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the madness

from the stars

In this section you’ll find rules for Battle-forged armies that include C’TAN
Detachments – that is, any Detachment which includes C’tan units (as defined below).
These rules include a set of abilities and Strategems that can only be used by a C’tan
army. This supplement also includes unique Warlord Traits, Techno-Sorcery
Disciplines, Powers of the C’tan, Relics, and Tactical Objectives. Together, these rules
reflect the character and fighting style of the C’tan in your games of Warhammer
In the rules described in this supplement DESTROYERS OF WORLDS
‘What does a god care references will be made to ‘C’TAN units’ Born with the creation of the universe
about humankind? I was and ‘C’TAN warlords’. This is a itself, the C’tan are the rightful claimants
here before you and I shorthand for a unit or warlord that has to all creation. Returned thirsting from
will be here when you the C’TAN or NECRONS keywords, their tombs, their harvests shall wreak
are gone. Even as species with exceptions. destruction upon all worlds.
go you are but nothing, a
stain on the galaxy like Any unnamed unit with the ADEPTUS
If your army is Battle-forged, all Troops
mould. You will die out MECHANICUS and the TECH-
units in C’TAN Detachments gain this
or be washed away, and PRIEST keyword may also a C’TAN
ability. Such a unit that is within range of
the C’tan will not notice.’ army detachment. The units which meet
an objective marker (as specified in the
- Yggra’nya, the this requirement include: TECH-
mission) controls that object marker even
if there are more enemy models within
range of it. If an enemy unit within range
of the same objective marker is controlled
by the player who has the most models
Necron units with the TRIARCH
within range of it as normal.
keyword or named Necron characters may
not form a C’tan detachment. This
TRIARCH PRAETORIANS. Examples Each C’tan was born of a different star,
of named Necron characters include and the alignment of these stars in the
IMOTEKH THE STORMLORD or greater cosmos has endowed each C’tan
ILLUMINOR SZERAS. a unique form of madness, which drives
their incessant and destructive needs.
Index: C’tan is implemented atop Codex:
Necrons, and derives Tech-Priest If your army is Battle-forged, units with
datasheets from Codex: Adeptus the appropriate keyword will receive the
Mechanicus. In order to resolve narrative corresponding Cosmic Alignment,
and rules conflict, the following keywords detailed in the next page, so long as every
must be replaced: other unit in their detachment’s harvest is
KEYWORD REPLACE WITH: under the patronage of the same C’tan,
with exception of actual C’tan units. If
you have chosen a harvest that does not
<FORGE WORLD> <HARVEST> feature on this list, you can choose a
<C'TAN SHARDS> <C'TAN> Cosmic Alignment that best suits the
fighting style and battlefield strategies of
ABILITIES the harvesters under the patronage of the
All C’tan Detachments (excluding Super- corresponding C’tan.
heavy Auxillary Detachments) gain the
following abilities:
Alignments I
There is insanity and a raging, The Deceiver has spent millennia abroad in
unquenchable thirst for suffering in the eyes the galaxy gathering followers to become its
of the Nightbringer. new slaves. Through its subtle
machinations, the Deciever has eliminated
When an enemy model is slain by a unit entire star systems in a fashion unseen since
with this alignment, a single wound is the War in Heaven. That such limitless
recovered by a model within the unit with suffering, has been caused is as nothing to
this alignment. The model recovering the the Deceiver.
wound may not recover more than its base
wounds from this alignment. The unit may When a unit with this alignment is
only recover a single wound from a single successfully wounded during the Shooting
slain model per unit per turn. For example, phase, a roll can be made for each wound to
if a unit with this alignment slew at least be allocated, and on a roll 4+ the wound(s)
one model from three different units in a may be allocated to any other friendly unit ‘I wanted to know how
single turn, it can recover a three wounds. within 6". the galaxy had fared;
who was left after the
MAG’LADROTH: NYADRA’ZATHA: plague. You can’t
finding your kind and
In the umbra of the Void Dragon, angles are The Burning One has long sought to cast his
the krork scattered
