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1 acetone → ketene + methane

side rxn ketene → ethylene + carbon monoxide
ketene + acetic acid → acetic anhydride

selectivity = 1-1.3X
X = mol acetone react/ mol aceton fed

chemical MW (kg/kgmol) Value ($/kg) yield acetic anhydride =

acetone 58 0.6 15000
ketene 42 0 15000000
methane 16 0
ethylene 28 0
carbon monoxide 28 0
acetic acid 60 0.54
acetic anhydride 102 0.9

a. Calculate the economic potential assuming the side reaction can be suppressed and hence obtain 100% yield
b. Determine the range of acetone conversions (X) over which the plant will be profitable if the side reaction canno
c. Published data indicates that the capital cost for the project will be at least $35 m. If annual fixed charges are ass
of conversions over which the plant will be profitable.

a. acetone → ketene + methane

ketene + acetic acid → acetic anhydride
acetone + acetic acid → acetic anhydride
basis 1 year
mol yield acetic anhydride = 147058.8235 mol
mol acetone needed = 147058.8235 mol mass acetone needed =
mol acetic acid needed = 147058.8235 mol mass acetic acid needed =

EP = value of products - raw material costs

= (value of acetic anhydride) - (aceton + acetic acid costs)
= 13500000 - 5117647.0588 +
= 3617647.0588235 $/15000 t/yr acetic anhydride
= 0.2411764706 $/t acetic anhydride
b. acetone → ketene 1 +
m 836713.99593841
r 251014.19878153 147058.82353
h 585699.79715689 147058.82353

ketene 2 → 1/2 ethylene +

m 6059.837727318
r 6059.837727318 3029.9188637
h 0 3029.9188637

ketene 1 + acetic acid →

m 147058.82352941 147058.82353
r 147058.82352941 147058.82353
h 0 0

mass acetone needed = 14558823.53 kg

mass acetic acid needed = 8823529.412 kg
EP = value of products - raw material costs
= (value of acetic anhydride) - (aceton + acetic acid costs)
= 13500000 - 13500000
= 5.0015747547E-05

c. Capital cost = 35000000 $

Annual Fixed Charges = 5250000 $

acetone → ketene + methane

m 836713.9959384
r 251014.1987815 153118.6613 153118.661257
h 585699.7971569 153118.6613 153118.661257

ketene → 1/2 ethylene + carbon monoxide

m 6059.837727318
r 6059.837727318 3029.918864 6059.83772732
h 0 3029.918864 6059.83772732

ketene + acetic acid → acetic anhydride

m 153118.6612567 147058.8235
r 147058.8235294 147058.8235 147058.823529
h 6059.837727318 0 147058.823529
n monoxide

acetic anhydride =
tonnes/year =

ence obtain 100% yield

e if the side reaction cannot be suppressed.
nnual fixed charges are assumed to be 15% of the capital cost, revise the range

(total rxn)

acetone needed = 8529412 kg

acetic acid needed = 8823529 kg


ketene 2 + methane acetone conversion = 0.3

selectivity 0.61
6059.838 251014.2
6059.838 251014.2
carbon monoxide 0.61


acetic anhydride

acetone conversion = 0.3

selectivity 0.61

x 0.61
n monoxide s 0.3
5.2 time (min) Caf (kg/m3)
0 16 0.4
10 13.2 0.35 f(x) = 0.0024997064x + 0.2500636134

20 11.1 R² = 0.9999685635
35 8.8
50 7.1 0.25
kinetic equation orde 1.5 0.2
1/Caf^0.5 = 0.5 kt + 1/Cao^0.5
time (min) Caf (kg/m3) 1/Caf^0.5 0.15
0 16 0.25 0.1
10 13.2 0.275241
20 11.1 0.30015
35 8.8 0.3371 0
50 7.1 0.375293 0 10 20 30 40
t (min)
from the graph equation:
0.002t = 0.5kt
k = 0.004 min/(kg/m3)^0.5
7064x + 0.2500636134

