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Sun Over

Sun Success, Vitality

Moon Father Travel aspect and gets blame by his own deeds
Mar Blood defects for native, hinderance from / to brothers Stubborn, Proud, Mental tension, Harasment by enemies at work,
injuries to son, obstruction to father
Mer Father gain in land, commercial success, Meets friends Father will get help from fiends, gain of landed property to father
Jup Status, Contacts with nobles and cooperation from Respect, honour, status • gets help from elite, promotion, birth of
them son. Father: Meets noble gels help from kith & kin.
Ven Ill health to wife, financial stress, marriage, fond of sex Financial gain to father: Luxurious goods gain. Meets woman.

Sat Lack of confidence, dejection/delay in works, dislikes to work, efforts fail, blames, money crunch, lack of
unnecessary blames and financial stress confidence, dispu1es Father/Son, trouble from Govt/higher ups,
unrest - yet honour & respect ill health to Father.
Rah Gains in speculation, Laziness Father dejection • problems, ill health, problems to children.
Ket Wory through children, divine thoughts to father Father visits holy places, gels Govt orders, Son gets divine grace.

Mars Over
Sun Stubborn, Proud, Mental tension, Harasment by
enemies at work, injuries to son, obstruction to father
Moon Hasty and fickelmindedness, anxity, ill health to mother,
brother travels
Mar Accident, increased energy
Mer Trouble by enemies, unrest, lack of peace, disputes with
relatives and friends, husband meet his friends
Jup BP heat, danger from fire, problems in profession, good
time respect
Ven Husband gains from outside, meet opposite sex friends
Sat Problems in profession, accidents and losses
Rah Over sex, danger to brother
Ket Desire to power
Merc Over
Sun Father will get help from fiends, gain of landed property
to father
Moon Artistic benefits, blames - dejection due to girlfriend.
Some travel aspects.
Mar Disputes with friends or brothers - enemity
from kith & kin & uncle - bones and skin problems.
Husband will meet girlfriend.
Mer Strengthens all matters at birth.
Jup Gains from divinity, knowledge - new
experience - meets noble persons. Female:
Likes outsiders than husband. Youngsters:
Will prosper outside
Ven Gain, from lands - gain of house - meets AUG 30 1979
intimates happiness - prosperous results.
Sat Commerical gains - auspicious results - gain AUG 5 1982
of land co-operation from friends.
Rah Good talent in communications - kin ailments
Ket Education breaks - lands dispute - loss - SEP 3 1985 SEP
19 1985
unfavourable time.
Jup Over
Sun Respect, honour, status • gets help from elite,
promotion, birth of son. Father: Meets noble gels help
from kith & kin.
Moon Meels opp: sex, !ravel, functions, desire to learn,
change of place, cold. Mother: lll·heal1h turns
Mar Stubborn, hasle, heal-BP. dejection, pride enemies,
meets relatives, away from kith kin. Gets house, status.
Female: Marriage, good time for husband and change.
Brother: Pride.
Mer Educational success, elite circle, divine knowledge, help
from lntelleci, _divine grace, new learning, landed
property gain. Female: Likes others than husband.
Jup Name, fame, birth of son.
Ven Marriage, birth of daughter, financial gain little family
litigations, purchase of luxuries, joy prosperity, benefits
from ladies. Wife: Good lime.
Sat Promotion, change of job, prosperity.
Rah Operation, education dislurb death abortion, fear
Ket Divine knowledge, ill health.

Ven Over
Sun Financial gain to father: Luxurious goods gain. Meets
Moon ll health to daughter or wife. Dispute among female
folks-unrest-loss of money to native.
Mar Money gain to brother - residence to native & money
blocks - wife becomes pregnant: marriage to female &
co-operation from husband & financial gain to him.
Mer Prosperity in lands, houses - celebrations - wife gain
Jup Financial gains - celebrations - little family disputes
gains of luxury items - wife meets Guru - divine works.
Ven Fortune period.
Sat Money gain - house prospects - prospects of loan gain
and clearance - celebrations at home.
Rah Marriage - hard time to wife.
Ket Trouble in house works or house gains. Dispute with
wife - seperation.

Sat Over
Sun islikes to work, efforts fail, blames, money crunch, lack
of confidence, dispu1es Father/Son, trouble from
Govt/higher ups, unrest - yet honour & respect ill health
to Father.
Moon Transfers, change of place, travel, blames, expenses,
loving aged persons, change of job, debilitated moon -
problem with low women. Unrest ill health 10 mother.
Mar Professional problems, enemies at work, obstruction to
gains, acciden1s, property gains, problems to brother.
Female: Dispute with spouse professional problems and
problem with brother.
Mer Education success, good business, gains in lands -
co-operative friends, new avenues - good for Brother •
Jup Change of profession, promotion, new job, high
association, prosperity, good 1ime, gas.
Ven Marriage, gains from wife, lazy wife, gas problems to
wife, property, vehicles gains, progress.
Sat Hardwork, little 1roubles.
Rah Gets vehicle, low type jobs, las1 rites, lazy, legal,
professional problems, disputes, loss.
Ket Work dejection, legal problems, jobless aimless, loss,
litigations • Visits Holy places.

Rah Over
Sun Father dejection • problems, ill health, problems to
Moon Mental complexes, fear, unrest, evil spirits, danger to
Mar Accidents, blood defects, surgery, brother dejection.
Mer Married intellect, problems to friends - sister, skin
problems, gain in properties.
Jup Fear complex, last rites, marks on face, health
Ven Break in income, vehicle property gains. Secret lady
association, health family problems to wife and alster.
Sat Unethical works, low association, purchase of
properties, laziness.
Rah Medium results, stomach disorder - Results are based
on other planets combination in 5, 9th & 7th.
Ket Obstruction in good health.
Ketu Over
Sun Father visits holy places, gels Govt orders, Son gets
divine grace.
Moon Turns philosophical, visits watery/holy places mother
visits holy places & ill health, native worry, BP.
Mar Brother problems, husband faces disputes, becomes
widow native gets BP - kitchen problems.
Mer Skin disease, poor memory, education disturb, love
affairs (If Mar involved rift in affairs or property
disputes) with Sun gets honour from Govt. or eli1e.
Jup Hurdles leading to spiritual. Worldly dejection careless
in dress & attitude - ill health nervous.
Ven Wife & elder sister unhappy, money crunch, victimised
by lady, separation/divorce or disputes in house
matters. Unrest in family.
Sat Disinterest in work, long leave, work troubles, desire for
vesting holy places. Blames from close persons. With
Mar may quit job - aimless.
Rah Loose motions.
Ket Misunderstanding In family.

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