Motion: 1 Weater or Not The Chemically Castrated Punishment Won't Give 2

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1 st (+) THBT chemically castrated punishment for phedophiles bring

more harm than good

Ladies and gantlemen

As we know that phedophiles is the psychiatric disorders in
adults or adolescents that have begun to mature (person in 16 years
old or older) usually characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual
interest in prepubescent children (generally children in 13 years old or
Background younger, though puberty has many variation). The children have to
younger about five years , in the teenager’s phedophiles case (16 years
old or older) can be classified as a phedophile. From it we can know that
phedhophile is very dangerous for the children and their parents. Why ?
many phedophile’s case in school. As we know that school should be
the save place for children, but some phedophile’s cases often carried
out by the people who often contact with the children. We can call it the
Ladies and Gentlement,
To make this debate clear, we would like to define this motion.
What we mean about the phedophiles should be punished by
chemically castrated isn’t the best way to clear that problem.
Definition Absolutely it will have positive and negative effects, but we think that
the negative effect is more than positive effect. By chemically castrated
punishment it can’t ensure the phedophiles wary, because that
punishment just for a while. There are another punishment that can be
used for this problem.

As the first speaker of positive team I have 2 major point of Arguments

Substantive 1st weater or not the chemically castrated punishment won’t give
effective impact.
2nd I’m going to talk on another punishment that will give more
effective impact to the phedophiles
Argument/c Now moving on my 1st argument on why the chemically castrated
ase punishment won’t give effective impact for the phedophiles.
Ladies and gentlement, ya we know that the phedophiles is very
dangerous for the children and absolutely their parents. But with
punished the phedophiles with chemically castrated punishment won’t
make them wary. Why ? because that punishment just for a while.
chemically castrated punishment just be given two years. If the
administration of antiandrogen discontinued, sexual desire and erectile
function’s someone will come up again. It means that the chemically
castrated punishment can be “not cure” the phedophile’s behavior, if
the source isn’t be cleared. What is the source of that problem ?
actually the biggest genitals is the brain. Thus, the most important
thing to do is to heal the phesohile’s brain. The important thing is
punishing the brain and psychiatric of phedophiles.
In doctor’s world chemically castrated punishment can make them
gloomy as the executor because in doctor’s code of ethics is for treating
and restore organ function rather than destroying it! chemically
castrated punishment like that has the potential to grow and pass on
ongonging the resentment for the phedophiles.
Ladies and gentlement, so that’s why I’m not agree with the
chemically castrated punishment.
Now moving on my 2nd argument on another punishment that will give
more effective impact to the phedophiles.
Ladies and gentlement as we have to know that another punishment
that will give more effective impact to the phedophiles

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