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Practical Machine Learning


“ AI and its offshoot,

machine learning, will
be a foundational tool
for creating social good

as well as business
Mark Hurd
CEO, Oracle
Once the purview of programmers and statisticians,
machine learning has expanded across applications
and disciplines into virtually every industry. And to
keep pace with an increasingly data-driven
marketplace, professionals of all stripes have set
their sights on mastering its fundamentals.

UC Berkeley Extension’s Practical Machine Learning

course offers a hands-on introduction to machine
learning with R-programming that includes
real-world datasets that let you solve problems in a
variety of industries. Whether it’s business leaders
aiming to improve their understanding of data
science and machine learning to coordinate better
with teams on tactical data-based initiatives, or
aspiring data scientists seeking to master the
practical aspects of problem framing and model
deployment, the course addresses topics, tools, and
techniques to help professionals from any
background or industry enhance their machine
learning skills.

Practical Machine Learning

About UC Berkeley Extension

The University of California, Berkeley is a public research university in the United States. Located in the city
of Berkeley, it was founded in 1868 and serves as the flagship institution of the ten research universities
affiliated with the University of California system. Berkeley has since grown to instruct over 40,000
students in approximately 350 undergraduate and graduate degree programs covering numerous

As of October 2018, Berkeley alumni, faculty members and researchers include 107 Nobel laureates, 25
Turing Award winners, and 14 Fields Medalists.

Practical Machine Learning

Course Faculty

Christopher Brown
Adjunct Professor in UC Berkeley's Department of Computer Science
and a Founding Partner of Decision Patterns
For the past 15 years, Christopher Brown has worked as a data science
consultant in a variety of industries, from financial services and healthcare to
retail, defense and beyond building state-of-the-art fraud detection
algorithms and strategies. His work has included contributions to several of
the largest and best performing detection algorithms and collaborations with
the industry’s leading experts on fraud detection and mitigation.

He earned a bachelor’s degree in Material Science and Engineering and a

master’s degree in Engineering from UC Berkeley, and has completed
post-graduate studies at Stanford University and UC Berkeley. As a
researcher, Chris develops to high performance and scalable algorithms and
is a frequent contributor to Open Source Software in a variety of projects and
programming languages.

In developing this course, Chris drew from his own experience advising clients
across industries to create an easy-to-follow roadmap and practical tools for
learning the fundamentals of machine learning.

Kristen Kehrer
Course Instructor, EMERITUS
Kristen is #8 LinkedIn Global Top Voice 2018 – Data Science & Analytics.
Since 2010, Kristen has been a data scientist across multiple industries,
including the utilities, healthcare, and eCommerce. She finished a BS in
Mathematics in 2004, and a Master's Degree in Applied Statistics. Prior to
attaining her Master’s Degree, she was a high school math teacher, and
has always enjoyed tutoring, coaching, and mentoring.

Practical Machine Learning

Course Leader

Danielle Quinn
Course Leader, EMERITUS
Danielle Quinn is a PhD Candidate at Memorial University in
Newfoundland, Canada, where she is developing computational tools for
tackling common challenges in marine conservation. She has been using
R since 2009 for a wide range of research tasks, including data wrangling
and visualization, statistical analyses, app development, and machine
learning. She has an MSc ('13) and BScH ('10) in Biology from Acadia
University in Nova Scotia, Canada, with a primary focus in fisheries and
ecology, and is the President and co-founder of Terranaut Club, a
non-profit organization dedicated to providing hands-on science and
nature exploration opportunities for girls.

*Course Leaders are subject to change

Practical Machine Learning

Course Highlights

This course is designed to enable individuals with a beginner-level understanding of statistics, probabilities,
and the R-programming language to develop their skills and advance to an intermediate level of proficiency
in machine learning.

Taught from a machine learning practitioner’s perspective, this course provides an easy-to-follow roadmap
and practical tools for model training, testing, refinement, and deployment. You’ll also explore systematic
methods for problem framing and pragmatic steps for identifying solutions, and apply these methods and
techniques to coding assignments, peer discussions, and live webinars. The final project will challenge you
to frame a given business problem and identify steps toward training, testing, scoring, and deploying an
appropriate model for the situation.

111 6 6
Video Live Application
Lectures Webinars Assignments

26 16
010101 R Illustration Exercises /
Videos Quizzes

Practical Machine Learning


To meet the challenges of a data-driven marketplace, professionals across industries are looking to
advance their knowledge and capabilities in machine learning. The Practical Machine Learning course
addresses topics, tools, and techniques that can help both business leaders and aspiring data scientists
enhance their machine learning skills.

