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Section : QA
Q.1: From a rectangle ABCD of area 768 sq cm, a semicircular part
with diameter AB and area 72π sq cm is removed. The perimeter
of the leftover portion, in cm, is

1. 82 + 24π
2. 88 + 12π
3. 80 + 16π
4. 86 + 8π
𝑨𝑹 = 𝟕𝟔𝟖

𝑨𝑺𝑪 = 𝟕𝟐𝝅

Radius of semi-circle= 𝑟
𝐴𝑆𝐶 = 72𝜋
1 2
𝜋𝑟 = 72𝜋
𝑟 = 12
 𝐴𝐵 = 2𝑟 = 24

𝐴𝑅 = 768
𝐴𝐷 × 𝐴𝐵 = 768
𝐴𝐷 = = 32

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We have to find the perimeter of shaded region.
𝑃𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 𝐴𝐷 + 𝐷𝐶 + 𝐶𝐵 + 𝑎𝑟𝑐𝐴𝐵

𝐶𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑙𝑒 2 × 𝜋 × 12
𝑙(𝑎𝑟𝑐𝐴𝐵 ) = = = 12𝜋
2 2

𝑃𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑑 = 32 + 24 + 32 + 12𝜋 = 88 + 12𝜋

Q.2: In a tournament, there are 43 junior level and 51 senior level

participants. Each pair of juniors play one match. Each pair of
seniors play one match. There is no junior versus senior match.
The number of girl versus girl matches in junior level is 153, while
the number of boy versus boy matches in senior level is 276. The
number of matches a boy plays against a girl is

Answer: 1098

Total junior participants = 43

Let number of girls at junior level= 𝑚
Any selection of 2 participants will give us a match.
Total girl vs girl match at junior level = 153 = 𝑚𝐶2
𝑚(𝑚 − 1)
= 153
𝑚(𝑚 − 1) = 306 = 18 × 17
𝑚 = 18
So total junior girls and boys are 18 & 25 respectively.
For boy vs girl match, each of the 25 boys will play against 18 girls so,
Total boy vs girl matches at junior level= 25 × 18 = 450

Total senior participants = 51

Let number of boys at senior level= 𝑛
Any selection of 2 participants will give us a match.
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Total boy vs boy match at senior level = 276 = 𝑛𝐶2
𝑛(𝑛 − 1)
= 276
𝑛(𝑛 − 1) = 552 = 24 × 23
𝑛 = 24
So total senior boys and girls are 24 & 27 respectively.
For boy vs girl match, each of the 24 boys will play against 27 boys so,
Total boy vs girl matches at senior level= 24 × 27 = 648

Overall boy vs girl matches = 450 + 648 = 1098

Q.3: On a triangle ABC, a circle with diameter BC is drawn, intersecting

AB and AC at points P and Q, respectively. If the lengths of AB,
AC, and CP are 30 cm, 25 cm, and 20 cm respectively, then the
length of BQ, in cm, is

Answer: 24 A

30 25
20 ?


∠𝐶𝑃𝐵 = ∠𝐵𝑄𝐶 = 90° as they are angles in semi-circle

1 1
𝑎𝑟(∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 ) = 𝐴𝐵 × 𝐶𝑃 = 𝐴𝐶 × 𝐵𝑄
2 2
𝐴𝐵 × 𝐶𝑃 = 𝐴𝐶 × 𝐵𝑄
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30 × 20
𝐵𝑄 = = 24

Q.4: The smallest integer 𝒏 such that 𝒏𝟑 – 𝟏𝟏𝒏𝟐 + 𝟑𝟐𝒏 – 𝟐𝟖 > 𝟎 is

Answer: 8

First root of a cubic is generally found by substituting different values.

𝑛 = 2 satisfies the cubic 𝑛3 – 11𝑛2 + 32𝑛 – 28 = 0
So (𝑛 − 2) is a factor of 𝑛3 – 11𝑛2 + 32𝑛 – 28.
Let’s find the remaining factors. We will try to create as many (𝑛 − 2)
as we can in the cubic.

