Microstrip Antenna Arrays Fed by A Series-Parallel Slot-Coupled Feeding Network

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10, 2011 991

Microstrip Antenna Arrays Fed by a Series-Parallel

Slot-Coupled Feeding Network
Krzysztof Wincza and Slawomir Gruszczynski

Abstract—A novel concept of a feeding network of a microstrip is known that a 180 phase shifter that is realized as a transmis-
antenna array composed of series-fed linear subarrays has been sion-line section operates in a narrow frequency range. More-
shown. The proposed feeding network utilizes a concept of a slot over, it introduces asymmetry within the feeding network of a
coupler, in which two microstrip lines are coupled through a slot in
a common ground plane. As it has been shown, such a slot coupler
linear antenna array. This in turn causes the deterioration of the
provides equal-amplitude and out-of-phase output signals and, antenna radiation pattern, especially when the antenna has to
therefore, can be used for appropriate feeding (at the center) of operate within a broad frequency range.
a single linear antenna subarray that utilizes “through-element” In this letter, we present a novel approach for feeding linear
series-feeding technique. The proposed concept of a slot coupler antenna subarrays, in which “through-element” feeding tech-
has been used for the design of an 8 8 antenna array, in which nique is used. In the proposed approach, slot couplers are intro-
all 8 1 linear subarrays are series-fed, whereas all 8 linear
subarrays are fed by a parallel feeding network.
duced at the center of each linear antenna subarray providing for
simultaneous power division and 180 differential phase shifts
Index Terms—Antenna arrays, antennas with reduced losses, of the output signals within a broad frequency range. The pro-
parallel-fed antennas, series-fed antennas, slot-coupled feeding posed method has been used for the design of an 8 8 antenna
array operating within 24-GHz frequency range. In the designed
antenna array, the signal is first distributed between all linear an-
I. INTRODUCTION tenna subarrays with the use of a parallel feeding network, and
then is coupled thought slots in a common ground plane directly
to the centers of each of the linear subarrays. Further signal dis-
M ICROSTRIP antenna arrays are often used in modern
telecommunication and radar systems. A common ap-
proach for realization of antenna feeding networks relies on uti-
tribution between radiating elements of each linear subarray is
done with the use of a series “through-element” feeding tech-
nique [7]. The advantages of the proposed feeding network are:
lization of a corporate connection of Wilkinson power dividers.
1) full symmetry at the top metallization layer, where the ra-
Such a solution allows for in-phase excitation of all radiating
diating elements are placed, which in turn results in better ra-
elements in a broad frequency range, yet suffers from relatively
diation pattern; 2) realization of ideal broadband 180 phase
large dissipation losses within the feeding network. To mini-
shifter at the center of each linear antenna subarray; 3) inde-
mize losses, a series-feeding technique can be applied [1]. In pendent signal distribution between linear subarrays and across
such antennas, radiating elements can be fed from a single trans- each antenna subarray placed on different metallization layers;
mission line [2]–[4], or alternatively, the signal can be trans- 4) minimization of losses within the feeding network. The pro-
mitted through the radiating elements [5]–[7]. In the second ap- posed approach has been experimentally verified by the mea-
proach, the overall length of transmission lines connecting par- surements of the manufactured 8 8 antenna array.
ticular radiating elements can be minimized, especially when a
linear antenna array is fed at its center. Such an approach, how- II. 8 8 ANTENNA ARRAY DESIGN WITH SERIES-PARALLEL
ever, requires feeding both parts of the linear antenna array with SLOT-COUPLED FEEDING NETWORK
equal-amplitude and out-of-phase signals. Therefore, there is a
In the proposed approach, an 8 8 antenna array is composed
need for realization of a 180 phase shifter at the center part of
of eight 8 1 linear antenna subarrays. Each 8 1 linear sub-
the series-fed linear antenna array. This is commonly realized
array consists of two identical 4 1 linear subarrays designed
by insertion of a 180 -long transmission-line section. An ex-
with the use of the series feeding technique shown in [7]. As it
emplary realization of such an antenna array is shown in [7]. It
was shown in [7], a pair of such 4 1 antenna subarrays can
constitute an 8 1 linear antenna array. However, a 180 phase
Manuscript received July 16, 2011; accepted August 31, 2011. Date of publi- shift needs to be introduced for proper excitation to ensure a
cation September 08, 2011; date of current version October 03, 2011. This work
was supported in part by the National Center for Research and Development broadside beam. This is commonly achieved with the use of a
under the Lider Program, Contract LIDER/16/66/L-1/09/NCBiR/2010, and in 180 -long section of a transmission line [7]. The novel feeding
the statutory activity of the Department of Electronics, AGH University of Sci- concept of such an eight-element linear antenna subarray is ex-
ence and Technology.
The authors are with Department of Electronics, AGH University of Sci- plained in Fig. 1. The transmission line feeding the 8 1 linear
ence and Technology, 30-059 Cracow, Poland (e-mail: krzysztof.wincza@agh. antenna subarray is placed below the ground plane and is aper-
edu.pl; slawomir.gruszczynski@agh.edu.pl). ture-coupled to the series-feeding network at the center of the
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. 8 1 linear subarray. It is important to underline that such a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2011.2167491 slot coupling provides good return losses at port #1 and equal

