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Technical manual

Solutions for the Growing World

Applaud® Insecticide was discovered more than 30 years ago by
Nihon Nohyaku Co. Ltd. in Japan, and was subsequently developed in
Australia by Dow AgroSciences.

Applaud has activity against members of the Hemiptera (sub order:

Homoptera) including scales, mealybugs, leafhoppers and whiteflies.

Applaud has no effect on most beneficial insects. This includes members

of the Hymenoptera (e.g. parasitoid wasps and honey bees), Coleoptera
(beetles), Diptera (flies), Dermaptera (earwigs), Neuroptera (lacewings) and
Red scale on
It also has no effect on Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and mandarin
Thysanoptera (thrips).

It is this combination of activity against hard-to-kill sucking pests and

selectivity to almost all key beneficial insects that has seen Applaud replace
older broad-spectrum insecticides in many cropping systems around the
Applaud has been and continues to be a valuable enabler of integrated pest
management (IPM) in Australia and around the world.

Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual

Applaud inhibits the synthesis of chitin by suppressing Despite the substantial list of active constituents
the hormone that regulates the process in insects which are defined as “IGRs”, the great majority are
from the sub-order Homoptera. As such it is termed a used in a few highly specific applications – for termite
Homopteran chitin biosynthesis inhibitor. control, sciarid flies in mushrooms and animal health
blowfly control. Only buprofezin and methoxyfenozide
It is distinct from other insect growth regulators (IGRs), (Prodigy™ Insecticide) are used as cover sprays in
as can be seen in the table below, in that it only controls horticultural crops in Australia.
Homopterans, while other IGRs specifically control
Lepidopterans (caterpillars and moths) or Dipterans (flies).

Main Mode of Action Group and Chemical Sub-Group or Active Constituent

Primary Site of Action Exemplifying Active Constituent (Examples Only)

Group 15 Chlorfluazuron
Inhibitors of chitin biosynthesis, type 0, Benzoylureas Hexaflumuron
Lepidopteran growth regulation Lufenuron

Group 16
Inhibitiors of chitin biosynthesis, type 1, Buprofezin
(Applaud Insecticide)
Homopteran growth regulation

Group 17
Moulting disruptor, Cyromazine Cyromazine
Dipteran growth regulation

Group 18
Ecdysone receptor agonists, Diacylhydrazines
(Prodigy Insecticide)
Lepidopteran growth regulation
Extract from “CropLife Australia Insecticide resistance management review Group Mode of Action Classification for Insecticides (14 June 2012)”.

From the point of view of insect intoxication, Applaud is absorbed by direct

contact and by ingestion, both of which rely on good coverage of the crop/
pest complex.

Another way to interpret a product’s “mode of action” is to consider the way it

interacts with the target crop.

Applaud is a contact insecticide in as much as it is neither absorbed by the

plant nor translocated to growing points. For this reason – coupled with
the often cryptic nature of the target pest – very good coverage of vines,
trunks and foliage is required to ensure maximum effect. New foliage which
emerges after an application of Applaud will not be protected because
Applaud is not systemic in the plant.
Trade Name Applaud Insecticide

Common Name Buprofezin

2 – tert – butylimino – 3 – isopropyl – 5 –

Chemical Name
phenylperhydro – 1,3,5 – thiadiazin – 4 – one

Empirical Formula C16H23N3OS

Molecular Weight 305.4

Appearance White crystal

Melting Point 104.5 to 105.5oC

Vapour Pressure 1.25 mPa at 25oC

Water 0.9 mg/L

Acetone 240 g/L

Solubility Benzene 370 g/L

Toluene 320 g/L

Ethanol 80 g/L

 table in both acid and alkaline solutions

Stable to heat and light

Formulation 440 g/L suspension concentrate

EFFECTIVENESS Low solubility makes Applaud very rainfast once it has
OF APPLAUD dried on foliage or other plant surfaces. It is very resistant
to wash-off once the spray deposit has dried.
Applaud is relatively persistent on plant surfaces,
especially within imperfections on the leaf surface and
within cracks and crevices in bark. This extended residual
life is due to the very low solubility of Applaud coupled
with resistance to degradation by ultraviolet light. As soon as the spray deposit has dried, workers can
return to the orchard or vineyard without the need for any
protective clothing.

Applaud is bound tightly to plants, doesn’t volatilize and

is of very low toxicity to non-target insects, vertebrates,
and humans.
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual


Honey Bees
Applaud has been trialed against honey bees at rates up to 2,000 ppm and
has been shown to have no direct effect at these rates.

