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Instruction: What you’ll teach, and how


Time Teacher Does Student Does

Set up:
Write “How do invasive species impact the biodiversity
<0 of an ecosystem?” on the board, the content objectives
min and language objectives, and write up the homework
assignment (create an inquiry chart about the two
articles that they didn’t read in class)


Time Teacher Does Student Does

Students enter classroom

1-3 Introduce invasive species topic. Go over objectives and sit down in their
mins with students assigned seats

Pass out the inquiry chart template to students.

The students have watched a Youtube video “Divers
Fight the Invasive Lionfish” from the National
Geographic channel.
Brainstorm with students things about Lionfish and
invasive species that they might be wondering.
Solicit possible questions to explore, looking for high-
order thinking questions, especially the “why” and
“how” questions. Students come up with
mins Introduce the Inquiry Chart by modeling how to use the questions about lionfish
tool to organize information on the chart. as an invasive species
Record the chosen questions in the boxes along the top.
These questions could be: Where did the lionfish come
from? How did the invasive species get there? How have
the invasive species affected the native species? What
happens when there’s too many of them? How can we
get rid of invasive species, especially lionfish?

15- After an array of questions have been generated, have Students choose four
20 the class choose four on which they want to focus on questions they want to
mins and investigate. focus on and investigates
Brainstorm any background/preexisting knowledge
about what the students already know about invasive Students contribute any
species/lionfish. Ask students to offer what they know background knowledge
or have heard about lionfish and have them indicate about invasive species.
which question on the chart their response might
answer. Students write in “Other
Prior knowledge that do not answer the questions can important information”
be placed in the column labeled “Other Important their prior knowledge
Information.” that do not answer the
selected questions

Students split up into


Divide students into three large groups and assign one Students read given
text to them. Each group should be heterogeneous, with articles
students of various reading levels so that students may
help one another. Have students work in collaborative
groups, with each group consulting a different source.
38 Instruct students to cite the sources that they are
mins talking about.
Students cite the source
Walk around to ensure that students are working and they used to answer the
discussing their answers with one another. inquiry questions.

Students discuss the

answers they find
written in their inquiry
charts with their group.

As the students read the articles, a new question may

Students will write
emerge from their research. Have students record their
developing questions in
new questions under the column labeled “New
the “New Question”
38- Questions”
mins Instruct students to begin synthesizing the information
Students will summarize
in each column into a summary once they have finished
their findings per column
researching their answers.
in a summary.

Time Teacher Does Student Does

48- Remind students of the homework assignment: read the Students will show
50 other two articles and complete an inquiry chart for completed handout on
mins them. the way out.

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