𝑛3 – 11𝑛2 + 32𝑛 – 28 = 𝑛3 − 2𝑛2 − 9𝑛2 + 18𝑛 + 14𝑛 − 28

= (𝑛3 − 2𝑛2 ) − (9𝑛2 − 18𝑛) + (14𝑛 − 28)
= 𝑛2 (𝑛 − 2) − 9𝑛(𝑛 − 2) + 14(𝑛 − 2)
= (𝑛 − 2)(𝑛2 − 9𝑛 + 14)
= (𝑛 − 2)(𝑛 − 2)(𝑛 − 7)

Our in equality is (𝑛 − 2)2 (𝑛 − 7) > 0

As (𝑛 − 2)2 is a perfect square, it is always non-negative irrespective of
the value of 𝑛. So we can divide both sides of the inequality by (𝑛 − 2)2
putting a condition that 𝑛 ≠ 2, as 𝑛 − 2 will become zero then.
What remains is (𝑛 − 7) > 0, that means 𝑛 > 7.
Smallest integral value of 𝑛 is 8.

Q.5: A water tank has inlets of two types A and B. All inlets of type A
when open, bring in water at the same rate. All inlets of type B,
when open, bring in water at the same rate. The empty tank is
completely filled in 30 minutes if 10 inlets of type A and 45 inlets
of type B are open, and in 1 hour if 8 inlets of type A and 18 inlets
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of type B are open. In how many minutes will the empty tank get
completely filled if 7 inlets of type A and 27 inlets of type B are

Answer: 48

We have 30min and 60min mentioned in the question. Let the total
work be LCM of 30 and 60 i.e. 60 units. We took the LCM so as to avoid
fractions in calculation. This method is discussed in detail in CAT-2019
TW = 60 units (filling a tank needs 60 units of work)
Let rate (work done per min) of type A inlet pipe be 𝑎 units/min
and rate of type B inlet pipe be 𝑏 units/min.

Case1 when tank is filled in 30 minutes if 10 inlets of type A and 45

inlets of type B are open.
60 units of work is done in 30 min, means work/min = 2 units.
10𝑎 + 45𝑏 = 2 …①

Case2 when tank is filled in 1 hour if 8 inlets of type A and 18 inlets of

type B are open.
60 units of work done in 1 hr, means work/min = 1 unit.
8𝑎 + 18𝑏 = 1 …②

1 1
Solve ① & ② and get 𝑎 = 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠/𝑚𝑖𝑛 , 𝑏 = 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠/𝑚𝑖𝑛
20 30

Case3 when 7 inlets of type A and 27 inlets of type B are open.

7 27 5
Work/min= 7𝑎 + 27𝑏 = + = 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑠
20 30 4

Apply unitary method,

5/4 units work gets done in 1 min, 60 units will get done in × 60

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= 48 𝑚𝑖𝑛

Q.6: The smallest integer 𝒏 for which 𝟒𝒏 > 𝟏𝟕𝟏𝟗 holds, is closest to

1. 33
2. 35
3. 37
4. 39

4𝑛 > 1719 but 1719 > 1619 , so 4𝑛 > 1619

16 = 42 , so 4𝑛 > (42 )19
4𝑛 > 438
Compare the exponents
𝑛 > 38. Hence option (4).

Q.7: Points A, P, Q and B lie on the same line such that P, Q and B are,
respectively, 100 km, 200 km and 300 km away from A. Cars 1 and
2 leave A at the same time and move towards B. Simultaneously,
car 3 leaves B and moves towards A. Car 3 meets car 1 at Q, and
car 2 at P. If each car is moving in uniform speed then the ratio of
the speed of car 2 to that of car 1 is

1. 2:7
2. 2:9 1 3
100 100 100
3. 1:4 2 A P Q B
4. 1:2

Let speeds of cars 1, 2 and 3 be 𝑣1 , 𝑣2 and 𝑣3 .

When two cars are leaving at the same time and meeting somewhere,
that means they took equal time to cover their respective distances at
their respective speeds.
And when time is constant, distance is directly proportional to speed.

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Car 3 meets car 1 at Q, so 𝑑3 = 100 and 𝑑1 = 200, where 𝑑3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑1 is
distance covered by car 3 and car 1 till Q.

𝑑3 𝑑1
𝑣3 𝑣1
=> 𝑣1 = 2𝑣3 …①

Car 3 meets car 2 at P, so 𝑑3 = 200 and 𝑑2 = 100, where 𝑑3 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑑2 is

distance covered by car 3 and car 2 till P.
𝑑3 𝑑2
𝑣3 𝑣2
=> 𝑣3 = 2𝑣2 …②

Multiply ① & ②, we get 𝑣2 : 𝑣1 = 1: 4

Q.8: Gopal borrows Rs. X from Ankit at 8% annual interest. He then

adds Rs. Y of his own money and lends Rs. X+Y to Ishan at 10%
annual interest. At the end of the year, after returning Ankit’s
dues, the net interest retained by Gopal is the same as that
accrued to Ankit. On the other hand, had Gopal lent Rs. X+2Y to
Ishan at 10%, then the net interest retained by him would have
increased by Rs. 150. If all interests are compounded annually,
then find the value of X + Y.