Predators and Parasitoids

Applaud at label rates of 30 to 60 mL/100 L water has been demonstrated
to be safe to most beneficial and predatory insects including bumblebees,
parasitoid wasps such as Aphytis lignanensis, Leptomastix dactylopii and
Encarsia spp., and predatory mites such as Phytoseiulus persimilis and
Typhlodromus occidentalis.

Applaud has no significant effect on adult ladybirds

but is known to be toxic to early instars of both
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri and Chilocorus circumdatus.
Applaud Insecticide may also affect egg hatch of these
species for 2 to 3 weeks after application.

The impact of Applaud on key Australian beneficial insects is listed in the following table.

Direct toxicity and time for safe reintroduction of beneficial species

Beneficial Insect Direct Toxicity Residual (Weeks)

Predatory mites
Phytoseiulus persimilis Low 0
Typhlodromus occidentalis Low 0

Chilocorus spp. High 3
Cryptolaemus montrouzieri High 3
Rhyzobius spp. High 3

Parasitoid wasps
Aphytis spp. Low 0
Encarsia spp. Low 0
Leptomastix dactylopii Low 0
Trichogramma spp. (Low) 0
Mallada signata Low 0
The residual time refers to the time following application after which the particular beneficial insect can be re-introduced.
This information is extracted from the book “Citrus Pests and Their Natural Enemies” edited by Dan Smith, GAC Beattie and Roger Broadley and
published by the Queensland Department of Primary Industries. This is an authoritative guide to integrated pest management in citrus in Australia
and is a valuable resource for integrated pest management in other tree crops.
A range of application equipment has been evaluated and employed during
more than 10 years of research work and commercial application in a number
of tree crops.

In general, apply Applaud in sufficient water to ensure complete wetting of all

surfaces. Complete coverage is essential because Applaud is not systemic in
the plant (i.e. it stays where it lands) and because insects need to come into
contact with it (by contact or ingestion) for it to be effective.

Applaud is compatible with most commonly used crop protection products
with the exception of those which are highly alkaline or highly acidic.

Applaud is compatible with most commonly-used horticultural surfactants

and mineral spraying oils.

Applaud is NOT compatible with Sacoa BioPest® oil.

Applaud has also been shown to be compatible with 2,4-D amine where this
is used as a thinning and fruit sizing agent in citrus.

Spray adjuvants are not required but may in some cases help to overcome
conditions which otherwise would result in reduced performance of Applaud.
These include hard-to-wet foliage, dusty foliage, trees or vines with deeply
creviced bark which is hard to wet.

More crop-specific information can be found in the citrus and mango

sections. For more information, contact your supplier or Dow AgroSciences
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual


There are few products that offer effective control of growing season. Ideally, two spray applications should
key sucking pests (scales, mealybugs and leafhoppers be made 14 to 21 days apart, with the initial spray going
[jassids]) while at the same time are selective to the on when crawlers are first identified. The two sprays will
beneficial insects relied upon in IPM systems. It is control crawlers that emerge early and also any of the
important that products which have these qualities are same generation that are delayed. Applaud should be
used judiciously so that they remain effective for many applied no more than twice per season and the two-spray
years into the future. programme (outlined above) should negate the need for
further applications. It helps to ensure that Applaud only
There are several different measures that can be taken to selects from a single generation of the target pest while
ensure Applaud works effectively – and remains effective earlier and later sprays with other products expose other
– against target pests. generations of the target pest to products with different
modes of action.
• Using dormant sprays (products which otherwise
might not fit in an IPM programme).
Dormant sprays, followed by sprays targeting crawler
• Timing spray applications to target crawlers, the activity will severely impact the ability of pest populations
susceptible insect growth stage. to build-up early in the season. As the weather warms,
• Limiting the number of Applaud applications to two per predators and parasitoids come into their own and it is
season. important that they not be adversely impacted by broad
spectrum insecticides at this stage. These insects will
• Rotating between products from different chemical maintain pest populations below threshold levels and
groups. negate the need for further intervention sprays, providing
• Encouraging beneficial insects which can act as the right crop protection products are selected and
another mode of action. applied appropriately, At this stage of the season, a poor
choice of insecticide, miticide and/or even fungicide may
• Using cultural techniques to manage insect pests
result in suppression of beneficial insects and a flare of
(canopy management, weed control, etc.).
insect pests.
While not all products offer the same degree of
Depending on which pest is being targeted in the orchard
selectivity to beneficial insects that Applaud does, some
or vineyard, there are several beneficial insect species
harder chemicals can be employed at a time of year (or
which can be purchased “off-the-shelf” to augment the
growth stage) when beneficial insects aren’t present or
naturally occurring beneficial insect population, but these
are inactive.
too are just as prone to decimation if the wrong choices
are made.
A good example of this use of harder chemicals within
an effective IPM system is the application of Lorsban™
Culturally, measures can be taken to help in the fight
sprays during grape or pome fruit dormancy. During
against pests. Good pruning and canopy management
the colder months of dormancy, beneficial insects are
will limit the attractiveness of crops to pests and enable
themselves in protected over-wintering sites and only
dormant and in-season sprays to work effectively.
become effective at controlling pests when spring brings
warmer conditions.
Management of interrow crops, weeds or mulches can
also work for or against both pests and beneficial insects
Applaud only works well on immature insects (“crawlers”)
and as such is an integral part of an effective IPM system.
and controlling the first generation in spring is the best
way to protect the orchard or vineyard for the rest of the