1536-1225/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE


Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the idea of feeding a linear antenna sub-
array directly at its center with the use of the proposed slot coupler. (a) Cross-
sectional view of the proposed slot coupler and (b) its application for excitation
of the series-fed linear subarray.

power split between the reference planes marked as #2 and #3

when upper and bottom lines are symmetrically placed with re-
spect to the slot and when the stub length of the bottom line is
appropriately chosen (see Fig. 1). Moreover, the signals at the
Fig. 2. Results of electromagnetic calculations of a proposed slot coupler
reference planes #2 and #3 are 180 apart, which is vital for (three-port network shown in Fig. 1(b)) used for feeding of a linear antenna
achieving a broadside beam from such a linear array. The elec- subarray directly at its center with signals at reference planes #2 and #3 having
equal amplitude and 180 phase difference. (a) Amplitude characteristics and
tromagnetically calculated results of the designed slot coupler (b) differential phase characteristic.
are shown in Fig. 2. It is seen that the proposed slot coupler
provides equal power division and 180 differential phase of
the output signals within a broad frequency range. The band-
width of the proposed slot coupler is actually determined by the
reflection coefficient at the input (reference plane #1). Such a
solution allows for achieving broadside beam from the linear
antenna subarray in a wide frequency range.
For the purpose of appropriate power distribution across all
eight linear antenna subarrays, a well-known parallel feeding
network consisting of reactive power dividers is used.


The presented concept has been experimentally verified. Ini-
Fig. 3. Calculated (dotted line) and measured (solid line) E-plane copolar radi-
tially, an 8 1 linear antenna array designed for the center fre- ation patterns of the manufactured 8 1 antenna subarray fed at the center with
quency of 24.15 GHz has been manufactured and measured. The the use of the proposed slot coupler ( GHz).
antenna has been designed with the use of the structure shown
in Fig. 1(a), in which two layers of Arlon 25 N laminate having
thickness mm and dielectric constant have has been applied [8]. The antenna array has been optimized to
been stacked together. The antenna has been fed through the achieve sidelobes better than 20 dB. The measured radiation pat-
slot directly in the center of its feeding network from a straight tern in comparison to the calculated one is shown in Fig. 3. The
transmission line placed on the bottom layer (see Fig. 1). To electromagnetic calculations have been performed with the use
achieve lower sidelobe level, a taper excitation across the array of Ansoft Ensemble software, in which infinite ground plane

Fig. 4. Calculated (dotted line) and measured (solid line) reflection coefficient
of the manufactured 8 8 antenna array fed with the use of the series-parallel
slot-coupled network.

is assumed. A good agreement between the calculations and

measurements has been achieved, especially in terms of 3-dB
beamwidth, which is equal to 14 . Also, the measured sidelobe
level is comparable to the calculated one, and both calculated
and measured radiation patterns feature broadside beam. The
measured gain of the manufactured antenna equals 12 dBi. The
designed linear antenna subarray has been used for realization Fig. 5. Calculated (dotted line) and measured (solid line) radiation patterns
of an 8 8 antenna array that has been designed in the same di- of the manufactured 8 8 antenna array fed by the use of the series-par-
allel slot-coupled network. (a) E-plane copolar and (b) H-plane copolar
electric structure. A parallel feeding network composed of reac- ( GHz).
tive power dividers has been used for signal distribution across
all linear antenna subarrays. The power divisions of each power
divider have been chosen to ensure taper excitation across all
eight linear antenna subarrays in order to reduce sidelobes.
The measured reflection coefficient of the antenna array in
comparison to the calculated one is shown in Fig. 4. It is seen
that good impedance match of the manufactured 8 8 antenna
array has been achieved. The calculated and measured radiation
patterns in two principle cut-planes are presented in Fig. 5
showing good agreement, especially in terms of the achieved
beamwidths. It is seen that the antenna features broadside
beam in E-plane, which proves the correctness of the presented
approach. The measured sidelobe level in E-plane is about
17 dB and corresponds to the calculated one. The achieved
sidelobe level in H-plane equals 23 dB. The measured gain of
the 8 8 antenna array at the center frequency equals 18 dBi.
Fig. 6 presents a photograph of the manufactured 8 8 antenna
array in which the full symmetry within each 8 1 antenna
subarray and the coupling slots used for feeding are seen.

A novel approach for feeding linear antenna arrays com-
posed of series-fed “through-element” patches is proposed. The
Fig. 6. Pictures of the manufactured 8 8 antenna array fed with the use of the
proposed feeding network utilizes a concept of a slot coupler proposed slot couplers. (a) Top view showing the series feeding network and
that provides both equal power division and a 180 phase the placement of coupling slots. (b) Bottom view showing the parallel feeding
shift within a broad frequency range. The proposed concept network.
has been utilized in the design of the 8 8 antenna array fed
by a series-parallel feeding network. In the presented design, “through-element” coupled patch technique [7] and are fed at
all 8 1 linear antenna subarrays are realized with the use of the centers by the proposed slot couplers. The parallel feeding

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