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Secretary Donald H.

Meeting with Retired Military Advisors
Thursday, October 31,2002
Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E928), The Pentagon
(Updated October 23,2002)

10:OO am Welcome and Introduction
Victoria Clarke, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public

10:OS am Transforming the Military

Ken Krleg, Special Assistant to the Secretary

10:30 am Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destructiou

J.D. Crouch, Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Policy

11:OO am Update on the War on Terrorism

General Richard B. Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

11:30 am Remarks and Discussion

Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

12:OO noon Meeting Concludes

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Meeting with Retired Military Officials
Thursday, October 31,2002
Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E928), The Pentagon
(Cpdrted 0ct.ber 31,2002)


Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Major General Robert S. Bevelacqua (USA, Retired)

General Wesley Clark (USA, Retired)

General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)

Lieutenant General Jay Garner (USA, Retired)

Brigadier General David Grange (USA, Retired)

General George Joulwan (USA, Retired)

Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)

General Barry McCaffrey (USA, Retired)

Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerny (USAF, Retired)

General John Shalikashvili (USA, Retired)

Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)

Lieutenant General Bernard Trainor (USMC, Retired)

To: Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)

From. Victoria Clarice

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Date: December 30,2002

Re: Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and General Gregory Newbold

Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would like to invite you to attend a special briefing
Friday, January 10,2003, in his private conference room at the Pentagon.

The briefing with the Secretary, General Newbold and other senior USG officials
will start promptly at 9 3 0 am. Due to security issues, it will be necessary for you to
arrive at the Pentagon by 9:00am on January 10.

Detailed instructions concerning transportation and security logistics will follow

via email or phone by close of business Tuesday, January 7. Please R.S.V.P. to Brent
Kmeger at (703) 695-2733 (,01Eric Holland at (703) 697-7385

We hope you are able to participate.


Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Meeting with Retired Military Advisors
Friday, January 10,2003
Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E928), The Pentagon
(Updated Dettmber 30,2003)


9:30 am Welcome and Introduction

Victoria Clarke, Assistant Secretaryof Defense for Public Affairs

9 3 5 am Iraqi Denial and Deception for WMD and Ballistic Missile


10:OO am Briefing on the Atrocities of Life Under Saddam Hussein

Speaker to be Confirmed

10:30 am Update on the War on Terrorism

Major General Gregory Newbold, Director for Operations (J-3),
Joint Chiefs of Staff

11:OO am Remarks and Discussion

Donald H.Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

11:45 am Meeting Concludes

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Meeting with Retired Military Advisors

Friday, January 10,2003
Secretary's Conference Room (3E928), The Pentagon
(As of January 8,2003)

In Attendance:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA. Retired)

Mmor Robert S. Ucvclacoua fL S 4 ,. Rehredl
~ e n e r aWesley
l Clark ( ~ ~ ~ , ~ e t i r e d )
General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)
Brigadier General David Grange (USA, Retired)
General Charles A. Homer (USAF, Retired)
Admiral David E. Jeremiah (USN, Retired)
Admiral Charles Larson (USN, Retired)
Admiral Thomas Joseph Lopez (USN, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
General Barry McCaffrey (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Edward C. Meyer (USA, Retired)
Admiral Joseph Prueher (USN, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (IJSAF, Retired)
General Charles E. Wilhelm (USMC, Retired)
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Meeting with Retired Military Advisors and Civilian Military Experts
Wednesday, February 12,2003
Deputy Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E869),The Pentagon
(At of Fcbnury 12,2003/11:25 am]

Welcome and Introduction

Victoria Clarke, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Iraqi Post-Regime Security and Economic Issues Brief

William 1,Luti, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Special Plans and Near
Eastern and South Asian Affairs

Operations Brief

General Norton A. Schwartz, Director for Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff (1-3)

Open Discussion and Questions and Answers

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld


Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemev. USAF ( R e t i r d

General Ronald Fogelman, USAF ( ~ e t i e d ) ~ '
General Barry McCaffrey, USA (Retired)
Major Robert S. Bevelaqua, USA (Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis, USA (Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely, USA (Retired)
Admiral Dennis C. Blair USN (Retiredl
Mr. Loren Thompson, ~ & i n ~ t o~nstitute
Mr. James Dobbins. RAND
Mr Alton Frvc, Council on foreign Relations
Ms Jcisica Mathews, Carncgie r m l w miin for Internanonal Pcacc
Mr. Latrh Kubbd, National Lndowmcnt far D~rnxr;uy
Mr Grovcr Murquisl, Anicrii-ans ior I d \ Reforni
Admiral Tom Moorman, USN (Retired)


WEDNESDAY, M A R C H 19,2003


Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Major Robert S. Bevelacqua (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Daniel W. Christman (USA, Retired)
General Wesley Clark (USA, Retired)
General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant General Buster Glosson (USAF, Retired)
Brigadier General David Grange (USA. Retired)
Admiral David E. Jeremiah (USN, Retired)
Admiral Thomas Joseph Lopez (USN, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Marfiak (USN, Retired)
General Barry McCaffley (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemev (USAF, Retiredl

Major ~ e n e r aDonald
l W. shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
General Larry D. Welch (USAF, Retired)
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Meeting with Retired Military Advisors and Civilian Defense Experts
Thursday, March 13,2003

Welcome and Introduction

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public


DoD Security Cooperation Guidance

Andrew R. Hoehn, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Strategy Development, Policy

Force Medical Protection

Ellen Ernbrey, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force

Health Protection and Readiness, Health Affairs

Operations Update and Targeting Brief

Major General Stanley A. McChrystai, Vice Director for Operations

(1-3),Joint Chiefs of Staff

Meeting Concludes
Secretary Donald H.Rumsfeld
Meeting with Retired Military Advisors a n d Civilian Defense Experts
Thursday, March 13,2003
Room 3E869,T h e Pentagon
(As o f March 12,21)03/5:45 pm)
In Attendance
Retired Military Advisors

Lieutenant General Frank B. Campbell

General Ronald Fogelman
Lieutenant General Busier Glosson
Major General George Hamson
General Charles A. Homer
General William F. "Buck" K m a n
Rear Admiral Thomas F . Marfiak
General Barry McCaflrey
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey
General William Naah
General Glen K.Otis
General Joseph Ralslon
Major General Donald W. Shepprd
Major General Perry Smith
Major General Paul E. Vallely

To: Colonel Carl Kenneth Allan! (USA, Retired)

From: Brent Thomas Krueger

Director for Community Relations and Public Liaison

Date: Wednesday, March 26,2003

Rc Weekly Teleconference Calls

In order 10keep you apprised of the most up dale iniormation regarding the
Global War on lerrnndlraqi Threat, we will he conri~cunyteleconference calls
Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 1:OOpm beginning ~hursday,March 28

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretaryof Defense for Public Affairs, and a
senior representative from the Joint Chiefs of Staff will host these teleconference calls. A
meeting agenda and instructions regarding "dial-in" will be forwarded to you theMonday
and Wednesday before each conference call.

