OMIS 498 Business Analysis Capstone: Spring 2013 Knaack LLC: CRM Data Entry Errors

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OMIS 498 Business Analysis Capstone

Spring 2013

Knaack LLC: CRM Data Entry Errors

Team Charter

Ujwal Pandya
Austin Mealer
Udit Agarwal
January 14, 2013
CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

Table of Contents
Purpose of this Document ............................................................................................................ 1
1. Business Overview ................................................................................................................. 2
2. Stakeholder Names and Contact Information ...................................................................... 2
A. Team Members ................................................................................................... 2
B. Coach / Instructor ................................................................................................ 2
A. Business Partner ................................................................................................. 2
3. Project Overview ..................................................................................................................... 2
A. Business Problem ................................................................................................ 3
B. Expected Project Outcomes ................................................................................ 3
C. Potential OM and IS Content Applied to Project ................................................... 3
4. Team Administration .............................................................................................................. 4
A. Team Values ....................................................................................................... 4
B. Team Expectations .............................................................................................. 4
C. Team Rules / Guidelines / Meeting Management ................................................ 5
5. Conflict Resolution Process .................................................................................................. 6
6. Skills and Knowledge Inventory ............................................................................................ 6

Purpose of this Document

This document summarizes basic information about the capstone project and its
stakeholders. In general, it is an administrative contract among the project stakeholders.
The next few deliverables focus on gathering information needed to prepare the Business
Case due week 6.

CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

1. Business Overview
Knaack, LLC, is a Crystal Lake, Illinois based manufacturer of Secure Jobsite,
Truck, and Van Storage Solutions. Knaack has been in production since 1960,
and in 2010 celebrated its 50th anniversary of supplying high quality products to
its customers throughout the world. Jobsite storage is sold under the Knaack and
Rigid brand names, and the Truck and Van storage is sold under the Weather
Guard brand name. Both brands are recognized as industry leaders in their
respected markets.

Knaack employs 400+ employees, in a production facility measuring 400,000 sq

ft in Crystal Lake, Illinois. Knaack production is a three shift operation consisting
of Fabrication, Weld, Paint, Assembly, and Shipping.

2. Stakeholder Names and Contact Information

A. Team Members

Ujwal Pandya,, 847-942-4742

Austin Mealer,, 825-378-7777
Udit Agarwal,, 224-595-9650

B. Coach / Instructor
Gerald Aase,, 815-753-6376 (NIU office), 815-751-3702 (cell)

A. Business Partner
Knaack LLC: 420 E. Terra Cotta Ave. Crystal Lake IL 60014.

Mark Friedrichs, Materials Manager, Mark.Friedrichs@,


Lew Coffin, Vice President of Operations, 815-


3. Project Overview
This section provides basic information about an existing problem and the
expected outcomes identified by the sponsor. This information will be used to
develop a formal Problem Statement and Project Goal shared in subsequent

CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

A. Business Problem
Knaack ships products to customers throughout the United States, Canada,
and Mexico, with some additional exports to Europe. Occasionally, a
customer will receive a shipment that is damaged or incorrect. Upon receiving
nonconforming shipments, customers are directed to contact a customer
service representative, who enters the complaint into a customer relationship
management (CRM) software program for use by Knaack’s customer service
and quality departments. The data entered into the CRM program is often
incorrect or missing, which makes it difficult for the company to analyze the
nonconforming shipments and implement permanent corrective actions.

B. Expected Project Outcomes

Teams will deliver a system that analyzes the CRM data entry errors. This
tool will identify and analyze the data entry errors, which will allow Customer
Service Department Managers identify appropriate solutions to correct the
errors and improve the customer service process. Using this new tool, teams
will analyze 2012 data and report their findings to the Knaack management
team. Knaack’s management team will use these findings to develop a
permanent corrective action program that eliminates the data entry errors.
With readily available data Knaack will develop a Dashboard making the
performance data available on a daily basis to support a reduction of shipment
errors and claims to improve the customer experience.

C. Potential OM and IS Content Applied to Project

One of the course objectives is ‘To apply both operations management and
information systems concepts to improve real-world business processes.’ To
help facilitate this objective, the following list identifies several OM and IS
concepts that team will likely use as they complete this project.

