CSTP Andrus 5

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual of formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. 7/11/18 sources to learn about adjustments to make ongoing
assessments. students and guide instruction and meet adjustments and
selection of instructional individual identified accommodations in
strategies to meet diverse learning needs. 5/8/19 instruction.
learning needs. 7/11/18 12/10/18
Using knowledge of
students to engage
Some students may Students engage in single Student engage in Students take ownership
them in learning
engage in learning using lessons or sequence of learning through the use Students actively utilize a of their learning by
instructional strategies lessons that include some of adjustments in variety of instructional choosing from a wide
focused on the class as a adjustments based on instruction to meet their strategies and range of methods to
whole. assessments. needs. 7/11/18 technologies in learning further their learning that
that ensure equitable are responsive to their
access to the curriculum learning needs.
Students bring in “All I look at previous scores I receive scores for
About Me” posters which and evaluations for each students from both
allows me (and the class) student before the start of formal and informal
a fun way to learn more the school year. Also, at assessments. We use
about them. 7/11/18 Back to School Night each technology and
parent fills out a “get to traditional methods to
know you form” that collect student’s work
allows me to have more and tests. 12/10/18
insight on each child at a
personal level. 7/11/18
Students receive
instruction via technology
In the classroom I resources such as iPads,
Evidence individualize seat work our prom board and desk
and also group students top computers. This
by their level for reading engages students in
and math groups. learning and allows for
7/11/18 students to be exposed to
a variety of tools.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, information about family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life students’ prior understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests knowledge, cultural students’ prior inform instruction regarding students’
represented among backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural 5/5/19 cultural backgrounds,
students. experiences, and interest backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
Connecting learning to support student experiences, and interests experiences, and
to students’ prior learning. to connect to student interests.
knowledge, learning. 12/10/18
backgrounds, life 7/11/18
experiences, and Some students connect Students participate in Students can articulate
interests learning activities to their single lessons or Students make Students are actively the relevance and impact
own lives. sequences of lessons connections between engaged in curriculum, of lessons on their lives
related to their interests curriculum, and their which relates their prior and society.
and experiences. 7/11/18 prior knowledge, knowledge, experiences,
backgrounds, life and interests within and
experiences, and across learning activities.
interests. 12/10/18 5/5/19
Every week we do During holiday’s or I have taught a couple
social studies lessons social studies lessons of lessons on global
focusing on various I will invite family in citizenship in the
cultures, countries, who want to share classroom that teach
landmarks, historical their experiences that social justice. I plan
figures, etc. which may align with a topic on doing this
allows students to we’re learning in throughout the year
find a connection to a class (ex. Learning to help use students
topic. (For instance about Mexico or previous knowledge
they may have visited Cinco de Mayo, China base to introduce
Evidence Washington D.C. and and Chinese New new topics. 5/10/19
have photos to share Year). 7/11/18
or recently went on a
trip to a different During instruction, I
country and have will often ask
experiences they students to share if
want to share). they have any
7/11/18 experience with or
prior knowledge of
what we’re learning.
This occurs a lot
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
during our
vocabulary and
reading lessons.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. family and community instruction to engage subject matter
Connecting subject 5/8/19 12/10/18. students in relating to instruction.
matter to 7/11/18 subject matter.
meaningful, real-life
contexts Some students relate Students make use of Students actively engage Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. real-life connections in making and using real- integrate subject matter
provided in single lessons Students utilize real-life life connections to subject into their own thinking
or sequence of lessons to connections regularly to matter to extend their and make relevant
support understanding of develop understandings understanding. applications of subject
subject matter. 7/11/18 of subject matter. 5/8/19 matter during learning
12/10/18 activities.
Students will set up a When applicable I
grocery store and will use connections
students learn to from the child’s real
count coins in order life scenarios to help
to “buy” classroom them better connect
items. 7/11/18 to a subject area. For
example, when
learning money I will
bring in real and fake
coins for students to
use during center
time or

During instruction, I
will use everyday
situations and items
to help relate
students to learning.
Some ways I do this
is by reading a non-
fiction story about
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
plants and then doing
in class activities
relating to that. Also,
when we learn to
sort and classify, I
use concrete
examples such as
clothing and hair
color. Also, by
watching our brain
pop jr videos it
makes the
connection from
academics to real-
world situations.

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
Using a variety of
lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
diverse learning meet students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies, resources,
needs.5/9/19 12/10/18 learning needs.
and technologies to
meet students’
Some students participate Students participate in Students actively engage Students take
diverse learning
in instructional strategies, instruction using in instruction and make responsibilities for using
using resources and Students participate in strategies, resources, and use of a variety of a wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. single lessons or technologies matched to targeted strategies, resources, and
sequence of lessons their learning resources, and technologies that
related to their interests needs.5/9/19 12/10/18 technologies to meet their successfully advance their
and experiences. 7/11/18 individual students learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
I try to use various Students use class
types of instruction Ipads to AR and math
throughout my games. I also will
lessons such as Ipads, allow students who
applicable videos, struggle with fine
hands on motor skills to use
manipulatives, and the Ipad for writing
traditional or spelling tests. I
paper/pencil. will give additional
7/11/18 resources to those
Evidence who are struggling
representations or
definitions). 7/11/18

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. content. 7/11/18 reflecting on multiple problems.
Promoting critical
perspectives 5/8/19
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Some students respond to Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and
solving, and
questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions answer a wide-range of
and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and of their own to support complex questions and
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. problems, reflect, and
critical thinking in single problems of their own communicate
lessons or a sequence of related to the understandings based on
lessons. 7/11/18 content.12/10/18 in depth analysis of
content learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Every semester my I will make centers or Students participate
students participate independent work in problem solving
in a Socratic Seminar that scaffold students daily that requires
which is led and ability to think more them to think
modeled by me, but critically and through solutions
slowly scaffolded to problem solve. with a little
be student led 7/11/18 scaffolding from an
7/11/18 adult but requires
Students participate them to think how
in quarterly socratic others may be feeling
seminars which and thinking. 5/8/19
encourages students
discussion on open
ended questions. I
also encourage
problem solving and
critical thinking
during our math
lessons and social
situations. Currently,
we are learning
about data and
graphs and students
have been challenged
with creating their
own questions
relating to a graph or
data provided.

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
Monitoring student
following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
learning and
guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
adjusting instruction
student understanding. observation of student individual student needs provide assistance to
while teaching.
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or students in mastering the
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
checks for understanding. challenge 5/8/19 concepts flexibly and
12/10/18. 7/11/18 effectively.

