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University of the Philippines

L4l: '\'V Center

to tl1e

Tonito, an 8-year-old boy, \Vas vvatching a free conceit at tl1e Luneta Paric with
his fatl1er Tony. The child stood on a chair to be able to see tl1e pe1fo11ners on the
stage. Juan ito, a 10-year-old boy, vvho vvas also vva tching the concert, could not see
1nuch of tl1e perfor1nance on tJ1e stage because Tonito vvas blocl(ing his line of sight
by standing on t11e chair. Using his elbovv, Juanito strongly shoved Tonito to get a
good vievv of tl1e stage. The shove caused Tonito to fall to t11e ground. Seeing t11is,
Tony struck Juanito on t11e head with his hand and caused tl1e boy to fall and to hit his
head on a chair. Tony also vvanted to strangle Ju anito but the latter 's aunt prevented
hi1n fi·o1n doing so. Juanito susta ined a lacerated vvound on tl1e head th at required
1nedical attendance for 10 days.

Tony was charged vvith child a.buse in violation of Sec. lO(a), in r elation to
Sec. 3(b)(2), of R.A. 7610 (Chilrl.4.buse La11 ) for allegedly doing an "act b.v deerls or
111orrls i11hich debases, degr(1£/es or rle1nea11.s the intrinsic 111orth mid clignit.v of a child
as ct hun1a11 being." In his defense, Tony contended that he had no intention to
1naltreat Ju anito,. n1uch less to deg,_, rade his intrinsic vvortl1 and dignitv... as a htnnan
' -'


(a) Distinguish cri1nes n1alr1 i11. se fi·o1n cri1nes niala.prohibita. (3%)


1Vlal11. ill se a11cl ollibita. are clistiI1guishecl as follovs: (1) JV/ala. ill se
are i11l1ere11tl)' wrong or iln1nor al, while 111.11111. pr oll.ibit11. are 11ot i11l1erently
wrong; tl1ey are 011ly wrong becat1se they are }lrol1ibitecl by law; (2) 111 111.11111. i1t
se, good f aitl1or lack of cri1ni11al i11t.e11tis a defe11se, wl1ile i11 11tllla.p roltibit11, good
faitl1is 11ot. a defe11se; (3) l\ilodifyi11g circt11nsti1nces ca11be a1lprecia tecl i11 1111lla ilt
se. Tl1ese circu1nsta11ces ca1111ot. be a1}preciatecl in 11111111. pro llibita, t111less tl1e
S}}ecial h1w t11i1t pt1nisl1es t.he1n i1cI01}ts tl1e t.echnical 1101nenclat.ure of tl1e
pe11alties of tl1e Revisecl Pe11al Code; (4) 11!/11la. ilt se are pt111ishi1ble u11cler t.l1e
Revisecl Pe11al Code; or S}}ecial la'\vs where t11e acts }}t111isl1able tl1ereiI1 are
wrong by 11a t.t1r e. 11!falaproll.ibit11. are pt111isl1able t111der specil1l la'\vs
(b) Was Tony cri1nina lly liable for child abuse under R.A. 761O? Explain
your ans\..ver. (3%)


To11y laicl l1a11cls 011 .J11a11ito \Vitl1011t i11t.e11t to clebase tlie "i11tri11sic \Vor tli
a11cl clignity " of .Juani t.o as <l hu1nan bei11g, or t.l11lt. he liacl tliereby i11tenclecl to
h111niliate or e1nbarr ass Jua nit.o. It appears tliat tlie laying of ll<lil<ls 011J11anito
to liave bee11clone a t tlie S}}Ur of tlie 1no1ne11t a11cl i11anger, i11clicative of liis being
tl1e11 over,vl1el1necl by liis f atlierly co11cer11 for tlie perso11al safety of liis O\VIl
1ni11or so11, To11ito, \Vho fell t.o tlie grouncl cl11e t.o tlie slio,ing by .J11a11ito. vVitli
tlie loss of liis self-co11trol, lie lacl{ecl t.ha t specific i11te11t to clebase, clegra de or
de1ne<lll tlie i11trinsic \Vor t.11 a11d dig11it.y of a cliilcl as a l1u1na11being t.ll<lt wa s so
esse11tial in the cri1ne of cliild abuse; he11ce, t.he cri1ne co1n1n ittecl is only sliglit
ph)'Sical i11j11ries [Bo11glllo1i v. People, (G.R. No. 169533, 1Vfll1·clt 20, 2013)].


Sixteen year old Alisvvan prodded A1nety:st, his girlfriend , to re1nove her
clothing while they vvere secretly toget11er in her be<h"oo1n late one evening. Failing
to get a positive response fi·o1n her, he forcibly un dressed her. Apprehen sive about
rousing the attention of the household vvho did not knovv of his presence inside her
roo1n, she resisted hi1n with 1nini1nal strength, but she vvas really. sobbing in a 1nuft1ed
1nanner. He then undressed hi1nself vvhile blocl(ing the door. Yet. the i1nage of a
hapless and sobbing A1netl1yst soon brought hi1n to his senses, and ilnpelled hiln to
leave her roo1n nal(ed. He did not notice in his hur1y that A1nante, the father of
A1netl1yst, vvho vvas then sitting alone on a sofa in the sala. savv hiin leave his
daughter 's roo1n naked.

Outside the house. the novv-clothed i\lisvvan spotted Allesso. i\1nethy:st 's
fonner suitor. Knovving hovv Allesso had aggressively pursued A1net11yst. Alisvvan
fatally sta bbed Allesso. Alis\van i1n1nediately vvent into hiding aftervvards.

Upon learning fi·o1n A1netl1yst about vvhat Alisvvan had done to her, an enraged
A1nante vvanted to teach Alisvvan a lesson he vvould never forget. A1nante set out the
next day to lool( for Aliswan in his school. There, A1nante found a young 1nan vvho
lool(ed ve1y 1nuch lil(e Ali:s'Vvan . A1nante i1n1nedia tely 111shed and knocl(ed tJie young
1nan unconscious on the pave1nent. and then draped his body vvitl1 a prepared
ta1paulin rea ding R.4 PIS T.4KO H UW4. G TUL4R4lV. Everyone else in the school
vvas shocked upon vviti1essing vvhat had ju st transpired , unable to believe that the
ti1nid and quiet Alisto, Alisvvaii 's identical twin brot11er, had conunitted rape.

(a) A cri1ninal co1nplaint for alte111p terl rape i11ith ho111icirle vvas brought against
Alisvvan in the Prosecu tor 's Office. However, after preli1nina1y investigation, tlie
Investigating Prosecutor reconunended the filing of tvvo separate info11na tions
one for nite111pted rape and the other for honticicle. Do you agree \Vith the
reco1n1nendation? Explain your ansvver. (3%)


