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Proj: Andalus University Building

Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

Sizing of Heat Exchanger

1.0 Total capacity of Heat Exchanger in Dormitory

For the requirement of Dormitory
Each student = 120 Li/day
No. of Students = 36

Recovery Required :

Rr = No. of Students x Hourly usage

Rr = 36 x 120
Rr = 4,320 Li/day
Rr = 4320 / 10 hrs
Rr = 432 Li/Hr say 500 Li/Hr.

For the sizing of the Heat Exchanger

q = 500 f ∆T
q = Heat load total (W)
500 = constant rounded off from 8.33 x 60 (Btu - Gal/Hr - min - ºF)
∆T = Water temperature difference (ºF)
f = flow rate of water (gpm)

f = 500 Li/Hr = 2.2 gal/min
Tcws = 50ºF
Twhs = 150ºF


q = 2.2 gpm x 500 Btu-gal / Hr - min - ºF x 100ºF

q = 110,000 Btu/Hr
q = 32,230 W
Proj: Andalus University Building
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

Sizing of Expansion Tanks

1.0 Total capacity of Expansion Tanks in Dormitory

Given :
Boiler Capacity 250 gals
Radiators 455 gals
Air Handling Unit 50 gals
Heat Exchanger 135 gals
Water inside Pipe 170 gals

Total Gallon 1060 gals.


Pf = Static pressure of the fluid in the tank when the system is filled (psig)
H = Distance of the inlet of expansion tank to the top of the system (ft)
Dc = Density of the fluid at its initial temperature (lb/ft³)
Vt = Minimun required tank volume (gals)
Vs = Fluid volume in the system (gals)
Proj: Andalus University Building
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

Sizing of Boiler for Dormitory

1.0 Total capacity of Boiler in Dormitory


Ground Floor
Total Heating Capacity 31,686 W

Fisrt Floor
Total Heating Capacity 37,714 W

Second Floor
Total Heating Capacity 45,533 W

Air Handling Unit -01 60,060 W

Air Handling Unit -01 41,580 W

Heat Exchanger 32,230 W

Total Heat Load 248,803 W

Plus S. F. 20% 49,761 W

Grand Total Heat Load 298,564 W

Size of the Boiler 150,000.00 W 2 Units

Proj: Al- Andalus University Project Electro-Mechanical Works
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

Calculation for AHU-02 Heat Load capacity and Flow of Water

Serving First & Second Flr.

1.0 Calculation for Heat Load capacity of Fresh Air

Q.= 990 l/s
Tr = 20ºC
To = -5ºC
cp = 1Kj/ Kg . ºC
p = 1.2 Kg/ m³

qs = Q x ∆T x cp x p
qs = Heat Loat Total (Watts)
Q. = Supply air capacity (Li/s)
∆T = Temperature difference (ºC)
Tr = Room Temperature (ºC)
To = Ambient Temperature (ºC)
cp = specific heat of air (Kj/ (Kg . ºC))
p = density of air at temperature To (Kg/ m³)

qs = 990li/s x ((20 - (-5)ºC) x 1.2
qs = 29,700 Watts

Total Heat Load of AHU-02 including the load for Stair and Corridor
qt = 29,700 + 3,212 + 790 + 1,466 + 4,384
qt = 39,552 Watts

qt = 39,552 W x 3,413 Btu/Hr

1Kw / 1000 W
qt = 134,991 Btu/Hr
qt = 34,012 Kcal/Hr

2.0 For Flow of Water by Tredgold definition of BTU.

Q.= 134,991 Btu/Hr
∆T = 20ºF
p = 8.33 Gals/ºF

Fw = Q / ∆T x p
Fw = Flow of Water (Gpm)
Q. = Heat Load Total (Btu/hr)
∆T = Water Supply and ReturnTemperature difference (ºF)
p = The weight gallon of water (gal/ ºF)

Fw = 8.33 gals/ ºF x 20ºF
Fw = 166.6 Gals
Fw = 134,991 Btu/hr
166.6 gals x 60 min /hr
Fw = 13.5 gals/min
Fw = 1.0 l/s
Proj: Al- Andalus University Project Electro-Mechanical Works
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