Wine Grapes DO NOT apply after 80% capfall




Some crops for export to particular destinations may require a longer harvesting withholding period.
For up-to-date and specific advice, contact Dow AgroSciences on 1800 700 096.


For insecticide resistance management purposes, Applaud (and other
formulations of buprofezin) is the only Group 16 insecticide.

Insect resistance to Applaud has developed in other parts of the world where
its use has not been adequately managed. After more than 20 years of use
in Australia, insect resistance has not developed and that is a tribute to the
careful use of the product by growers. Any complacency however could
quickly lead to the development and spread of resistance and the loss of this
useful chemistry to industry.

Chemical rotation and integrated pest management are two powerful

weapons in the fight against resistance. There are several chemical groups
that offer IPM-compatible control of Homopteran insects and these should
be incorporated into spray programmes.

Chlorpyrifos (Lorsban – group 1B), spirotetramat (Movento® – Group 23),

pyriproxyfen (Admiral® – Group 7C), the neonicotinoids (e.g. imidacloprid –
Group 4A) and various oils are examples of products with different modes of
action which can be used in a rotation an IPM-compatible system for control
of sucking insects.

Choosing IPM-compatible products for control of chewing pests (e.g. caterpillars) is encouraged as they will not
adversely affect the beneficial insects that are helping control the “chewers” as well as the “suckers”.

Good examples of these products are Prodigy, an IGR that only controls caterpillars and is safe to all other insects,
and Success™ NEO, another insecticide which is tough on caterpillars and soft on most beneficials.
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual

Toxicity of Applaud Insecticide to Mammals

Acute Oral Toxicity Rats LD50 ≥ 5,000 mg/kg

Acute Dermal Toxicity Rats LD50 > 2,000 mg/kg

Skin Irritant Nil

Eye Irritation Slight irritant

Skin Sensitiser Not a skin sensitiser

Buprofezin was not found to be carcinogenic in rats and mice, nor did it affect the reproductive performance,
cause birth defects and interact with genetic material.

Toxicity to Non-Target Organisms

Aquatic Animal Toxicity Carp LC50 (48 hour) 2.7 ppm

Water flea LC50 (3 hour) 50.6 ppm

Best Practice Application in Citrus Oscillating Booms (Citrus Only)
Best control of scales and mealybugs is afforded by A spray volume of 7,000 to 12,000 L water/ha should be
oscillating booms applying sufficient water to completely used for trees up to 5 m high.
wet all plant surfaces, including wood, foliage and fruit.
Depending on tree size, these treatments apply Applaud at To optimise control the following application procedures
1.5 to 3.0 L/ha at a dilution of 30 mL/100 L. A guide to the are recommended:
correct set-up for an oscillating boom is provided below.
a) Ground Speed 2.3 to 2.75 km/hr
Airblast sprayers can be used for these pests providing
they are set up correctly and deliver thorough coverage
b) Pump Pressure 3000 to 5000 kPa
and complete wetting of all surfaces. This may require
spray volumes of 5,000 L/ha.
90 to 110 oscillations per
c) Oscillation Rate
Where water volumes applied are lower than those
needed to ensure complete wetting of all surfaces, such Adjacent cones marrying
as through concentrate spray equipment, the dilution at about 1.75 m (i.e.
rate must be adjusted to apply a minimum of 1.5 L of narrow cone angle, but
Applaud/ha. Control of scale and mealybug may be d) Spray Pattern
the maximum angle
reduced under these conditions. consistent with good tree
Airblast sprayers are generally adequate for targeting
jassids (leafhoppers) as long as a spray volume of 1 large paddle per 500 L;
approximately 5,000 L/ha is used. paddles should clear the
e) Agitation bottom of the vat by about
Spraying oils may enhance the control of adult scale. 10 mm and should have
the same orientation
Applaud is also compatible with organosilicone-based
adjuvants such as Pulse®. In trial work at Gayndah and Set angle of top to match
commercial applications in the Central Burnett, adding f) Boom
tree size
Pulse gave improved control of red scale.
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual

Control of Scales
Applaud will control red scale and white louse (citrus It has poor activity against adult scales because they are
snow) scales. no longer going through the moulting process.

Apply Applaud when there is heavy crawler emergence, Use the high rate (60 mL/100 L) when heavy infestations
particularly in late summer. Applaud has residual activity occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively
and will continue to control emerging crawlers for some managed pest populations by monitoring time. A second
time after application. application 21 to 28 days after the first will give the best
Where the crawler infestation is severe, a second
application may be required
14 to 28 days after the first application. Applaud works
best in an integrated pest management (IPM) programme
where parasitoid wasps such as Aphytis spp. are active.

Action Levels
10% or more of fruit of early varieties infested or 15 to 20% or more of fruit
of late varieties infested.

Red Scale Control

Average of 8 trials in Central Burnett (QLD) and 2 trials in Griffith (NSW).
Red scale on

% Control




Applaud Applaud Applaud Supracide®
(1 x 30 mL) (2 x 30 mL) (1 x 60 mL) (1 x 50 mL)
Control of Mealybugs
Applaud controls longtailed mealybug, citrus mealybug, and citrophilous mealybug.

Apply Applaud if thresholds are exceeded in spring-summer. Use the high rate (60 mL/100 L) when heavy infestations
occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively managed pest populations by monitoring time. A second
application 21 to 28 days after first will give the best control.

Action Levels

10 to 20% of fruit of navels and grapefruit infested

Longtailed Mealybug
20% of fruit of other varieties infested

10% of fruit of navels and grapefruit infested

Citrus Mealybug
20% of fruit of other varieties infested

10 to 20% of fruit of navels and grapefruit infested

Citrophilous Mealybug
20% of fruit of other varieties infested


Citrus Mealybug Control
% Control

Average of 2 trials in Central
Burnett (QLD) and 3 trials in SA.


Applaud Applaud Applaud Supracide®
(2 x 30 mL) (1 x 60 mL) (2 x 60 mL) (1 x 50 mL)

Longtailed Mealybug Control
80 Average of 3 trials in Shepparton
70 (VIC) and 3 trials in SA.
% Control

0 Longtailed
Applaud Applaud Applaud Applaud Supracide® Tokuthion® mealybug
(1 x 30 mL) (2 x 30 mL) (1 x 60 mL) (2 x 60 mL) (1 x 50 mL) (1 x 50 mL)
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual

Control of Jassids
The citrus jassid (Empoasca smithii) damages early season varieties as it moves from hardening
flush growth onto ripening fruit.

Apply Applaud when thresholds are exceeded in January and again in February if required. Apply
when juvenile stages predominate.

Action Levels
20% or more of flushes infested or 5% or more of fruit.

Jassid Control
Data from 5 trials in the Burnett (6 to 8 weeks after application).


% Control




Applaud Applaud Applaud Applaud Supracide®
(1 x 30 mL) (2 x 30 mL) (1 x 60 mL) (2 x 60 mL) (1 x 50 mL)
Applaud is most effective when applied to mango scales Application volumes between 1,250 and 2,500 L/ha may
at the nymph stage, but will reduce numbers of adult be necessary to ensure complete wetting depending on
female scales to a degree as well. tree size.

Monitor scales and apply Applaud when the majority of DO NOT use mineral oils in mangoes as fruit blotch-
crawlers have emerged. This usually coincides with tree ing may occur.
flushing after harvest and in spring when fruit are 1.5 to
2.0 cm diameter.