impossible and geometry insane. Distance is eldritch fires beyond the nebulous Gates of
everywhere. I’ve seen
irrelevant and perspective a lie. Every rule the Varl and incinerate all before it.
you humans trying to
of normality is turned upside down in an
forge an empire in the
instant and the natural order of the universe Each unit with this alignment receives a 6"
name of a corpse; I have
in overthrown in this terrifying vision of extension to their maximum range, with the
seen your churches to the
distorted reality. exception of C’tan units.
machine. Racially, your
fear and superstition are
A unit with this alignment may re-rolls save YGGRA’NYA: most gratifying. You
rolls of 1. SHIFTING LANDSCAPE make excellent subjects.’
The World Shaper’s very thoughts could - Mephet’ran, the
TSARA’NOGA break apart a planet and reshape it in a Deceiver
MAD GAZE form more pleasing to him.
To look upon the Outsider is to know terror
and its gaze causes madness and despair During the Movement phase, unit with this
wherever it falls. Those it came near took alignment may move across models and
their own lives rather than endure its hellish terrain as if they were not there if a 2+ is
presence. rolled for this unit. However, at the end of
the Movement phase, no model may be in
During the Morale phase, an enemy unit any location normally unreachable to it.
whose model was slain by a unit with this
alignment must add 1 to their Morale phase
roll, as if the enemy unit’s leadership was
subtracted by 1.
Alignments II
Those afflicted with the madness of the Hailing from quasar far too ancient to be of
Flayer are cursed with an incessant hunger this universe, the Arisen is counted as the
and a drive to eviscerate those unfortunate first aetherial spirit formed from the root
enough to become prey. and substance of all things. Its messengers
bring with them the night when the black
During the Fight phase, if a unit with this star rose.
alignment attacks an enemy unit whose
Toughness characteristic is equal to or less If an enemy unit falls within PR" of a unit
than your unit’s Strength characteristic, all with this alignment, even during any of the
‘To those who have wound rolls of 6+ are counted as mortal enemy unit’s movements, it may not longer
denied us. To those who wounds. move further away from the unit with this
have denied me. I will alignment. PR is calculated as the unit’s
wreak vengeance. I will IASH’UDDRA: power rating, but not exceeding 18. In other
wrench your souls and words, the greater the unit’s power rating,
break your bones. I will the greater the range of this effect, with 18"
Experimental Rule 1:
cast hunger through being the limit. If an enemy unit falls within
The Endless Swarm’s mass spreads across
your accursed existence. range of multiple units with the same
existence, ebbing and twisting amongst its
Down the eons, you will alignment, its movements are guided by the
harbingers like a cloud of ravenous locusts.
not forget. I will grant closest of these units.
you this gift from love
At the beginning of the battle, a unit with
turned aside and make
this alignment is given an extra shared
you like me, break you in
wound for every 3 models in the unit. For
my image as you have
example, a unit of 3 models is given 1 extra
broken me. I shall cast
shared wound, while a unit of 20 models
the fear of myself into
will receive 6 extra shared wounds.
you and all of your kind.
I am Llandu’gor. I am
Experimental Rule 2:
the hunger. I am the
The Endless Swarm’s mass spreads across
flayer, and from this
existence, its harbingers enveloping and
moment, you shall be
scavenging every atom of entire systems like
too.’ - Llandu’gor, the
a cloud of ravenous locusts.
During the Fight phase, a unit with this
alignment may pile in up to 6". If a unit an
enemy unit is successfully enveloped by a
unit with this alignment, such that the
enveloped unit may not longer move, every
enveloped enemy model slain by the
player’s unit grants the player’s unit a single
If your army is Battle-forged and includes any C’TAN Detachments (excluding Auxillary Support Detachments), you
have access to the Stratagems shown here, meaning you can spend Command Points to activate them. These help
reflect the unique strategies used by the C’tan and their Necron legions on the battlefield. Besides the Stratagems
listed below, all Stratagems listed in Codex: C’tan may be used, with the exception of JUDGEMENT OF THE