Some students receive Students receive Students successfully Students monitor their
individual assistance assistance individually or participate and stay Students are able to progress in learning and
during instruction. in small groups during engaged in learning articulate their level of provide information to
instruction 12/10/18. activities.5/9/19 understanding and use teacher that informs
7/11/18 12/10/18 teacher guidance to meet adjustments in
their needs during instruction.
Students who are in Students participate I constantly monitor
need of extra in lessons and stay students progress by
assistance will be engaged by getting having them give
pulled for a small the opportunity to thumbs up/down,
group lesson of the
use hands on using white boards,
topic that was taught
materials (such as repeating directions,
while those with a
strong knowledge base counters, pattern walking the
will work blocks, unifex cubes, classroom and
independently. For etc.), technology conferencing with
example, when we do (iPads, prom board individual students
Evidence our math lessons, I and computers) and or small groups.
allow for those who whole/small group 7/11/18
understand to continue instruction.
working on the lesson 12/10/18
independently while I
pull the few who
struggle to get more
attention and help.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Models and Models fair and respectful Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student self-
communicates behavior. Demonstrates responsible, and responsibility with reflection and ongoing
expectations for fair and commitment to fairness respectful student students for resolving improvement of the
respectful behavior to and respect in interactions. Assists conflict and creating and caring community based
support social communications with students to resolve maintaining a caring on respect, fairness, and
development. students about language conflicts. classroom community. the value of all members.
and behavior. Incorporates cultural Supports students in
Seeks to understand awareness to develop a taking leadership in
Promoting social cultural perceptions of positive classroom developing a caring
Development and caring community. climate.12/10/18 community that is Students take leadership
responsibility within 7/14/18 responsive to the diverse in resolving conflict and
a caring community Some students share in Students participate in cultural norms of creating a fair and
where each student responsibility for the occasional community Students demonstrate identities of all respectful classroom
is treated fairly and classroom community. building activities, efforts to be positive, students.5/8/19 community where
respectfully 7/14/18 designed to promote accepting, and respectful student’s home culture is
caring, fairness, and of differences. 12/10/18 Students take included and valued.
respect. 7/14/18 responsibility resolving Students communicate
conflicts and maintaining with empathy and
a caring classroom understanding in
community. Students interactions with one
promote respect and another.
appreciation for
differences. 5/8/19
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Students choose weekly Interacts positively with Students make personal
jobs to help keep the students and gives goals daily and
classroom community reinforcement. participate in role play
running smoothly and to Encourages kindness and exercises to help learn
help take a sense of respect by always about how to be kind and
ownership. 7/14/18 demonstrating this in the respectful towards
classroom and with my others. They then self-
fellow peers. I seek to check themselves on their
understand by having goals and mark it on a
ongoing conversations goal keeping record
with students to sheet. 5/8/19
continuously learn about
them. 7/14/18
Students participate in
ongoing classroom
activities to promote a
happy class such as
compliment circles,
bucket filling activities,
the “crumpled heart”
lesson, continuously
working towards how to
positively problem solve
with their peers and
learning “I statements”.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with and/or Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the virtual learning environments that reflect environments that reflect environments flexibly to
physical and/or virtual environments that student diversity and student diversity and facilitate access to a wide
learning environments support student learning. provide a range of provides a broad range of range of resources that
that support student resources for learning. resources, displays, and engage students in
learning. artifacts that are current learning. Ensures that
Structures for interaction Utilizes a variety of and integral to environments enhance
Is aware that structured are taught in single structures for interaction instruction. learning and reflect
interaction between lessons or sequence of during learning activities diversity within and
Creating physical or
students can support lessons to support that ensures a focus on Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
virtual learning
learning. student learning and completion of learning structures for interaction
environments that
12/10/18. 7/14/18 tasks. that engage students Selects from a repertoire
promote student
constructively and of structures for
learning, reflect
productively in learning. interaction to ensure
diversity, and
accelerated learning for
the full range of students.
constructive and
Some students use Students use a variety of Students routinely use a
available resources in Students use resources resources in learning range of resources in Students participate in
interactions among
learning environments provided in learning environments and interact learning environments monitoring and changing
during instruction. environments and in ways that deepen their that relate to and enhance the design of learning
interact with each other understanding of the instruction and reflect environments and
to understand and content and develop their diversity. structures for
complete learning tasks in constructive social and Students share in interactions.
single lessons or academic interactions monitoring and
sequence of lessons. 5/8/19. 12/10/18 assessment of
7/14/18 interactions to improve
effectiveness and develop
a positive culture for
Student interaction is I utilize learning
a skill taught activities/resources
constantly in my such as thumbs
classroom up/down, white
environment. We boards, small group
Evidence model the correct interactions, watching
way to have a my pacing during
conversation with lessons and using
peers and role play as management tools
a class. Then, such as class dojo,
expectations are laid noise chart and
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
out before they are student call backs.
given a task or These tools encourage
assignment so they teamwork, student
have a clear idea of engagement and help
behavior. 7/14/18 teach social
Students are allowed
time to use the
classroom resources
during instructional
time such as
manipulatives or
Ipads. They are
grouped together to
conversation and do
partner/group work
daily. 7/14/18
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies and Recognizes and addresses Anticipates and reduces Integrates support for Shares responsibility with
laws regarding safety that safety issues regarding risks to physical, students to take risks and the students for the
are required by the site, materials, student intellectual, and offer respectful opinions establishment and
district, and state. interactions, and the emotional safety using about divergent maintenance of a safe
Responds to behaviors organization of the multiple strategies that viewpoints. 5/8/19 physical, intellectual, and
that impact student safety learning environments. include examining biases emotional environment
as they arise. 7/14/18 in the learning focused on high quality
environment and and rigorous learning.
curriculum. Engages in reflection on
Establishing and
their own language and
maintaining learning
Explores strategies to Models and provides behavior that contributes
environments that
establish intellectual and instruction on skills that to intellectual and
are physically,
emotional safety in the develop resiliency and emotional safety in the
intellectually, and
classroom. 7/14/18 support intellectual and classroom.
emotionally safe
emotional safety. Students demonstrate
Students are aware of resiliency in
required safety Students develop and perseverance for
procedures and the Students follow teacher Students take risks, offer practice resiliency skills academic achievement.
school and classroom guidance regarding opinions, and share and strategies to strive Students maintain
rational for maintaining potential safety issues for alternative for academic intellectual and emotional
safety. self or others. 7/14/18 perspectives.12/10/18 achievement, and safety for themselves and
establish intellectual and others in the classroom.
emotional safety in the
classroom. 5/8/19
Safety is always a big Throughout the Students engaged in
concern of mine, school year, we have a global citizenship
especially with teaching
Kindergarten. So much of
whole group project on social
what we teach them is discussions on open justice and
about how to keep ended questions and participated in group
yourself and others safe have the students discussions about
in a classroom. We offer up different how our differences
discuss proper ways to
Evidence use scissors, pencils,
ideas. I encourage can help make us
rulers, glue, etc. We also this to be safe place better. They also
have to review proper for students by participated in
ways to use our bodies making it low risk writing and critical
while in a classroom to and supporting the thinking activities
keep everyone safe. These
are conversations that
students in their that encouraged
happen almost daily, but beliefs and opinions. giving their thoughts
are hit heavily in the This will usually and opinions. 5/8/19
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
beginning of a school encourage other
year. 7/14/18 students to give their
Allowing my students a
thoughts on a topic
safe place to share their as well. 12/10/18
ideas and try something
new is extremely
important to me. I instill
this in my students by
encouraging participation
and modeling to my
students appropriate
ways to react to others.
We also do a lot of
character building
activities to keep the
kindness in our
classroom high. 7/14/18

