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A chocolate-maker lives in a small town. Every day he makes chocolate

at his chocolate factory. His sweet, brown chocolate is delicious. It has a
wonderful smell.
Every morning Gabriel sits down in front of the chocolate factory and
smells the chocolate. Gabriel is a poor man. He doesn't have enough money to
buy the chocolate, but he loves the smell.
One winter day the chocolate maker sees Gabriel smelling the chocolate.
He gets very angry. ''You are stealing the smell of my chocolate'', he says. ''You
can't do that! You must pay me for it!'' ''I am not eating the chocolate'', answers
Gabriel. ''I don't have to pay just to smell it''. ''Yes, you do'', says the chocolate-
maker. ''Let's ask the judge'', says Gabriel.
The judge listens to Gabriel and the chocolate-maker. ''This is a difficult
problem'', he says. He sits and thinks. After two hours the judge asks Gabriel
''Do you have any money?''. Gabriel takes out a little bag with ten pennies in it.
''Shake the bag, Gabriel'', says the judge. Gabriel shakes the bag and the coins
jingle. ''Listen to the sound of the coins, chocolate-maker'', the judge tells the
chocolate-maker. ''The sound of Gabriel's money pays for the smell of your

I. Are these sentences true or false?

1. The chocolate smells good.
2. Gabriel buys chocolate every day.
3. Gabriel steals the chocolate.
4. The chocolate-maker wants money for the smell of the chocolate.
5. Gabriel has some money.
6. Gabriel gives some money to the chocolate-maker.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Where does the chocolate-maker live?
2. What does he make every day?
3. When does he see Gabriel smelling the chocolate?
4. Who does he ask about the problem?
5. Why is the chocolate maker angry?
6. Is the chocolate-maker a good man? Why or why not?

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