Module 1 - Machine Learning Fundamentals

• Machine Learning: The What, The Why, and The How?
• Machine Learning: Models and Functions
• Model Training
• Model Scoring
• Classification of Machine Learning Algorithms
• Three Features of Supervised ML Algorithms
• Summary and Key Takeaways

Module 2 - Linear Regression

• Overview of Machine Learning Process
• Business Problem Framing
• Define the Final Delivery
• Frame the Problem: App Store Example
• Collect and Shape Data: Reading Data in R
• Collect and Shape Data: Shaping Data in R
• Exploratory Data Analysis
• EDA in R

Module 3 - Exploratory Data Analysis

• Fitting a simple model
• Fitting a simple model in R
• Linear Model Training in R
• Limitations of a Linear Model

Practical Machine Learning

• Linear Model Training in R (One Variable)

• Linear Model Training in R (Multiple Variable)
• Stepwise Regression
• Stepwise Regression in R
• Summary and Key Takeaways

Module 4 - Classification Modeling and Logistic Regression

• Introduction to Classification (Categorical Modeling)
• Building from Linear Regression
• Loss Function
• Unconstrained Errors
• Logistic Function
• Use of the logistic
• Probability, Odds, and Log-odds
• Training a Logistic Regression Model
• Stepwise Regression (will be filmed separately by Chris)
• Variable Importance
• Multinomial Logistic Regression
• Summary and key Takeaways

Module 5 - Classification: Model Evaluation and Reporting

• Introduction to Model Evaluation
• Class Separation Plot
• Cutoff
• Confusion Matrix
• Evaluating Models Using Confusion Matrix
• Nomenclature of Binomial Metrics
• ROC Curves
• Default ROC Curve
• Generalizing ROC Curve
• Value matrix and curve
• Class Imbalance
• Cohen's Kappa
• Summary and Key Takeaways

Practical Machine Learning

Module 6 - Decision Trees

• Introduction to Decision Trees
• Recursive Partitioning
• Partitioning Scoring
• Splitting Continuous Variables
• Splitting Categorical Variables
• How to Evaluate Best Split?
• Measures if Homogeneity
• Evaluating Splits Using Model Performance
• Finding the Best Split
• Stopping Criteria
• Rules for Partitioning
• Handling Missing Data
• Tree Method: Advantages and Disadvantages
• RP Classification & Regression Examples - coding example
• Wrap-up

Module 7 - Resampling
• Intro to Resampling
• Variance-bias Tradeoff
• Training and Testing Model Performance
• Resampling
• Resampling Methods
• Resampling Process and Practice
• Tuning Parameter Optimization
• Caret Package in R
• Model Validation
• Tidyverse Coding Example
• Wrap-up

Module 8 - Improving Model Performance

• Introduction to Model Improvements
• Model Ensembles
• Bagging Models
• Random Forests
• Using Random Forest - Coding Example

Practical Machine Learning

• Generalized Ensembles and Model Stacking

• Boosting
• Simple Boosting
• Comparison with CART
• Gradient Boosting
• Weak Learners
• Local Minimums vs Global Minimums
• Stochastic Gradient Boosting Machines
• Stochastic GBMs - Coding Example
• Wrap-up

Module 9 - Neural Networks

• Introduction to Neural Networks
• Analogy to Brain Function
• From Neurons to Neural Networks
• Single-Layer Feed Forward Networks
• Solutions to Overfitting
• MNIST Handwriting Recognition
• MNIST Coding Example
• Back Propagation
• Deep Learning
• Conclusion

Module 10 - Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

• Introduction to Unsupervised Learning
• Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
• PCA Coding Example
• Clustering
• K-means
• K-means Coding Example
• Hierarchical Clustering (HC)
• HC Coding Example
• Clustering Code Example
• Association Rules
• Association Rules Coding Example
• Semi-Supervised Learning
• Wrap-up

Practical Machine Learning

Module 11 - Model Deployment

• Introduction to Model Deployment
• Model Development: Roles and Success Factors
• Data Science Project Life Cycle
• Creating a Problem Statement
• Deployment Assets
• Deployment Patterns
• Agile Process for Deployment
• Managing Environments and Assets
• Wrap-up

Module 12 - Problem Framing: Recommendation Engines & CLV

• Introduction to Problem Framing
• Recommender Systems 1: Problem Framing
• Recommender Systems 2: Debrief and Approaches
• Recommender Systems 3: Walkthrough with Coding hints
• Customer Lifetime Value 1: Problem Framing
• Customer Lifetime Value 2: Debrief and Approaches
• Customer Lifetime Value 3: Walkthrough with Coding hints
• Deployment and Performance Considerations

Practical Machine Learning

Application Assignments

Price Predictions Using App Store Data

Participants will perform an exploratory data analysis (EDA) and build a univariate or
multivariate linear regression model using data from Apple’s app store.