I elo llot agree witli t.lie reco1n1nenda t.io11for tlie filling of atte1n1}t.eel r ape.
Inte11t to ll<lVe sexu al int.ercourse is a11 esse11thll ele1ne11t of atte1n1}teel ra1}e. hi
otlier worels, i11te11t to lie lVitli tlie victiln lnt1st be closer . However , t.his i11te11t is
not. est.ablished for failt1re t.o sliow tliat. •<\.liswa11 liael do11e acts to liave sex witli
.<\.1netl1yst [Ct7tZ v. People, (G.R. N o. 166441, Oct. 08, 2014, Bers101ti1i)]; or t.liat
Alis,va11 liael actt1ally co1n1ne11ceel to force liis )}e11is into tlie vict.i1n 's sext1al
orga11 [Peopl e v. Ba1izuela, (G.R. N o. 202060, Dec. 11, 2013)]. l\tloreover , lie
spo11taneot1sly desist.eel fro1n co1n1nitti11g ft1r tl1er lascivious act.s af t111elressi11g
A1nethyst wl1icl1is a elefense i11 atte1nptecl rape.U11elressing t.he victi1n '\Vitli le'\vel
design lnerely co11stit.u tes acts of lasci'\iousness [People v. ,S'a1iico, (G.R. No.
208469, Aug. 13, 2014)].
Ho,vever, I agree witli t.lie reco1n1ne11el<ltio11of separa t.e cliarges i11steael of
a S)}ecial co1nplex cri1ne.Acts of lasciviot1s11ess ca1111ot be lnerged witli l101niciele
t.o for1n a special co1nplex cri1ne. Tliere is llO special co1n1)Jex cri1ne of acts of
lasci'\iousness '\Vitl1l101niciele t111der the st.att1t.e boo){s; lnoreover , to be helel IiaJ})e
of a SJ)eci<ll co1n1)Jex cri1ne, tliere lnt1st be <l elirect co1111ectio11 J}et,vee11 tlie
co1n1}011e11ts tliereof . 111 tliis ca se, tlie l101nicide is llOt elirectly co1111ected witli tlie
acts of lasci'\iot1s11ess si11ce tlie killi11g was lnotiva teel by )}erso11al gruelge of
.<\.lislva11 agai11st Alesso, whicli lias llO li11k to tlie cri1ne co1n1nittecl agai11st
A1nethv•• st.

(b) Before the trial court, Alisvvan 1noved that the cases should be dis1nissed
because he vvas entitled to the exe1npting circu1n:stance of n1inority. Is h is 1notion
correct? Expla in your ansvver. (3%)


Si11ce.<\.lislva11's age is above 15 bt1t below 18, being tlie t.lvi11brotlier of 16

year olel Aliswa11, tlie exe1n1}ting circt11nsta11ce of lniliority sliall be a)}preciateel
ill liis f avor t111less it is sliown tlia t lie act.eel witli eliscer111ne11t. Tlie cases are llOt
dis1nissible si11ce tlie J)rosect1tio11 lnust be first give11 op)}Ortt111ity to J)rese11t
evide11ce to est.ablisli tliat Alis,va11actecl'vitli eliscern1ne11t.
(c) After receiving 1nedical attendance for 10 days. Alisto consulted you about
tiling the proper cri1ninal co1nplaint against A1nante. \\'11at cri1nes. if any, will you
charge A1nante \Nitl1? Explain your ansvver. (3%)

sut-;GESTED ANS\\''ER:

I11 [Peopl e v. Lasala (Ja1i. 30, 1962)] wl1icl1 is si1nilar to tl1is case, tl1e
S111}re1ne Co11r t r11lecl tl1a t tl1e cri1ne co1n1nittecl is Less Serio11s Pl1ysical h1j 11ries
u11der Ar t 265 of tl1e Revisecl Penal Code as tl1e 1nedical att.e11da11ce is for a
period of te11(10) clays 01lly .
Consiclering, 110'\vever, tl1at tl1e Less Serious Physical h1juries was intlictecl
\Vitl1 1na11ifest intent t.o ins11lt or offe11cl t.he offe11clecl }}arty or 1111cler
circ111nsta11ces aclcling ig1101ni11y to tl1e offe11se, tl1ere sl1all be a11 adclecl 1}enalty of
fi11e 11ot exceecling P500 pesos [A1t. 265,pa1·. 2].

(d) Ansvvering the cri1ninal co1nplaint tiled by Alisto, A1nante contended that
he had incu1Ted no cri1ninal liability for lack of cri1ninal intent on his part, his
intended victi1n being Alis'1.van. not Alisto . \iVha t is this defense of A1nante. and
explain if tJ1e srune vvill prosper ? (3%)


The clefense r aisecl by A1na11t.e is et1·or itt perso1ia.e. TI1is clefe11se is 11ot
pro1}er beca11se of Ar ticle 4 of tl1e Revisecl Pe11al Code, whicl1 }}rovicles tl1at a
person co1n1nitting <l felo11y is li<lble cri1ni111llly althougl1 tl1e '\Vrongful act clo11e
be differe11t fro1n 111lla'\vf11l i11te11t. TI111s, 1111cler tl1is 1}rovisio11, A1na11te is liable
for tl1e wr ongf11l act do11e, a11cl tl1a t is cl1ilcl ab11se agai11st Alisto, altl1ougl1 it
differs fro1n tl1e wrongf ul act i11te11clecl, a11cl tl1at. is ab11si11g .1\.lis'\va11.


Ove1joyed by the avvard to his tir1n of a 1nulti-billion gove11unent contract for

the develop1nen t of an econo1nic and tourisin hu b in tl1e I'rovince of Blrull(. l\!Ir.
Gangna1n allotted tJ1e an1ount of Pl 00 l\!Iillion to serve as gifts for ce1tain persons
instru1nental in his tir1n's vvinning tl1e avvard. He gave 50% of tha t a1nount to
Governor Datu, tl1e ofticial vvho had signed tl1e contra ct vvitl1 tl1e proper authorization
fro1n tJ1e Sangguniang Panlalawigan; 25% to Boka l Diva, tJ1e Sangguni ru1g
Panlala:vvigan 111e1nber vvho had lobbied for tl1e avvard of tl1e project in tJ1e
Sanggun iang Panlalavvigan; 25% to l\!Iayor Dolor of the l\!Iunicipality vvhere the
project would be i1nple1nented. Governor Datu received his shru·e tl1rough his vvite.
Provincia l First Lady Dee, vvho tJ1en deposited tJ1e a1nount in her personal bru1l(
Previously, upon facilitation by tl1e Bolcal Diva , l\IIr . Gangna1n concluded an
agree1nent vvitl1 l\IIayor Dolor for tJ1e construction of tJ1e Blanlc Sports Arena •vo1tJ1
P800 l\IIillion . The project •vas highly overpri ced because it could be undertalcen and
co1npleted for not 1nore tJ1an P400 l\IIillion . For tl1is project, l\IIayor Dolor received
fi·o1n l\IIr . Gangna1n a gitl of Pl 0 l\IIillion , vvhile Bolcal Diva got P25 l\IIillion .

In botJ1 instances, Bokal Diva had her gifts deposited in tJ1e na1ne of her
secreta1y, Te1ry, vvho personally 1naintained a ban k account for Bolcal Diva's share in
govern1nent projects.

(a) l\IIay each of tJ1e above-na1ned individuals be held liable for pluncler?
Explain your ansvver. (4%)


Tl1e act. of recei\i11g P50 1Vlillio11by Gover11or Da tukickb ack i11co11nectio11

