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Cassandra Gonzalez

English 363
February 25, 2019
Organ System

An Organ system is an internal biological structure that provides life and equilibrium

throughout the human body. The system works efficiently with each organelle working

systematically and simultaneously in order to provide growth. Each organ system has a

specialized arrangement and function. These organ systems continuously interact with one

another with a multiplex feedback mechanism (1).

Figure. 1 Betts,Gordon. (2013, March 06).​ Organ Systems of the Human Body​. Retrieved from
Number of Organ Systems

Scientist categorizes the number of organ systems depending on their structure and function.

Most textbooks and educational websites state that there are a total of eleven organ systems

within the human body (2)(3)(6). However, editors may separate the immune system from the

lymphatic system thus, creating 12 organ systems (4)(3).

11 Organ Systems

The organs that help carry the necessary functions of life are the heart, kidneys, lungs, blood

vessels, muscles, genitals, brain, and skin(5).

● Muscular system: ​There are over 650 muscles in the human body (5). This system allows

the body to create movement. The three types of muscles are involved in the muscular

system are smooth muscle (helps maneuver substances through organs), cardiac muscle

(helps pulsate the heart), and skeletal muscle (helps voluntary movement). Each muscle

contains different characteristics that create function and mobility within the human


● Lymphatic system: The lymphatic system and the immune system (generally incorporated

within the lymphatic system) work together to fight infection. Leukocytes are cells within
these systems that help kill pathogens (2). They are known as white blood cells. These

cells help eliminate pathogens in the human body.

● Skeletal System: There are 206 bones in the adult human body (2). This system provides

the initial framework for the human body. Bones, cartilages, tissues, tendons and

ligaments are the important organs within this system that offer support and protect the

body from any harm (3) (6).

Figure 2. Roberts, A. M. (2014). ​Human anatomy: The Skeletal System.​ London: Dorling Kindersley.
● Circulatory system: ​This system transports blood, oxygen, hormones, and nutrients to

cells and organs that help maintain (3) (4) The main organ is the heart which pumps

blood into the circulatory system (6).

● Nervous System: ​There are two pathways in the Nervous system; these are the central

nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system

sends signals through the spinal cord to the brain, while the peripheral nervous system

sends signals through the nerves to the targeted organ (2) (5).
Figure 3. Roberts, A. M. (2014). ​Human anatomy: Cranial Nerves in Head and Neck.​ London: Dorling Kindersley.
​ his system assists with the transfer of oxygen throughout the body.
● Respiratory system: T

Gas exchange occurs between oxygen and blood. The nose, mouth, trachea, lungs and the

bronchi aid the transportation of oxygen (4).

● Endocrine system: ​The endocrine system contains eight specialize glands (5). These

glands produce hormones that transfer through the bloodstream. These hormones

activate other glands in order to cause a physical reaction in the human body such as

promoting adrenaline. (2)

​ he urinary system help balance water and salt in the human body (6).
● Urinary system: T

Kidneys filter waste products from the blood. Thus, creating urine. Urine is contained

within the bladder until it is expelled outside of the body (5).

​ his system contains female and male organs that produce

● Reproductive system: T

hormones such as testosterone and estrogen. These organs allow the reproduction of a

new human organism. Males and females contain gametes which are sperm and eggs (6).

● Digestive system:​ This system breaks down food into smaller pieces starting from the

mouth. The stomach absorbs the nutrients and minerals from the intestines and later

excreted through the anus (6)(4).

​ his system is the primary base of disease prevention. The skin,
● Integumentary system: T

fingernails, and hair are all part of the integumentary system (2). This system offers

protection from outside sources that may cause harm to the human body.

Interaction between Organ systems

All organ systems interact with each other to maintain homeostasis (1). Examples include; the

endocrine system and the nervous system, the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system

and the reproductive system and endocrine system. If such disruption occurs between any organ

system interactions, harm may persist and eventually lead to death to the human organism.

1.Bartsch, R. P., Liu, K. K. L., Bashan,

A., & Ivanov, P. C. (2015). Network physiology:

How organ systems dynamically interact.​ PLoS One, 10(​ 11)

doi:​​ ​Editors. (2017, April 29). Organ System - Definition and Examples.

Retrieved from

3.Christensen, S. (n.d.). What Is an Organ System? - Definition & Pictures. Retrieved from

4. Harwood, J., Wilkin, D., Kraus, D., Gray-Wilson, N., Brainard, J., Johnson, S., . . . Wilkin, D.

(2019, January 17). Human Body. Retrieved from

5. Rettner, R. (2016, March 10). The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions. Retrieved from

6. Roberts, A. M. (2014). ​Human anatomy: The definitive visual guide.​ London: Dorling

7. Betts,Gordon. (2013, March 06).​ Organ Systems of the Human Body.​ Retrieved from

I would like to thank Angelina Guzman for helping me with the design and structure on this

assignment. She was kind enough to incorporate her ideas.

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