3.0 For the Temperature of Air Supply from AHU-02.

Q.= 990 l/s
Tr = 22ºC
To = -5ºC
cp = 1Kj/ Kg . ºC
p = 1.2 Kg/ m³

qs = Q x ∆T x cp x p
qs = Heat Loat Total (Watts)
Q. = Supply air capacity (Li/s)
∆T = Temperature difference (ºC)
cp = specific heat of air (Kj/ (Kg . ºC))
p = density of air at temperature To (Kg/ m³)

39,552 Watts = 990li/s x ∆T x 1.2
∆T = 39,552 Watts
990 Li/s x 1.2
∆T = 33.ºC

∆T = Ts - To
33 = Ts - To
Ts = 33 + (-5)
Ts = 28ºC

Therfore: Increase the Supply Air Temperature up to 30ºC minimum

∆T = 35ºC

The Heating Load of AHU coil

q = 990 x 35 x 1.2
q = 41,580 Watts
q = 35,755 Kcal/Hr
Proj: Al- Andalus University Project Electro-Mechanical Works
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

Calculation for AHU-01 Heat Load capacity and Flow of Water

Serving BSMT & Ground Flr.

1.0 Calculation for Heat Load capacity of Fresh Air

Q.= 1,430 l/s
Tr = 20ºC
To = -5ºC
cp = 1Kj/ Kg . ºC
p = 1.2 Kg/ m³

qs = Q x ∆T x cp x p
qs = Heat Loat Total (Watts)
Q. = Supply air capacity (Li/s)
∆T = Temperature difference (ºC)
Tr = Room Temperature (ºC)
To = Ambient Temperature (ºC)
cp = specific heat of air (Kj/ (Kg . ºC))
p = density of air at temperature To (Kg/ m³)

qs = 1,430li/s x ((20 - (-5)ºC) x 1.2
qs = 42,900 Watts

Total Heat Load of AHU-01 including the load for Stair and Hallway
qt = 42,900 + 1,255 + 3,274 + 796
qt = 48,225 Watts

qt = 48,225 W x 3,413 Btu/Hr

1Kw / 1000 W
qt = 164,592 Btu/Hr
qt = 41,470 Kcal/Hr

2.0 For Flow of Water by Tredgold definition of BTU.

Q.= 164,592 Btu/Hr
∆T = 20ºF
p = 8.33 Gals/ºF

Fw = Q / ∆T x p
Fw = Flow of Water (Gpm)
Q. = Heat Load Total (Btu/hr)
∆T = Water Supply and ReturnTemperature difference (ºF)
p = The weight gallon of water (gal/ ºF)

Fw = 8.33 gals/ ºF x 20ºF
Fw = 166.6 Gals
Fw = 164,592 Btu/hr
166.6 gals x 60 min /hr
Fw = 16.4 gals/min
Fw = 1.24 l/s
Proj: Al- Andalus University Project Electro-Mechanical Works
Heating Load Calculation
Sizing Summary Description Date: August 03, 05
Dormitory Building

3.0 For the Temperature of Air Supply from AHU-01.

Q.= 1,430 l/s
Tr = 20ºC
To = -5ºC
cp = 1Kj/ Kg . ºC
p = 1.2 Kg/ m³

qs = Q x ∆T x cp x p
qs = Heat Loat Total (Watts)
Q. = Supply air capacity (Li/s)
∆T = Temperature difference (ºC)
cp = specific heat of air (Kj/ (Kg . ºC))
p = density of air at temperature To (Kg/ m³)

48,225 Watts = 1,430li/s x ∆T x 1.2
∆T = 48,225 Watts
1,430Li/s x 1.2
∆T = 28ºC

∆T = Ts - To
28 = Ts - To
Ts = 28 + (-5)
Ts = 23ºC

Therfore: Increase the Supply Air Temperature up to 30ºC minimum

∆T = 35ºC

The Heating Load of AHU coil

q = 1430 x 35 x 1.2
q = 60,060 Watts
q = 51,646 Kcal/Hr

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