I am constantly modeling
for my students how to
interact with others in a
classroom setting. I am
kind with students who
are having a hard time
and patient with those
who are maybe struggling
to read. I also try to
always be positive and
encouraging. 7/14/18
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Focuses the rigor of the Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor Facilitates a rigorous
learning environment on learning environment learning environment throughout the learning learning environment in
accuracy of answers and that includes accuracy, that includes accuracy, environment that values which students take
completion of learning understanding, and the analysis, problem solving, accuracy, analysis, and leadership in learning.
tasks. importance of meeting and appropriate levels of critical reading, writing Fosters extended studies,
Is aware of the targeted learning goals. challenge. and thinking. research, analysis and
importance of Works to maintain high Holds high expectations Integrates strategic purposeful use of
maintaining high expectations for students for students. Has an scaffolds and learning.
Creating a rigorous
expectations for students. while becoming aware of understanding of technologies throughout Supports students to
achievement patterns for achievement patterns, instruction that support utilize an extensive
environment with
individuals and groups of and uses scaffolds to the full range of learners repertoire of
high expectations
students. address achievement in meeting high differentiated strategies
and appropriate
gaps. 12/10/18 7/14/18 expectations for to meet high
support for all
achievement. 12/10/18 expectations.
Some students ask for Some individuals and Students engage in a 7/14/18
teacher support to groups of students work variety of differentiated Students take
understand or complete with the teacher to supports and challenges Students actively use responsibility to fully
learning tasks. support accuracy and in ways that promote supports and challenges utilize teacher and peer
comprehension in their their accuracy, analysis, to complete critical support, to achieve
learning. and problem solving in reading, writing, higher consistently high levels of
learning. order thinking, and factual and analytical
problem solving across learning.
subject matter 5/9/19.
Students receive I meet with small groups
individualized_ seat daily, informally and
formally assess students
work, are grouped by and alter my teaching
skill level for reading appropriately. Conference
and math (groups are with students to fix errors
changed frequently and push them to think
based on deeper about their
writing. Students also use
Evidence performance), work peer mentors to help
with their peers in motivate. We use
centers, use Ipads for technology pieces to help
independent work. build on prior knowledge
7/14/18 and introduce students to
unfamiliar topics.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Establishes expectations, Develops expectations Uses multiple strategies Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
rules, and consequences with some student including culturally expectations, positive environment using
for individual and group involvement. responsive instruction to supports, and systems that ensure
behavior. Communicates, models develop and maintain consequences for students take an active
and explains expectations high standards for individual and group role in monitoring and
for individual and group individual and group behavior within and maintaining high
behavior. behavior. across learning activities. standards for individual
and group behaviors.
Refers to standards for Reviews standards for Utilizes routine Guides and supports
communicating, and
behavior and applies behavior with students in references to standards students to self-assess,
consequences as needed. single lessons or for behavior prior and monitor, and set goals for
high standards for
sequence of lessons in during individual and individual and group
individual and group
anticipation of need for group work. 7/14/18 behavior and
reinforcement. participation
Students are aware of Students know Students follow behavior Students demonstrate
classroom rules and expectations for behavior expectations, accept Students respond to positive behavior,
consequences. and consequences and consequences and individual and group consistent participation
respond to guidance in increase positive behaviors and encourage and are valued for their
following them. 7/14/18 behaviors. and support each other to unique identities.
make improvements.
5/8/19 12/10/18
I am very clear with the I have the class rules Students work
behavior expectations posted in the class together to
and rules during work
and lessons. Most
along with our Class accomplish class
students respond Dojo on the board at goals such as dojo’s
appropriately or will do all times. I remind and warm and
well once redirected. students of behavior fuzzies. Every day we
Since they are in expectations before make a goal for how
Kindergarten, it is some
student’s first time in a
we begin centers, many individual class
classroom environment small groups and dojo points they want
so it may take them independent work. I to meet and how
longer than most to try to be as many whole group,
comprehend the consistent as possible warm and fuzzies we
expectations. 7/14/18
with the students. want to get. We also
7/14/18 make learning goals
clear before
beginning a lesson or
small group centers.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Since we have started
making these goals as
a class, students have
been much more
encouraging of one
another to try and
accomplish these
goals and will remind
each other when
their behavior is not
up to expectation.

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes procedures, Develops routines, Maintains regular use of Engages students in Facilitates student
routines or norms for procedures, and norms in routines and procedures monitoring and reflecting participating in
single lessons to support single lessons or that are culturally on routines, procedures, developing, monitoring,
student learning. sequence of lessons with responsive and engage and norms in ways that and adjusting routines
some student students in the are culturally responsive. and procedures focuses
involvement. development and Maintains a quality on maximizing learning.
monitoring of norms. learning climate that Classroom climate
Employing classroom builds on student integrates school
routines, procedures, strengths. standards and culturally
norms, and supports Seeks to promote positive Provides positive relevant norms.
for positive behavior Responds to disruptive behaviors and responds behavior supports. Promotes positive
to ensure a climate in behavior. to disruptive behavior. Responds appropriately behaviors and Promotes positive
which all students to behaviors in ways that consistently prevents or behaviors and establishes
can learn lessen disruptions to the refocuses behaviors preventions and a
learning climate. disruptive to the learning positive classroom
Students participate in climate. 5/8/19 climate that eliminate
routines, procedures, and 12/10/18 most disruptive behavior.
norms and receive
reinforcement for
Students are aware of Students receive positive behaviors
procedures, routines, and correction for behavior 5/8/19. 7/14/18 Students share
classroom norms. that interferes with Students are involved in responsibility with
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
learning, and positive Students receive timely assessment and teacher for managing and
reinforcement in and effective feedback monitoring of routines, maintaining a positive
following routines, and consequences for procedures, and norms in classroom climate that
procedures, and norms. behaviors that interfere ways that improve the promotes learning.
with learning 12/10/18. learning climate.

To help keep the flow I am constantly

of my classroom I try trying to reward
and do non verbal students displaying
cues with my positive behavior by
students to redirect giving positive
them. Things such as classroom dojo’s,
eye contact, standing giving them
near the child, character cards or
tapping their desk as complimenting them.
I walk by, etc. For These types of
positive behaviors positive
they receive verbal reinforcement will
praise and can even generally encourage
earn a character card. negative behavior
Character cards hang choices to be turned
Evidence on a board in the around. 12/10/18
hallway and put them
in a drawing to earn
free dress. 7/14/18

Students receive
immediate feedback
both from me and
from our class dojo
system. It helps
motivate my young
learners because it
has sound effects and
animated figures.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction based Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and fluidly
on curriculum guidelines. some consideration of students to provide include ongoing facilitates instruction and
Develops awareness of lesson type, adjustments adequate time for assessment of student daily activities.
how transitions and for sufficient student instruction, checking for learning. Supports
classroom management work time and transitions understanding, students in the
impact pacing and to optimize learning. completion of learning monitoring of
Using instructional lessons. activities and closure. instructional time.
time to optimize 12/10/18 7/14/18
learning Some students complete Students complete Students use their Students monitor their
learning activities in time learning activities and, as Students participate in instructional time to own time, are engaged in
allotted. needed, may receive and complete a variety of engage in and complete accomplishing learning
some adjustments of time learning activities in the learning activities and are goals, and participate in
allotted for tasks or time allotted with options prepared for the next reflection, self-
expectations for for extension and review. sequence of instruction. assessment, and goal
completion. 7/14/18 5/9/1812/10/18 setting.
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
During instruction, I During instructional
am always very time, students are
aware of my time allotted time to work
frame. If one lesson with partners, small
did run over then I groups and
will adapt my next individually. Each
lesson to fit the lesson is paced and
allotted amount of given to set up the
time by either students for the next
breaking it into 2 lesson. I utilize
lessons or journals and morning
condensing into one work to help
lesson. I feel like it’s reinforce new
important for concepts before
students to not feel continuing on to the
rushed during a next lesson or topic.
lesson and that they 12/10/18
have time to ask
Evidence questions so I also try
and keep that in
consideration when
planning out my
lesson times.

