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This DEED is made and executed by the EXTRAoRDINARY DEVELoPMENT as the surviving entity in the merger
between GOLDEN BAY REALry DEVELOPMENT pu.rsuant to the articles of merger I Yr"1V; duly organized and existing by the
virtue of Philippine Laws, with principal office at the 37th Flr. Orient Squbre Bldg., fmeratO erre. Center, Pasig City herein represented by
with address at Lot 268 D Sarreal Subd., Bayan Luma 8 lmus Cavite hereinafter called the BUyER.
r,G, ,ri,[Jii rrrlniiorii. iiEu;i

That, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN THOUS4ND
FOUR PESOS & 96/100 (P1,467,894.96), Philippine Currency, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged from
the BUyER to the entire satisfaction of
the SELLER, said SELLER do hereby SELL, TRANSFER and CONVEY in a manner absolute and inevocable,
unto said BUYER, his/her heirs,
successors and assigns, that certain parcel of land situated in Brgy. Anabu, lmus, Cavite embraced in and
covered by Transfer certiticate of Tige
No. T-600457, issued by the Register of Deeds of Cavite and more particularly identified and described as follows:

A parcel ofland (Lot l6 Block 45 ofthe subd. plan Psd-04-077003, being a portion oflots described on plan pcn-042109-000726,
Rec' No' )' situated in the Brgy. Anabu, Mun. of Imus, Prov. of Cavite, Is. of Luxon. Biunded on the NE.,'along line l-2 by Lor 14 Blk 15
on the SE.,; along line 2-3 by rd Lot 35; on the Stl/., along line 3-4 by Lot 18;-& on the NII/., along line 4-l by
Loi t3; both ;U Nk-45 dll of
the subd. plan; Beginning dt a pt. marked "1" on plan, being S. 89 deg. l9'1y., 594.84 m. Mon, 117, Imus, Estate.
thence S. 6 deg 39'8., 18.00 m, to pt. 2;
thence S, 83 deg 21,W.,10.00 m. to pt, 3;
thence N. 6 deg. 39'1Y.,18.00 m. to pt. 4;
thence N. 83 deg.21,E.,10.00 m. to pt. of ;

Beginning, containing dn area of oNE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) SQ. METERS. All points referred
ro dre indicoted on the plan and
are marked on the ground by PS, Cyl. conc. mon* 15x10 cm. bearings true; date oforiginaliurvey,
the subd. survey, November 3-December 21, 1994 and was approved on January 16, Igg5.
iuly 27, 1905-June ll,
lg0g and that of

That the SELLER hereby warrants valid title to the property herein sold and conveyed, and further
declares that the same is free from all
liens and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, except those provided by law and in the deed of restriction
as annotated ano reproouceo at tne
back of the Transfer Certificate of Tifle corresponding to the Lot.

It is understood that any and all taxes, assessments and charges due on the property from the date
of this instrument as well as those for
the issuance of a new Transfer Certificate of Title in the name of the BUyER shall be boine'by the BUyER.

That the BUYER has inspected the property and find it in satisfactory condition.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thE SELLER have hereunto affixed his sisnature this day or HAY 20 ?fffr{
, Metro Manila, Philippines.

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BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in province/City of
day of
personally appeared Victor H
H. Manarang, representative of EXTRAoF NARY CORPORATION with
community Tax No. 121 10047, issued at pasig city, on January 12, zoo+ known to me and to be same person who executed the forgoing Deed
of Absolute Sale for and behalf of the said Corporation and jcknowledged before me that the same is his voluntarily
Corporation he represents
act and deed and of the

one (1) pase., incrudins the pase on which acknowredgment

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