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Agil ababil = giant ( KIND)

Arfin = narrator,hunter (KIND)

Arif = prince, mirror (KIND,HONEST)

Fahmi = old man, and old woman (KILLER,EVIL)

Musdalifah = snow white(KIND)

Alfu habiba = queen (EVIL)



Narator: Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Snow White she is
life with evil stepmother which has a magic mirror . snow white so kind and gentle
and a friend to all animals. One day, Snow White met a charming prince in the jungle

Prince : hayyy, what your name?

Snow white : my name is snow white, and you?

Prince : my name is ken, so, What are you doing here?

Snow white : hmm I just stroll, and play with my friends, and you what are you doing

Prince :oh I'm hunting, and and meet a beautiful princess (smile)

Snow white : I’m sorry but I have to go back to my home

Prince ; will we meet again?

Snow white : I don’t know (smile)

Narrator : snow white back to home with happiness, in the palace the evil stepmother

was talking with a magic mirror



Quen : mirror on the wall, who is the most beautifull in the universe?

Mirror : quen you are beautifull, but snow is more beautiful than you

Narrator : The Queen was so jealous of Snow White's beauty that she ordered her
Huntsman to kill the young princess.


Quen : bring snow white to a jungle, you kill her and bring her heart inside here

Hunter : what? I’m sorry queen I can’t kill her because she’s a princess

Quen : shut up, kil her or you I kill

Narrator : huntsman execute his duty, he invites snow white to go hunting

Hunter : princess do you want to hunt with me?

Snow white : yes, of course but I do not want to hunt I just want to meet my friend so

we can go together right?

Hunter : yes my princess



Narrator : But the Huntsman couldn't bring himself to hurt Snow White. He told her
to run far away so the Queen would never find her.

Hunter : I’sorry my prince but you must go from the palace, the queen is very jealous
of you, she will hurt you if you stay at the palace

Snow white : just calm down, my mom will not hurt me

Hunter : no princess, if you go back to the palace, the queen will kill me please my
princess help me!
Snow white : okayyy sir, I will go take a pig's heart so my mother believes you've
killed me

Hunter : thank you my princess, hopefully someday there will be a prince who will
save you in the forest.



Narrator : snow white run into the forrest and she find the house and snow white go
inside the house and she astonistshed why all the stuf is big

Snow white : why all the things here is big,dirty……… I just clean it

Narrator : at the time snow white cleaning the house owner house come and they are

Snow white: Maybe whoever lives here will let me stay

Giant : heyy, who are you?

Snow white : I am snow white

Giant : princess? What are you doing here? why are you in my home?

Snow white : sorry I run from the palace because I will be killed, because my
stepmother are jelous and hate me much.

Giant : ohh so poor, you can stay here and I will protect you

Snow white : are you hungry? I have preapare dinner for you

Giant : yeah thank you

Narrator : by the time they dinner. the clock sounds indicathes time to sleep

Giant : you can sleep in my room and I can sleep outside

Snow white : are you comfortable there?

Giant: yeah, no problem

Snow white : okeyy thank you and good night

Narrator : alarm clock is ringing. its time to morning? and time the giant want to

Giant : okeyy princess, I will go to work and when I am not in home becareful of
your stepmother don’t let anyone go into the house



Narrator : the palace is so very sad because of snow white missing,the issues snow
white missing, prince hear it the issues and the prince effort to search snow white in
the forest. a man came up to him and said

Man : look for her in the forest and you will find her

Prince : what? how can you find out?

Narator : the man ran so fast that the prince could not find him, prince remembering
the man's words and looking for snow white in the jungle



Narrator : in the palace the queen asked the maqic mirror

Quen : mirror on the wall, who is the most beautifull women in this universe?

Mirror : quen event though you are beautifull, but snow white live in the forest with
giant, a thousand times more beautifull than you

Narrator : the quen shocked to hear abaout her and she got the plant she disguised her
face and wear the clothes worn by old women so no one can recognize it and she goes
to forest to find and kill snow white


Old women : excusme , help me! I am very thirsty due to the long journey

Snow white : wait a minute I get you drinks and food

Narrator : after eating the old women wants to give something to the snow white

Old women : accept this in return for you kindness you will look so beautifull if you
use it, come here and let me help you to use this ribbon

Narrator : but the old women quickly strangled snow white with a ribbon until snow
white fall and as if she die

Quen : now its time you quit as the beautifull woman in univrerse

Narrator : when the giant back to home, he surprised to see snow white on the floor,
the giant cut the ribbon and the snow white breathe again

giant : what happened to you?

Snow white : I helped grandmother, after she gave me a, ribbon for thanking her, she
instead strangled me with the ribbon

Giant : the old woman be none other than the evil quen, you have to be carefull when
I am not here



Narrator : when the evil queen arrives at the palace and she ask the mirror

Quen : mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in universe?

Mirror : quen event though you are beautifull but snow live in the forest with giant, a
thousand times beautifull more than you

Narrator : upon hearing the answer she shocked to know snow white is still alive

Quen : now, I must think of another way to destroy the snow white


Narrator : and with her magic she made a toxic, then she disguised herself as another
old man.

Old man : help me! I am lost I do not know how to go home, can you tell the way to
get out of here?

Snow white : well I will show it

Narrator : after the old man came out of the forest he also give snow white mango
fruit for repayment because the snow has helped him

Old man : take this mango as a gift of your kindness

Snow white : no thank you, I have promised with someone to not accept anything

Old man : I just want to thank you, so I give this mango to you it comes from my own
garden I woud very sad if you refused



Narrator :snow white heard the word then she brings mango to home and eats it, then
snow white fall and it looks like she died.and when giant back to home he is very
surprised seeing snow white fall in the floor

Giant : hey princess wake up, wake up what happened

Narrator : giant crying and his voice is heard by prince. prince approaching giant
house and he ask

Prince: excuse me

Giant:hey who are you ? you who killed princes

Prince : oh wait ! no! I am the prince from the palace east I come her because I hear
the sound of people crying and happen to snow white?
Giant : I don’t know I just come home and I see her lying on the floor and she don’t
wake up princess
Prince : ok let me, I will try to wake her, bismillah hey wake up wake up
Narrator : prince watering the face wnow white and she awake

Snow white : heey what happen? Oh ken why are you doing here?

Giant : alhamdulilah princes you wake up

Prince : snow white finally I found you, I'm looking for you everywhere because I
heard the news that you disappeared and until peoples thought you was dead

Snow white : ohh thank you ken , hmmmI left in the palace because the quen want to
kill me

Narrator : the prince advice the snow white to go back the to palace acompanied by
prince and giant

Prince : we must return to the palace I will go with you as well as this giant, your
stepmother must pay what she has done to you

Snow white : no ken, after all she remains my mother.

Narrator : snow white and prince and giant go to the palace, an quen was shocked to
see snow white still a life and with the prince.



Queen : ohh prince what took you so wanted to visit my palace?

Prince : I came here to bring a snow white to home, and wanted to marry her

Queen : what are you say? did i hear right?

Prince : snow white come here

Quen : oh my god, it is impossible NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Narrator : queen shocked to see snow white, and the queen turns so angry that her
magic destroys her with the magiq mirror. and finaly snow white and prince with the
giant live in the palace together happily


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