During my
instruction I will
introduce the new
topic and then have
students work
independently. The
lessons will vary with
how much variety
there is during their
work time. I try to
change lessons up so
that they aren’t doing
Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
the same thing
throughout the day. I
will generally allow
for more time if a
student needs it and
will also try working
with students one on
one who need more
support. 7/14/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and explains Uses broad knowledge of Uses extensive
knowledge of subject subject matter and the relationship between inter-relationships of knowledge of subject
matter, related academic academic language to essential subject matter concepts, academic matter concepts, current
3.1 Demonstrating language, and academic identify connections concepts, academic content standards, and issues, academic
knowledge of subject content standards. between academic language, and academic academic language in language, and research to
matter academic content standards and content standards. ways that ensure clear make relevant
content standards instruction. 7/12/18 5/8/19 12/10/18 connections and connections to standards
relevance to students. during instruction and
extend student learning.

I meet with my team I have become very

continuously to discuss familiar with my
what standards our curriculum and standards
lessons are targeting. We so it has become easier to
make adjustments to our introduce these topics to
lessons if they seem too students. When a new
unrelated to standards or concept is being
will change the pacing if introduced, I take a few
the students are excelling minutes to review the
or need more time in a learning goals, standard
certain area. 7/12/18 and academic language
with my students to help
them better understand
why they are learning
these concepts. This helps
them better connect with
the material. 12/10/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has basic knowledge of Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge of Utilizes comprehensive
student stages of student development and response to knowledge of range of students knowledge of students to
development while implements learning student development and development into guide all students to
becoming aware of activities in single lessons proficiencies to meet instructional decisions to develop proficiencies,
differences in students’ or sequence of lessons students’ diverse learning ensure student understand subject
understanding of subject that addresses students’ needs. Ensures understanding of the matter including related
matter. proficiencies and support understanding of subject subject matter including academic language.
understanding of subject matter including related related academic
Teaches subject-specific matter including related academic language language. Engages student at all
3.2 Applying vocabulary following academic language. 5/8/19. 7/12/18 levels of vocabulary,
knowledge of curriculum guidelines. Provides explicit teaching academic language, and
student development 7/12/18 Provides explicit teaching Provides explicit teaching of specific academic proficiencies in self-
and proficiencies to of essential content of essential vocabulary, language, text structures, directed goal setting,
ensure student vocabulary and idioms, key words with grammatical, and stylistic monitoring, and
understanding of associated academic multiple meanings, and language features to improvement. Guides all
subject matter language in single lessons academic language in ensure equitable access students in using analysis
or sequence of lessons. ways that engage to subject matter strategies that provides
Explains academic students in accessing understanding for the equitable access and deep
language, formats, and subject matter text or range of student language understanding of subject
vocabulary to support learning activities. levels and abilities. matter.
student access to subject
matter when confusions
are identified. 12/10/18

I introduce the Content vocabulary is I will constantly check for

vocabulary for the reviewed prior to lessons understanding through
material we are learning by using visuals and formal and informal
before the lesson by definitions, then assessments and then
posting it on the board throughout the lessons, I adjust my instruction to
and having visuals. will reference the match the whole, then
7/12/18 vocabulary words that supplement for those
were learned. I will also who may need more
constantly review during challenging work or those
our morning journals, who may need easier.
centers or lessons. This Before I start a lesson I
helps lessen the will tell the students what
misunderstandings but we are learning about
when they do arise, I will using both academic
generally reference the language and then easier
visuals or knowledge we terms for my students to
have learned. 12/10/18 understand. 7/12/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Follows organization of Examines organization of Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge of Uses extensive
curriculum as provided curriculum and considers curriculum and student curriculum and resources knowledge of curriculum
by site and district to adjustments in single readiness to organize and to organize and adjust and related resources to
support student lessons or sequence of adjust the curriculum to instruction within and flexibly and effectively
understanding of the lessons to support ensure student across subject matter to organize and adjust
3.3 Organizing
subject matter. understanding of subject understanding. 12/10/18 extend student instruction.
curriculum to
matter. 7/12/18 understanding 5/8/19.
facilitate student
Ensures student
understanding of the
comprehension and
subject matter
facilitates student
articulation about what
they do and do not
understand. 12/10/18
Before me and my team Students have been I conference with
move onto a new subject participating in grammar students one on one
matter we meet as a and writing assignments when they seem to be
group to discuss the learning about how to struggling with a topic or
current curriculum, what add ending sounds like if they receive a low score
is coming up and then -er and -est to compare on an assessment.
discuss where our sized items. This also Students also make goals
students are at currently. crosses over to our for themselves that they
We then decide if we current math lesson on want to obtain during the
need to slow down or measurement and how year and we make
possibly speed up our we can compare the sizes quarterly checks on them.
pacing with the of items. 5/8/19 7/12/18
curriculum. 7/12/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate to repertoire of
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure subject matter to meet instructional strategies to
curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding of students’ diverse develop enthusiasm,
3.4 Utilizing lessons to increase academic language learning, to ensure meta-cognitive abilities,
instructional student understanding of appropriate to subject student understanding of and support and
strategies that are academic language matter and that academic language, and challenge the full range of
appropriate to the appropriate to subject addresses students’ guide student in student towards a deep
subject matter matter. diverse learning needs. understanding knowledge of subject
connections within and matter.
across subject matter.
5/8/19 12/10/18
In my classroom I
facilitate my lessons with
a variety of hands on and
technology based
approaches. It is student
interactive and I do my
best to meet the needs of
my students with various
learning styles (visual,
hands on, listening). We
also have a daily calendar
that has activities based
on what they are
currently learning (or
have previous learned)
such as sight words,
adding, word problems,
skip counting, etc. It
motivates the children
because it’s hands on and
gets them interested.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide range of Engages students in
instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate adapted resources, identifying and adapting
resources, and resources, and instructional materials, technologies, and resources, technologies,
technologies for specific technologies to make resources, and instructional materials to and standards-aligned
lessons to make subject subject matter accessible technologies for concept meet identified student instructional materials to
3.5 Using and
matter accessible to to students. and skill development in needs and make subject extend student
adapting resources,
students. subject matter. Resources matter accessible to understanding and
technologies, and
Explores how to make reflect the diversity of the students. 5/8/19 critical thinking about
Identifies technological technological resources classroom and support subject matter.
resource needs. available to all students. differentiated learning of Assists student with
materials including
subject matter. 12/10/18 equitable access to Ensures that student are
adopted materials, to
7/12/18 materials, resources, and able to obtain equitable
make subject matter
technologies. Seeks access to a wide range of
accessible to all
Guides students to use outside resources and technologies through
available print, electronic, support. 5/8/19 ongoing links to outside
and online subject matter resources and support.
resources based on
individual needs.
Students have access to Upon recent completion
websites that reinforce of my teacher leader
the subject matter and project, I have become
social growth they are much more aware of my
learning. Some resources teaching style and the
are: spelling city, brain types of assessments I am
pop jr, first in math, RA producing for my
and AR, TIME for Kids students. I am working
articles, and class dojo. towards being more
Parents are also shown flexible with technology
and given access to these use in the classroom as an
resources at Back to aid for students who may
School Night. 7/12/18 need it with test taking or
for completing
I show students how to assignments. 5/8/19
use these resources in
class and we will even use
them together during
instructional time.
Students are also given
TIME for Kids articles
weekly. 7/12/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of students’ Seeks additional information Identifies language Integrates knowledge of Engages English learners in
primary language and describing elements of proficiencies and English English language assessment of their progress
English language culture and language learner strengths in the development, English in English language
proficiencies based on proficiencies in listening, study of language and learners’ strengths and development and in meeting
available assessment data. speaking, reading, and content. Differentiates assessed needs into English content standards. Supports
writing. Uses multiple instruction using one or language and content students to establish and
measures for assessing more components of English instruction. monitor language and
3.6 Addressing the English learners’ language development to content goals.
needs of English performance to identify gaps support English learners.
learners and student in English language
with special needs to Provides adapted materials development. 5/8/19 Creates and implements Develops and adapts Is resourceful and flexible in
provide equitable to help English learners 12/10/18 7/12/18 scaffolds to support instruction to provide a wide the design, adjustment, and
access to the content access content. standards-based instruction range of scaffolded support elimination of scaffolds
Attempts to scaffold content using literacy strategies, for language and content for based on English learners’
using visuals, models, and SDAIE, and content level the range of English proficiencies, knowledge,
graphic organizers. English language learners. and skills in the content.
12/10/18 7/12/18 development in order for
students to improve
language proficiencies and
understand content.
The parents and I will
meet with a translator so
I can have an open line of
communication with the
family. Our students
generally go through a
summer prep class so I
can also use feedback
from that teacher’s
evaluation to help guide
my instruction. 7/12/18