Answer: 4000

Ankit Gopal Ishan

Principal Interest to Principal
Principal Interest to pay
borrowed pay borrowed
8 10
X X X× X+Y (X + Y) ×
100 100

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After returning Ankit’s dues, the net interest retained by Gopal is the
same as that accrued to Ankit.

Interest accrued to Ankit= X ×
Ankit’s due = X + (X × ) …this is principal + interest
Amount obtained by Gopal= (X + Y) + (X + Y) × …P+SI

10 8 8
(X + Y) × −X× =X× …①
100 100 100

Had Gopal lent Rs. X+2Y to Ishan at 10%, then the net interest retained
by him would have increased by Rs. 150.

10 8 8
(X + Y) × −X× =X× + 150 ….②
100 100 100

② – ① => Y × = 150
Y = 1500
Substitute this in ①
X = 2500

X + Y = 4000

Q.9: A chord of length 5 cm subtends an angle of 60° at the centre of a

circle. The length, in cm, of a chord that subtends an angle of 120°
at the centre of the same circle is

1. 6√2
2. 8
3. 2𝜋

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4. 5√3

Chord of length 5 cm subtends an angle of 60° at the centre.

The triangle formed has two sides as radius of circle and one side as
chord itself.
The two radius sides are equal so angles will also be equal and as one
angle is 60°, the other two angles are also 60°. It’s an equilateral
So all sides are equal and radius = chord’s length = 5 cm.
Now, when the cord subtends 120° angle at centre.

5 120° 5

Apply cosine rule in ∆AOB

52 + 52 − 𝐴𝐵2
cos 120° =

𝐴𝐵 = √75 = 5√3

Q.10: The scores of Amal and Bimal in an examination are in the ratio
11 : 14. After an appeal, their scores increase by the same
amount and their new scores are in the ratio 47 : 56. The ratio of
Bimal’s new score to that of his original score is

1. 8 : 5
2. 3 : 2
3. 4 : 3

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4. 5 : 4

Method 1:
𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑙 : 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 11: 14
𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 11𝑘
𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 14𝑘
After an appeal, their scores increase by 𝑚
11𝑘+𝑚 47
New ratio= = => 616𝑘 + 56𝑚 = 658𝑘 + 47𝑚
14𝑘+𝑚 56
𝑚 14
𝑘 3
ratio of Bimal’s new score to that of his original score =

𝑚 14 4
=1+ =1+ =
14𝑘 14×3 3

Method 2:
𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑙 : 𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 11: 14

Difference in score on ratio scale = 14 – 11 = 3

𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐴𝑚𝑎𝑙 : 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 47: 56

Difference in score on ratio scale = 56 – 47 = 9

To make difference in old score on ratio scale as 9, we will have to
multiply the old difference of 3 by a multiplying factor of 3.
So old ratio will also get multiplied by same multiplying factor 3 and it
will become 33:42.

Now, we can see the difference in Amal’s score from 33 parts to 47

parts, an increase of 14 parts. Bimal’s score went from 42 parts to 56
parts, again an increase of 14 parts. Same increase of 14 parts (this is

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still on ratio scale and not an actual figure) as the question said. So
now, the ratios are in sync with the question statement.
×3 11 : 14 ×3
33 42
47 : 56
𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 : 𝑂𝑙𝑑 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝐵𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑙 = 56: 42 = 4: 3

Q.11: Let 𝒇(𝒙) = 𝒎𝒂𝒙{𝟓𝒙, 𝟓𝟐 − 𝟐𝒙𝟐 }, where 𝒙 is any positive real

number. Then the minimum possible value of 𝒇(𝒙) is

Answer: 20

To find the x coordinate of point of intersection of two graph, equate

5𝑥 = 52 − 2𝑥 2
2𝑥 2 + 13𝑥 − 8𝑥 − 52 = 0
(𝑥 − 4)(2𝑥 + 13) = 0
𝑥 = 4 𝑜𝑟 −

As 𝑥 is positive real number, 𝑥 = 4

𝑓(𝑥 ) = 𝑚𝑎𝑥 {5𝑥, 52 − 2𝑥 2 } = max{20,20} = 20

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Q.12: The arithmetic mean of 𝒙, 𝒚 and 𝒛 is 80, and that of 𝒙, 𝒚, 𝒛, 𝒖 and
𝒗 is 75, where 𝒖 = (𝒙 + 𝒚)/𝟐 and 𝒗 = (𝒚 + 𝒛)/𝟐. If 𝒙 ≥ 𝒛,
then the minimum possible value of 𝒙 is