Should you have any questions regarding this outreach, please contact Dave
Evans or me at (703) 695-2733.

We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call with Retired Military Advisors
1:00 pin, Thursday, March 27,2003
The Pentagon
(Atof March 27,2003/10:45 pm)

Retired Military Advisors

General Wesley Clark

General Ronald Fogelman
Brigadier General David Grange
General Barry McCaffi-ey
Mqor General Peny Smith
Major General Donald W Sheppad
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis
General Lany Welch
General Wayne Downing
Admiral Thomas Lopez
Admiral David Jeremiah
Major General Paul E. Vallely
General William F. "Buck"Kernan
General Thomas Moorman
Lieutenant Genera! Buster Glosson
Colonel Jack Jacobs (calling from Doha, Qatar)
Lieutenant General Frank El. Campbell
General William Nash
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Mariiak
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Tuesday, April 1,2003
Room 2E800, The Pentagon
(As st March 18,2003/4;3(l pm)

Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

Iraqi Paramilitary (Irregulars) Brief

Robert Ross, Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence

Brace Hardcastle, Middle East Desk Officer, Defense Intelligence
OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(J-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff

Call Concludes


Call-in Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Tuesday, April 1,2003
The pentagon
(As ofApril 4, 2003/12:30 pm)
General Barry McCaffi-ey
Rear ~dmiraiThomas ~ r ~ a i f i a k
General Glen K. Otis
General William F. "Buck" Kernan
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey
General Thomas Moonnan
Brigadier General David Grange
Major General Perry Smith
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maeinnis
Lieutenant General Bernard Tminor
Malor K ~ h e nHcvelacaua
~ieulenantGeneral prank B. Campbell
Colonel Carl Allan!
Major General Paul E, Vallely
Admiral Thomas Lopez
Admiral David Jeremiah
Major General Tom Wilkerson
General William Nash
Colonel Jack Jacobs
General Joseph Ralston
General Ronald Fogelman
General Lurry Welch
Lieutenant General Buster Glosson
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Friday, April 4,2003
Room 2E800, The Pentagon
(Asof April 4,2003/9:00 am)

2:OO pm Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

2:01 pm Urban Area (Baghdad) Brief

Robert Ross, Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence


2 0 5 pm Update from US. Central Command-Qatar

Jim Wilkmson, Spokesperson, US. Central Command-Qatar

2 1 5 pm OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(J-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff

2 9 0 pm Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-in Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Friday, April 4,2003
The Pentapn
(As of April 4,21103112:00 pm)

Rear Admiral Thomas F. Marriak
General Glen K. Otis
General William F. "Buck" Keman
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey
General Thomas Moorman
Brigadier General David Grange
Major General Perry Sm~th
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis
Lieutenant General Bernard Tramor
Major Robert Bevelacqua
Lieutenant General Frank B. Campbell
Colonel Carl Allan!
Major General Paul E. Vallely
Admiral Thomas Lopez
Admiral David Jeremiah
General Ronald Fogelman
General Lany Welch
Colonel Jack Jacobs
General William Nash
General Joseph Ralston
Lieutenant General Dan Christman
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:OO pm, Tuesday, April 8,2003
(As of April 7,2003/10;00 am)

2:00 pm Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chns Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

2:01 pm Urban Area (Baghdad) Brief

Marc Galascoh, Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence


2 1 5 pm OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(1-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff

230 pm Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-In Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Tuesday, April 8,2003
(A9 of April 8.2(lÈ3/12!0 pm)

General Montgomery Meigs
Lieutenant General Dan Christman

Rear Admiral Thomas F. Marfiak

General Thomas Moorman
Major General Perry Smith
Major Robert Bevelaqua
Lieutenant General Bernard Trainer
Major General Paul E. Vallely
Colonel Carl Allan!
General RonaldFogelrnan
General William Nash
General Joseph Ralston
General Charles Wilhelm
Colonel Jack Jacobs
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 11,2003
(As olApril lO,2003/6:4S pm)

2 0 0 pm Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

2 0 1 pm OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(J-3). Joint Chiefs of Staff

215 pm Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-In Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 11,2003
(As of April lÈ,20Ç.V6: pm)

Brigadier General David Grange
General Montgomery Meigs
Lieutenant General Dan Christman
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis
General William P. "Buck"Kernm
Rear Admiral Thomas F. Marfiak
General Thomas Moorman
Maior General Perry Smith

Major General Paul E. Vallely

Colonel Carl AHard
General Ronald Fogelman
General William Nash
General Joseph Ralston
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Tuesday, April 15,2003
(As of April 15,2003/1:00pm)


Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

Iraqi Civil Affairs Update

Major John Mills, Specialist, Directorate for Strategic Plans and

Policy (.I-5), Joint Chiefs of Staff

OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(J-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff

Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-In Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2:00 pm, Tuesday, April IS, 2003
(As o f April 15,2003/10:00 S W


Colonel Carl Allard

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginn18
General William Nash
Lieutenant General Bernard Trainor
Colonel John Warden
General William F. "Buck"Kernan
General Thomas Mooman
General Montgomery Meigs
Lieutenant General Dan Christman
Rear Admiral Thomas F Marfiak
Major GeneralPaul E.Vallely
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Major General Perry Smith
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 18,2003
(As of April 14,2003/10:00 am)


Welcome and Introduction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox.,Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