3CP C’tan Stratagem 1C/3CP ENDOWMENTS
Despite being contained within the C’tan Stratagem
necrodermis, the C’tan is a living god and The lords and overseers of the harvest fleets
may grant its essence upon its servants. depend on the scientific sorcery of the
Crpyteks for their legions’ survival and
Use this Stratagem at the beginning of the victory.
Movement phase. During the Movement phase,
your army’s warlord will take on the profile of an Use this Stratagem before the battle. Your army
Ascendaent C’tan. This entails taking on an can have one extra Techno-Sorcery for 1CP, or
Ascendeant C’tan’s Move characteristic, ability two extra Techno-Sorceries for 3CPs. All the
to fly over terrain, and available C’tan power(s) Techno-Sorceries that you include must be
at the end of the Movement phase. Note, at the different and be given to different C’TAN
end of the Movement phase, the warlord may not CHARACTERS. This Stratagem can only be
be placed on terrain normally inaccessible to it. used once per battle.


1CP C’tan Stratagem 5CP C’tan Stratagem
The impossible technologies of the Cryptek When the birth stars of the C’tan align, the
conclaves are as confounding as the warp star gods reach out to form a radiescent bond,
energies employed by psykers. The entering dyadic state of being.
technomancers of these conclaves can belong
to one of thousands of these disciplines. Use this Strategem before the battle. Select a
C’tan model from your army and grant it one
Use this Stratagem before the battle. For the cost extra Power of the C’tan. to have and use per
of 1 CP, a Cryptek in your army may be given turn. to have and use per turn.
any single piece of wargear associated with any
of the techno-sorcery disciplines. Multiple pieces
of wargear may be provided to the Cryptek for
the cost of 1 CP each. However, one a Crpyek
may only be given wargear from a single
discipline, and it may not possess multiples of
the same wargear. This Stratagem may be used
any number of times per battle.
The disciplines of techno-sorcery are wide and varied. It is rare for two Crypteks to evince exactly the same abilities.
However, technomancers will generally fall into several broad categories of effect. No known Cryptek is known to
study in two or more disciplines – such a thing almost entirely unheard of as it indicates a most untrustworthy or
undisciplined mind.

If your army is led by a C’TAN Warlord, then before the battle you may provide your Necron Lord, Tech Priest, or Cryptek
character wargear tied to one of the six techno-sorcery disciplines listed below. No Crpytek may be provided wargear from
more than one disciple.

Accomplished psychomancers are amongst the most keenly Plasmancers are not subtle beings, for they choose to wield
retained of all Crypteks. If their abilities are properly raw energy rather than go to the trouble of binding it into
employed, the enemy’s morale will be shattered within other forms. Thus are they known as Harbingers of
moments of the battle’s start. Destructions, as that is their gift to the galaxy.


To succumb to the swirling ebon mists called by the abyssal This stave can emit a blast of furious energy whose passage
staff is to be swallowed in impenetrable madness. makes even the air scream in agony.