Answer: 105

= 80
𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 = 240 …①

= 75
𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧 + 𝑢 + 𝑣 = 375 …②

② – ① => 𝑢 + 𝑣 = 105 …③

Put 𝑢 = (𝑥 + 𝑦)/2 and 𝑣 = (𝑦 + 𝑧)/2 in ③

= 105
(𝑥 + 𝑦 + 𝑧) + 𝑦
= 105
Use ① and get 𝑦 = 30
So 𝑥 + 𝑧 = 210
As 𝑥 ≥ 𝑧, least value of 𝑥 will be when 𝑥 = 𝑧
𝑥 = 𝑧 = 105

Q.13: The strength of a salt solution is p% if 100 ml of the solution

contains p grams of salt. If three salt solutions A, B, C are mixed
in the proportion 1 : 2 : 3, then the resulting solution has
strength 20%. If instead the proportion is 3 : 2 : 1, then the
resulting solution has strength 30%. A fourth solution, D, is
produced by mixing B and C in the ratio 2 : 7. The ratio of the

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strength of D to that of A is

1. 1:3
2. 2:5
3. 1:4
4. 3 : 10

Let strengths of solutions A, B and C be a%, b% and c% respectively.

When mixed in 1:2:3 ratio, strength is 20%. Apply weighted average
𝑎 + 2𝑏 + 3𝑐
= 20

𝑎 + 2𝑏 + 3𝑐 = 120 …①

When mixed in 3:2:1 ratio, strength is 30%.

3𝑎 + 2𝑏 + 𝑐
= 30

3𝑎 + 2𝑏 + 𝑐 = 180 …②

② – ① => 𝑎 − 𝑐 = 30 …③

When b and c are mixed in 2:7 ratio

2𝑏 + 7𝑐
2𝑏 + 7𝑐 = 9𝑑 …④

4×③ – ① + ④ => 3𝑎 = 9𝑑
𝑑: 𝑎 = 1: 3

Q.14: A 20% ethanol solution is mixed with another ethanol solution,

say, S of unknown concentration in the proportion 1:3 by
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volume. This mixture is then mixed with an equal volume of
20% ethanol solution. If the resultant mixture is a 31.25%
ethanol solution, then the unknown concentration of S is

1. 55%
2. 52%
3. 48%
4. 50%

Let the concentration of solution S be s%

When 20% and s% solutions are mixed in 1:3 ratio, concentration of the
20+3𝑠 20+3𝑠
resulting solution, 𝑚% = =
1+3 4

Now, m% is mixed with 20% solution in equal volume and final strength
is 31.25
𝑚 + 20
= 31.25
20 + 3𝑠
+ 20
4 = 31.25

𝑠 = 50%

Q.15: For two sets A and B, let AΔB denote the set of elements which
belong to A or B but not both. If P = {1,2,3,4}, Q = {2,3,5,6,}, R =
{1,3,7,8,9}, S = {2,4,9,10}, then the number of elements in
(PΔQ)Δ(RΔS) is

1. 7
2. 8
3. 9
4. 6

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AΔB denote the set of elements which belong to A or B but not both.
So we have to write all the elements except the common ones.

PΔQ = {1, 4, 5, 6}

RΔS = {1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10}

(PΔQ)Δ(RΔS) = {2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10} = 7 elements

Q.16: A triangle ABC has area 32 sq units and its side BC, of length 8
units, lies on the line x = 4. Then the shortest possible distance
between A and the point (0,0) is

1. 4√2 units
2. 8 units C
3. 4 units
4. 2√2 units A D

Shortest distance between A and (0,0) will occur when point A is on the
𝑥 axis.
ADꞱBC, so ar(∆ABC)= 𝐵𝐶 × 𝐴𝐷

32 = × 8 × 𝐴𝐷
𝐴𝐷 = 8
So, distance between A and (0,0) is 4 units.

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Q.17: If N and 𝒙 are positive integers such that NN = 2160 and N2 + 2N
is an integral multiple of 𝟐𝒙 , then the largest possible 𝒙 is

Answer: 10

𝑁 𝑁 = 2160 = 25×32 = (25 )32 = 3232

𝑁 = 32
Now, 322 + 232 is an integral multiple of 2𝑥 .