OM Topics
 Identify appropriate metrics (CTQ) for monitoring process quality
 Use appropriate 6 sigma tools to display performance data (pareto, run
charts, etc....)
 Perform a root cause analysis
 Prepare high-level and detailed process flow diagrams
 Articulate a detailed needs assessment
 Consider effect of internal and external quality costs.
 Complete a value stream analysis
 Illustrate an basic understanding for distribution networks

IS Topics
 Conduct a thorough system requirements analysis
o Prepare Use Cases for several processes

CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

 Develop ER diagrams
 Design and develop an access database or SQL database
 Design and implement effective user interfaces
 Evaluate the data using appropriate data mining techniques
 Develop a decision support system

4. Team Administration
A. Team Values
 Innovation
 Preparation
 Excellence
 Commitment
 Timeliness
 Group Cohesion

B. Team Expectations

Sponsor and Instructor expectations of team members

 One team member will be assigned primary responsibility for the weekly
communications with the sponsor and instructor
 Each Team will send a Weekly Progress Report by email to the sponsors
and instructor beginning week 3 of the semester. These reports must also
be submitted to Blackboard to receive credit. The reports must follow the
format provided by the instructor by the requested dates. No exceptions
for credit.
 Beginning week 8, teams must submit weekly deliverables that
collectively show progress towards the completion of the project.
Guidelines and examples of acceptable deliverables will be reviewed
during week 6. These deliverables (e.g., word, access or excel documents)
must be attached to the weekly progress reports and submitted to
Blackboard for grading.
 The instructor and sponsors will provide essential information to complete
the project, but some information will likely be missed which teams need
to fully understand the problem being addressed. Teams are encouraged
and expected to listen carefully and ask meaningful questions as needed.
Teams will use the Weekly Progress Reports to request information from
the sponsors. When possible, the instructor will answer questions.
Otherwise, the sponsor will respond to the questions during the conference
call the following week once questions are gathered from the all teams.
CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

 Written documents will be held to the highest professional standards.

Grammar, writing style and document structure will be graded accordingly
with limited feedback. However, teams are encouraged to meet with the
instructor outside the class for detailed feedback and assistance.
 Deliverables pertaining to the business case will not be accepted after the
specified due dates under any circumstances.

Team members’ expectations of one another

 We expect all team members will be present for meeting.

 All emails to students, faculty and business sponsors recruiting response
within 8 hours.
 To work as a team at all times and contribute equally throughout the

C. Team Rules / Guidelines / Meeting Management

This section should address how communication, decision making, and
situations involving inadequate contributors will be handled by the team.

 DECISION MAKING: Decisions will be made by consensus whenever

possible. When a decision needs to be made outside of a meeting, a team
member may recommend a solution via e-mail to which the other team
members will respond in a timely fashion (12-24 hours). If consensus is
reached, the decision is accepted and may be acted upon. If a consensus
cannot be agreed upon for a specific decision, a team discussion and vote
will be held. Outside of meetings, votes may be conducted via e-mail.


 All member will be expected to respond to emails and phone calls within
12 to 24 hrs
 Our team has agreed we will meet every Tuesday to discuss our tasks and
plans for the upcoming week. Once we have been put in contact with our
sponsor we will then determine a convenient time to meet. Austin Mealer
will be in charge of recording minutes, all minutes will be sent out via
email to the other teammates.
 One excused absence will be allowed. Events such as death in a family,
sickness will count as excused absence upon documentation.
 If a group mate misses a meeting without providing an acceptable reason
they will first be contact by phone and email. If the member does not
respond Dr. Aase will be notified.

CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

5. Conflict Resolution Process

The following rules describe the procedure for handling absences and
problems with individual member contributions. In these rules, “completing
assigned work” means that the assigned task is completed on time and is of a
quality in line with the values and expectations listed above. A “missed
meeting” is any occurrence of a team member failing to be present at a
meeting without providing a notice more than 12 hours beforehand.

1st meeting absence or 1st instance The team member will receive a verbal
of a group member not completing warning from the other two members
their required task

2nd missed meeting or 2nd instance The offense will but discussed in a group
of a group member not completing meeting. Any violations following this meeting
their required task will be brought forth to Dr. Aase

3rd missed meeting or 3rd instance Dr. Aase will be informed. If issues still exist,
of a group member not completing the group member will be asked to leave the
their required task team

6. Skills and Knowledge Inventory

This section summarizes the skills and knowledge inventory for each team member.
This will allow all stakeholders to identify a team's strengths and potential gaps
between required project skills and the current skill set of the team members.

1) Ujwal Pandya
a) IS focused
b) Technician at Motorola for 3 summers
c) Some Database experience
d) Visual Basic experience

2) Austin Mealer
a) OM Focused
b) Sharepoint experienced
c) Good oral communication skills
d) SAP experienced

CRM Data Entry Errors
Team Charter

3) Udit Agarwal
a) Mix of OM and IS
b) SAP experience
c) Communication skills
d) Website creating experience

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