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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelompok Keahlian : Semua Kelompok Keahlian
Kurikulum : KTSP dan K13
Jumlah Soal : 40 Pilihan Ganda dan 5 Essay Test
Waktu : 120 Menit

Disusun Oleh :
Tim MGMP Bahasa Inggris
SMK Kota Batam


TAHUN 2018

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand spoken
English. There are four parts to this section, with special directions for each part.


Questions 1 to 3

Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and four short statements about it on
the tape. These statements will be spoken twice, but are not written out in your test book, so you must listen
carefully. You must choose one statement A, B, C, or D that best describes the picture. Then, on your
answer sheet, mark your choice


Look at the picture and listen to the four statements

A. They are looking at each other.

B. They are brushing their teeth.
C. They are holding something on their left hand
D. The children are about to comb their hair

Choice (B), “They are brushing their teeth,” best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you
should choose answer (B) on your answer sheet

1. Look at picture number 1

2. Look at picture number 2

3. Look at picture number 3


Questions: 4 to 7
You will hear a question and three possible responses. Choose the response that most closely answers the
question and fill in the corresponding oval on your answer sheet.

Now listen to the sample question:

You will hear : How is the weather?

You will also hear : A. It’s raining.

B. He’s fine, thanks.
C. He’s my boss.

The best response to the question “How is the weather?” Is choice (A), “It’s raining.” Therefore, you should
choose answer (A).

Now let’s begin with question number (4) on your test paper.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Questions 8 to 11

In this part of the test, you will hear several short conversations. You will hear the conversations twice. The
conversations will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the
speakers say. In your test book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to each question, and mark it on your answer
You will hear:
Man : Do you have any plans during holiday?
Woman : I still have no idea about that
Man : What about going camping with some friends?
Woman : Wow, that’s sounds great

You will read: What does the woman imply?

A. She will stay at home.
B. She doesn’t enjoy her holiday
C. She will go to the summer camp
D. She will go camping with some friends

Choice (D), “She will go camping with some friends,” is the best answer to the question” what does the
woman imply?” Therefore, you should choose answer (D) on your answer sheet.

Now, let’s begin with question number 8 on your test paper.

8. Who are the speakers talking about?

A. A waiter.
B. A chauffeur.
C. A repairman.
D. A traffic officer.

9. Why can’t the man read?

A. People are leaving.
B. The noise is too loud
C. He wants to listen to the radio.
D. The He isn’t used to the library.

10. What is implied about Mr. Ramon?

A. He needs to see the fax today.
B. He knows that Chris is having problem
C. He is president of Complex Computers.
D. He is manager at the speakers’ company

11. What will the man probably do next?

A. Help the woman.
B. E-mail Mr. Evans.
C. Telephone Rebecca.
D. contact the new clients

Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two short talks. Each talk is spoken two times and is not
written on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

Now let’s begin with short talk number (12) on your test paper.

Questions 12 to 13 are based to the following Procedure

12. What is the instruction mainly about?

A. Howto use internet
B. How to send email to computer
C. How to install an antivirus on Computer
D. How to set computer up to the internet

13. What should you keep off when online?

A. Install antivirus
B. Set up web browser
C. Connect to other PC
D. Sharing private identity

Questions 14 to 15 are based to the following Announcement

14. What is the main purpose of the announcement?

A. To celebrate a new flight
B. To answer customer questions
C. To introduce Global executives
D. To initiate boarding procedures

15. What should passengers do if they have questions?

A. Ask the pilot
B. Receive a brochure
C. Wait for a special announcement
D. Visit the customer-service counter




Questions 16 to 17 refer to the following text.

The next artist in this survey of American artist is James Whistler; he is included in this survey
of American artist because he was born in the United States, although the majority of his artwork was
completed in Europe. Whistler was born in Massachusetts in 1834, but nine years later his father
moved the family to St. Petersburg, Russia, to work on the construction of a railroad. The family
returned to the United States in 1849. Two years later Whistler entered the U.S. military academy at
West Point, but he was unable to graduate. At the age of twenty-one Whistler went to Europe to study
art despite familial objections, and he remained in Europe until his death.