witl1 a11y gover111nent co11t1«lct or project for tl1e clevelo1}1ne11t of a11 eco1101nic
a11cl to11ris1n l111b is a 1}reclica te cri1ne of 1}I11ncler. He is 11ot liable, 110\vever , for
plu11cler . To be l1eld lia ble for 1}I1111cler , tl1e p11bic officer 1nust a1nass,
accu1nula te or ilcquire ill-gotten \vealtl1 thr ough il co1nbi11ilt.io11 or series of overt
or criini11al ilcts. The worcl "co1nbi11ation" 1neilns ill le1lst two clifferent preclica te
cri1nes; \Vhile tl1e ter1n "series" 1nea11s ilt least t\vo 1}reclicate cri1nes of tl1e sa1ne
ki11cl [£:iercito 11• .'lll1ttligll1tbttyll1t, (G.R. 1Vos. 157294-95, No11. 30, 2006)]. .<\. single
preclicate cri1ne a1no1111ting to 50 1nillio11 )}esos is 11ot J)l1111cler . The i11t.e11t.io11 of
tl1e hl\v1nakers is tl1at if tl1ere is 011ly 011e 1}reclicate cri1ne, tl1e offe11der l1as t.o be
prosecutecl 1111cler tl1e par ticulilr criine, wl1icl1 is alreacly covered by existing
laws. V\i11ilt is 1}unisl1ilble uncler tl1e lilw is "acts of 1}I1111cler ", whicl1 1nea11s tl1ilt
tl1ere sl1oulcl be at leilst, t\vo or 1nore, 1}r eclicate cri1nes [. ee 1leliber1itio1t of tit.(
Bicll1uerlll Co111111.ittee 01t Jrtstice, 1'l!I«y 7, 1991J
Tl1e series acts of r eceivi11g by Mayor Dolor Kickba ck or gift in tl1e
a1no1111t of P25 1nillio11 a11cl PIO 1nillio11 i11 connectio11 witl1 a11y gover111ne11t
co11tr act or J)roject for tl1e clevelop1ne11t of an eco1101nic a11d to11ris1n l111b iln<I f or
tl1e co11str11ctio11of tl1e Bhlnk S1}01ts.<\.re11il, respectively, ilre preclicilte cri1nes of
plu11der . Ho\vever, tl1e aggregat.e il1nou11t of ill-gotte11 weal tl1 acq11irecl is less
tl1a11 P50 1nillio1i. He11ce, J)l11nder is not co1n1nittecl si11ce ele1ne11t tl1at tl1e
aggregat.e il1no1111t of ill-gotte11\Vealt.11is tlt letlst. P50 1nillio11is 11ot J)rese11t
Bol{al Diva is liilble for pl11ncler becil11se lie acq11irecl ill-gotte11 \Vealtl1 i11
tl1e aggregate a1no1111t of P50 1nillio11 tl1r ougl1 a series of 1}recliciltes cri1nes
Uncler tlie cliain conSJ)ir acy, usl1ally i11volvi11g the clistributio11of narcotics
or otlier co11tr aba11cl, in "\Vhicli tliere is successive co1n1nl1nication a11cl
cooper atio11 i11 1nl1cl1 the sa1ne way ils '\-Vitli legitilna te busi11ess operatio11s
betwee11 1na nuf acturer a11cl '\-Vliolesaler, tl1e11 wliolesaler a11cl retailer, a11cl tlien
ret.1liler a11cl co1tsrt11ter [Fe11tll1t, J1: t•. Peopl e, (G.R. N o. 145927, Aug. Z 4, Z007)] .
Tliere is cl1ai11 co11s1}iracy i11volving pll111der in this case. Bokill Diva
co11spirecl witli Mr . Ga11g11a1n i11 co1n1nitti11g J)ll111der , a11d tl1e11, lie co11spirecl
witli Terry, his secretilry, i11 hicling liis ill-gotte11 "\Veilltli, by cle1}ositing t.lie
proceecls of pll111cler u11der tlie accou11t of tlie latter . Because of chilill
co11s1}iracy, Bokal Diva, l\tlr . Gang11a1n ancl Terry are liable for J)h111cler . U11cler
RA No. 7080, a11y perso11 wlio 1}artici1}ated witli tlie sili<l pl1blic officer i11 tlie
co1n1nissio11of a11 off e11se co11tribl1ting t.o tlie cri1ne of pll1ncler shilll like"\vise be
pl111isl1ed for sl1cl1offe11se.

(c) \Vhat provisions of RA no. 3019 (A11ti-Grajt <it Corrupt Practices Act) , if
any, vvere violated by any of tl1e above-na1ned individuals. specifying tl1e persons
liable tlierefore? Expla in your ansvver. (4%)


Gover11or Da tl1, l\tlayor Dolor a11d Bol{al Diva ilre lhlble for violatio11 of
Sectio11 3 (b) of RA No. 3019 f or receivi11g 1noney i11co11nectio11witli gover111ne11t
co11tr act or tra11sactio11 for tlie develOJ)Ine11t of a11 eco1101nic a11cl tol1ris1n llllb
\Vhere they Iiave tlie riglit to i11t.erve11e llil<ler the l;l\V . Mr . Ga11g111l1n for gi,ing
1no11ey to tlie saicl J)Ublic officers ancl Dee, "\Vho receivecl tlie kicl{backs f or her
hl1sb a11cl, Gover11or Dilto, are also liable for violiltio11of Sectio11 3 (b) of R.I\. No.
9019 on tlie basis of co11s1}iracy [Go v. Tlte F!fill. Divisi.ou, ,S'£11ttl:igll1tbtiyllJt, (G.R.
N o. 17Z60Z, Apr. 13, Z007)].
l\tlayor Dolor a11cl Bol{al Div a are liable for "\iolatio11of ,()ectiott 3 (b) of RA
N o. 3019 f or receivi11g 1no11ey i11 co1111ectio11 "\Vith gover111ne11t co11t.ract or
t.r a11sactio11 for tlie co11strl1ctio11 of tlie Blank Spor ts Ar e11a; or violatio11 of
Sect.io11 3 (e) for giving l\tlr . Gangna rn, a priva te 1}arty , u11"\va rril11tecl be11efits,
aclvanta ge or 1}refere11ce thr ougli 1na11ifest 1}a1tiality a11cl evident bacl f aitli by
e11teri11g llll agree1nen t for SlICll co11structio11, wl1icl1 is l1igl1ly overpricecl; or
viola tio11 of Sectio11 3 (g) for e11teri11g, 011 belialf of tlie C.:Over111nent, i11to a11y
co11tra ct or t.r a11sac ti o11 f or sl1cl1 co11st.r l1ct.io11 1na11if estly a11d gr ossly
disaclvant;lgeous to t.he sa1ne.Mr . Gangna1n for giving 1no11ey to the sai<l Jlllblic
officer s or for enteri11g s11cl1 co11t1·act is also liable for violation of S'ectio1i 3 of
RA LVO. 9019 011tile b;l sis of co11s1lir ar:y [Go l'. Tlie Fiftlt Divisi.01t, .Yfl1ttligt11tb<91fl11,
(G.R. 1Vo. 172602, Ap r. 13, 200i)J

(d) \Vhat cri1nes under the Reriserl Penal c:orle, if any, vvere conunitted.
specifying tJ1e persons liable therefor? Expl ain your ansvver . (4%)


C..overnor Da t11, l\llayor Dolor ancl Boka l Diva ;lre Ji;lble for i11clirect
bribery t111der Art 211, RPC'for receiving 1no11ey fro1n l\llr . Gang11a1n offerecl t.o
cl1a11ge by rea so11of tl1eir JlOsitio11 as Jlllblic officer s while tile letter is liable for
corr11ptio11 of p11blic officer . Direct. briber)' is 11ot co1n1nitt.ecl since tl1ere is 110
sl1ovvi11g tl1;l t tl1ey received tile 1no11ey by virt.11e of an agree1ne11t t.o co1n1nit a
crilne or u11j11st ;lct i11 co11nectio11 witl1 the clevelo1l1nent of a11 econo1nic a11cl
to111·is1n h11b a11cl const.r uction of t.h e Bla11J{Spor ts Are11a. Tl1e facts given allove
1nerely sl10,vecl receipt of gif ts.
Mea11,vl1ile, l\llr. Ga11gna1n is liable for corr11ptio11 of Jlltblic officer t111cler
Article 212 f tlie RPC' because of l1is act of giving gifts t.o tile p11blic officers.

l\llaita vvas tJ1e object of Solito·s avid sexual desires. Solito had atte1npted
111any ti1nes to entice l\llaita to a date in bed vvith hi1n but Maita had consistently
refused. Fed up vvitJ1 all her rejections. Solito abducted l\llaita into a Toyota Innova
and drove off vvitJ1 her to a green-painted house situated in a desolated pa1t of the
tovvn . There. Solito s·ucceeded in having ca111al knowledge of l\llaita against her vvill.

l\lleanvvhile, the police authorities vvere tipped off that at 11:30 p.1n. on that
sa1ne night Solito vvould be selling 1narij11ana outside tJ1e green-painted house.
Acting on the tip. tJ1e PNP station of tJ1e to•vn fo11ned a bu y-bust tea1n witJ1 P02
l\ilasahol being designated tJ1e poseur buyer. During tJ1e buy-bust operation Solito
opened tl1e trunk of tl1e Toyota Innova to retrieved tl1e bag of 111ro1j ua11ato be sold to
P02 l\ilasahol. To cut the laces that he had tied the bag vvith, Solito took out a svviss
knife. but his doing so pro1npted P02 l\ilasahol to effect his i1n1nediate an·est out of
fear tJ1at he vvould attacl( hi1n \Vitl1 tl1e knife. P02 l\ilasahol then confiscated tJ1e bag
of 111arij11r11'1rt as vvell as tJ1e Toyota Innova .