The Abyssal Staff replaces the bearer’s staff of light and has The Eldritch Lance replaces the bearer’s staff of light and
the following profile: has the following profile:
The Abyssal Staff (shooting) 12" Assault 1 * * * Eldritch Lance (shooting) 36" Assault 1 8 -4 D6
The Abyssal Staff (melee) Melee Melee User -2 1 Eldritch Lance (melee) Melee Melee User -2 1
Abilities: This weapon automatically hits its target. Roll 3D6 if a unit is hit by this
weapon in the Shooting phase; if the result is equal to or greater than the target unit's
highest Leadership characteristic, then it suffers D3 mortal wounds. GAZE OF FLAME
Flickering witch-fires blaze from the Cryptek’s eyes,
NIGHTMARE SHROUD faltering the onset of even the bravest attacker.
Unveiling the nightmare shroud assails nearby enemies with
phatasms of dread as potent as any mortal danger. The bearer and up to one friendly <HARVEST>
INFANTRY unit within 3" of the bearer are treated as being
The bearer’s Save characteristic is improved by 1 (i.e. a Save armed with grenades with the following profile:
characteristic of 4+ becomes 3+, a Save characteristic of 3+
becomes 2+ etc.). In addition, enemy units subract 1 from
Gaze of Flame 6" Grenade 1 6 -1 D3
their Leadership characteristic whilst they are within 6" of
the bearer of the Nightmare Shroud.
VEIL OF DARKNESS The Cryptek’s staff unleases a flash of searing light, blinding
The Cryptek can summon a veil of darkness which twists and his enemies and illuminating the battlefield.
billows like a ghostly cload blown by an ethereal breeze.
When the darkness ebbs, the Crpyek and his comrades have One use only. After a unit from your army has declared its
disappeared, only to rematerialize some disance away targets in the Shooting phase, but before any hit rolls are
made, pick one of the enemy units that your unit is targeting.
Once per battle, at the end of any of your Movement phases, The enemy unit does not receive the benefit of cover against
the bear can use the Veil of Darkness. When they do, the the units’ weapons this phase.
bearer, and up to one friendly <HARVEST> INFANTRY
unit wihin 3" of the bearer, are removed from the battlefield.
Then, set up the bearer (and the second unit you chose, if
any) anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" from
any enemy models (the second unit must be set up wholly
within 6" of the bearer).
Chornomancers are known as Harbingers of Eternity, as Harbingers of the Storm are ethermancers, with the fury of
knowledge of the future flows through their every act. Few the turbulent skies at their command. They can summon
Harbingers of Eternity are trusted, as they always have a lightning, or set enraged winds upon the foe.
shrewd idea of how any event will unfold.
AEONSTAVE Just as the ethermancer commands the voltaic staff, so does
The sapphire head of an aeonstave contains a massive the voltaic staff command the lightning.
chronal charge that, when unleashed, can trap a foe in a
bubble of slow-time. The Voltaic Staff replaces the bearer’s staff of light and has
the following profile:
The Aeonstave replaces the bearer’s staff of light and has Weapon RANGE TYPE S AP D
the following profile: The Voltaic Staff (shooting) 12" Assault 3 6 -3 2
Weapon RANGE TYPE S AP D The Voltaic Staff (melee) Melee Melee User -2 1
The Aeonstave Melee Melee User -1 2 Abilities: Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon in the Shooting
Abilities: A unit that suffers from an unsaved wound from this weapon may not Phase, the target suffers a mortal wound in addition to any other damage.
Advance until the end of its next turn.

CHRONOMETRON Still air comes to howling life in the presence of an ether
The chronometron allows the bearer to act out of phase with crystal, buffering the Cryptek’s enemies with crushing
normal time flow, permitting him to make minor, but pressure waves and bolts of lightning.
sometimes potent, alterations to his destiny.
An enemy unit which has been deployed after the
<HARVEST> INFANTRY units within 3" of a friendly Deployment phase within 12" of the bearer suffers an attack
model with a chronometron have a 5+ invulnerable save
from an ether crystal with the following profile:
against ranged weapons.
Ether Crystal 12" * 8 5 1
The Cryptek is encased in shards of crystallised time, each LIGHTNING FIELD
splinter proof against any blow not landed in the split- Bolts of emerald lightning arc between the Cryptek and his
second formed in another moment. comrades, electrocuting any foe who comes near.

Once per battle, you can re-rolls a single hit roll, wound roll The bearer of the Lightning Field has a 4+ invulnerable save.
or damage roll made for the bearer of the Timesplitter Cloak. In addition, roll a D6 for each enemy unit that is within 1" of
In addition, roll a dice each time the bearer loses a wound; the bearer at the start of the Fight Phase. On a 4+ that unit
on a 5+, the model does not lose that wound. suffers a mortal wound.