Predicting Probability of Credit Default

Participants will apply logistic regression to a dataset including features on credit card
users and develop a model predicting the probability of default payments based upon
previous payment history, bill amount, and customer demographics.

Predicting Probability of Employee Attrition

Participants will examine classification problems and apply what they have learned to
an employee attrition data set in order to make predictions about the probability of an
employee leaving his/her company.

Neural Nets: Determining Standard vs. Premium Service Levels

Participants will get an introduction to neural networks and make predictions based
upon a dataset with information on office supply purchases.

Customer Segmentation with Clustering

Participants will get an introduction to unsupervised learning algorithmic techniques,
such as K-means and hierarchical clustering and employ clustering techniques to
develop segments from customer data.

Problem Framing: Recommendation Engines and Customer

Lifetime Value
Participants will walk through practical examples of problem framing and identify
approaches to modeling customer lifetime value and develop recommendation

Practical Machine Learning

The Learning Experience

The course is spread over 3 months and consists of Video Lectures, Assignments/Case Studies,
Discussions and Illustration Videos.

The first week is orientation week. During this week you will be introduced to the other
participants in the class from across the world and you will learn how to use the learning
management system and other learning tools provided.

Goal Setting
On other weeks, you have learning goals set for the week, including watching the video
lectures and completing the assignments. All assignments have weekly deadlines.

Video Lectures
The recorded video lectures are by program faculty.

Live Webinars
Every few weeks, there are live webinars conducted by EMERITUS Course Leaders. Course
Leaders are highly-experienced industry practitioners who contextualize the video lectures
and assist with questions you may have regarding your assignments. Live webinars are
usually conducted between 1 pm and 3 pm UTC on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Clarifying Information
In addition to the live webinars, the course leaders also conduct Office Hours every week or
every alternate week to help participants clarify their doubts pertaining to the content.

EMERITUS Program support team follow-up over email and phone calls with learners who are
unable to submit their assignments on time.

Continuous Course Access

You will continue to have access to the course videos and learning material for up to 12
months from the course start date.

Practical Machine Learning


Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive a verified digital certificate
from UC Berkeley Extension.

Kiku Chan
has successfully completed
Practical Machine Learning

April, 2019

Practical Machine Learning

Course Fee and Duration

USD 1,400
3 Months, Online

Singapore residents who wish to enroll in this course will be charged GST.


The course requires an undergraduate knowledge of statistics (descriptive

statistics, regression, sampling distributions, hypothesis testing, interval
? estimation etc.) and probability. Familiarity with R (importing a data set,
assigning variables, working with a variety of data structures like. numeric,
character, factor etc., creating and adding columns to data frames) is required.

Assignments /application projects which require programming will be done

using the R programming language.

Practical Machine Learning


UC Berkeley Extension is collaborating with online

Online collaboration
education provider EMERITUS Institute of Management
to offer a portfolio of high-impact online courses.
These courses leverage UC Berkeley’s thought
leadership in technical practice developed over
Collaborative and
years of research, teaching, and practice.
engaging format
By collaborating with EMERITUS, we are able to
broaden access beyond our on-campus offerings in a
Live teaching, hands-on
collaborative and engaging format that stays true to
the quality of UC Berkeley.
project-based learning
EMERITUS’ approach to learning is formulated on a More than 10,000 students
cohort-based design to maximize peer-to-peer sharing
and includes live teaching with world-class faculty and
from over 120 countries have
hands-on project-based learning. In the last year, more benefited
than 10,000 students from over 120 countries have
benefited professionally from EMERITUS.


We attempt to respond to queries in 24 hours or less. However, over weekends and holidays, our responses may take up to 72 hours.

Disclaimer: The information provided is accurate at the time of printing and is subject to change.
EMERITUS Institute of Management reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.

® Global IVY is a registered trademark.

© Copyright 2019 EMERITUS Institute of Management. All Rights Reserved.

EMERITUS Institute of Management | Council for Private Registration No. 201510637C | Period: 29 March 2018 — 28 March 2022

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