(a) Tvvo infor1nations vvere filed against Solito in the RTC - one for f orcible
abcl11ctio11 i11ith rape, raft1ed to Branch 8 of the RTC: tJ1e other for illegal sctle oj
rlrugs, assigned to Branch 29 of the RTC. \Vas Solito charged vvitJ1 tJ1e proper
ot1enses based on the circu1nstances? Explain your ansvver. (5°/o)

The cliarge of r aJle tl1rougl1 forcible abcl11ctio11 is correct. Tlie rule is

settlecl t.liat if tlie 1nai11 objective of tlie acc11sed is to rape tlie victi1n, tlie cri1ne
co1n1nittecl is r aJle eve11 if lie abd11ct.ecl lier forcef11lly. Forcible abcl11ctio11 is
absorbecl. The doctri11e of absorJl tion rat.lier tl1a11.l\rticle 48 of RPC is
aJlplicable si11ce forcible abd11ctio11 is a11 i11clis1le11sable lnea11s to co1n1nit r a1le
[Peopl e v. 1'rfeJ orlltlaJ (G.R.N o. 102705, Jrtly 30, 1993); People v. Al111.a1iz o1 (G.R.
N o. 124916, Jrtl)1 ll, 2002); People v. /iahlltllah, (G.R.N o. 175924, 1'1ai-. 14, 2012)].
If forcible ilbd11ctio11, liowever , is a llecessary lnea11s to co1n1nit rape, tliis is a
co1n1llex cri1ne proper 1111cler Article 48 of RPC [Peopl e 11. Jose, (G.R. 1Vo.L-
28232, Feb. 6, 1971); Peopl e 11. B1il1,os, (G.R. N o. L-40995, Jittie 25, 1980); People
v. Ta111. (G.R.1Vos. 101801-03, .lay 02, 1995))
'liere tlie victiln \'V as abcl11ct.ecl witli le\vcl desig11 ancl brouglit to a l1011se
[Peopl e v. 11rf agtla1·twg, (G.R.1Vo. L-40988, Apt: 15, 1988)]; [People v. Brtltos, (G.R.
N o. L-40995, Jrttie 25, 1980, Ett Ba1ic)]; [Peopl e v. Jl'elasquez, (G.R. No. 137383-
84, N ov. 23, 2000)] i11a desola t.ed }llace (e.g. 1111i11l1abitecl grasy ll}llancl [People v.
Ca1·lla1tg, (G.R. Nos. 148424-2 7, Dec. 11, 2003)] otf orest [Peopl e v. De Lll1·a, (G.R.
N o. 124703, Jrttte 27, 2000]) wliere slie was r aJle<l, forcible 1lbd11ct.io11 slioulcl be
treatecl ils a necessary 1nea11s to co1n1nit rape, llll<l t.l111s, tlie cri1ne co1n1nittecl is a
co1n1llex cri1ne of r ape tl1rougl1 for cible abd11ct.io11 1111cler Ar t. 48 of tlie Revisecl
Pe111ll Code.
Tlie cliarge of sale of danger o11s drugs is i1nproper , si11ce tliis cri1ne is
co11su1n1na tecl 011ly ll}lOll tlie clelivery of tlie dangero11s clr11gs to tlie poseur buyer
for a co11sicleration. Si11ce i11 tliis case Solit.o lias llOt )'et cleliverecl the 1nilrij11ilna
to P02 l\tlasaliol \Vl1e11 tlie apprel1e11clecl tlie f or1ner , tlie cri1ne co1n1nitt.ecl
is llOt sille of clangero11s clrugs b11t atte1nptecl sale of dil11gero11s clrugs. In People
v. Figueroa., G.R. N o. 186141, Apr . 11, 2012, wliere tlie sale was abort.eel wl1e11
tlie }lOlice officers i1n1necliately }llacecl accusecl 1111der arrest, tlie cri1ne
co1n1nitted is atte1npted sale.

(b) V.1hile the Prosecution was presenting its evidence in Bran ch 29. Branch 8
convicted Solito . Inunediately after tlie jud g1nent of conviction vvas pro1nulgated,
Solito tiled in botli Bran ches a 1notion for the release of the Toyota Innova . He
argu ed and proved tha t he had only bo1TO\Ned tlie vehicle fro1n his brotlier. tlie
regi;:t, ered owner . Branch 8 granted tlie 1notion but Branch 29 denied it. \i\Tere tlie
two cotuts co1Tect in their 111lings? Explain your ansvver. (5%)

Yes. The two co11r ts '\-Vere correct i11their rulings.

The apJ)licable 1}r ovisio11s of la'\v ilre Ar ticle 45 of tlie Revisecl Penal Cocle
a11cl Sectio11 20 of R.•I\.. No. 9165. U11der Ar ticle 45 of tlie Revisecl Pe11al Code,
every pe11alty i1n1}osecl for tlie co1n1nission of a felo11y sliall i11cl11de tlie forf eit.ure
of tlie i11str111ne11ts or tools witli '\Vl1icl1 tlie cri1ne '\V as co1n1nittecl, 1111less tliey be
tlie J}roperty of a tliircl perso11 llot lhlble for tlie offe11se. The S11pre1ne Court
rulecl tlia t. the retur11of the instru1ne11t. or t.ools t.o its owner ca11not be 1}reve11tecl
unless saicl owner is cliargecl '\-Vith the offe11se for whicli saicl i11stru1nent or tool
was 11sed. [PDEA v. Brotlett, (G.R.1Vo. 196390, 28 ,()epte111ber 2011, citing Peopl e •'·
Jose, G.R.1Vo. L-28232, Feb. 6, 1971)] . Tlie S111}re1ne Co11r t f11r tl1er lielcl tliat tlie
forfeit11re of saicl i11str111ne11t. or tools, if warr a11ted, wo11lcl be J)ar t of tlie 1}e11alty
prescribecl (PDEA v. Brotlett, supra). He11ce, t.he cleter1ni11at.io11of '\Vliet.her it will
be forf eitecl coulcl be lnacle only '\Vl1e11juclg1ne11t is renderecl.

In this case, tlie RTC Br ilnch 8 alreacl)' re11clerecl a j 11dg1ne11t of co11victio11

agai11st Solito. Solit.o '\-Vas able to J}rove tliat tlie cilr belo11gecl to his brotlier wlio
'\Vas llOt cliargecl '\Vitli forcible abcl11ct.io11'\Vitli rape; l1e11ce, it '\Vas correct for t.he
RTC Br anch 8 to orcler tlie release of tlie Toyot.a

In11ova to liis brotlier wlio is
not. liilble for tlie offense.