Necrons were ever masters of transcendant physics, pocket dimensions and hyper-geometry, and these sciences are put to
full effect wherever they can serve useful function. Many Tomb Worlds and strongholds are more vast within than they
might appear from the outside, or are protected by energy labyrinths of impossible size. Some specialised troops, notably
Deathmarks, regularly employ pocket dimensions as vantage points from which to hunt their foes, and the more
accomplished nemesors can conceal entire armies and fleets in slivers of out-of-phase reality. Yet, as confounding as these
techniques might be to the other races of the galazy, there is one enemy against whom they are no defence. The Daemons of
the Warp, such technological conjurings are merely another flavour of existence to be corrupted or devoured.
Harbingers of Transmogrification are adepts of geomancy Harbingers of the Stasis are, above all, are the enemies of
and masters of the science once known as alchemy. They entropy. Necron lords often vye for their assistance in
specialise in the transmutation of matter from one form to guarding their legions and forms against the rust that time
another and the instilling of animus in the inanimate. brings.


The energy blast from a tremorstave causes shards of rock The Orb of Eternity is thought to be the first resurrection rb
to burst from the ground, knocking any survivors sprawling. ever created. For millenia, it rested in a primative fane on
the world of Ormandus, where the indigenous populace
The Tremorstave replaces the bearer’s staff of light and has marvelled at its seemingly diving ability to effect repairs
the following profile: upon their technologies.
The Tremorstave (shooting) 36" Assault 1 6 -3 2 Model with resurrection orb only. The Orb of Eternity
The Tremorstave (melee) Melee Melee User -2 1 replaces bearer’s resurrection orb. If a model has the Orb of
Abilities: All non-FLY enemy units hit by this weapon are deducted half of their Eternity, once per battle, immediately after you have made
M ovement characteristic during the enemy player's next M ovement phase. your Reanimation Protocols rolls, you can make
Reinamation Protocols rolls for models from a friendly
<HARVEST> INFANTRY unit within 3" of the bearer;
A single booming bass note from these electrum strings can when making these rolls add 1 to the result of each roll.
transform adamantium plate to a brittle glass.
the nanoscarab casket
The bearer of the harp of dissonance is treated as being Invented by the Cryptek scientist known as the Onyx Swarm,
armed with a weapon with the following profile: this unassuming vial of black crystal is filled with thousands
of tiny writhing Canoptek automatons. Once released, the
Harp of Dissonance ∞ (Infinite) Assault 1 6 - 1
swarm of miniaturised constructs envelops the bearer’s
Abilities: A model that suffers from an unsaved wound from this weapon may
necrodermis, repairing grievous wounds and flooding their
loses armour saves for the rest of the battle round. body with synthetic stimuli.

Model with phylactery only. The Nanoscarab Casket

SEISMIC CRUCIBLE replaces the bearer’s phylactery. The bearer of the
The bearer of a seismic crucible can induce localised Nanoscarab Casket regains D3 lost wounds at the beginning
tremors in rock, metal and even the air itself. of your turn, rather than 1, from their Living Metal ability. In
addition, the bearer also regains D3 lost wounds at the
At the start of the enemy Charge phase, roll a D6 and beginning of your opponent’s turn. The first time the bearer
nominate an enemy unit. If the nominated units attempts to is slain, roll a D6. On a 4+ set the bearer up again at the end
assault the bearer, or his unit, reduce the Charge move by the of the phase, as close as possible to its previous position, and
result of the D6 for that phase. more than 1" from any enemy models, with D6 wounds

Only the finest Cryptek artificers know the secret of crafting
a Sempiternal Weave. These gossamer-thin plates are
formed from phase-hardened amarathine and threads of
adamantium. They are then layered over the bearer’s
carapace of living metal, and when struck they stiffen and
contract, turning aside energy blades, bolt shells and even
the searing heat of a plasma burst.

INFANTRY model only. Increase the Toughness

and Wounds characteristics of the bearer by 1.

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