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Instruction: What you’ll teach, and how


Time Teacher Does Student Does

Set up:
Write “What is Biodiversity? Why is it
important?” on the board, the content
objectives and language objectives, and write
up the homework assignment (produce a
word study guide for the bolded vocabulary
for Chapter 4.4 and 4.5). Set up the projector
to show the TED-Ed video on YouTube about


Time Teacher Does Student Does

Enter classroom and sit down in

Introduce lesson: explain that we are their assigned seats
beginning a new unit on biodiversity.
Before we start diving deeper into the unit,
we must first learn the essential key terms
necessary to understand the topic of
Explain that our goal for today is for you to be
able to complete this word study guide for
1-7 the new vocabulary.
Have students pull out a sheet of paper to Students take out a sheet of paper
write on. to write on.

Instruct students to write down any Students write down words that
important words that they see or hear in the they feel is important from the
video. video.
Display the TED-Ed video named “Why is
biodiversity so important?”
Pass out the word study guide template to
each student. Project the word study guide
template up on the ELMO. Students turn to page 78 in their
Have students open textbook to Chapter 4 on
pg. 78 and read section 1. Students compare the words that
they had come up with from the
Instruct students to pay attention to big idea video and the words from the book.
7-10 Circle the ones in common.
words (bolded/italicized) and circle any
words, on their sheet of paper, that are in
common between the video and the textbook.
Remind students that we are going to be
learning about the meaning of new words

For the ELs and struggling students, provide

a list of words that we want to focus on.

Give students about 7 minutes to read the Students will independently read.
Afterwards, the teacher will begin explaining
how to complete the word study guide by
modeling how to fill in each column.

Ask students what they thought the big idea

Students will answer what the big
word was for the first section. Write their
idea words are.
answers on the board.

Focus on biological diversity/biodiversity. Complete the word study guide

Write down “biodiversity” in the first column following along with the teacher:
under “word.” writing the word down, locating
the sentence the word is found in,
Ask students to locate the sentence that the an explanation of the word in their
word is found in. own words, examples of using the
10-30 Write down the sentence under the second word in a sentence, and drawing a
mins column “Found in This Sentence.” visual image representing the
For the third column, discuss how we will
complete the explanation: describe the word
in everyday language for “bio” and
“diversity.” The explanation should include
you, something, or someone. For example: Bio
comes from biology, meaning life. Diversity
means a variety of different things.
Biodiversity includes all the different living
things like plants, animals, and the types of
the places that they live in.
We can talk about the biodiversity of a forest
or a lake or even a school garden.

For the fourth column for “examples”, solicit

students to provide their own examples of
the word in action. An example would be: the
biodiversity of a rainforest which includes
tree and the animals that live in it: frogs,
birds, and insects.

For the last column, draw an visual image of

what biodiversity may look like. An example
would be the forest with all the trees and

Select another big idea word that students

will work on. The next word can be “species”

Have students try and independently

complete the columns for the word.
Afterwards, instruct them to pair-share with
their elbow partners what they put for each
Students will complete another
row for a new word.

Students will pair-share with their

elbow partners and explain their
examples for the new word.

For advanced students encourage them to Students should attempt to

provide more than one example. complete the word study guide
30-45 using keywords from section 2.
Have students read section 2. Identify key
words that they should focus on. Have
students complete the word study guide.

Time Teacher Does Student Does

Have students put their names on the word Turn in their completed word
study guide and collect them. Remind study guide.
students of homework assignment: complete
another word study guide for Chapter 4-4
and 4-5.

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