011 tlie otlier l1a11d, Sectio11 20 of R.A. No. 9165 sta i11 par t, "[cl]11ring
tlie pe11cle11cy of tlie case i11 tlie Regio11al Trial Co11r t, llO pr operty, or i11co1ne
derivecl [fr o1n tlie 1111lawf11I sale of a11y clangero11s clrug], '\-Vhicli lnay be
co11fisca t.ecl a11cl forf eitecl, shall be clisposecl, illienat.ecl or tr a11sferred a ncl tlie
sil1ne sliall be i11 c1tsto1litt legis a11cl llO bo11cl sliall be ilcl1nittecl for t.he release of
tlie sa1ne." Tiie S11pre1ne Court r11lecl thilt it is 1}re1na t11re to release tlie car 11secl
in t.he sale of clangerous clrugs '\Vhile tlie triill is still ongoi11g (PDEA v. Brotlett,
supra). Tlie S111}re1ne Co11r t explai11ecl tlia t tlie stat.tis of tlie car for tlie d11r atio11
of tlie t.rial i11 tlie RTC as being in crtstotlitt legis is 1}ri1narily i11te11decl to
preserve it as eviclence llll<l t.o ens11re its avililability ils such (PDEA v. Brotlett,
supra) .
Tile RTC Br a11cl1 29, tl1us '\>V as correct in cle11ying Solit.o 's lnotion to
release tl1e Toyota h111ova co11siclering tl1at tl1e trial for illegill sale of clrugs is
still 011going.

To aid in tl1e rebu ilding and revival of Tacloban City and the su1Tounding areas
tl1at had been devasta ted by the strongest typhoon to hit the counhy in decades, t11e
Govern1nent and otJ1er sectors . including NGOs, ba nded together in the eftort.
A1nong t11e NGOs was Bangon\Naray, Inc. (Ba\VI), hea ded by l\!Ir . Jose l\!Ia. Gulang.
its President and CEO.Ba\Nl operated 1nainly as a social a1nelioration and chari table
institution . For its activities in t11e typhoon-stricken pa1ts of Leyte I'rovince, Ba\N'I
received funds fro1n all sources, local and foreign, including substantial a1nounts
fro1n legislators. local gove11unen t officia ls and th e EU. several n1ont11s.
con1pl aints were h eard about t11e very slovv distribution of relief goods an d needed
social se1vices by Ba\N'I.

The COA repo1ted tl1e res11lts of its audit to the effect t11at at least P 10 l\!Iillion
worth of funds coining fro1n public sources chann elled to Ba\VI were not yet
properly accounted tor . The COA de1nanded rei1nburse1nent but Ba\VI did not
respond .

Hence, l\!Ir . Gu lang was cri1ninally charged in the Office of tl1e 01nbu ds1nan
wit11 111.cd1·ersaiion offic er to rencler accounts as respectively defined and punished by
A1t. 217 and Ait.218 of the Revisecl Penal Corle. He was also ch arged vvith violation
of Sec. 3(e) of R.i\.. 3019 for causing undue injury to t11e Gove11unent.

In his defen se, l\!Ir. Gulang 1nainly contended that he could not be held liable under
tl1e various ch arges because he vvas not a publi c oftlcer.

(a) Who is a pu blic oftlcer? (2%)

sut-;GESTED ANS\\''ER:

U11der Article 203 of tile Revisecl Pe11al Code, a11y perso11 wl10, by clirect
provisio11 of tl1e la'\>v, }}O}}Ular elect.ion or appoint1ne11t by co1npetent authority,
sl1all take par t i11 the 1}erf or1na11ce of }}llblic f1111ct.io11s i11 tl1e Govern1ne11t of tile
Philip}}i11e Ishl11cls, or shilll 1}erf or1n i11 saicl Gover111ne11t or i11 il11y of its
br a11ches }}ltblic dut.ies as a11e1nployee, agent or s11borcli11at.e official, of a11y ra11k
or class, sl1all be dee1necl to be a }}ltblic officer .

(b) Discuss vvhet11er tl1e cri1nes charged against l\!Ir. Gulang are proper.
Explain your ansvver. (3%)

As a gener al rule, lnalversa t.io11 a11cl fail11re t.o re11cler acco1111ting ca11 011ly
be co1n1nittecl by a11 acco1111table p11blic officer. However ,.l\rticle 222 of tlie
Revisecl Pe11al Code J)rO\ides tlia t tlie 1)rO\isio11s 0111nalversatio11 ancl f ail11re to
rencler acco1111t sliall <lJ)ply to J)riva t.e i11clivicluals \Vlio, i11ilny ca1)acity wliatever ,
hilve clulrge of any llatio11ill, pr ovi11cial or ln11nicipal fu11cls, reve11ues or
pro1)erty. TI1e charges, tlieref ore, agailist l\tlr . Gulang f or lll<llversiltio11 a11cl
fail11re t.o re11der accou11ti11g are pro1)er altl1ougl1l1e is a J)r iva te i11clivicl11al.
As <l ge11erill rule, a J)riv ate inclivicl11al ca11 be lield liable for violat.io11 of
RA No. 3019 if lie co11s1)irecl'vitll <l p11blic officer i11co1n1nitting tliis cri1ne [Go 11.
Tlte Fiftlt Division, /ia1ttliga1ibtl)1a1i, (G.R. N o. 172602, Apt: 13, 2007)). However ,
tliere is no sho,ving i11 this case tliat. a p11blic officer viohlt.ecl RA No. 3019 a11cl
l\tlr . Gulang co11s1)irecl with tliat J)Ublic officer in co1n1nitting tliis cri1ne. He11ce,
tlie cliilrge ilg ai11st l\tlr . G11lilng ils a J)riva te i11cliviclual'vitl1011t <l co-acc11secl,'vho
is a p11blic officer, is i1nproper.


Ansvver vvit11 brief explanation s the follovving queries:

(a) If t11e slightest penetra tion of the fe1nale genitalia consununates rapey
carnal kno111ledge, how does t11e accused co1n1nit ritte111p terl rape ) ' ca111al
k1101P ledge? (2%)


To be l1eld liable for atte1n1)tecl r a1)e by ca r11ill kI10,vledge, tl1e penis of tl1e
ilcc11secl ln11st llOt to11cl1 tl1e labia of tl1e p11cle11cl111n of tlie victi1n b11t l1is acts
lnust. be co1n1nitted \Vitl1 clear i11t.e11tio11 to l1ave sex11al i11terco11rse. Int.e11t. to
ha ve sexua l intercourse is prese11t. if is sl1own tl1at tlie erectile J)enis of tlie
accusecl is i11 tlie position to penet.r ate (Cr11z vs. Peo1)Ie, G.R. No. 166441,
(Jctober 08, 2014) or t.he acc11secl ilct11illly co1n1ne11cecl to force liis 1)e11is into tlie
victi1n's sex11ill orga11[People 11. Ba1iz1tela, (G.R. 1Vo. 202060, Dec. 11, 2013)). If
tlie offe11cler to11cl1es t.lie body of tlie victi1n tl1rougl1force, witli lewcl clesig11but
witl1011t clear i11t.e11tio11to liave sexual i11terco11rse, tlie cri1ne co1n1nitt.ed is 11.cts of
lascn1io1tSTtess [People v.•Y a1iico, (G.R.N o. 208469, Aug. 13, 2014)]
(b) \Vhat cri1ne is co1n1nitted by a capata= who enrols two tictitious na1nes in
the payroll and collects tl1eir supposed daily \Nag es eve1y payday? (2%)


Tl1e cri1ne co1n1nittecl is Estaf a tl1r ougl1 Fi1lsificatio11of Public Docu1ne11ts.

ca1lata z is a fore1ni111 f or tl1e gover111ne11t i111cl since tl1e f alsificat.ion of tl1e
public clocu1ne11t is co1n1nittecl as a 1nea11s to co1n1nit esta fa, tl1e JlrOJler clu1rge is a througl1f alsifici1tio11of Jlliblic clocu1ne11t.s.

(c) \Vhat is no\N tl1e age of rloli iucapax in the Philippines? (2%)


If the i1ccused is 1 5 yea rs of age or below, 1ninority is an

exe1n1lting circ111nsta11ce (Sectio11 6 of R.I\. No. 9344). vVitl1 or witho11t
cliscer1une11t, tl1e i1cc11secl of sucl1 age is exe1npt fro1n cri1ni11i1l liability. Li1ck
of cliscer111ne11t is co11cl11sively Jlresu1necl. He11ce, tl1e age of floli i1icapa.Y i11 the
Pl1iliJlJlines is 110 15 years of age or u11der.