Iraqi Reconstruction Update

Lieutenant General Jay Gamer (USA, Retired), Director. Office of
Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance

OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(J-3). Joint Chiefs of Staff

Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-In Telephone Number: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 18,2003
(AsofApril IS,Z003/10:00 am)

Colonel Carl Allard
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis
General William N a d
General Joseph Ralston
Lieutenant General Bernard Trainor
Colonel John Warden
General William F. "Buck"Keman
General Montgomery Meigs
General Wesley Clark
Major Robert Bevelaqua
General GlenK. Otis
Lieutenant General Frank B. Campbell
Lieutenant General Dan Christman
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey
Major General Perry Smith
Major General Paul E. Vallely
Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 25,2003
(As ofApril 24, 2003/10:00 am)


Welcome and Introdnction (Guidelines)

Chris Willcox, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Public Affairs

Update on Coalition Reconstruction Efforts In Iraq

Dr. Joseph 1.Coffins,Deputy Assistant Secretary € Stability


OIF Operational Update

Major General Stanley A. McChrystal, Vice Director for Operations

(1-3), Joint Chiefs of Staff

Call Concludes (Guidelines)


Call-In TelephoneNnmber: (800) 860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

Conference Call
Military Analysts
2 0 0 pm, Friday, April 25,2003
(A* of April 25, ZO03/12:45pm)

Colonel Carl Allad
Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis
General William Nash
Geneml Joseph Rdston
Lieutenant General Bernard Trainor
Colonel ,John Wuden
General Montgomery Meigs
Lieutenant General Dan Chiishan
Rear Admiral Thornus F. Marfiak
Major General Donald W. Shepperd
Major Roberl Ewelacqua
Colonel Jack Jacobs
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey
General Glen K. Otis
Mior a n e r a \ Pad E. Vallely
To: Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard

From: Victoria Clarke

Assistant Secretary of Defense for h h l Affam

Date: Tuesday, May 23.20C6

Re: Meeting with S a ~ e t a Donald

q Rumsfeld

Saretaty h n a l d Rumsfeld would like to invite you to attend a special meeting

Friday, June 6,2W3. In his private wnference mom at the Pentagon.

The briefing with the Secretary and o h c senior USG officials will aart promptly
at 1O:OOa m Due to secu"ty issues, it will be n e o w e q for you to arrive at the Patagon
by 9:30 am on June 6 , Attached for your review IS the proposed meetmg agenda.

Instructions concerning tramporbtion logistics will follow via email or phone by

close of business Wednesday, June 4,2W3. Please R.S.V.P. to Brent Krueger at (703)
695-2733 (, or Dave Evans at (703) 697-9105

We hope you are able to participate


To: Major Robert S. Bevelaqua

From: Victoria Clarke

Assistant S e c r e t q of Defense for Public Affairs

Date: Tuesday,May 23,2006

Re: Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Secretmy Donald Rumsfeld would like to invite you lo anend a special meeting
Friday, June 6, 2003, in his private conference mom at the Pentagon.

The briefing wi!h the Secretary and other senior USG off~cialswill st& promptly
a! 10:OOm.Duc to security issues, it d l be necessary for you to amve at the Pentagon
by 9:30an1 on June 6, Anached for your review is the proposed meeting agenda.

Instrucnnw concemmg m q m t a t m IO~ISIIC\ u 111 follm via email or phone hy

close of humess Wcdnesdav, June 4. ZW?. Pkase R.%V P. tn Rrcm Kruczer a1 (703)
695-2733 ~rent.heger@o~d.nul), or Dave Evans at (703) 697-9105
(dave.evans@osd mil).

We hope you arc able to participate.


To: L~eutenamGenaal Daniel W, Christman

Fmm: Victo"a Clarke

Ass~stantSecretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Date: n e h y , May 23,2006

Re: Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary Donald Rumsfeld would like to invite you to attend a special meeting
Friday, June 6,ZCiX. in his private canferenco m m at the Penbson

The briefing with the Secretary and 0 t h senior USG officials will starl promptly
at l0:OO am. Due to secu~ityimues, it will benecessary for you to m v e at the Pentagon
by 9:30 am on June 6. Aua~hedfor your review is ihe proposed meeting agenda.

lnsmctions concerninstransporiation logistics will follow via email or phone by

close of business Wednesday, June 4,2003. Please RS.V.P. to Brent Kmeger at (703)
695-2733 (brent.heger@osd.miI), or Dave Evans at (703) 697-9105

We hope you are able to p?sticipate

To: General Wayne A. Downing

From: Victoria Clarke

Assistant Secretary of Defense For Public Affairs

Date: Tuesday, May 23,2006

Re: Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary Donald Rms€cldwou like to invite you to attend aspeeial meeting

Friday, June 6,2003, m bis private conference room at the Pentagon.

by9130 am on June 6 . Anached for yowrwiew is the prop&d meeting agenda.

Inslmctions ca~cemingt r a n s p m t ~ o nlogistics will follow via m a i l or phone by

close of business Wednesday, June 4,2003. Pleme R.S.V.P. to Brent Krueger at (703)
695-2733 (, or Dave Evans at (703) 697-9105

We hope you are able to pariicipate,


To: Brigadier General David Grange

From: Victoria Clarke

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

Date: Tuesday, May 23,20(X

S w t - 1 q Dcnald Rumsfeld wnuld like10 inwe you to attend aspeclat meeting

Friday, lune h. 2003. in h i t private conference mom at the Pentagon.

The briefing with the Secretary and other senior USG officials will start promptly
at 10:00 am. Due to security issues, it will be necessary for you to arrive at the Pentagon
by 9:30 am on June 6. Attached for your review 1s the proposed meeting agenda.

Instructions concerning transportation logistics will follow via email or phone by

close of business Wednesday, June 4,2003. PleaseR.S.V.P. to Brent Krueger at (703)
695-2733 (, or Dave Evans at (703) 697-9105

We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call with .Military/DefenseAnalysts
Thursday, May 27,2004 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
(Asof May 27,2004i9'30 in..]