In class, I will seat my

English learners in the
front of room, offer
visuals and use gesturing
to help them understand.
I will also usually try to
find supplemental work
that is at level more
appropriate to their
language abilities.
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has an awareness of the full Seeks additional information Utilizes information on the Integrates accommodations, Guides and support the full
range of students identified on the full range of students full range of students adaptations, and extensions range of student with special
with special needs through identified with special needs identified with special needs to instruction for the full needs to actively engage in
data provided by the school. to address challenges or to assess strengths and range of students with the assessment and monitor
7/12/18 supports in single lessons or competencies to provide special needs to ensure their own strengths,
sequence of lessons. appropriate challenge and adequate support and learning needs, and
accommodations in challenge. achievement in accessing
instruction. 5/8/19 content.
Cooperates with resource 12/10/18 Communicates and
3.6 Addressing the Attends required meeting personnel, para-educators, collaborates with colleagues, Communicates and
needs of English with resource personnel and and families during Communicates regularly support staff, and families to collaborates with resource
families. meetings and activities in with resource personnel, ensure consistent personnel, para-educators,
learners and student
support of learning plans para-educators, and families instruction. Supports families, leadership, and
with special needs to and goals. to ensure that student families in positive students in creating a
provide equitable services are provided and engagement with school coordinated program to
access to the content progress is made in 5/9/19 12/10/18. optimize success of the full
accessing appropriate range of students with
content. Initiates and monitors special needs.
Learns about referral Seeks additional information referral processes and
processes for students with on struggling learners and Refers students as needed in follow-up meeting to ensure Takes leadership at the
special needs. advanced learners to a timely and appropriate that students receive site/district and collaborates
determine appropriateness manner supported with support and/or extended with resource personnel to
for referral. documented data over time, learning that is integrated ensure the smooth and
including interventions tried into the core curriculum. effective implementations of
previous to referral. referral processes.
I read through any When I am provided I have an open line of
materials I am provided materials regarding communication with my
about my students. students with special families of students with
However, being a needs or modification special needs. I email
Kindergarten teacher, plans, I thoroughly read them updates every few
some students do come to through the material and weeks (or as necessary)
school with undiagnosed will also call for a with information about
learning disabilities or conference with the how they are doing
other special needs so I family to further during the school day. I
bring it my directors understand the child and also invite them into my
attention and we will their needs. From there, I classroom to observe and
communicate our am diligent to modify encourage them to ask
concerns with the lessons or independent questions. I also
parents. 7/12/18 work as necessary. frequently talk with our
12/10/18 support staff and
specialty teachers about
anything that may impact
his performance while he
is with them. 7/12/18
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Plans daily lessons using Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
available curriculum and sequence of lessons using instruction based on instruction, which is instruction that provides
information from district additional assessment knowledge of students’ based on broad systematic opportunities
and state required information on student academic readiness, knowledge of students. for supporting and
assessments. academic readiness, academic language, Matches resources and extending student
language, cultural diverse cultural specific strategies to learning based on
4.1 Using knowledge background, and backgrounds, and students’ diverse learning comprehensive
of students’ academic individual development. individual cognitive, needs and cultural information on students.
readiness, language 7/14/18 social, emotional, and backgrounds.
proficiency, cultural physical development to
background, and meet their individual
individual needs. 5/8/19 12/10/18
development to plan Is aware of impact of bias Planning addresses bias, Engages students in the
instruction. on learning. Becomes aware of Examines potential stereotyping, and analysis of bias,
potential areas of bias sources of bias and assumptions about stereotyping, and
and seeks to learn about stereotyping when cultures an members of assumptions.
culturally responsive planning lessons. Uses cultures.
pedagogy. culturally responsive
pedagogy in planning.

Students all receive Curriculum is planned out

individualized seat work, in advanced with year
independent work, long goals in place. Then
centers and leveled small weekly, I reevaluate my
groups. 7/14/18 class’ performance and
progress. This helps me
see how best to
accommodate to the
whole class and
individual students.
Students are given
leveled seat work,
homework and reading
groups. They also receive
one-to-one conferencing
when needed. 121/10/18
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Communicates learning Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
objectives for a single learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning goals articulates
lesson to students based development with students clear learning to students that integrate comprehensive short-
4.2 Establishing and on content standards and students in single lessons goals for content that are content standards with term and long-term
articulating goals for available curriculum. and sequence of lessons. accessible, challenging, students’ strengths, learning goals for
student learning 7/14/18 and differentiated to interests, and learning students. Assists students
address students’ diverse needs. to articulate and monitor
learning needs learning goals.
Before the start of each Learning goals are always
new lesson or topic, I introduced before the
review the end goal for start of a whole group
what the students will be lesson. Before I give out
learning. I use both the my differentiated seat
academic language and work, I will generally call
language that is more back those students in
understandable for my groups to go over their
young students. 7/14/18 instructions and goals. I
also write out their goals
for what to accomplish
during independent time
to help them see what
needs to be
accomplished. 12/10/18
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available curriculum Begins to plan curriculum Establishes short- and Refines sequence of long- Utilizes extensive
for daily, short- and long- units that include a series long-term curriculum term plans to reflect knowledge of curriculum,
4.3 Developing and term plans. of connected lessons and plans for subject matter integrations of content standards, and
sequencing long- are linked to long-term concepts and essential curriculum guidelines, assess learning needs to
term and short-term planning to support related academic frameworks, and design cohesive and
instructional plans to student learning. language and formats assessed instructional comprehensive long- and
support student that support student needs to ensure student short-term instructional
learning learning. 12/10/18 learning 5/9/19. plans that ensure high
7/14/18 levels of learning.