(d) \Vhy is there no cri1ne of jr11straiecl seriousp l91sical injuries? (2%)


Accorcling to .J11stice Regalaclo, tl1e cri1ne of Jll1ysical i11j11ries is a for1ni1l

cri1ne si11ce l single i1ct co11s111n1na it as a 1ni1tter of hl\V; 11e11ce, it 11as 110
atte1nptecl or fr11str at.ecl stag e. fJ11ce the i11juries are i11tlict.ed, tl1e offe11se is
co11su1n1na tecl.


Ben1ardo vvas enraged by h is conviction for robbery; by Judge Sa1nsonite

despite in11fficient evidence. Pending his appea L Be111ardo escaped in order to get
even witl1 Judge Sa1nsonite. Be111ardo learned that the Judge regularly slept in his
1nistress' house every vveekend. Thus. he vva ited for the Judge to arrive on Saturday
evening at tl1e house of his 1nistress. It vvas about 8:00 p.111. vvhen Be111ardo entered
the house of tl1e 1nistress. He found tl1e Judge and his rnistress having coffee in the
kitchen and engaging in s1nall tallc. \Vithout vva111ing, Be111ardo stabbed tl1e judge at
least 10 ti1nes. TI1e judge instantly died.

Prosecu ted and tried, Be111ardo vvas convicted of rlirect assault i11ith niurrler.
Rule vvitl1 reasons vvhetl1er or not tl1e conviction for clirect rissault i11ith 11111rrler vvas
justified, and whether or not tl1e trial court should appreciate the follovving
aggravating circtunstances again::, Be111ardo, to wit: (1) disTegard of ranlc and age of
the victi1n. who vvas 68 years old: (2) dvvelling: (3) nightti1ne: (4) c111elty: and (5)
quasi-recidivis1n. (10%)


The J)l1r ase "01t occ(lfl Olt of 1fo1111"1tce" used in.l\.r ticle 148 of RPC
1nea11s "by re<iso1t of tll.e P "·rt pe tfo1111mtce of offid"J <l1tt)1 beca11se tl1e p11rpose of
tl1e lil'\V is to allow tl1e1n t.o discl1arge tl1eir d11ties witl1011t fear of being assaulte<l
by reaso11 tl1ereof [People 11. R£'1tegft <l.o, (G.R. N o. L-2 7031, 1Vlf1Y 31, 1974)]
Attacking J11clge Sa1nsonite by reaso11 of past perfor1na11ce of cl11ty of co11victing
Ber11arclo basecl 011 l1is ;lssess1ne11t of tl1e evicle11ces qualifiecl clirect
assault (U.S. vs. vs. Garcia, G.R. No. 6820, October 16, 1911). Si11ce tile single
act of attacldng .J11dge Sa1nso11ite co11stit.u tes clirect assa ult a11cl 1n11rder q11alifiecl
by tl1e circu1nsta11ce of treacl1ery, tl1e t.'\vo sl1all be 1nergecl togetl1er to f or1n il
co1n1)Iex cri1ne of direct assa ult witll 1nurcler [People v. Esto1tilo, Jr. (G.R. N o.
201565, Oct. 13, 2014)]; [Peopl e v. Drtr"l, (GR N o. N o. 84921, J1t1ie 8, 1993)];
[Peopl es v.Rillott(I, (GR No. 57415, Dec. 15, 1989)]
Disregarcl of r ;l nk, being inl1erent i11clirect assault, is ;l ))sorbecl. Disregarcl
of age sl1;lll 11ot be consiclerecl f or lacl{of sl10'\vi11g of inte11t to offe11cl or i11s11lt t.l1e
age of .J11dge Sa1nso11ite [Peopl e 11. Ott(lbi", (G.R. N o. 128288, Apr. 20, 1999)].
Dwellil1g illl<l 11igl1ttilne sllilll not be a1)1)reciatecl ))ecause tile 1)rese11ce of
tre;lcl1ery i11tile i11sta11t case absor bs tl1ese aggrava ti11g circu1nsta11ces.
Tile cri1ne is 11ot aggrav;lted by cruelty si1nply beca11se .J11dge Sa1nso11ite
sustai11ecl 10 stab '\-Vo1111cls. For cruelty t.o be co11siclerecl as a11 aggrava ting
circ111nsta11ce, it 1nust be 1)rove11 t.ha t in i11flicting sever al stab wou11cls 011 t.he
victiln, the perpetr at.or i11tended t.o exa cerbilte the 1)ai11 a11cl s11ffering of tl1e
victiln. Tl1e 11111nber of wou11cls i11flictecl on tl1e victi1n is 11ot 1)roof of cruelty
[.S'i11t(l1tg(l1t v. People, (G.R. N o. 157984, J1tl)1 8, 2004)). Unless tl1ere is a proof
tl1at wl1e11tile 2 1 or s11bseq11e11t stabs \>Ver e 1nacle, tile .J11dge \>Vas still alive, tl1ere

is 110 cruelty to SJ)eak of .

A q11asi-reciclivist is a perso11wl10 sl1all co1n1nit a felo11y after l1aving bee11
co11vict.ecl by fi11al j11dg1ne11t, before begi1111ing to serve s11cl1se11te11ce, or wl1ile
serving tile sa1ne (Atticle 160 of tll.e R£'Vise<l Pett<d Co<le). 111tl1is case, Ber11arclo
co1n1nittecl the crilne while the judg e1ne11t. of co11victio11is 011 a1)1)eal. Th11s,
q11asi-reciclivis1n ca11not be consiclerecl si11ce he <li<l 11ot co1n1nit tile cri1ne
af ter l1aving bee11co11vict.ecl by fill<ll j 11dge1nent


Po1thos 1na de a ·u dden tu111 on a dark street, and his Rolls-Royce SlJV
btunped tl1e rear of a parl(ed Cadillac Sedan inside which Ara1nis vvas then tal(ing a
nap. Angered by tl1e violent i1npact, Ara1nis alighted and confi·onted Portl1os who

had also alighted. Ara1nis angrily and repeatedly shouted at Po1thos: P utmig ina 1no!
Po1tl1os. displaying fearlessness. aggressively shouted bacl( at Aran1is: Wag ka11g
111agtapa1'1g-tapm1g. all cl;yan, p opaln;vill kitrt! Without saying anytl1ing n1ore, i\.ra1nis
drevv his gun fi·o1n his vvaist and shot Port.hos in the leg. Po1thos' vvound vvas not life

(a) \,\!hat are the kinds of unlavvful aggression. and which!(ind vvas displayed
in tl1is case? Explain your ansvver . (3%)