322 + 232 = (25 )2 + 232 = 210 + 232 = 210 (1 + 222 )

So final result obtained is clearly a multiple of 210 . So 𝑥 = 10.

Q.18: There are two drums, each containing a mixture of paints A and
B. In drum 1, A and B are in the ratio 18 : 7. The mixtures from
drums 1 and 2 are mixed in the ratio 3 : 4 and in this final
mixture, A and B are in the ratio 13 : 7. In drum 2, then A and B
were in the ratio

1. 239 : 161
2. 220 : 149
3. 229 : 141
4. 251 : 163

In allegation questions, we usually pick one solution and proceed. Let’s

focus on A.
Ratio of A in drum 1 (𝐶1 ) = 18/25
Ratio of A in final mixture (𝐶𝑎𝑣𝑔 )= 13/20
𝑤1 3
𝑤2 4

Use the direct formula

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𝑤1 𝐶2 − 𝐶𝑎𝑣𝑔
𝑤2 𝐶𝑎𝑣𝑔 − 𝐶1

3 𝐶2 − 20
4 13 − 18
20 25

𝐶2 =
So ratio of A in drum 2 is 239/400.
Ratio of A/B = 239/(400 – 239) = 239/161

Q.19: Ramesh and Ganesh can together complete a work in 16 days.

After seven days of working together, Ramesh got sick and his
efficiency fell by 30%. As a result, they completed the work in 17
days instead of 16 days. If Ganesh had worked alone after
Ramesh got sick, in how many days would he have completed
the remaining work?

1. 14.5
2. 13.5
3. 11
4. 12

Method 1:
We have 16 days and 17 days mentioned in the question. To avoid
fractions in calculation we assume total work to be LCM of 16 and 17
i.e. 272 units.
Total work = 272 units
Let rate of Ramesh (work done per day) = r
and rate of Ganesh (work done per day) = g
They together complete 272units work in 16 days

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So work/day = 272/16 = 17
r + g = 17 …①

Work done on working together for 7 days = 7×17 = 119 units

Remaining work = 272 – 119 = 153, which needs to be done in 10 more
days after Ramesh got sick.

Ramesh got sick so his efficiency fell by 30%

New rate of work of Ramesh rN = 70% of r = 0.7r
Their combined rate = 0.7r + g units/day
Work done in 10 days = 153 = (0.7r + g)×10 …②
Solve ① & ② and get g = 34/3
If Ganesh had worked alone after Ramesh got sick after 7 days, he
would have done remaining 153 units work alone at the rate of 34/3
units per day.

Days for remaining work = 34 = 13.5
Method 2:
Let rate of Ramesh (work done per day) = r
and rate of Ganesh (work done per day) = g
The 17th day they are working is because Ramesh lost 30% of his
On 17th day Ganesh and Ramesh will do work = (𝑔 + 0.7𝑟)
This extra work is to compensate 0.3𝑟 work that Ramesh had to do but
didn’t do for 9 days (16 – 7).
So, 𝑔 + 0.7𝑟 = 0.3𝑟 × 9
𝑔 = 2𝑟
If Ganesh alone worked after Ramesh got sick, then 9 days’ worth of
Ramesh’s work, Ganesh will do in 4.5 days as his efficiency is double
than that of Ramesh. And his part of work will require him usual 9 days
to finish.
So total days = 4.5 + 9 = 13.5 days
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Q.20: If A = {62n – 35n – 1: n = 1,2,3,...} and B = {35(n-1) : n = 1,2,3,...}
then which of the following is true?

1. Neither every member of A is in B nor every member of B is in A

2. Every member of A is in B and at least one member of B is not in A
3. Every member of B is in A.
4. At least one member of A is not in B

A = 62n – 35n – 1
Remainder when A is divided by 35
R=1 R=-1 R=0
62𝑛 − 1 − 35𝑛 36𝑛 − 1 − 35𝑛
35 35
Remainder = 1-1+0 = 0 => A is a multiple of 35
At n=1, A=0, at n=2, A=1225 => A’s successive values are far apart
Whereas B covers all the multiples of 35 (n=2, B=35; n=3,B=70…)
So all the multiples of 35 that are in A, will come in B as well and there
are many multiples of 35 which are in B but not in A.
Option 2 is the correct answer.

Q.21: On a long stretch of east-west road, A and B are two points such
that B is 350 km west of A. One car starts from A and another
from B at the same time. If they move towards each other, then
they meet after 1 hour. If they both move towards east, then
they meet in 7 hrs. The difference between their speeds, in km
per hour, is

Answer: 50

Let speeds of cars at A and B be 𝑣𝐴 and 𝑣𝐵 .

