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What, how, will be achieved?

by Professor Ha Seong-do


The relevance of the empirical results to one philosophical theory of well-being, the
desire satisfaction theory. According to the desire satisfaction theory, an individual's well-
being is enhanced when her desires are satisfied. Philosophy is believed that it existed for
individual satisfaction. Not less democracy as well. One of the reasons why people are
interested in the studies of self-knowledge is because they want to find the meaning of life,
some strive to find the existential answers to: Who am I? Where do I come from? What’s the
meaning of life? Most stop looking as they are absorbed by the daily routine. For example,
Thales, who is known the father of western philosophy. Thales was an ancient Greek
philosopher born in Miletus in 620 BC best known for his belief that water is the fundamental
principle of the world. Thales broke with the traditional view in Greece that events were caused
by the will of the Olympic Gods, instead putting forth his water-based principle. Once his
student, argued his philosopher and Thales, never afraid to admit his wrong and openly accept
his student opinion, and he believed that through philosopher a culture of the nation is born.
The main difference of oriental and western, we can conclude the behavior in class.

Gongja and Maengja (Confucius and Mencius)- Confucius was the founder of Confucianism,
while Mencius was the representative of Confucianism. About a hundred years after Confucius
died, Mencius taught and expanded Confucian doctrine. They both declared for benevolence,
While Mencius was apt to policy of benevolence. Confucian culture is the most important part
of Chinese culture, As the founder and representative, they have a profound influence on the
formation of national character and national spirit in ancient and contemporary Chinese society.
Mencius extended the concept of benevolence and make two great contributions which people
are more important and should come before the king. In addition, equal standing between king
and his officers, and the bad king can be replaced. f the king treats his officers as his hand and
feet, then the officers should treat the king as their hearts. If the king treats his officers as dogs
and horses (i.e. workers or slaves), then the officers should treat king as a common
man. Another recent trend in the study of Mencius and other Confucian philosophers has been
the application of the framework of virtue ethics, beginning with Yearly (1990). Mencius does
seem similar to some major virtue ethicists such as Aristotle in emphasizing wisdom as a
flexible responsiveness to complex situations, the cultivation of virtue over action–guiding
rules, and nuanced discussions of the differences between genuine virtues and semblances or
counterfeits of them (e.g., 7B37). However, as advocates of virtue ethics interpretations
acknowledge, there are also substantial differences between Mencius and any Western virtue
ethics. For example, Western virtue ethicists such as Aristotle place great value on purely
theoretical contemplation, which Confucians typically regard as lacking intrinsic value.

Debate is the activity that brings the art of reading, thinking and speaking together in one place.
When medieval scholars set out to establish the curriculum of the world’s first universities,
they considered three liberal arts essential for leadership and promotion of the best ideas:
grammar, logic, and rhetoric (reading, thinking, speaking). When they sought to test the depth
to which these skills had sunk in, medieval faculty demanded students participate not in exams
or papers, but in disputations—in other words, debates.
The most important is you have to stop thinking that people are different from us but rather to
think they how someone adapt a thing and how they think. When you express how you really
feel (in an appropriate manner), problems get solved, relationship issues get resolved, and life
is easier. In addition, you will like your life better because you’re not holding on to unhealed
or confusing feelings. Sometimes you have to hold back speaking your truth because the
situation requires that you do so. For example, if there are other people (especially children) in
the room, or you’re coming from a place of anger, check to make sure you’re speaking in a
tone that won’t offend or upset those around you. The purpose of expressing your emotions is
to convey your true feelings, and to be open and honest, not to embarrass or blast another
human being.

Just do not afraid to express yourself, for you. Don’t afraid that people might misunderstand
you, because you stand for that is right, well at least. What you think is right. You should fight
for what you believe, even a little breath would be. A friend if she or he cherish you and respect
your decision, they won’t leave you. Your personality protects you. > experience of self-
realization. Napoleon once said that, then your desires are strong enough you will appear to
possess superhuman powers to achieve.

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