Whistler worked in various art forms, including etchings and lithographs. However, he is most
famous for his paintings, particularly Arrangement in Gray and Black No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s
Mother or Whistler’s Mother, as it is more commonly known. This painting shows a side view of
Whistler’s mother, dressed in black and posing against a gray wall. The asymmetrical nature of the
portrait, with his mother seated off-center, is highly characteristic of Whistler’s work.

16. Which of the following sentence best describes the information in the passage?
A. Several artists are presented
B. Whistler’s family life is outlined.
C. Various paintings are contrasted
D. One artist’s life and works are described

17. The world “majority” in line 2 is closest in meaning to …

A. seniority
B. maturity
C. large pieces
D. high percentage

Questions 18 to 19 refer to the following announcement.

To all 10th grade students,
Please join one or two of extracurricular activities offered by the school below:

Scouts - Saturday - 15.00 - 17.30 - School yard

Badminton - Tuesday - 15.30 - 16.30 - School Gymnasium
Volleyball - Friday - 15.00 - 16.30 - School yard
Basketball - Wednesday - 15.00 - 16.30 - School yard
Dancing – Tuesday - 15.30 - 16.30 - School hall
English Club – Monday - 15.00-17.00 - School hall

See your class captain for register!

Student Organization Supervisor,

Miss Anindya

18. The text mainly tells about ….

A. the places where extracurricular activities are held.
B. the invitation from Student Organization Supervisor.
C. the information about time for extracurricular activities.
D. the announcement to join extracurricular activities.

19. After reading the text, we can conclude that …

A. there is no extracurricular activity on Thursday.
B. each extracurricular activity has two hours’ duration.
C. the students can only join one extracurricular activity.
D. the students should see Miss Anindya for registration.
Questions 20 to 21 refer to the following advertisement.

We provide : 27 passengers bus ; 29 passengers bus
Full AC, Music, Toilet, TV, Video.
We serve Java, Bali, Sumatera
Office : Jl. Wijaya 11 Jakarta

20. The advertisement above tells us about?

A. A travel agent
B. A holiday package tour
C. A transportation number
D. A transportation company

21. Where can we rent the Blackbird buses?

A. Bali
B. Java
C. Jakarta
D. Sumatera

Questions 22 to 24 refer to the following text.

Sweden is a very large country in Northern Europe. Every year tourists come from all over the world to
visit Sweden’s cities to see the interesting sights and enjoy the outdoors.
A tourist planning a trip to Sweden can choose various activities to do. People who enjoy city life can
visit Stockholm, Sweden’s capital. Stockholm is a beautiful city of islands. In Stockholm, tourists can
visit its many beautiful old castles and churches. They can shop, enjoy the art, or see a movie or a play.
Tourists who enjoy outdoor lifestyle can find plenty to see and do in Sweden. Forests cover 50 percent
of the land and are home to many wild animals, such as bears, elks, foxes, and reindeers. There are
96.000 lakes in Sweden. In north, there is a long range of tall mountains. Adventurous travellers may
want to explore the beautiful wilderness that Sweden has to offer.
There are several different kinds of lodging in Sweden. Travellers can stay at luxurious hotels with many
guest rooms, or they can choose to stay at small country inns, where they may be served home-cooked
breakfast. Those who want to save money and enjoy nature can stay at campsites and sleep outdoors
under the trees in a sleeping bag.

22. Why does the writer compose this passage?

A. To give information about Sweden
B. To persuade readers to visit Sweden
C. To influence people to come to Sweden
D. To explain about the weather in Sweden

23. What does the writer think about Sweden?

A. Stockholm is a perfect place to enjoy nature.
B. Wild animals inhabit the long range of mountain.
C. All hotel will provide guest with home-cooked breakfast.
D. We could not sleep under the trees in a sleeping bag in Sweden.

