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Marikina Polytechnic College

Mayor Chunyungco St., Elena, Marikina city – 1800

The effectiveness of
citronella oil and lemon peel
as mosquito candle repellent

11 – 4 STEM


Marikina Polytechnic College
Mayor Chunyungco St., Elena, Marikina city – 1800

Marikina Polytechnic College

S.Y. 2018-2019
Marikina Polytechnic College
Mayor Chunyungco St., Elena, Marikina city – 1800

Chapter III
Research Design
This chapter includes the methods of research used, the
sources of data, the gathering instrument, the gathering
procedure, and the ethical consideration.

Research Methodology
To attain its main objective, this study used a case study
and ethnography research methodology, both designs is needed to
get crucial data about the mosquito repellant candle. The case
study research method is more of experimentation, then
interpreting our finding as the experiment goes and what will
happen to the participants when using the product. The ethnography
research method, the researchers will be immersing when
experimentation commence and will be a participant, in further to
know what will be the participants will feel when using the
product. And will see if the product will be pleasing by the
The researchers first tested the candle mosquito repellent
and had an analysis
whether it was effective and whether it would help to reduce mos
quito in our homes / community. Then, the researchers distribute
the candle repellent to the selected families of Sta. Teresita
subdivision in Marikina City. The researchers also conducted to
interview with each family after testing the product for one (1)

Sources of Data
The sources of the data in this study have been provided by
ten (10) families of Sta. Teresita subdivision in Marikina City.
Work Life Inquiry (2011) stated that, Qualitative research
collects information that occurs naturally; that is, it doesn’t
set up experiments and not based on statistics or surveys or
Marikina Polytechnic College
Mayor Chunyungco St., Elena, Marikina city – 1800

experiments. It is an approach used largely in the social sciences

to explore social interactions, systems and processes. It provides
an in-depth understanding of the ways people come to understand,
act and manage their day-to-day situations in particular settings.

Data Gathering Instrument

The interview protocol was the illustrious and convenient
instrument used in the study. All information gathered through
interview done at Sta. Teresita subdivision and

Data Gathering Procedure

In this study, the data-gathering procedure is composed of
the following:
1. Test the product on a small scale field (houses).
2. Test the product if it can last long and have a good
scent for the researchers participants.
3. Do a series of trials and do it in different time of the
4. After the experimentations, interview the participants.
5. Seek if they like the product and if the mosquitoes
6. And to find another house and do the whole procedure

Conceptional Inquiry

Theoretical Framework

Data Analysis
The researchers used
Marikina Polytechnic College
Mayor Chunyungco St., Elena, Marikina city – 1800

Ethical Considerations
Ethical considerations are required for the
privacy and security of the participants. The
researchers considered the following:
1. The original name of the participants.
2. The responses should be used for research
purpose only for their security
3. The researchers must ask first the
participants if they will allow taking a video
or recordings during the interview
4. The researchers respect the answers of the
participants pertaining to the given questions.

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