Pembenaran: 1. Paragraph 1 The Research Background.

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Pembenaran :

1. Paragraph 1

The research background.

 The purposes of this research were to know: (1) the percentage of improvement in student’s
response to learn science in junior high school with SAVI approach; (2) the increased student’s
learning activities through SAVI approach in science at SMP N 2 Srumbung; and (3) the
increased understanding concept of “heat and its application in everyday life” in the second
semester of seventh grade students in SMP N 2 Srumbung after using SAVI approach.

2. Paragraph 2

 The subjects in this research were students of class VII SMP A 2 Srumbung, Magelang. The
type of this research was included in the CAR (Classroom Action Research), which steps were:
1) made a plan; 2) implementation; 3) observation and; 4) reflection. The data were collected
through observations, written tests, and questionnaires which used instruments such as: 1)
observation sheets; 2) pretest-posttest and; 3) questionnaire sheets. The observations were
conducted to know how science was carried out using the SAVI approach. The written tests
purpose were to measure the student’s understanding of the concept. Questionnaires were given
to study the responses of the students. The data analysis techniques for the instrument
observation sheets and questionnaire sheets was a percentage formula, while the instrument test
questions used normalized gain score formula.

3. Paragraph 3

The results showed that the application of SAVI approach can improve students’ responses to
science learning in SMPN 2 Srumbung. Based on the results of all students, the student’s
response achievement has reached 86% positive respond with very well achievement criteria.
Application of SAVI approach in teaching science can increase the percentage of the observation
of students learning activities in the Visual aspects from 80% to 100%, Oral aspect from 40% to
60%, Listening from 60% to 100%, Writing from 80% to 100 %, Drawing from 60% to 80%,
Motor from 60% to 100%, Mental from 60% to 80%, and Emotional from 60% to 80% of
feasibility, as well as an improved understanding of the concept of students’ seen from the first
cycle with Score Gain assessment, 4 students rose high, five students are being increased, 14
students have a low rise, and 2 decline in the value of Gain Score marked with a negative (-) and
the second cycle showed an increase to the criteria of 12 students high rise, 21 students are being
increased, and 2 students have a low rise.

The conclusions

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