24. “Adventurous travellers will want to explore ...” (paragraph 3).

The underlined word means ….
A. audacious
B. hazardous
C. dangerous
D. courageous
Question no 25 refers to the following dialog.
Harry : This room is so hot? Did you turn off the air conditioner?
Widia : No, it’s on. I think it might be broken.
Harry : I don’t think so. I remember that we bought the same brand and type; and mine is working well. Maybe
your air conditioner needs to be cleaned.
Widia : I think you’re right. It was more than six months ago since the last time I got it cleaned.
Harry : You’d better do that soon before it’s getting worse.
Widia : Thanks for your suggestion. I will do that this weekend.

25. What are they talking about?

A. the weather
C. the electrician
B. the air conditioner
D. the air conditioner brand

Questions 26 to 27 refer to the following manual.

1. Plug in the power cord and ensure that the blender is properly installed.
2. Put the ingredients in the container of the blender. You can add some water or liquid products to make the
blending easier.
3. Close the lid and hold it to avoid spurting out.
4. Press the button. You can choose the speed. If it doesn’t start, make sure the bottom of the blender is placed
5. When it is done, open the lid and you can pour the ingredient out.
6. Don’t forget to clean the blender after using it.

26. The purpose of the text is to tell us how to . . . .

A. Make juice
B. Make a blender
C. Operate a blender
D. Choose a blender
27. “Press the blend button.” (Step 4)
The word “Press” in the sentence above has the same meaning with . . . .
A. Put
B. Pull
C. Pick
D. Push

Questions 28 to 29 refer to the following text.

Ojek “motorcycle taxis” began appearing in Jakarta after becak were banned in the early 1990s. Ojek service
began as grassroots entrepreneurs saw an opportunity to provide a transportation options for people who used to
use becak from main roads into housing complexes.
By law all motorcycle passengers should wear helmets, so ojek drivers should have a spare for the passengers to
wear. Ojek tend to congregate at intersections on main roads and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus
routes. Ladies have a careful balancing act if wearing a dress and must sit sidewise on the back of the vehicle. The
passengers should bargain before getting on - ask a local what the price should be first. Payment is in cash and the
drivers won't have change for larger bills.
Over the last couple of years as the traffic situation in Jakarta has become extremely challenging.A modern, more
professional alternative to the individual ojek has appeared. Companies such as is Go-Jek, Grab Bike and Yellow
Bike have developed an organized Ojek network that allows the passengers to order an Ojek from their smart
phones. They can be ordered to transport for them, pick up a meal from a restaurant or deliver goods and
documents. Their computerized system uses transparent pricing which reduces the uncertainty of the costs
28. What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?
A. A great challenge for conventional ojek
B. Online ojek relies on computerized system
C. We can order food and goods via online ojek
D. Online ojek is more popular than conventional ojek

29. “. . . . after becak were banned in the early 1990s”

The underlined word can be replaced with . . . .
A. allowed
B. legalized
C. permitted
D. prohibited

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following letter.

Janice Job Searcher

732 Ready-to-Work Blvd.
Any Town, USA 11111
Home: (777) 777-7777
Cell: (222) 222-2222

February 27, 2018

Mr. Martin Burgstrom

Hiring Manager, Student Employment
Any Town Junior College
400 College town Way
Any Town, USA 11111
Dear Mr. Burgstrom:
I saw your posting on the job search boards at school last week. Currently I'm a freshman with a half-
time course load so I'm available for work from 1:00 pm till 8:00 pm. I noticed your need for a server
in the Student Union Café during late afternoons and evenings. With this cover letter, I'm introducing
myself and asking for the chance to bid for that job.
I was very excited when I saw the listing because all through high school I worked part-time at Lana's
Café in Big Town. So I have the experience you are looking for and the interest in serving the public
which seems to come naturally. In fact, I am majoring in restaurant management, which ties in with
the kind of part-time job I'd like to have.
If you're available to meet with me I'd be glad to come to your office any afternoon. You name the day
and time and I'll be there. You can reach me at my home phone or on my cell at the numbers above.
Thank you for the chance to introduce myself through this letter. I hope to meet with you soon.