U11lawf11l aggressio11 is of two ki11cls: (a) act11al or 1na teri<ll 1111lawf11l

aggressio11; a11cl (b) i1n1ni11e11t 11nlawf11l aggressio11. Act11al or 1na terial 1111la\vf11l
aggression 1nea11s a11 attacl{with }}l1ysica l force or with a '\>Veapo11, 1ln offensive
act tl1at }}Ositively cleter1nines the int.e11t of tl1e aggressor t.o c;l use tile i11jury.
I1n1ni11e11t. u11lawful aggressio111nea11s a11 att.<lck tll<lt is i1n1}e11cling or a t tl1e J)Oi11t
of l1a1}pe11i11g; it. 1n11st 11ot co11sist i11 a 1nere tl1rea teni11g attit11cle, 11or 1n11st it be
1nerely ilnagi11ary, b11t 1n11st be offe11sive a11cl positively st1·ong (like ai1ni11g a
revolver at. a11ot.l1er with inte11t to sl1oot or ope11ing a k11ife a ncl 1nald11g a 1notio11
as if to attack). I1n1ni11e11t unlawf ul aggression 1nust 11ot be a 1nere tl1rea tening
attit11cle of tile victi1n, s11cl1 a s }}ressing his rigl1t h<lll<l to l1is lli}}wl1ere a revolver
\Vas l1olsterecl, <lcco1np<l11iecl by a11angry count.e11;l11ce, or like ailning to tl1r ow a
pot [Rrtstifl.v. People, (G.R. 1Vo. 208J 51, Oct. 05, 2016, Bersfl111i11)].
111this ca se, tl1ere is 11eitl1er act11al 11or i1n1ninent. 1111lawf11l aggressio1i. Tile
st.ate1nent "1}a1}atayil1 kit<l" 11eitl1er co11stit.u an <lttack \Vitl1 J)l1ysical force or
'\>Vitl1 a wea1}011, an offe11sive act tl1a t positively det.er1ni11es tile i11te11t of tile
aggressor to ca11se the inj111y nor a11 ilnpencling attacl{, whicl1 is offe11sive a11cl
positively strong.
(b) Standing tr ial for f r11.stroied n111rrler, Ara1nis pleaded self-defense. The
Prosecution 's contenti on vvas tha t the plea of self-defense applied only to
consu1n1nated l(illings. Rule, vvitl1 explana tions. on the tenability of Ara1ni's clai1n of
self-defense. and on the I'rosecution 's contenti on. (3%)

The 1)rosec11tio11's co11te11tio11is 11ot t.e11able. Sl1ooting tile leg of tile \icti1n
witl1011t killing l1i1n 1nay be a rea so11able 1nea11s t.o pr eve11t or r e1)el a11 act11al or
iln1ni11e11t u11lawf ul aggressio11; l1e11ce, self-defe11se is 11ot conf i11ecl to
co11su1n1na tecl killing.

(c) Po1tl1os insisted that tl1e ele1nent of treache1y vvas present. To 111le ou t
treachery, Ara1nis asserted that both he and Portl1os were tl1en facing and
confronting each other vvhen he tired the shot. Rule, vvitl1reasons, on tl1e respective
contentions. (3%)


Tl1ere is 110 treacl1ery as t.he att.ack \Vas })rececle by l1eilt.ecl worcls. Tile act
\Vas spo11t.a11eo11s, arising fro1n tile saicl circu1nst.a nce. Tile s11dcle11 attllck \Vas
not 1)reco11ceivecl a11cl clelibera tely acloptecl but was j 11st triggerecl by tile s11dcle11
iI1f11ria tio11 on tl1e 1)ar t of tile aca1secl, beca use of tile J)rovocative act of tl1e
victi1n, wl1ere tl1eir 1neeting \Vas p11rely accide11ta l.


During tl1e nationwide transpo1t strike to prote:st the phase out of old public
utility vehicles, striking jeepney drivers Percy, Pablo, Pater and Sencio, each ar1ned
with guns, hailed several IvIIvIDA buses then providing free tran:s1)01t to tl1e :stranded
public to :stop the1n fi·o1n plying tl1eir routes. They later on co1nn1andeered one of the
buses vvithout allowing any of the passengers to alight, and told tl1e ch'iver to bring tl1e
bus to Tanay, Rizal.

Upon reaching a re1note area in Tanay, Percy, Pablo, Pater and Sencio Forcibly
divested the Passengers of their cash and valuables. They ordered the passengers to
leave . Then, they burned the bus. IN'hen a tanod of the barcuigG;v of tl1e
area ca1ne aroun d to intervene, Pater fired at hi1n, instantly l(illing hinL
After Percy, Pablo, Pater and Sencio vvere arrested, the police authorities
reconunended the1n to be charged vvith the follovving criines, to vvit: (1) carnapping;
(2) robbe1J 1; (3) clirect assault il'ith hondcicle; (4) kicl11appi11g; and (5) arson. State
your legal opin ion on the reconunenda tion of the pol ice authorities on the cri1ninal
liabilities incu1red by Percy, Pablo, Pater and Sencio. (10%)

Beca11se Percy, Pablo, Pa a11cl Se11cio co1n1na11cleered tile b11s f or

p11r1)ose of robbing the 1)assengers, the cri1ne co1n1nittecl is robbery [Peopl e v.
ilf orl'Tto, (G.R. No. 94755, Apr . 10, 1992)] Siilce the tilking of the victi1ns "\'V as
rnerely t.o co1n1nit robbe1y ancl Ilot to t1·a1lSJlOr t the1n to anotller Jllace for
pur1lose of dete1ltio1l, the crirne co1n1nitt.ecl is 1iot kitl1iappi 1ig bt1t robbery [Peopl e
v. P1t1io, (97471, Feb. 17, 1993) ); C'1i111i1tlll Ltnv C'o1ispectrts by Rore1iz Regallltlo).
l1lte1lt to deJlr ive liberty is Ilot prese1lt since tile depriva tioil of liberty is just
illcidental to the co1n1nissio1l of robbe1y .
Si1lce deatll rest1lt.s by rea so1l or Oil occa sioil of robbery, tile cri1ne
co1n1nitt.ecl is il speciill co1n1llex cri1ne of robbery witll llo1nicide. Tllis co1nposite
cri1ne is co1n1nitted even tllongll tile victirn of llo1nicicle is a respoil<ling
Bar angay Ta1lod [People v. Pelllgio, (G.R. 1Vo. L-16177, 1lf ay 24, 1967)] Eve1l
tllongll Oilly Pa killecl tile Ta1lod, Percy, Pablo, a1l<I Se1lcio are also liable for
robbe1y "\'Vitll llo1nicicle si1lce tlley f ailed to att.e1npt. to Jlr eve1lt tile sa1ne [Peopl e i1.
DeltL Critz, (G.R./ 1l. o. 168173, Dec 24, 2008)]; [Peopl e i1. C'llstro, (G.R. N o. 187073,
1'rf a1·. 14, 2012)]. Since t.he cri1ne co1n1nittecl is robbery "\'Vitll llo1nicicle, all other
felo1lies st1cll as a1·so1i lllttl tlirect a.vsa.rtlt co1n1nitt.ecl by reaso1l or Oil occilsioil of

robbe1y sllall be integriltecl iilto t.lle special co1n1llex crirne of robbery witll
ho1nicicle [People v. Jttgttetll, (G.R. N o. 202124, Apr . 5, 2016)], e1i bll1tc; [Peopl e i1.
Ebe (G.R. N o. 181635, N oi1. 15, 2010)]; [Peopl e v. De Leon, (G.R. N o. 179943,
Jtt1te 26, 2009)]; [People i1. Diu, (G.R. 1Vo. 201449, Apt: 03, 2013)]. Arsoil sllall
not be consiclered ils a se1lar ate cri1ne bt1t as a 1nere aggravating circu1nst.a nce of
co1n1nissio1l of tile felony by rneans of fire [U.S'. v. B1tlfll, (G.R. N o. 8468, Aug.
20, 1913)].
The ele1ne1lts of car1laJlpi1lg are: (a) tile tald1lg of the 1notor vellicle \>Vllicll
belongs to a1lotller; (b) tile taki1lg is \>Vitllont co1lse1lt of tile ow1ler or by 1neilns
of \>iole1lce agai1lst or i1lti1nida tio1l of Jlerso1ls or by t1sing force lIJlOil thi1lgs; ail<I
(c) tile ta ki1lg is clone witll i1lt.e1lt to gaiil [Peopl e v. B1tsti1ierll, (G.R. N o. 148233,
JttTte 8, 2004)}.
Ill tllis case, tile acct1secl tIIll<lWft1lly t.ook ail 1\11\!IDA bus "\'Vitllot1t tile
co1lse1lt. of its ow1ler, wllicll gives rise t.o tile Jlresu1nptio1l of tlleir i1lt.e1lt to gaiil.
Co1lsiclering tllat all ele1ne1lts of car1laJlJling <lre Jlr esent, tile acct1secl sllall be
liable tllerefor .
Si1lce car1laJlJling is JllIIlisllilble tIIl<ler a speciill law, it sll<lll be co1lsiclerecl
as a crirne separate fro1n robbe1y "\'Vit.ll llo1nicide [Peopl e i1.Delli.Ct7tZ, (G.R.1Vo.
1746 58, Feb. 24, 2009)]; [Peopl e v. Naptili (G.R. Nos. 1429191143876, Feb. 4,
2003)]; [Peopl e •'·Asa11i1ttltli1t, (G.R. /\lo. 213913, .Y ept. 2, 2015)]; [People •'· 1'rf rtit,
(G.R. N o. 181043, Oct. 8, 2008)]; [Peopl e v. Ro.'\:as, (G.R. /\lo. 172604, Aug. 17,