If they both move towards east, then their relative speed = 𝑣𝐵 − 𝑣𝐴

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Relative distance between them = 350 km
Time taken to meet = 7 hours
Distance = speed × time
350 = (𝑣𝐵 − 𝑣𝐴 )×7
𝑣𝐵 − 𝑣𝐴 = 50

Q.22: If p3 = q4 = r5 = s6, then the value of logs(pqr) is equal to

1. 24/5
2. 16/5
3. 47/10
4. 1

𝑝3 = 𝑞 4 = 𝑟 5 = 𝑠 6 = 𝑘
1 1 1 1
𝑝=𝑘 , 𝑞=𝑘 , 𝑟=𝑘 , 𝑠=𝑘
3 4 5 6

1 1 1 1 1 1 47 47 47
log 𝑠 𝑝𝑞𝑟 = log 1 (𝑘 3 × 𝑘 4 × 𝑘 5 ) = 6 log 𝑘 𝑘 3+4+5 = 6 log 𝑘 𝑘 60 = 6 × =
𝑘6 60 10

Easier method to solve the same question will be to assume

𝑝3 = 𝑞 4 = 𝑟 5 = 𝑠 6 = 𝑘 60
This way, we can avoid fractions in calculation.
Q.23: A jar contains a mixture of 175 ml water and 700 ml alcohol.
Gopal takes out 10% of the mixture and substitutes it by water
of the same amount. The process is repeated once again. The
percentage of water in the mixture is now

1. 20.5
2. 30.3
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3. 25.4
4. 35.2

In these types of questions, we start with the solution which is not

added externally, which in this case is alcohol.
Ratio of alcohol : water = 700:175
Ratio of alcohol in the jar = 700/875
Percentage of alcohol in the jar = × 100 = 80%
So, there is 80% alcohol in the jar. On removing 10% mixture, alcohol
80 − × 80 = 72%

The loss of alcohol is compensated by water, but alcohol in the mixture

is now 72%.
Again 10% is removed, so alcohol now is

72 − × 72 = 72 − 7.2 = 64.8%
Alcohol percentage in final mixture is 64.8% so water in final mixture
will be 35.2%.

Q.24: If the sum of squares of two numbers is 97, then which one of
the following cannot be their product?

1. 48
2. 64
3. -32
4. 16

Let the two numbers be 𝑎 and 𝑏.

𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = 97

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We know that 𝐴𝑀 ≥ 𝐺𝑀
𝑎2 + 𝑏 2
( ) ≥ √𝑎 2 × 𝑏 2

( ) ≥ 𝑎𝑏

48.5 ≥ 𝑎𝑏
So ab cannot be 64.

Q.25: How many two-digit numbers, with a non-zero digit in the units
place, are there which are more than thrice the number formed
by interchanging the positions of its digits?

1. 6
2. 8
3. 7
4. 5

Let the two-digit number be represented as 𝑎𝑏 which can be written as

10𝑎 + 𝑏 where 𝑎 ≠ 0, 𝑏 ≠ 0. 𝑎 is the unit’s digit so cannot be zero and
𝑏 is given in the question as non-zero.

Number formed on interchanging the digits will be 10𝑏 + 𝑎.

10𝑎 + 𝑏 > 3(10𝑏 + 𝑎)
7𝑎 − 29𝑏 > 0
𝑎 > 4.1𝑏
If 𝑏 = 1, 𝑎 > 4.1 => 𝑎 = {5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
If 𝑏 = 2, 𝑎 > 8.2 => 𝑎 = 9
If 𝑏 = 3, 𝑎 > 12.3 => not possible
So only such numbers are {51, 61, 71, 81, 91, 92}

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Q.26: The value of the sum 7×11 + 11×15 + 15×19 + ...+ 95×99 is

1. 80707
2. 80730
3. 80773
4. 80751

Here 𝑇𝑛 = (4𝑛 + 3)(4𝑛 + 7) = 16𝑛2 + 40𝑛 + 21

23 23 23 23

∑ 𝑇𝑛 = 16 × ∑ 𝑛2 + 40 × ∑ 𝑛 + ∑ 21
1 1 1 1

𝑛(𝑛 + 1)(2𝑛 + 1) 𝑛(𝑛 + 1)