Janice Job Searcher


30. The purpose of writing the letter is … .

A. to be an officer
B. to be a restaurant manager
C. to get position as a waitress
D. to teach culinary art program
31. When does Janice want to have an interview?
A. In late afternoon.
B. In working hours.
C. Any day in the afternoon.
D. Anytime between 1:00 to 8:00 pm.

32. From the letter we can conclude that…

A. Janice is studying in the afternoon.
B. Martin Burgstrom is a student employed.
C. Janice is a young job seeker with experience.
D. Martin Burgstrom’s hobby is chilling out at café.

Questions no 33 to 34 refer to the following Report

Spiders are very small. So it is easy to think that they do not make anything strong. However, a scientist
at Oxford University in Britain has discovered that this is not true. David Knight says that eight-legged
spiders create a material called silk that could be as strong as rope.

Mr. Knight says that silk is very thin. But it is extremely strong. This is because the threads of silk are
made into a complex structure. Mr. Knight says the silk is made from protein molecules. It forms in the
parts of the spider's body called silk glands. The silk is like pieces of string. It is rolled into small balls.

When the spider wants to make, or spin, some silk, it carefully unrolls the balls. The pieces of string join
together. When the spider wants to move, it joins all the small strings of silk into one long thread. Then
it can move down the thread. Wherever a spider goes, it spins a silk thread behind itself.

Mr. Knight says that spiders can make and use as many as seven kinds of silk. It uses one kind of silk
for making the structure of the spider's web -- where it traps insects. It uses another stretchy silk for
making round links in the web. Mr. Knight says those links are covered by another kind of silk that is
very sticky. This sticky material makes it difficult for insects to escape after they are caught in the
spider's web.

Spider silk is strong enough to catch insects. Its strength can be measured. Mr. Knight says the silk from
an Orb web spider is five times stronger than fiber made by man. He also estimates that a rope of spider
silk as thick as one pencil could pull a large ship through the water. He says one day people may be able
to make material as strong as a spider's silk. It could be used in place of rope.

Spider silk is a useful material. It does not harm the environment. It can be re-used by spiders. So
people may wonder why they cannot use spiders to manufacture silk for industrial use. Mr. Knight says
it is because spiders can not be farmed. He says if you put them in a room together, they will try to eat
each other.


33. What is being discussed in the text?

A. The silk of spider.
B. The study of spider.
C. The spider circle of life.
D. The spider silk can replace a rope.

34. How would the information in the text give big advantage for life in the future?
A. It gives idea to farm spiders.
B. It enlarged the knowledge about spider.
C. It supports idea to save the spider from extinction.
D. It generates thought son how to use the silk for man’s need.
Questions 35 to 36 refer to the following dialog.
Robert : Hi, Julia
Julia : Hi, Robert
Robert : Some of our friends and I are getting together for dinner this weekend at new Korean
restaurant near hilly place.
Julia : It’s great. It will be an exciting weekend for you allguys.
Robert : Yeah. Do you want to join us?
Julia : Sure. Why not?
Robert : It is a nice restaurant, isn’t it ?
Julia : I don’t know. I’ve never been there before. What kind of food does the restaurant have?
Robert : There are some special types of traditional Korean food such as Korean fried chicken,
kimci, kimbab, and bulgogi. Which one do you like?
Julia : I think all are my favorites.
Robert : Great. I’ll book a table for five then.

35. What is the topic of the dialog?

A. Invitation for tasting Korean food.
B. An offering to join for dinner with friends.
C. Asking for help to come to a birthday party.
D. Some Korean food that is offered in a restaurant.