20 30 40 50 60
t (min)
6.1 ethylene + 1/2 oxygen →

ethylene + 3 oxygen →

reactor conversion = 0.2

selectivity = 0.8
excess oxygen = 0.1

comp MW (kg/kmol) Cpmean (kJ/kmol

ethylene 28 63.7
oxygen 32 31.3
ethylene oxide 44 80.2
carbon dioxide 44 45.5
water 18 36.7

heat removal rate?

ethylene + 1/2 oxygen →

14204.55 7812.5
2272.727 1136.3636363636
11931.82 6676.1363636364

ethylene + 3 oxygen →
11931.82 6676.1363636364
568.1818 1704.5454545455
11363.64 4971.5909090909

Tref = 25 °C
Q= ΔHp +
= (mRO2 CpRO2 (298.15-423) + mRE CpRE (298.15-473)) +
= -188911576.704545 +
= 104209367.045455 kJ/day
0.8 0.2

ethylene + 1/2 oxygen→ ethylene oxide

14204.55 1562.5
2840.909 1420.455 2272.7272727273
11363.64 142.0455 2272.7272727273

ethylene + 3 oxygen → 2 carbon dioxide

11363.64 142.0455
710.2273 2130.682 1420.4545454546
10653.41 -1988.636 1420.4545454546
ethylene oxide ∆H°= -119950 kJ

2 carbon dioxide + 2 water ∆H°= -1323950 kJ

basis = 100 tonnes ethylene oxide

= 100000 kg ethylene oxide
= 2272.7272727 kmol ethylene oxide

Tin (°C) Tout (°C)

200 ethylene + 1/2 oxygen →
150 3125
280 2840.90909091

gak yakin
ethylene oxide teoritis
ethylene + 1/2 oxygen → ethylene oxide
2272.727272727 14204.5455 7812.5
2272.727272727 14204.5455 7102.27273 14204.55

2 carbon dioxide + 2 water bereaksi 2840.909

masuk 3125
1136.363636364 1136.363636
1136.363636364 1136.363636

ΔHR +ΔHRxn 1
(((mpO2 CppO2 ) + (mpH2O CppH2O ) + (mpEO CppEO ) + (mpE CppE ) + (mpCO2 CppCO2 ))(553-298.15)) +ΔHRxn 1
294564843.75 + -119950

gak yakin
ethylene + 1/2 oxygen → ethylene oxide
14204.54545455 7812.5
14204.54545455 7102.27273 14204.5455

+ 2 water bereaksi 3551.13636

masuk 3906.25
ethylene oxide

ethylene oxide

+ΔHRxn 2
+ΔHRxn 2
+ -1323950
C6H6 + Cl2 C6H5Cl + HCl r 1 =k 1 C FEED
C6H5Cl + Cl2 C6H4Cl2 + HCl r 2 =k 2 C aFEED

C6H4Cl2 + Cl2 C6H3Cl3 + HCl a3

r 3 =k 3 C PRODUCT
Make an initial choice of reactor type

Reaksi Seri-Paralel
Reaksi Irreversible endo T naik, Kecepatan
ekso reaksi naik
r 1 =k 1 C FEED Untuk menghambat reaksi kedua atau r2/r1 dipertahankan kecil maka :
r 2 =k 2 C aFEED
a1 > a2 → Gunakan reaktor Plug flow/reaktor batch
a3 a1 < a2 → Gunakan reaktor mixed Flow
r 3 =k 3 C PRODUCT
Untuk menghambat reaksi ke-tiga → gunakan reaktor Plug flow atau reaktor batch. Sehingga
Beberapa reaktor mixed flow terpasang seri; Reaktor Plug flow dengan recycle; Kombinasi reak
Untuk menghambat pembentukan reaksi II dan reaksi III dipilih type reaktor yang memberikan w
reaktor batch. Sehingga untuk reaksi seri paralel diatas, bila a1 > a2 gunakan reaktor Plug flow/reaktor batch. Sedang bila a1
recycle; Kombinasi reaktor Plug flow dan reaktor mixed flow
aktor yang memberikan waktu tinggal seragam yaitu Reaktor batch atau Reaktor Plug-flow
or batch. Sedang bila a1 < a2 ada 3 pilihan yaitu :

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