= 16 × + 40 × + 21 × 23
6 2

16 × 23 × 24 × 47 40 × 23 × 24
= + + (21 × 23) = 80707
6 2

Q.27: Points A and B are 150 km apart. Cars 1 and 2 travel from A to B,
but car 2 starts from A when car 1 is already 20 km away from A.
Each car travels at a speed of 100 kmph for the first 50 km, at 50
kmph for the next 50 km, and at 25 kmph for the last 50 km. The
distance, in km, between car 2 and B when car 1 reaches B is

Answer: 5
1 100km/hr 50km/hr 25km/hr
2 A 50km P 50km Q 50km B

20 1
Time taken by car 1 to cover first 20 km = = ℎ𝑟𝑠
100 5

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gofodu 1
So, car 2 leaves ℎ𝑟𝑠 after car 1, and as both similar distances at similar
speeds, it will reach B ℎ𝑟𝑠 after car 1.
These ℎ𝑟𝑠, car 2 will cover at the speed of 25km/hr as it is the last
Distance = 25 × = 5 𝑘𝑚𝑠
So car2 will be 5 kms behind car 1 at the end.

Q.28: A tank is emptied everyday at a fixed time point. Immediately

thereafter, either pump A or pump B or both start working until
the tank is full. On Monday, A alone completed filling the tank at
8 pm. On Tuesday, B alone completed filling the tank at 6 pm. On
Wednesday, A alone worked till 5 pm, and then B worked alone
from 5 pm to 7 pm, to fill the tank. At what time was the tank
filled on Thursday if both pumps were used simultaneously all

1. 4:24 pm
2. 4:12 pm
3. 4:48 pm
4. 4:36 pm

Monday: A till 8pm

Tuesday: B till 6pm
Wednesday: A till 5pm + B from 5pm-7pm
Thursday: ?

On Wednesday, A worked till 5 pm. If it had worked till 8pm then the
tank would have been full (like on Monday). So, A needed 3 more hours
to fill the tank on Wednesday but B filled it up in 2 hours (by working

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This means, work done by A in 3 hours is same as work done by B in 2
This point onward, there are two methods to solve this question.

Method 1:
Rate of work of A:B is in ratio 2:3 as time taken is in ratio 3:2
Let the rate of A (work done per hour) be 2k unit/hr
and rate of B be 3k unit/hr.
Let the capacity of tank be Q litres.
Monday: time taken by A to fill Q = . So, if tank got filled at 8pm, that
means it got emptied at time = 8 −

Tuesday: time taken by B to fill Q = . So, if tank got filled at 6pm, that
means it got emptied at time = 6 −

Everyday the tank gets emptied at the same time. So,

8− =6−
2𝑘 3𝑘

= 12
So on Monday, it got emptied at (8 − ), i.e. 8 − 6 = 2 𝑝𝑚
Tuesday and Wednesday will also give the same time for tank getting
Time taken on Thursday when both A and B work together
𝑄 12
= = = 2.4 ℎ𝑟𝑠 = 2ℎ𝑟 + (0.4 × 60)𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2ℎ𝑟𝑠24𝑚𝑖𝑛
2𝑘 + 3𝑘 5

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So tank gets filled at 2𝑝𝑚 + 2ℎ𝑟 24𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 4: 24𝑝𝑚

Method 2:
To fill some part of tank, A takes 3hrs and B takes 2hrs and the
difference in their time taken is of 1 hr.

On Monday and Tuesday, difference in their time taken is of 2 hrs, so A

must have taken 3×2 = 6hrs and B must have taken 2×2 = 4hrs to fill the
complete tank.

Monday: 6hrs before 8 pm is 2pm. Tank gets emptied at 2pm.

When A and B work together, time taken to fill the tank will be
= = 2.4ℎ𝑟𝑠 = 2ℎ𝑟 24𝑚𝑖𝑛
Time at which tank gets filled = 2𝑝𝑚 + 2ℎ𝑟24𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 4: 24 𝑝𝑚

Q.29: The area of a rectangle and the square of its perimeter are in
the ratio 1 ∶ 25. Then the lengths of the shorter and longer sides
of the rectangle are in the ratio

1. 1:3
2. 3:8
3. 2:9
4. 1:4

Let length and breadth of rectangle be 𝑙 and 𝑏 and we have to find 𝑏: 𝑙

𝑙𝑏 1
[2(𝑙 + 𝑏)]2 25

(𝑙 + 𝑏)2 25
𝑙𝑏 4

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It will be better to go by options at this point. But let’s solve further.