Confirmed Retired Military Analysts
Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel James J. Carafano (USA, Retired)
General Wayne A. Downing (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) 1. Eads (USA, Retired)
General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
CSM Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Admiral Thomas Joseph Lopez (USN, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mchemey (USAF, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General Joseph Ralston (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant General EN Rokke (USAF, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Perry Smith (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
General Lany D. Welch (USAF, Retired)
At of May 2 6 2004111:lO un.

Conference Call with Military/Defense Analysts

Thursday, May 27,2004 Room 2ES72 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

3:30 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Chris Willcox, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

3:31 p.m. Updateon Global Defense Posture

Mr. Andy Hoehn, Deputy Assistant Secretary ofDefense for Strategy


3:40 p.m. Question and Answer Session

Mr. Andy Iloehn

4:OO p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

. Mr. Chris Willcox

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442or (412)858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts and Civilian Defense Experts
Thursday, May 27,2004 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Retired Military Analysts:
Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel James J. Carafano (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas McInemev (USAF. Retiredl
Lieutenam Colonel Rohcn I Vafinni'i (L'SA, Rclircd)
Camam Oiuck N-ish 1IISN. Rcl1r;d~
~ e n e r aWilliam
l L. Nash (USA, ~ e t i r e d )
General Glen K.Otis (USA, Retired)
Liculcnani General Erv Rokkc (USAF, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr, (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
General Tom Wilkerson (USMC, Retired)
Conference Call with Military/Defense Analysts (ON BACKGROUND)
Thursday, June 3,2004 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

3:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduclion (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Chris Willcox, Deputy Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

3:01 p.m. Update on Detainee and GITMO Issues

General James T. Hill, Combatant Commander, U.S. Southern


3:10 p.m. Question and Answer Session with General Hill

3:30 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

I Mr. Chris Willcox

As of June 3,2004/12:15 p.m

Conference Call with Military Defense Analysts

Thursday, June 3,2004 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)

Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Brigadier General David L. Grange (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
General William F. "Buck" Kernan (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
General William L. Nash (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld
Meeting with Military Defense Analysts
Wednesday, June 16,2004
Deputy Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E869), The Pentagon
(As oflime 16.2004/11.00 a.m.)

1:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction

Mr. Chris Willwx, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs

1:01 p.m. Update on GTMOIInterrogations

Mr. Pete Geren, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense

Mr. Daniel J. DelFOrto, Principal Deputy General Counsel

Lieutenant General Keith B. Alexander, Deputy Chief of Staff (Army G-2)

1:40 p.m. Update on Global Defense Posture

Mr. Douglas J. Feith, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy

2 0 0 p.m. Discussion and Questions with Secretary of Defense (Transition to Iraqi Self-

Also present will be Rear Admiral David Nash, Director for Program Management
Office, Coalition Provisional Authority (Baghdad)

2:45 p.m. Meeting Concludes

Mr. Willcox
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
Outreach Meeting with Retired Military Analysts
Wednesday, June 16,2004 1:00 p.m. to 3:OO p.m.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Conference Room (3E869), The Pentagon

Meeting Participants
Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Bill Cowan (USMC, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
General Ronald Fogelman (USAF, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Brigadier General David L. Grange (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
General William E. "Buck" Keman (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Colonel Walter P. Lang, Jr, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas McInemey (USAF, Retired)
Major F. Andy Messing, Jr. (USAR, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General William L Naih (USA, Retired)
General Joseph Ratston (USAF, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Carlton Sherwood (USMC, Retired)

To: Defense Analysts

From: Brent T.Kmeger

Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: June 21,2004

Re: Conference Call with Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowik

We invite you to participate in a conference call today, Monday, June21, 2004 from 3:10
p m. to 3:30p.m.

Topics to be discussed are: Trip to Iraq.

Participants in this conference call will be Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz,

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Sciarretto at bomie.sciarrelto~osd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

As of June 21,2004 - 11:45 am.

Conference Call with Military Defense Analysts

and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
Monday, June 21,2004 Room 3E944 3:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

3:10 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Charley Cooper

3:11 p.m. Update on Iraq

Deputy Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz

3 9 0 p.m. Deputy Secretary Fields Questions

3:30 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Cooper

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

As of June 21,2004- 200 p.m.

Conference Call with Defense Military Analysts

and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz
Monday, J u n e 21,2004 3:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Confirmed are:

Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)

Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAT, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC. Retiredl
1.1cuicnaniGeneral Rustcr Glosson ~'~.A~.'~etired)
Command Swi'cant Maior Steven Grecr K-i.4. Reiiral~
Colonel ~ l e n n ~ a c k e.y (USA, ~ e t i r e d j
Colonel Walter P. Lane, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Major General Michael 1. Nardoni, Jr. (USA, Retired)
General Glen K. Otis (USA, Retired)
General Joseph Ralston (USAF, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Martin L. Strong (USN, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Warden (USAF, Retired)
General Tom Wilkerson (USMC, Retired)

To: Military Defense Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Acting Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 06-28-04

Re: Conference Call nilllSenior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call a Monday, June 28,2004 from

2:OOp.m. to 3:OOp.m.

Topics to be discussed arc: Supreme Court decision on handling of detainees.

Participants in this conference call will be John Sullivan, Office of the General Counsel.

To participate in this conference call, please dial I-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Military Analysts conference call; host is
Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis.

Please R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Sciarretto at bonnie.xiarretto/ or call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

As ofJune 28,2004-1:20 p.m.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
Monday, June 28,2004 2:00 p.m. to 3;00 p.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysis:

Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)

Colonel (Tim) J. Eada (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greet (USA, Retired)
Colonel Walter P. Lang,Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
Major General Michael 1.Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Naah (USN, Retired)
Lieutenant General Erv Rokke USAF, Retired)
Mqor General Robert H. Scales. Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
To: Military Defense Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Acting Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 06-29-04

Re: ConferenceCall with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conferenm call Tuesday, June 29,2004 fmm

2:OOp.m. to 3:OOp.m. This is a rescheduled conference call from yesterday.

Topics to be discussed are: Supreme Court decision on handling of detainees.

Participants in this conference call will be John Sullivan, Office of the General Counsel.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Military Analysts conference call; host is
Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis.