Sanuny Peke vvas convicted of a violation of R.A. No. 123456 for selling fal(e
bool(s. The lavv prescribes tl1e penal ty of p1ision correccional, a divisible pena lty
whose 1nini1nu1n period is six 1nontl1s and one day to two years and four 1nontl1s:
1nediu1n period is tvvo years, four 1nonths and one day to four years and tvvo 1nont11s:
and 1naxitnun1period is four years, tvvo 1non ths and one day to six years.
At a1Taign1nent, Sa1n1ny Peke pleads guilt:v to the cri1ne charged.
(a) Explain hovv tl1e ludeternd nate Sentence La111 is applied in cri1nes punished
by S})ecial lavvs. (3%)


U11cler the seco11cl par t. of tl1e Inclet.er1ni11at.e Se11t.e11ce Law, i11cases where
tl1e offense is Jlllnisl1able u11cler SJlecial law, tl1e lnaxiln111n i11deter1nina te penalty
sl1all not exceecl t.he 1na xi1nu1n lilnit of tl1e Jlrescribecl Jle11alty \Vl1ile tl1e
lni11i1n111n pe11alty sl1all 11ot be less tl1a11 tl1e lni11i1nu1n li1nit t.l1ereof . However , if
tl1e special la\v aclopts tl1e tecl111ical 1101ne11clat11re of tl1e Jle11alties u11cler tl1e
Revisecl Pe11ill Cocle [Peopl e v. 1'1ll.cllta1i1la, G.R. 51368 (N ov. 6, 1981)], tl1e
provisio11 of the Revisecl Pe11al Code \'Viii ap1lly. Consequently, tl1ere will be a11
a1lplicatio11of Art. 64 of t!l.e R"'Visetl Pi tlll C'otle. TI1e lnaxi1n111n Jle11illt)' shall be
fixecl \Vitl1i11 tl1e r a11ge of tl1e pro1ler i1nposable periocl af ter ta king i11to
co11sicler atio11 tl1e 1nodifying circ111nsta11ce; wl1ile tl1e lni11i1nu1n pe11alty sl1all be
fixecl witl1i11 tl1e range of tl1e pe11alty llext lower i11 clegr ee tl1a11 tl1at. prescr ibecl
by law [Peotlle v. Si1no11, [G.R. 1Vo. 93028, Jrtly 29, 1994)]; {Jll.caht11t v. Peopl e,
(G.R. /\lo. 184355, llrf a1'. 23, 2015)]; [Jlrfll.lto v. Peopl e, (G.R. N o. 164733, .Y ept. 21,
2007)]; [Peopl e v. 1VJ01italllhll, (G.R. N o. 186227, Jitl}' 20, 2011)]; [Peopl e v. Jlrfitsll,
(G.R. /\lo. 199735, Oct. 24, 2012)]; [Peopl e v. •YlllllZUI (G.R. /\lo. 98060, Ja11. 27,

(b) Supposing t11e trial judge itnposes a straight penal ty of itnprison1nent for
one year, is the pena lty correct in th e context of t11e inrletern1i11ate S'entence La111?
Explain your ansvver. (3o/o)
Si11ce Sa1n1ny Pel{e 1nacle a co11fessio11, tl1e pe111llty of prisi,01t co11·eccio1t".l
prescribed for selling fake book sl1all be a1)J)liecl i11 its 1niI1i1nu1n periocl, wl1icl1
r 1lnges fro1n 6 1nontl1s a11cl 1day to 2 ye<lrs a11cl 4 1no11tl1s. Tl111s, tl1e co11r t 1nay
OJ)t to i1npose a pe11alty of 1 year of iln1}rison1ne11t witl1i11 tl1e range of tl1e
1nini1nu1n J)eriocl of p1isio1t co11·ecdott{IL h1 t.his case, h1clet.er1niI1at.e Se11te11ce
Law is a1)J)licable, t11erefore, t.he straigl1t pe11alty of one year of i1nprison1nent is

In his ho1nily, Fr. Chr is loudly denounced t11e 1nany extrajudicial killings co1n1nitted
by the 1nen in unifo11n. Police1nan Stone, then attending the nlass, vvas peeved by t11e
denunciations of Fr. Q1ris. He i1n1nediately approached the priest during t11e ho1nily,
openly displayed his tirea1111tu cl(ed in his waist. and 1nenacingly u ttered at the priest:
Father, 111.c1;1 kalalagyclf t kc vo kung hinrli kc vo t11111igil. His brazenness territied the
pr iest, who cut sho1t his ho1nily th en and th ere. The celebration of the n1ass vvas
dis111pted, and t11e congregation left. t11e church in disgust over tl1e actuations of
Police1nan Stone. a co-parishioner .
Police1nan Stone vvas subsequently charged.
The Oftice of t11e I'rovincial Prosecutor is no>v about to resolve the case. and is
n1ulling on >vhat to charge Police1nan Stone vvith.
Niay Police1nan Stone be properly charged vvitl1 either or both of the follovving
cri1nes. or, if not. vvitJ1vvhat proper cri1ne?
(a) Interruption of religious 111orship as detined and pun ished under A1t. 132
of tl1e Revised Penal Code; and/or

Police1na11Sto11e 1nay be ch;lrgecl '\Vitl1I11terr111}tio11of r eligio11s worsl1ip.

U11cler tl1e Revisecl Pe111ll Code, a public officer or e1n1}Ioyee wl10 sha ll
preve11t or clistur b tl1e cere1nonies or 1nanifesta tio11s of a11y religio11 sl1all be
liable f or interr111}tion of religious worsl1ip.
Hence, Police1na11 Sto11e,'' J)Ublic officer, a1}1}r oacl1ecl the priest, <liSJ)layecl
his firear1n, a11cl tl1rea t.e11ecl t11e priest, '\Vl1icl1ca11secl t11e clisr111}tio11of tl1e 1na ss
a11cl tl1e leaving of tl1e congrega tio11.
Police1na11 Sto11e, t11erefore, 1nay be cl1argecl of i11terr11ption of r eligio11s
(b) Off e11rli1ig the religiousfe elings as defined and punished under Art. 133 of
tl1e Reriserl Pencil C'ocle.

Explain fully your ansvvers. (8o/o)


Police1na11 Stone 1nay 11ot be chilrgecl witl1 tl1e cri1ne of offe11cling religious

The S111)re1ne Co11rt l1as r11lecl tl1a t tl1e act.s 1n11st be clirect.ecl against
religio11s J)r actice or clog1na or ritu al for tl1e 1)11r1)ose of riclicule, as 1nocking or
scoffing at or atte1npting to da1nilge a11 object of religio11s ve11er atio11 [Peop le v.
Blles, (G.R.N o. 46000 (1939)]

Police1nil11 Sto11e thr eilte11ecl tl1e priest beca11se of tl1e priest's stat.e1ne11t.s
during his l101nily il11cl 11ot t.o 1nocl{ or riclic11le tl1e cere1nony; co11seque11tly,
Police1na11 Sto11e 1nay 11ot be cl1argecl \Vit.11 t.l1e cri1ne of offe11cling r eligio11s

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