36. “ … a new Korean restaurant near hilly place.” ( Line 3 )

The synonym of the underlined word is …
A. end
B. quite
C. slippery
D. mountainous

Questions 37 to 38 refer to the following dialog.

Dave : Well, now I am not busy and I think I can help you with the project.
Nora : Thanks, but I’ve already finished it. Casey helped me this time.
Dave : Really? She’s very kind. She also helped me with my assignment.
Nora : Yes, I think we should help her some time.
Dave : I wish we could but she is a very independent person.

37. What does Dave say about Casey?

A. She is beautiful
B. She is a self-reliant person
C. She really loves her friends
D. She is a professional person

38. Why does Dave not need to help Nora?

A. She is not busy this time
B. She has done with her task
C. She is an independent person
D. Casey helped him finish his assignment
Questions 39 to 40 refer to the following dialog.
James : Did you watch Slash and The Band last night?
Steve : No, I was busy with my family last night. I was invited by my uncle to celebrate his
wedding anniversary
James : That’s too bad for you. The show was watched by more than 1000 eyes.
It’s an amazing concert.
Steve : Really?
James : Look at this video ! It was recorded by me.
Steve : Wow! It was rocking the world!
39. What is the topic of the conversation above ?
A. Attending the wedding anniversarry
B. Offering a ticket concert for his friend
C. Looking for information about the show
D. Telling about the great music concert

40. From the dialog we know that ...

A. the show of Slash and the Band was watched by some people
B. the video of Slash and the Band concert was recorded by Steve
C. wedding anniversary was celebrated by James’s family last night
D. Steve was invited by his uncle to attend the wedding anniversarry


Fill the blank space below base on the context!

41. Ben : George, there is no food! Oh, I’m so starving.

George : I know. ………………when this TV programs finishes.

Analyze the conversations below!

Julie : It’s weekend and it’s Saturday night. What a blessing. Why don’t you go out?

Sam : A bunch of office work is waiting. How about you?

Julie : When I passed by the laundry room, I saw a heap of dirty laundry. In the kitchen a stack of dirty plate
and this messy room is also queuing.

Sam : By the way, there is a good movie on TV tonight.

Julie : Yes. I know. I am going to watch it anyway.

42. Based on the conversation above what is Julie’s planning?

Question no 43 refers to the following announcement.

Due to our airport expansion project, please note the following changes. All domestic departures will board in the
main terminal building, at gates A, B, and C. All domestic arrivals will deplane outside the airport tarmac, and
passengers will be bussed into the main terminal. International flights will depart and arrive at the annex
terminal, gates D, E, F, and G. To get to the annex terminal, take the airport subway, which boards in the lower
level near gate A. It leaves every 10 minutes.

We thank you for your patience as we expand the airport to serve you better. Expansion work will last
approximately ten weeks. For more information about the project, visit one of the information kiosks located
43. Who might
throughout the need this
airport, or information?
call our special hotline at 888-555.

Question no 44 refers to the following dialog.

Dany : Did you read that letter in the paper about smoking?
The person who wrote that must be crazy.
Paul : I don’t think so. I think the government should do everything it can to discourage people
from smoking.
Dany : Maybe so. But a law which bans cigarettes would do no good.
Paul : No. You can’t suddenly make smoking illegal.
But the government could prohibit smoking in public areas; like cinemas and theaters.
Dany : Yes. That’s true. Anyway, in most places you can’t smoke in cinemas.
But I think people should be allowed to smoke on trains and buses. Don’t you?
Paul : Not at all. It’s awful sitting next to someone blowing smoke all over you,
if you don’t smoke yourself.

44. Should the government stop the production of cigarettes? Why?

Question no 45 refers to the following dialog.

Woman : What is your opinion that the government will subsidize farmers who use have organic farming?

Man : ________________ because not many farmers are willing to do organic farming without some
support from the government

45. What is the most suitable expression that can be used to complete the dialogue above?

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