Please R-S V.P. to Bonnie Sciarretto at or call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
Tuesday, June 29,2004 2 0 0 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC,USA, Retired)
Colonel Tim J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Walter P. Lang, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L.Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nandotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Erv Rokke USAF, Retired)

To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Acting Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 07-07-04

Re: Rescheduled Conference Call with Senior DoD Official(s)

We invite you to participate in a conference call, Today,July 7, 2004from 535 p.m.


Topics to be discussed are: New procedures for detainee ooerationi

Participants in this conference call will John Sullivan, Office of the General Counsel
Your host for this call will be Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 8584600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call,

Please R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Sciarretto at bonnie.sciarretto@osd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate


To: RetiredMilitary Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Acting Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 7/22/04

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Official

We invite you to participate in a conference c a t Friday, July 23,2004 from 10:30 am to

1l:OO amEST.

Topics to be discussed are: Changes DoD has made since 911 1 -Homeland Defense.

Participants in this conference call will be Mr. Paul McHale, Assistant Secretary,
Homeland Defense. (Bio attached)

Your host for this call will be Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Sciarretto at bonnie.sciarrettoiSiosd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
Friday July 23,2004 10:30 a m t o 11:OO a m


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth AIlard (USA, Retired)

Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) 1. Eads (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General GlenK.Otis (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAP, Retired)
General Chin-letE. Wilhelm (USMC,Retired)
Surrogate: James T. Jackson (USA,Retired)
General Tom Wilkerson (USMC, Retired)

To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Allison Barber, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for

Community Relations and Public Liaison

Date: 07/26/04

Re: Conference Call with General Peter Schoomaker

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, July 26,2004from 2:40 to


Topics lo be discussed are: Stress on the Force

Participants in this conference call will he General Peter Schoomaker, Chief of Staff,
Army. General Schoomaker will be joining us immediately after his press briefing at
1400, which should end at 143011440.

Your host for this call will be Allison Barber.

To participate in this conference call, please dial I-800-860-2442 and ask the operator to
connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Bonnie Sciamtto at hnnie,sciamtto~osd,mil

orcall her at (703)

We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call
R e t i r e d M i l i t a r y Analysts
Monday, July 26,2004 1440 t o 1510


I Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Lieutenant General Frank B.Campbell (USAF, Retired)

Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Major General James T. Jackson (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Colonel Walter P. Lang, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland (USA, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General William L. Nash (USA, Retired)
Mqor General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF. Retired)
Maior General Paul E. Vallelv (USA. Retired)

To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Acting Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: August 13, 2004

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Oflicials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, Monday, August 16,2004from TIME.

Topics to be discussed are: Troop Redeployment

Participants in this conference call will be ???, Your host for this call will be Lieutenant
Colonel Archie Davis.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

P e e R V P . to Bonnie Sciarretto at bonnie.sciarrettoiQiosd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able lo participate.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
Monday, August 16,2004 1600

Confirmed Retired Military Analysts;
Colonel Carl Kenneth Allan) (USA, Retired)
Mr. led Babbin (AF) Former JAG
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC,USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired)
Brigadier General David L.Grange (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCaulmd, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Major F. Andy Messing Jr. (USAR, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN,Retired)
General Glen K,Otis (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General ErvRolrice (USAF, Retired)
General Hugh Shelton (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald Shepperd (USAF, Retired
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Warden (USAF, Retired)
General Tom Wilkerson (USMC. Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Lieutenant Colonel Archie Davis

Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 08-24-04

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, Wednesday August 25,2004from 1430

10 usa

Topics to be discussed arc: The Fay Report.

Participants in this conference call will be General Paul Kern, Lieutenant General
Anthony Jones and Major General George Fay. Your host for this call will be Lieutenant
Colonel Archie Davis.

andask the operator to

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442
connect you to the Military Analysts conference call.

P I R . V . P . to Bonnie Scian-ettoat bomie.sciarretto(S>osd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

As of August 25,2004- 12:40

Conference Call
R e t i r e d M i l i t a r y Analysts
Wednesday, August 25,2004 1430


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Mr. Jed Babhin (USAF, JAG)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) 1. Eads (USA, Retired)
Brigadier General David L.Grange (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Colonel Walter P. Lang, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mchemey (USAF, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General William L. Nash (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Robert Noonan (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Em Rokke USAF, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
General Lurry D. Welch (USAF, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Colonel Archie Davis

Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: September 20,2004

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Official

We invite you to participate in a conference call today, Monday, September 20,2004

from 1700 lo 1730.

Topica to be discussed are: Clarification of New York Times article (sec below)

Participants in this conference call will be Lieutenant General Walter L. Sharp, Director,
Strategic Plans and Policy, J-5, Joint Staff. Your host for this call will be Colonel Archie

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442and ask the operator to
connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P to Bonnie Sciarretto at ~nnie.sciamno@osd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call
R e t i r e d M i l i t a r y Analysts
Monday, September 20.2004 1700

Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Mr. Jed Babbm (USAF, JAG)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC,USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim)1. Eads (USA, Retired)
Command Scrgeani Vhjor Sievcn Grccr (USA. Retired)
L~eulcnanIColmel Roben L.MJUIIUIIS (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas McInerncy (USAF, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
To Retired Military Analysts

From: Colonel Archie Davis

Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 09-24-04

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, Monday, September 27,2004 from

10:OO A M to 10:30 AM est.

Topics to be discussed are: Update on Syria

Participants in this conference call will be Mr. Peter Rodman, Assistant Secretary of
Defense, International Security Affairs. Your host for this call will be Colonel Archie

To participate in this conference call. c l o s e dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and

ask the operator to connect you to the Retired Military Analysts conference call.

l e e Bonnie Sciarretio at bonnie.sciarrettofSlosd.milor call her at (703)


We hope you are able to participate

Conference Call
Retired M i l i t a r y A n a l y s t s
Monday, September 27,2004 10:OO am


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA. Retiredl
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (T-'sAF ~etired)
Command Serscant Vator Sicvcn Grccr (I'SA. Retired1
Colonel alter^. ~ a nJr.i (USA; ~ e t i r e d )
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Magimis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCtuslmd, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General Glen K.Otis (USA, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, 11. (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Warden (USAF, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Mr. Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Affairs
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date; 4 January 2005

Re. Conference Call with Senior DoD Official

We invite you to participate in a conference call TODAY, January 4,2005from 1400-


Participants in this conference call will be Admiral Thomas B. Fargo, Commander, US.
Pacific Command.
His bio can be found at: <thtp://w.pacom mil/leadership/jO/jObio shtmP. Your host for
this call will be Mr. Dallas Lawrence.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R S V.P. to T z a Joncs at tam.iones~osd.~nil

or call her at (703) 695-6795.
As of January 4 - 1 50 pm

Conference Call
R e t i r e d Military A n a l y s t s
Tuesday, J a n u a r y 4,2005 1400-1430


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Mr. led Babbin (USAF. JAG)
Admiral Dennis C. Blair (USN, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA. Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Brigadier General David L Granye (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Grcer (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Allison Barber

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: January 25,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Official

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, January 25,2005 at 1600.