Before the start of the I was recently

school year me and my approached by my
team make year-long director about our new
goals for where the curriculum for the
students should be. Then coming school year and
we meet weekly to how he is putting me on
discuss the short term the job of coordinating
goals and adjust short term and long term
depending on success of goals for the first two
students. 7/14/18 quarters of the school
year. This will give me the
opportunity to integrate
more differentiation to
ensure more engaged
student learning. 5/9/19
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates Plans instruction using a Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or differentiated wide range of strategies incorporating a
suggested by curriculum sequence of lessons that instructional strategies to address learning styles repertoire of strategies
guidelines. respond to students’ into ongoing planning and meet students’ specifically meet
diverse learning needs. that addresses culturally assessed language and students’ diverse
4.4 Planning 7/14/18 responsive pedagogy, learning needs. Provides language and learning
instruction that students’ diverse appropriate support and needs and styles to
incorporates language, and learning challenges for students. advance learning for all.
appropriate Is aware of student needs and styles.
strategies to meet content, learning, and Seeks to learn about Integrates results from a Facilitates opportunities
the learning needs of language needs through students’ diverse learning Uses assessments of broad range of for students to reflect on
all students data provided by the site and language needs students’ learning and assessments into their learning and the
and district. beyond basic data. language needs to inform planning to meet impact of instructional
planning differentiated students’ diverse learning strategies to meet their
instruction. 7/14/18 and language needs learning and language
5/8/19. 12/10/18 needs.

I examine what resources I observe student Use data from students

would be best to help responses to a particular formative and summative
supplement my lesson to resource and then adjust. assessments to help make
target all of the students I also keep note of which curriculum and planning
learning needs. Things tactic I used so that when decisions. I also adapt for
such as manipulatives, reviewing their formal students with learning
online resources, physical assessments I can needs by special seating,
representations of determine if it was more visuals, auditory
objects, non-fiction successful for certain adjustments, etc..
books, etc. 7/14/18 students or the class as a 12/10/18
whole. 7/14/18
CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons and Begins to adapt plans and Makes adjustments and Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans for
uses materials from materials in single adaptations to adjustments to a wide range of
curriculum provided. lessons or sequences of differentiate instructional instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
lessons to address plans. Uses culturally uses a variety of based on in depth
4.5 Adapting
students’ learning needs. responsive pedagogy and materials as the analysis of individual
instructional plans
12/10/18 7/14/18 additional materials to instructional needs arises student needs.
and curricular
support students’ diverse to support student
materials to meet the
learning needs 5/9/19. learning. Engages with students to
assessed learning
identify types of
needs of all students.
adjustments in
instruction that best meet
their learning goals.

I have started to move Since completing my

away from the provided teacher learning project
lesson materials for more students have been
abstract topics. As the exposed to more diverse
school year progresses I teaching approaches to
become more help ensure more
comfortable with engaged student learning.
supplementing different 5/9/19
lessons because I have
gotten to know my
students and what they
respond best to. 7/14/18
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the purposes Explores the use of Decides on the purpose Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
and characteristics of different types of pre- for assessment and skills range of appropriate use of a wide range of
formative and summative assessment, formative to be assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support
assessments. and summative appropriately matches questions about students’ differentiated student
assessments. 7/14/18 pre-, formative and learning needs and learning needs and reflect
5.1 Applying summative progress. 5/9/19 progress.
knowledge of the Begins to identify specific assessments.12/10/18
purposes, characteristics of Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
characteristics, and assessments that yield Selects assessments characteristics into repertoire of appropriate
uses of different different types of based on clear assessments to allow assessment options and
types of assessments information about understanding of the students with a ranges of characteristics to
student preparedness, purposes and learning needs to maximize student
progress, and proficiency. characteristics of demonstrate what they demonstration of
assessments to support know. knowledge.
student learning.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
We do assessments Assessments are always While going through the
weekly on our different aligned with curriculum clear credential program
subjects both graded and we are teaching in the I completed self-
non graded to assess classroom. We pre-plan assessments to encourage
students progress. We our assessments based more self-reflection about
end our units with a off our school curriculum my own teaching. This
graded test that gives us a and then make the helps me stay up to date
clear picture of how well lessons to go along with and motivated to
the students grasped the them. 12/10/18 continuing learning and
concept. We also do daily teaching to the best of my
journals that touch on Having the long term goal abilities. 5/9/19
skills or areas that we are already planned helps us
currently learning about, stay focused on our daily
will learn about or as a lesson goals. Assessments
review. 7/14/18 are even adjusted on
occasion if we see a
discrepancy between
student learning and
assessment questions.

Use data from required Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
assessments to assess additional data using formal and informal assessment plan that strategically and
student learning. supplemental assessment data on provides formal and systematically
assessments. student learning. informal assessment data throughout instruction to
5.2 Collecting and Follows required 12/10/18 7/14/18 on student learning. collect ongoing
analyzing processes for data Make adjustments in assessment data
assessment data analysis and draws planning for single Uses analysis of a variety Uses data analysis of a appropriate for the range
from a variety of conclusions about lessons or sequence of of data to inform broad range of of learner needs.
sources to inform student learning lessons based on analysis planning and assessments to provide
instruction. of assessment data. differentiation of comprehensive Uses results of ongoing
instruction. 7/14/18 information to guide data analysis to plan and
planning and differentiate instruction
differentiation of for maximum academic
instruction. 12/10/18 success.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Daily we do journals, Based off assessments
centers and independent and student learning, we
work that are informal plan our upcoming
assessments and relate to curriculum lesson plans
what we are learning. and make all appropriate
This helps me gauge how modifications. Meeting
well my students are with my team weekly to
learning our new concept discuss upcoming
or how well they are curriculum allows for the
retaining a previous one. time for us to talk about
We also do weekly our assessment results
assessments that are and compare amongst
graded to help me see ourselves.5/9/19
progress as well. 7/14/18 12/10/18

Based off this data I will

conference with students
who are struggling or
supplement as well. If I
see the class a whole is
struggling, I know that I
need to revisit that area
and do a re-teach.

Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors a Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative
available assessment data additional assessment variety of data on student broad range of data work and fosters
5.3 Reviewing data,
as required by site and data individually and learning individually and individually and with colleagues ability to
both individually and
district processes. with colleagues and with colleagues to colleagues to analyze identify and address
with colleagues, to
identifies learning needs identify trends and student thinking and causes for achievement
monitor student
of individual students. patterns among groups of identify underlying patterns and trends.
students. 12/10/18 causes for trends.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
There is a strong amount
of collaboration amongst
our teams at my school.
We constantly are
bringing our results from
assessments to share
during lunches or
meetings. This helps us
know where the strong
points and weak points
are amongst our group of
students and what areas
we need to do better with
in the future. 7/14/18
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses data from Uses data from available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Reflects on data
assessments provided by assessments to establish assessment data to set data to set learning goals continuously to make
site and district to set content-based learning student learning goals for for content and academic ongoing refinements to
learning goals for the goals for class and content and academic language that are learning goals for content
class. 7/14/18 individual students in language5/9/19. integrated across content and academic language
5.4 Using assessment single lessons or 12/10/18 standards for individuals for the fill range of
data to establish sequences of lessons. and groups. students.
learning goals and to Plans instruction using
plan, differentiate, available curriculum Plans adjustments in Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Uses data systematically
and modify guidelines. instruction to address lessons and modifications instruction targeted to to refine planning,
instruction learning needs of to instruction to meet meet individual and differentiate instruction,
individual students. students’ diverse learning group learning needs. and make ongoing
7/14/18 needs.12/10/18 adjustments to match the
Modifies lessons during evolving learning needs
instruction based on of individuals and groups.
informal assessments.
Right now, I don’t do a I always try to have a Every student receives a
good job of physically variety of teaching PLP (Personalized
tracking my students techniques available for Learning Plan) which is
progress beyond grades. I my students. A lot of my based on both
mentally make goals for lessons already include a assessment results and in
them but I think lot of visuals so I try and class performance. These
physically keeping track use other things such as learning goals are
of their progress would hands on learning and communicated with the
help visualize for me and technology to foster all students during class
my students. 7/14/18 my students learning time and with the parents
needs. 7/14/18 electronically and face to
face. 12/10/18

Lessons are consistently

leveled by ability and
many differentiations are
made. I help adapt for
those with fine motor
issues, focus and
attention problems and
those with the wiggles by
using technology and
hands on resources.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student self-assessment for students to self-assess opportunities for student
outcomes, and learning goals through and goal setting and set learning goals self-assessment, goal
summative assessment single lessons or processes for learning related to content, setting, and progress
results. Recognizes the sequence of lessons that content and academic academic language, and monitoring.
5.5 Involving all
need for individual include goal setting language development. individual skills.
students in self-
learning goals. 12/10/18 exercises. 5/9/19 Develops students’ meta-
assessment, goal-
7/14/18 Integrates student self- cognitive skills for
setting, and progress
Provides students with Guides students to assessment, goal setting, analyzing progress and
Monitors progress using opportunities in single monitor and reflect on and progress monitoring refining goals towards
available tools for lessons or sequence of progress on a regular across the curriculum. high levels of academic
recording. lessons to monitor their basis. 5/9/19 achievement.
12/10/187/14/18 own progress toward
class or individual goals.
My students do help me Students make personal
make a long term daily goals and then self-
learning goal with some assess with the guidance
scaffolding. Since they are of the teacher to decide if
Kindergarteners, I they accomplished their
struggled with ways to goal for the day. If they
help them track their did accomplish their goal,
progress throughout the then they can put a check
year but I think its mark on their daily goal
something that can still sheet. 5/9/19
be done and something
that I need to work
towards. 7/14/18

