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There are many things I would do differently if I were to submit this assignment again. As this
was my first time doing a vlog ever, I was not really sure how to approach it. I used iMovie to
record and edit the vlog and used small visual cues to try and make the audience more engaged.
However, if I could change it, I would definitely use Zoom to record this vlog, since it’s much
easier to use. I would also integrate PowerPoint slides into the Zoom recording to make the
messages I was trying to get across clearer to the viewer. This would also make it look more
professional, as the vlog itself looks quite amateur right now, especially since at points it would
zoom in and out, features I added because I thought it would look “cool” but now realize detract
from the video itself.

Another thing I would change is my use of non-verbal cues (like hand gestures). I tend to speak a
lot with my hands, which is not always great in a public setting situation but is especially not
great in a video where the only focus was myself. They were definitely excessive at points and
actually detracted from the points I was trying to make instead of adding, which was my
intention. While the use of hand gestures can be effective in key moments, in vlogs, you must be
aware of when those key moments actually come into play. I would definitely be more self-
aware and focus on keeping my movements under control.

Additionally, I would integrate my top talents into my opening hook to grab the viewer’s
attention. Some of the exemplars in class utilized this technique, and I think it would have added
a more engaging element to my vlog. Instead, I stuck my talents in later in a manner that did not
necessarily flow and definitely did not convince the reader that I actually possessed those talents
or would be able to use them. Overall, the flow of the entire vlog was not necessarily as good as
it could have been. Next time, I would focus on ensuring that my transitions were smoother and
made more sense for the viewer.

Finally, I would work on my call to action. While mine was unique, since I chose to say that we
must hold our friends accountable for their actions when it comes to sexual assault, it wasn’t
necessarily strong or very clear. It was more “fluffy” and general instead of a specific action that
someone could take to help combat sexual assault on campus. I also did not include any way to
contact me, which should definitely be included in calls to action as to ensure open
communication with the viewer.

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