Repeat applications within 14 to 28 days may be


Airblast sprayers that are set up to ensure thorough

coverage and complete wetting of all plant surfaces will
provide good results in mangoes, if trees are well pruned
and have minimal foliage on branches inside the main

Action Levels
Monitor 10 to 20 trees/ha and, as a general guide, spray if
> 5% of fruit have live scale, or
> 5% of leaves have live female scales with large numbers of males, or
> 10% of leaves have live female scale
Mango scale
These guidelines are subject to review by the Queensland Department of
Primary Industries and it is recommended that these be checked regularly.

Control of Mango Scale

Data from 2 QDPI trials at Walkamin and Horseshoe Lagoon (3 to 4 weeks
after last application).

Untreated 9
Live Nymphs per Fruit

Applaud (60 mL) 8

Applaud (60 mL) + oil 7
Supracide® (50 mL) + oil 6
Single Application Double Application
Applaud Insecticide Technical Manual


DO NOT apply by air.
DO NOT apply more than twice per year in any crop.

All rates below are given for dilute spraying.

Scales: Apply when there is heavy crawler emergence,
particularly in late summer. Where the infestation is severe,
a second application may be required 14 to 28 days later.
Red scale, Applaud works best in an integrated pest management
Citrus including: White louse scale, (IPM) programme where parasites such as Aphytis spp. are
Oranges Longtailed mealybug, 30 to 60 mL active.
Lemons Citrus mealybug, Mealybugs: Apply if thresholds are exceeded in spring-
Mandarins Citrophilous mealybug summer. Repeat after 21 to 28 days if necessary.
Grapefruit Rate: Use the high rate when heavy infestations of the
Limes pests occur and/or where IPM systems have not effectively
managed pest populations.
Apply when thresholds are exceeded in January and
Jassids (leafhoppers) 30 mL again in February if required. Apply when juvenile stages
Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 21 days apart,
Custard apples 30 to 60 mL as a high volume cover spray to run-off using air blast or
Scale insects
high volume hydraulic nozzles.
Apply twice, 14 to 21 days apart, starting when the first
Longtailed mealybug, emergence of crawlers is observed. Use the high rate when
Grapes 30 to 60 mL
Tuber mealybug heavy infestations occur and/or where IPM systems have
not effectively managed pest populations.
Monitor scales and apply when the majority of crawlers
have emerged. This usually coincides with tree flushing
after harvest and in spring when fruit are 1.5 to 2.0 cm
Mangoes Mango scale 60 mL
across. A repeat application within 14 to 28 days may be
necessary. DO NOT use mineral oils as fruit blotching may
Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 21 days apart
Mealybugs, when significant pest infestations develop. Apply as a high
Passion fruit 30 to 60 mL
Scale insects volume cover spray to run-off using air blast or high volume
hydraulic nozzles.
Apply twice, 10 to 14 days apart between swollen bud
and the end of flowering in sufficient volume to ensure
the bark is soaked, with thorough coverage to the point of
Longtailed mealybug,
Pears 30 to 60 mL run-off. Use the high rate when heavy infestations occur
Tuber mealybug
and/or where IPM systems have not effectively managed
pest populations, particularly under harsh environmental
Apply a maximum of two sprays per season, 14 days apart.
Persimmons 60 mL Apply when the first batch of scale or mealybug crawlers
Scale insects
occur after winter.
NOTE: To optimise control of mealybugs in most crops it is critical to time treatment to coincide with the first emergence of crawlers.
If it is intended to release Cryptolaemus ladybeetles as part of an IPM system in crops such as passion fruit and custard apples, the last application
of Applaud should be made no later than 60 days before the anticipated release date.
Citrophilous mealybug (Pseudococcus calceolariae); citrus mealybug (Planococcus citri); longtailed mealybug (Pseudococcus longispinus); red scale
(Aonidiella aurantii); tuber mealybug (Pseudococcus viburni); white louse (citrus snow) scale (Unaspis citri); jassids (leaf hoppers) (Cicadellidae);
mealybugs (Pseudococcidae); scale insects (Coccidae, Diaspididae and Eriococcidae).
Solutions for the Growing World







in a drum
For more information contact your local Dow AgroSciences representative on
TOLL FREE 1800 700 096

Applaud® is the registered trademark of Nihon Nohyaku.

®™ Trademarks of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow.
Supracide® is the registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.
Tokuthion® is a trademark of Arysta LifeScience.
Admiral® is a registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Australia Pty Ltd.
Movento® is a registered trademark of Bayer.
BioPest® is a registered trademark of SACOA Pty Ltd.
Pulse® is a registered trademark of Nufarm Americas, Inc.

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