The topic lo be discussed is the supplemental appropriations request

Several senior defense officials are expected to participate in this conference call. Your
host for the call will be Allison Barber.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to conned you to the Analysts conference call

We look forward to your pani~pution If you iihoulJ l.i^; an! qui-'stions, plciise Jo njl
hesiiiite 10 cunlact 'lara Jiini-'~ill t.irii iiiincsi/'.~sdnu1 or cull tier ill ("'03)095-6-05
Conference Call with Military Defense Analysts
Tuesday, January 25,2005 Room 2E572 4 0 0 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

4:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Allison Barber

4 0 1 p.m. Updateon Supplemental Budget Request

4 1 5 p.m. Open forum (Q & A)

4:30 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Barber

Note: Dial-In-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired M i l i t a r y Analysts
TUESDAY, J a n u a r y 25,2005,1600


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Lieutenant General Frank B Campbell (USAF, Retired)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Pads (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nasli (USN, Retired)
General William L. Nash (USA, Relircd)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W,Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Perry Smith (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
General Tom Wllkerson (USMC, Rettrcd)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Allison Barber

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Dale: January 27,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, January 27, 2005 from 1500-
1530 EST. Please note the time ehanee.

Topics lo be discussed arc security in Iraq for the elections

Brigd-~icrGeneral Line will be piini~ipiitingin lhis A l . His biu i'i di1dtlik-i f x !onr
perusal Your host for lhis call !u\\\ he Dave Evans.

To participate in Ihis conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Plcase R,S.V,P, to Tara lones at tara,ionc~@osdm l or call her at (703) 695-6795.

We hope you are able to participate.

To: Military Analysis

From: Allison Barber

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internal Communication
and Public Liaison

Date: February 1, 2005

Re: Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumsfeld

Secretary Donald Rumsfeld invites you to attend a meeting Thursday. Februarv3, 2005, in his
private conference room at the Penlaeon.

The briefing wilh the Secretary and other senior DoD officials will start promptly at 10:OOa.m.
and is expected to conclude at Noon. Invited speakers include Dr Francis J. Harvey, Secretary
of the Army; Mr. Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy; and Mr. Peter B. Teets, Acting
Secretary of the Air Force.

Consistent wilh Pentagon security procedures, it will be necessary for you to arrive at the
Pentagon by 9 3 0 a.m. on February 3" with two forms of^.^., one a picture I.D.

Instructions concerningtransportation logistics will be provided as soon as we hear back from

you regarding your participation.

Please R.S.V.P. to Judy Fino atji~dy.vino@osd,niilor call her at (703) 695-7778.

We hope you are able to participate

As of February 2,2005

Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld

Meeting with Defense Analysts
Thursday, February 3,2005
Room C3E928,The Pentagon

10:00 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

Ms. Allison Barber, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internal

Communications and Public Liaison

10:01 a.m. Update on FY-06 Army Program/PrioritiesiArmy Transformation

Dr. Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army

10:25 a.m. Update on FY-06 Navy ProgramiPriorities

Mr. Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy

10:50 a.m. Update on EY-06 Air Force PrograniIPriorities

Mr. Peter B. Teets, Acting Secretary of the Air Force

11:15 p.m. Break

11:30 a.m. Discussion and Questions with Secretary of Defense

12:OO p.m. Meeting Concludes

Retired and Civilian Military Analysts
Thursday, February 3,2005
UPDATED 5/23/2006231 PM
Mr Jed Babbin (AF. Former JAG)'Needs Parking Spot
LieutenantColonel Bill Cowan USMC Re1 red)
Command Sergeant Mapr Steven Grew (USA Relired)
L eutenant Colonel Robert L Maginnis (USA Retired)
Captain 'Chuck" Nash (USN Retired) W e e d s R ~ wEntrance ParkingSpot
General Joseph Ratstor (USAF Retred) 'Willbe dropped offon North parking-needs clearance
As of February 2,2005

Secretary D o n a l d H. Rumsfeld
Meeting with Defense Analysts
Thursday, February 3,2005
Room tt 3E928, The Pentagon

10:OO a.m. Welcome and Introduction

Ms. Allison Barber, Dcputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internal

Communications and Public Liaison

10:01 a.m. Update on FY-06 Army Program/Priorities/Army Transformation

Dr. Francis J. Harvey, Secretary of the Army

10:25 a.m. Update on FY-06 Navy ProgramIPriorities

Mr. Gordon R. England, Secretary of the Navy

1050 a.m. Update on FY-06 Air Force ProgramIPriorities

Mr. Peter El.Teets, Acting Secretary of the Air Force

11:15 p.m. Break

11:30 a.m. Discussion and Questions with Secretary of Defense

12:00 p.m. Meeting Concludes


1 To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: March 8,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior Dot) Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TOMORROW, March 9,2005, from


Topics lo be discussed are inlerrogation and detention operations. In order to participate

in this call, we ask that you agree to EMBARGO any information you acquire during the
discussion until the start of the Senate Armed Services Committee Hearing on DoD
Detention Operations on Thursday, March 10, a1 9:30 am.

Your host for the call will be Dallas Lawrence

To participale in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask lhe operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Tam Jones at tara.iones~,osd.milor call her at (703) 695-6795

We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call with Military Defense Analysts
and (Director Navy Staff) Vice Admiral Albert T. Church, 111

Wednesday, March 09,2005 Room 2E572 3:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.


3:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr Dallas Lawrence

3:01 p.m. Updateon DoD detention operations

Vice Admiral Church

Senior Defense Officials

3:30 p.m. Open forum (Q & A)

3:45 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Mr Lawrence

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired M i l i t a r y Analysts
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,2005 TIME: 1500-1545


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Lieutenant General Frank B. Campbell (USAF, Retired)
Colonel Tim J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Fraiicona (USAF, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Bngadicr General David L.Granee (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Grcer (USA. Retircd)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland, (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerney (USAF, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General William L. Nash (tentative) (USA, Retired)
General Glen K.Otis (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W.Shcpperd (USAF, Retired)
Captain Martin L. Strong (tentative) (USN, Retired)
General Tom Wilkerson (USMC, Retired)

To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: 17 March 2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, FRIDAY, March 18,2005from 12:15-


Topics to be discussed are the rollout ofthe National Defense Strategy and the National
Military Strategy.

Patlicipant~i n this cmferencecnll will he I'ndersccre~arvol'Derense for Policy Douglas

k i t h and Vice Director forS1m1ecic Phn? 3iid Policy Rear Admiral \\' D Snil w n .
Your host for this call will be Dallas Lawrence.

To participate in this conference call, plcasc dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please Tara Jones at tara iones@,osd.milor call her at (703) 695-6795,

We hope you are able lo participate.

Conference Call with Military Defense Analysts and
Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith and
Vice Director for Strategic Plans and Policy
Rear Admiral William D. Sullivan

Friday, March 18,2005 Room 2E572 12:15 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.


12:15 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Ms Tara Jones

12:17 p.m. Update and information on NDS and NMS

Mr. Douglas Feith

Admiral Sullivan

3:30 p.m. Open forum (Q & A )

3 4 5 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Jones

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

As of March 18- 10-30am

Conference Call
Retired Military A n a l y s t s
DAY, M O M H, 2005 - 12:15


C o n f i r m e d Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)

Mr. Jcd Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Commander Peter Brookes (USN, Reserve)
Colonel (Tim) J. Ends (USA, Retired)
Brigadier General David L.Grangc (USA. Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Masinnis (USA, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired)
General Thomas S . Moom~an,Jr, (USAF, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN. Relired)
General Joseph Ralston (tentative) (USAF, Retired)
Major General Donald W.Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)

I To:

Retired Military Analysts

Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

I Date: 29 March 2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior Doll Officials

We invile you 10 participate in a conference call, TOMORROW, March 30,2005from

io2oto m.

Lieutenant General Lance Smith, Deputy Commander USCENTCOM will be discussing

current operations in Iraq. This conference call will be on background only. You can
view his biography at hup://' bimhlm.

I Your host for this call will be Dallas Lawrence.

I To participate m this conference call, please dial 1-800 860-2442 or (412) 8584600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call

I Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Jones at tara.ioncsItI)osd.milor call her al(703) 695-6795.

Conference Call with Militarv Defense Analvsts and

Wednesday, March 30,2005 Room 2E572 10:20 a.m. to 11:OO a.m.

1 0 2 0 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Dallas Lawrence

10:22 a.m. Update and information on operations in Iraq

10:42 a.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysts and Lt Gen Smith

la59 a.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)


Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Asof March 18,2005- 11:01) a m

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
Wednesday, March 30,2005 1020-1100


Confirmed Retired Vilitarv Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA.Relircdl
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF,JAG) '
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Fmncona (USAF, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel JefTMcCausland, (USA, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General William L. Nash (USA,Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)

To: Retired Military Analysis

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Dale: Wednesday, April 06,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, April 6, 2065, from 11:30-

Topics to be discussed are: Update on the contract for the Future Combat Systems
program being fielded from 2004-2005.

Brigadier General Charles Cartwight, the program manager, will brief you on the
program. His comments will be on background only. Your host for this call will be Mr.
Paul Boyce.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call,

Please R.S.V.P.
to Tara Jones at lara.Lones@osd.milor call her at (703) 695-6795
C o n f e r e n c e Call
Retired Military Analysts
Wednesday, April 06,2005 11:30-1200


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Lieutenant General Frank B. Campbell (USAF. Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland, (USA, Retired)
Captain Martin L. Strong (USN, Retircd)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office oflhe Secretary of Defense

Date: April 21, 2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call. TOMORROW, April 22, 2005 from

Your host for this call will be Dallas Lawrence.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call

Please R.S.V.P to Tara Jones at tiira or can her at (703) 695-6795.

We hope you are able to participate.

Friday, April 22,2005 Room 2E572 10:30 am. to 11:OO a.m.

10:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Dallas Lawrence

10:32 a.m. Update and information on operations in Iraq

10:42 a.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysis, BG Ham, Mr. Lawrence Di Rita

10:59 a.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)


Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442or (412) 858-4600.

AS ofApril 22,2005 - 9 5 0 ¥.in

Conference Call
R e t i r e d M i l i t a r y Analysts
FRIDAY, April 22,2005 l0:30 a.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG) (American Spectator)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Colonel Gordon Cucullu (USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) 1. Eads (USA, Rctired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF, Retired) (MSNBC)
Colonel John Garrett (tentative) (USMC, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Sleven Greer (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L Maginms (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas McInemey (US AF, Rctired)
General William L Nash (USA, Retired)
Captain Martin L. Strong (USN, Retired)
From: Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date. . Friday, May 06,2005

Re: BRAC Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TUESDAY,May 10, 2005from

2:30pm to 3:30pin Eastern time.

1his conference call w i l l discuss the process and o\cnrrliinp principles lendinp, to the
mpcndine release ofrhc rccomnicndanons for the BRAC Co'nm'won in \1w The
call is being onered to provide information about !he philosophical underpinnings
and scopeof this round of BRAC;how it differs from previous rounds, how it

details of the Secretary's recommendations

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

and ask the operator to connect you lo the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Jones at tara.ioneyff!osd mil or call her at (703) 695-6795.
Tuesday, May 10,2005 Room 2E572 2 3 0 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

2 3 0 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Dallas Lawrence

2 3 2 p.m. Update and information on BRAC process and background

2 4 2 p.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysts, Formers, Think Tankers, MSOs, VSOs

3 2 8 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Lawrence

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

As ol May 10,2005 - 2:00 p.m.

