, the manual implementation project response is:
for large data bases becomes very time-coosuming
and cumbersome. However, the approach is presented
because it is readily adaptable to a computerized A , --= f r dx (J.2)
(microcomputer) solution and graphic analysis. This Jo
approach can be used for a wide variety of measured
pavement response variables such as deflection, serv-
iceability, skid resistance, pavement distress-severity with
Índices, etc.

Figure J.l iliustrates the overall approach concept rxi rx.

using the initial assumptions of a continuous and con-

stint response valué ( r j within various intervais (O to áx + r, dx 4- i rj dx
r = Ti
X , ; X, to X 2 ; X2 to X3) along a project length. From this
figure, it is obvious that three unique units having
different response magnitudes (rj, f;, and T¡) exist and therefore
along the project. Figure J.l (a) iliustrates such a
response-distance result. I f one were to determine the
trcnd of the cumulative área under the response- = Lp X Ar
distance plot. Figure J.l(b) would result. The solid
line indicates the results of the actual response curves. Knowing both A^ and A , aliows for tíie detennina-
Bccausc the functions are continuous and constant ticn of the cumulative difference variable from:
within a unit, the cumulative axéa, at any x, is simply
the integral or
Z, = A , - A ,

As noted in Figure J.l(b), is simply the diñcr-

A = [ r, dx -1- TjdX (J.l)
•'o cnce in cumulative área valúes, at a given x, becween
the actual and project average lines. I f the Z^. valué is,
in tum, plotted against distance, x. Figure J.l(c)
with each integral being continuous within the respec- results. An examination of this plot iliustrates that the
tive intervais: location of unit boundaries always coincides with the
location (along x) where the slope of the Z^ function
changes algébrale signs (i.e., from negative to posi-
CO :S X < Xi) and (x, < x < Xj)
tive or vice versa). This fundamental concept is the
ultímate basis used to analytically determine the
lii Figure J. l(b), the dashed line represents the boundary location for the analysis units.
Design of Pavcmcnl Siruclurcs
Appendix J J-3

J.2 A P P L I C A T I O N TO DISCONTINUOUS r; = pavement response valué of the i""

VARIABLES measurement,
T; = average of the pavement response valúes
The schematic figures shcwn Ln Figure J. 1 are ob- betv/cen the (i — 1) and i * tests, and
viously highly idealized. ln practice, measuremcnts Lp = total project length.
are normally discontinuous (point measurements),
frequentJy obtained at unequal intei-vals and never I f cqual pavement testing intervais are. used:
constant, even within a unit. In onder to apply the
foregoing principies into a solution methodology
capable of dealing with these conditíons, a numerical
difference approach must be used. The form of the 21,
function is:


Table J.l is a table illustrating how the solution

i= l J-p i=l sequence progresses and the necessary compuiational
sleps required for an unequal interval analysis. The
table and entries should be self-explanatory.

= V ' ^ ^ ^ x x , (16)
In Part m , Chapter 3, actual restúts were shown for
(Note: let r,, = ri for first interval) an analysis unit delineation based upon a field Skid
Number test survey: SN(40). Table J.2 is a parcial
where summary of the analysis, indicating only the initial
and final portions of the analysis for brevity. This
n = the n"' pavement response measuiement, tabular data and solution forms the basis of the infor-
= total number of pavement response mation shown in Part HI, Figures 3.3 and 3.4.
measurements taien in project, .
T^ble J . l . Tabular Solution Sequence—Cumulative Difference Approach
Col. (2) Col. (5) Col. (6) Col. (7)
Pavement Col. (3) Col. (4) Cumulative Average Actual Col. (8) Col. (9)
Col.(l) Resporise Interval Interval Interval Interval Interval Cumulative Z , Valué
Stallon Valué Number Distance Distance Response Arca Area Zx =
(Distance) (r,) (n) (Ax,) (EAx,) (ri) (a,) Ea, Col. (8) - F* Col. (5)

1 Ax, Ax, r, = r. a, = r,Ax, ai Z„ = a, - F*Ax,

1 r,
- (r, + rj)
2 AX2 (Ax, + Axj) 32 = r2AX2 a = (a, + 32)
- F*(Ax| + Axj)
2 ri
. (ri + h)
3 AX3 (Ax, -1- Ax2 4- Axj) aj = TsAxj a, + 32 + 33
- (r.-i + rn)
(Ax, + • • • + A x j r« - „ - am = f„,Ax„, a, + • • • + 32, Zxni = (a, + • • • + a„,)
- F*(Ax, + • • • + A x j
Tahk J.2. Cumulntlvc Difference Eximiplc Problem (SN - 40)

Col. (1) Col. (2) Col. (3) Col. (4) Col. (5) Col. (6) Col. (7) Col. (8)
Statlon SN (40) Interval Interval Cumulative Avg. Interval Actual Cumulative Col. (9)
(Distance) Valué Number Distance Distance SN (40)- Interval Area Area Valué

0.5 mi 23 1 0.5 0.5 23 11.50 11.50 11.50 - 31.49(0,5) = -4,25

1.0 26 2 0.5 1.0 24.5 12,25 23,75 23.75 - 31.49(1.0) = -7.74
1.Í5 23 3 0.5 1,5 24.5 12.25 36,00 36,00 - 31.49(1.5) = -11.24
2.0 24 4 0.5 2.0 23.5 11.75 47.75 47,75 - 31.49(2,0) = -15.23
2.5 26 5 0.5 2.5 25.Ó 12.50 60.25 60.25 - 31.49(2,5) = -18.48
; 1

74.0 . 27 148 0.5 74.0 29.5 14.75 2340,00 2340 - 31.49(74) = +9.74
74.'5 25 149 0.5 74.5 26.0 13.00 2353.00 2353.00 - 31.49(74.5) = +7.00
75.0 28 150 0.5 75.0 26.5 13.25 2366,25 2366.25 - 31.49(75.0) = +4.50
75,5 26 151 0.5 75.5 27.0 13.50 2379.75 2379.75 - 31.49(75.5) = +2.26
76.0 28 152 0.5 76.0 27.0 13.50 2393.25 2393.25 - 31.49(76.0) = +0.00
A, = 2393.25
Lp = 76.0
F* = 31,49

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