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For candidates admitted in erstwhile Anna University of Technology, Coimbatore in 2007

Branch Name B.Arch.

Semes Subject Subject Name Exam Session
ter Code Date
01 070540003 Materials and Construction-I(4 hrs.) (10 A.M. to 2 P.M.) 26-APR-19 FN
01 070540001 Art Appreciation 30-APR-19 AN
01 070030002 Mathematics 03-MAY-19 FN
01 070540002 History of Architecture - I 10-MAY-19 AN
02 070540007 Mechanics Of Structures - I 30-APR-19 FN
02 070540009 History Of Architecture - II 02-MAY-19 FN
03 070540017 History Of Architecture III 25-APR-19 FN
03 070540015 Mechanics Of Structures II 27-APR-19 AN
03 070330002 Environmental Science And Engineering 29-APR-19 AN
04 070540032 Materials and Construction - IV ( 4 hrs. ) (2 P.M. to 6 P.M.) 16-APR-19 AN
04 070540026 History Of Architecture - IV 25-APR-19 AN
04 070540025 Site Planning 26-APR-19 AN
04 070540024 Analysis And Design Of Structures - I 27-APR-19 FN
04 070540027 Building Services - I 29-APR-19 FN
04 070540028 Vernacular Architecture 10-MAY-19 FN
05 070540033 Analysis & Design Of Structures - II 09-APR-19 AN
05 070540035 History of Architecture - V 11-APR-19 AN
05 070540036 Building Services - II 13-APR-19 AN
05 070540037 Materials And Construction V (4hrs.) (10AM to 2 PM) 23-APR-19 AN
06 070540051 Theory Of Design 08-APR-19 AN
06 070540042 Analysis & Design Of Structures-III 10-APR-19 AN
06 070540043 Interior Design Principles 12-APR-19 AN
06 070540044 History Of Architecture VI 15-APR-19 AN
08 070540064 Professional Ethics and Practice - I 09-APR-19 FN
08 070540057 Human Settlement Planning 11-APR-19 FN
08 070540058 Specification and Estimation 13-APR-19 FN
08 070540063 Analysis And Design Of Structures IV 16-APR-19 FN
08 070540066 Architectural Design-VII total (18hrs) (10 AM to 4 PM - three days) 07-MAY-19 FN
09 070540071 Professional Ethics and Practice II 08-APR-19 FN
09 070540070 Landscape and Ecology 10-APR-19 FN
09 070540067 Project Management 12-APR-19 FN
09 070540072 Urban Housing 15-APR-19 FN
09 070540068 Urban Design and Renewal 23-APR-19 FN

FN: FORENOON (10 A.M. TO 1 P.M.)

AN:AFTERNOON (2 P.M. TO 5 P.M.) Page 1 of 1

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