I track my students
progress in our online
gradebook and in my own
record book. We also use
their school assessment
called the CPAA that
shows their progression
with that test through
their years at the school
and taking it. 7/14/18
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available Explores use of additional Uses technology to design Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record technologies to and implement technologies into the technologies to design,
assessments, determine implement individual assessments, record and development, implement, and analyze
proficiency levels, and assessments, record analyze results, and implementation, analysis assessments and
5.6 Using available
make required results, and communicate communicate about of assessments, and provides for an in depth
technologies to assist
communications about with administration, student learning with communication of and ongoing
in assessment,
student learning. colleagues, and families administration, student learning to all communication regarding
analysis, and
7/14/18 about student learning. colleagues, families, and audiences. student learning to all
communication of
students. Ensure that audiences.
student learning
communications are
received by those who
lack access to technology
5/9/19. 12/10/18
I use what is provided by Assessments are done
the school which includes mostly the traditional
our online gradebook, our way (paper/pencil) with
online AR and First in the exception of our
Math accounts and our iReady test and also our
school wide testing called AR quizzes. However, all
CPAA. This is the data results are kept
information we use to electronically and are
help us communicate to also communicated to
the parents or colleagues parents and staff
about students academic members via our Alma
progress. 7/14/18 website or emails home.
Students are also given
hard copies of their
assessment results to
take home, too. 12/10/18
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking and
assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible feedback using ongoing
required summative assessments from single strengths, needs, and to students from formal comprehensible
assessments. lessons or sequence of strategies for improving and informal assessments communications about
lessons. Seeks to provide academic achievement. in ways that support individual student
5.7 Using assessment
Notifies families of feedback in ways that increased learning. progress and ways to
information to share
student proficiencies, students understand. Provides opportunities provide and monitor
timely and
challenges, and behavior 12/10/18 7/14/18 for comprehensible and Communicates regularly support.
issues through school timely two-way with families to share a
feedback with
mandated procedures. Communicates with communications with range of assessment
students and their
families about student families to share student information that is
progress, strengths, and assessments, progress, comprehensible and
needs at reporting raise issues and/or responsive to individual
periods. Contacts families concerns, and guide student and family needs
as needs arise regarding family support. 7/14/18 5/9/19. 12/10/18
struggling students or
behavior issues.
We make students aware Communication is a very
of their results on their important part of our
assessments and meet school environment. We
individually with those communicate to our
who struggled to talk parents about students
about it. We do the results on tests and will
problems again and then email them if they score
make the goal of below a 75%. We also
improving on further send home their CPAA
assessments. 7/14/18 test results quarterly
along with report cards.
We conference once with
everyone at the beginning
of the year and always
offer to meet throughout
at any time. Two way
communication is highly
encouraged between us
and the parents. 7/14/18
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing
reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues on reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually colleagues on the refinements in action research in
student learning. and with colleagues relationship between teaching practice and supporting student
Reflects individually or that is focused on making adjustments in connections among the learning and raising
with colleagues on methods to support teaching practice and elements of the CSTP the level of academic
immediate student the full range of impact on the full to positively impact achievement.
learning needs. learners. range of learners. the full range of
7/14/18 learners. 5/9/19 Engages in and fosters
12/10/18 reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on
student learning.
My colleagues and I meet Since beginning this
weekly to discuss the class, I have become
progress within our much more proactive in
6.1 Reflecting on
classrooms, what we can having conversations
teaching practice in improve on, what we’re with my mentor teacher
support of student doing well. I also self- and other staff members
learning reflect daily on what I did too. I have become
well and what areas I can familiar with the CSTP’s
continue to work on. and do self-reflection
7/14/18 after my lessons to
decide how mindful I was
during my teaching of
meeting my students
needs. 12/10/18
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops goals Sets goals connected to Sets goals connected to Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
connected to the CSTP the CSTP that take into the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
through required account self- authentic, challenging, connected to the CSTP professional goals
processes and local assessment of teaching and based on self- that are intellectually connected to the CSTP
protocols. practice. 12/10/18 assessment. challenging and based to improve
7/14/18 on self-assessment and instructional practice
Attends required Aligns personal goals feedback from a and impact student
professional Expands knowledge with school and variety of sources learning within and
development. and skills individually district goals, and 5/9/19. beyond the classroom.
and with colleagues focuses on improving
through available student Engages in and Engages in ongoing
professional learning.12/10/18 contributes to inquiry into teacher
development. 7/14/18 professional practice for
development targeted professional
6.2 Establishing Selects and engages in on student development.
professional goals professional achievement. Pursues
and engaging in development based on a variety of additional Contributes to
continuous and needs identified in opportunities to learn professional
purposeful professional goals. professionally 5/9/19. organizations, and
professional growth development
and development opportunities to
extend own teaching
Before we begin each I always try to keep my My list of leadership
school year we discuss personal goals as an experiences and goals
what our personal goals educator in line with my reflects my growth and
are going to be for our school’s goals. We are big reflection on my own
classrooms and for us as on character teaching. This has helped
educators. We meet half development so I make guide me on my own
way through the year to that my goal throughout journey in education.
evaluate and then once the year to balance our 5/9/19
more at the end of the academics with character
year to reflect. 7/14/18 building. 7/14/18
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Attends staff, grade Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates
level, department, and colleagues to consider colleagues to improve colleagues to expand collaboration with
other required how best to support student learning and impact on teacher and colleagues.
meetings and teacher and student reflect on teaching student learning
collaborations. learning. practice at the within grade or Works to ensure the
classroom level. department and school broadest positive
Identifies student and Begins to identify how 12/10/18 7/14/18 and district levels. impact possible on
teacher resources at to access student and 5/9/19 instructional practice
the school and district teacher resources in Interacts with and student
level. the broader members of the Engages with members achievement at school
professional broader professional of the broader and district levels and
community 5/9/19 community to access professional for the profession.
12/10/18 7/14/18 resources that support community to access
teacher effectiveness resources and a wide Initiates and develops
6.3 Collaborating and student learning range of supports for professional learning
with colleagues and teaching the full range opportunities with the
the broader of learners. broader professional
professional community focused on
community to student achievement.
support teacher I have started to reach My school is big on When I presented my
out to other Kindergarten collaboration so the teacher leader project, I
and student teachers via Facebook teams meet weekly (at used it as an opportunity
learning and have reached out to the least) to discuss to collaborate with my
my numerous teacher everything within their fellow colleagues and
contact. I seek to classrooms such as have a conversation
communicate and read student successes or about what steps we can
about what is going well hardships, or seeking take further to talk to our
for teachers and what advice about situations admin team. 5/9/19
new techniques they’ve that happened. It’s also a
tried in their own time used to self-reflect
classrooms. I also try to on our strengths and
read articles that I find weaknesses. Our
online to keep myself directors also always
educated on various have an open door so we
teaching styles and the frequently discuss ways
culture around us. to improve our
7/14/18 classroom and teaching.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide
the family in student importance of the contribute to the and support for range of opportunities
learning and the need family’s role in student classroom and school. families to actively for families to
for interactions with learning. Seeks Adjusts participate in the contribute to the
families. information about communication to classroom and classroom and school
cultural norms of families based on school.5/9/19 community. Supports a
families represented in awareness of cultural 12/10/18 7/14/18 school/district
the school. Welcomes norms and wide range environment in which
family involvement at of experiences with Communicates to families take
classroom/ school schools. families in ways which leadership to improve
events. show understanding of student learning.
and respect for cultural
I have a weekly
parent volunteers for
6.4 Working with activities such as
families to support library helper,
student learning teaching a social
studies lesson or art
lesson. We provide
them with a
volunteer handout at
Back to School Night
and then will make
arrangements for
parents to come in. I
also always allow for
parent volunteers for
class parties and
field trips. 7/14/18
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
communities to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the school Includes references or curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
5/9/19. 12/10/18 connections to students, and families. for students.
7/14/18 communities in single Includes knowledge of
lessons or sequence of communities when Draws from Engages students in
Uses available lessons. designing and understanding of leadership and service
neighborhood and implementing community to improve in the community.
community resources instruction and enrich the Incorporates
in single lessons instructional program. community members
5/9/19. 12/10/18 into the school
7/14/18 learning community.
I do not live in the same
city where I teach so I will
6.5 Engaging local try and make an effort of
communities in getting to know the
support of the surrounding areas and
instructional some popular
destinations near my
program school. This can help me
strengthen my
connection with students
during conversations.

I have used the city’s

library for resources and
we even got to visit a
theater to see a live
performance on a book
we read in class. 7/14/18
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops an Maintains professional Anticipates Integrates the full Models
understanding of responsibilities in professional range of professional professionalism and
professional timely ways and seeks responsibilities and responsibilities into supports colleagues in
responsibilities. support as needed. manages time and advanced planning and meeting and exceeding
effort required to meet prepares for situations professional
Seeks to meet required Demonstrates expectations 5/9/19. that may be Responsibilities
commitments to commitment by 12/10/18 7/14/18 challenging. effectively.
students. exploring ways to
address individual Pursues ways to Maintains continual Supports colleagues to
student needs. support students’ effort to seek, develop, maintain the
diverse learning needs and refine new and motivation, resiliency,
and maintains belief in creative methods to and energy to ensure
students’ capacity for ensure individual that all students
achievement. 5/9/19 student learning. achieve.
6.6 Managing 12/10/18 7/14/18
professional I use all available
responsibilities to resources to keep
maintain myself organized and
motivation and focused. I use
commitment to all calendars, planners,
students notes and labeled file
folders to keep my
work on time and
accurate. 7/14/18

I always try and read

up on new strategies
to use in the
classroom or
research ways to
help a student
struggling. I also try
and do as much
positive talk as
possible. 7/14/18
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the
profession in all circumstances.
* As follows:
• Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community
• Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which and holding peers accountable to norms of
these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. respectful treatment and communication.
• Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
• Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct 5/9/19.
• Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and
district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
• Understands and implements school and district policies and state and
federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
6.7 Demonstrating
• Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy,
professional health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
responsibility, • Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
integrity, and • Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
ethical conduct • Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school
community. 12/10/18 7/14/18
I uphold all of these responsibilities by acting with professionalism while at work
and treating my students, families and colleagues with respect. I treat each student Since completing the clear credential program, I have
fairly and keep my personal biases in check when dealing with situations. I try and grown a lot as an educator. I have become much more
be respectful of other cultures and do what I can to learn about it so I can better aware of my role as leader within my school
interact them. I stay aware of my students home lives, clothing and any other signs environment and in my classroom. I also am being
of neglect or abuse that may be occurring. I bring my concerns to administration more self-aware of how I present lessons to my
and will call CPS if necessary. I also always do my best to be honest, trustworthy students and do better to be more culturally aware
and follow through with my obligations. 7/14/18 with vocabulary and other activities. Lastly, I have a
new appreciation for collaboration with my peers
because of how much of a difference I have seen it
make. 5/9/19

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