𝑙2 + 2𝑙𝑏 + 𝑏 2 25
𝑙𝑏 4

𝑙2 2𝑙𝑏 𝑏 2 25
+ + =
𝑙𝑏 𝑙𝑏 𝑙𝑏 4

𝑙 𝑏 17
+ =
𝑏 𝑙 4
Put = 𝑥

1 1
𝑥+ =4+
𝑥 4
𝑏 1
𝑥 = 4 and =
𝑙 4

Q.30: Let t1, t2,… be real numbers such that t1+t2+…+tn = 2n2+9n+13,
for every positive integer n ≥ 2. If tk=103, then k equals

Answer: 24

𝑡1 + 𝑡2 + ⋯ + 𝑡𝑘−1 + 𝑡𝑘 = 2𝑘 2 + 9𝑘 + 13 …①
𝑡1 + 𝑡2 + ⋯ + 𝑡𝑘−1 = 2(𝑘 − 1)2 + 9(𝑘 − 1) + 13 …②

① – ② =>

𝑡𝑘 = (2𝑘 2 + 9𝑘 + 13) − [2(𝑘 − 1)2 + 9(𝑘 − 1) + 13]

𝑡𝑘 = 4𝑘 + 7
103 = 4𝑘 + 7
𝑘 = 24
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Q.31: Let a1, a2, ..., a52 be positive integers such that a1 < a2 < ... < a52.
Suppose, their arithmetic mean is one less than the arithmetic
mean of a2, a3, ..., a52. If a52 = 100, then the largest possible value
of a1 is

1. 45
2. 20
3. 48
4. 23

Let AM of a2, a3, ..., a52 be A. These are 51 values.

So a2+a3+ ... +a52 = 51×A
 a1+a2+a3+ ... +a52 = 51×A + a1 ….①

Given that AM of a1, a2, a3, ..., a52 is A – 1

So, sum a1+a2+a3+ ... +a52 = 52(A – 1) …..②

Equate ① & ②
51×A + a1 = 52A – 52
a1 = A – 52
for largest a1 we need largest A which is AM of a2, a3, ..., a52
a52 = 100,
so, we can take all consecutive integers from a52 = 50 to a52 = 100
A = AM = 75
Max. a1 = A – 52 = 75 – 52 = 23

𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏 𝟏
Q.32: 𝐥𝐨𝐠 − + − + − + =?
𝟐 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟒 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟓 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟐𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟐𝟓 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟓𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎

1. ½
2. 10
3. -4

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4. 0

= 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟐
𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟐 𝟏𝟎𝟎

So our question becomes

𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟐 − 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟒 + 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟓 − 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟏𝟎 + 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟐𝟎 − 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟐𝟓 + 𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟓𝟎

Apply properties of addition and subtraction of logs with same base

2 × 5 × 20 × 50 1
= log100 ( ) = log100 10 =
4 × 10 × 25 2

Q.33: A parallelogram ABCD has area 48 sq cm. If the length of CD is 8

cm and that of AD is s cm, then which one of the following is
necessarily true?

1. 5≤s≤7 D C
2. s≤6
3. s≥6
s A = 48
4. s≠6

A E 8 B

ar(ABCD) = 𝐴𝐵 × 𝐷𝐸
48 = 8 × 𝐷𝐸
𝐷𝐸 = 6

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s being the hypotenuse will always be greater than 6 and it will be
equal to 6 when DA and DE coincide, i.e. when the parallelogram is a

Q.34: If a and b are integers such that 𝟐𝒙𝟐 − 𝒂𝒙 + 𝟐 > 𝟎 and

𝒙𝟐 − 𝒃𝒙 + 𝟖 ≥ 𝟎 for all real numbers 𝒙, then the largest
possible value of 𝟐𝒂 − 𝟔𝒃 is
Answer: 36
To maximize 2𝑎 − 6𝑏, we will have to maximize the value of 𝑎 and
minimize the value of 𝑏.
Take first inequality: 2𝑥 2 − 𝑎𝑥 + 2 > 0
The curve of this equation will be an upward opening parabola not
touching the 𝑥 −axis. So, discriminant 𝐷 < 0.
𝑎2 − 16 < 0
𝑎 ∈ (−4, 4); so 𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 3
Now take second inequality: 𝑥 2 − 𝑏𝑥 + 8 ≥ 0
The curve of this equation will be an upward opening parabola touching
the 𝑥 −axis. So, discriminant 𝐷 ≤ 0.
𝑏 2 − 32 < 0
𝑏 ∈ (−√32, √32); so 𝑏𝑚𝑖𝑛 = −5 (as 𝑏 is an integer)
(2𝑎 − 6𝑏)𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 2 × 3 − 6(−5) = 36

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