Conference Call
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2005 MO-3-30


Mr. led Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Colonel Gordon Cucullu (USA, Retired)
General Ronald Foaleman (USAF, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Grew (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland, (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN. Retired)
From: Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary of Defense

Date: Friday, May 13,2005

Re: BRAC Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, May 13,2005from 11:30

mi to 12:jOpin Eastern time.

This conference call will take place immediately after the press conference on BRAC.
Those wishing to participate should plan to be on the call by 11:30 a.m., as we will
initiate the call as soon as the press conference concludes.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

and ask the operator to connect you lo the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Joncs at tara.ioncs' or call her at (703) 695-6795.

Friday, May 13,2005 Room 2E572 11:30 a.m. lo 1230 p.m.

1l:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

* Mr. Dallas Lawrence

11:32 a.m. Update and information on BRAC

11:42 a.m. Open forum (Q &A)

Retired Military Analysts, Formers,Think Tankers, MSOs, VSOs

12:29 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Lawrence

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 o r (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Re: BRAC Recommendations

FRIDAY, M A Y 13,2005 11:30-12:30


Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Brigadier General David L.Grange (USA, Retired)
Colonel JeffMcCausland (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mchemey (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant General Erv Rokke USAF. Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Allison Barber

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internal Communication
and Public Liaison

Date: June 9,2005

Re. Meeting with Secretary Donald Rumst'eld

Secretary Donald Rumsfeld invites you to attend a meeting Thursday, June 16, 2005, in his
private conference room at the Pentagon,

The briefing with the Secretary and other senior DoD officials will start promptly at 11:45 a.m.
and is expected to conclude at 1:45 p.m. Invited speakers include Douglas Feillt, Under
Secretary of Defense for Policy, Gordon England, Acting Deputy Secretary of Defense; and
General Richard 0. Myers, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff,

Consistent with Pentagon security procedures, it will be necessary for you to arrive at the
Pentagon by 11:15 a.m. on June 16" with two formsofl.D., one with apiclure.

Instructions concerning transportation logistics will be provided as soon as we hear back from
you regarding your participation.

Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Jones at Tara.Jones@osd mil or call her at (703)695-6795,

We hope you are able to participate

Retired Military Analysts
THURSDAY,JUNE 16,2005 ll:30 a.m.-2:45 p.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Lieutenant General Frank (Ted) B. Campbell(USAF,Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Bill Cowan (USMC, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCi~lshnd (USA, Retired)
Major F. Andy Messing, Jr. (USAR, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
Guantanarno Bay, C u b a
June 24,2005

Military AnalystsIDoD personnel board shuttle bus for Andrews AFB

Pentagon South Parking, Lane #8, Bus #34 (703-604-0600)
Note: Mr. Ruff, RADM McGarmh. Mr. Wmmm, Ms. Miles and BG IIeimnsç
to meet delegation at Andrews DV terminal

Arrive Andrews AFB DV Terminal

Board C32 757 Flight to Guanlanamo Bay, Cuba

Special Air Mission #9040

Wheels Up
Depart Andrews AFB for Guantanaino Bay, Cuba
Coffee and breakfast served in flieht

Welcome Briefing
Eric Ruff,
Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense

Detainee Policy
Mall Waxman, Deputy Assistant Secretary oFDefense for Detainee Affairs


Combatant Status Review TribunalIAdministrative Review Board Briefing

RADM James McGamh

Military Commissions Procedures

BG Thomas Hemingway, Legal Adviser to the Appointing Authority Office
Military Commissions

Coffee/Bathroorn BreakIPrepare for Landing

Wheels Down
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Met by Joint Task Force Commander, BG Jay Hood

Page I of 2

Military Analyst CITMO cont.

.ITF Operational Update

BG Jay Hood

Captain Kamut

Depart for Camp Delta

Arrive Camp Delta

Lunch with troops

Tour Camp Delta

View interrogation, ARB, unoccupied cellblock, detention hospital

Depart for Camp V

Tour Camp V

Tour Camp X-Ray

Depart Camp X-Ray

Wheels Up
Depart Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for Andrews AFB
Dinner served on plane

Wheels Down
Andrews AFB, VA

Board shuttle for Pentagon

Arrive Pentagon, metro entrance

*A11 Baggage will be hand camed onto the plane (ensure all bass are clearly identified wilh your
From: Dallas Lawrence
Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of the Secretary ofDefense

Date: Monday, June 27,2005

Re Conference Call with Senior DoD Official

W e invite you to participate in a conference call, TODAY, June 27, 2605from

10:45 to 11:15am Eastern lime.

This conference call will consist of an Operational Update on Iraq from a senior DoD
official. Those wishing to participate should plan to be on the call by 10:40 a.m ,as
we will initiate the call promptly at 10:45 a.m.

To participate in this conference call. please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600

and ask the operator to connect you to the Military Analysis' conference call.

Please R.S.V P. to Dave Evans at dave or call him at (703) 695-3381.
Conference Call with General George W. Casey, Jr., Commanding
General, Multi-National Force - Iraq

Monday June 27,2005 Room 2E572 10:45 to 11:15 a.m.

10:45 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Allison Barber

1 0 5 0 a.m. Operational Update - MNF-I

General George W. Casey, Jr

11:OO a.m. Open forum (Q & A )

Retired Military Analysts

11:30 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Barber

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

As of Jms 27,2005- 10:00 a.m.

Conference Call - 27 June 2005

Will Participate
Colonel Cart Kenneth Allard (USA, R e h d )
Mr. Jed Babbin (AF, Former JAG)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cuculln (USA, Retired)
Major Dana R Dillon (USA, Retired)
General Wayne A. Downing(USA, Retired)
General Ronald Fogleman (USAF, Retired)
Brigadier General David L.Grange (USA, Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Colonel Glenn Lackey (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
General Montgomery Meigs (USA, Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardatti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shcpperd (USAF, Retired)
Captain Martin L. Strong (USN, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
Wednesday, July 13,2005 Room 2E572 3 3 0 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

11:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

* Deputy Assistant Secretary Allison Barber

11:32 a.m. Update and information on Smidt-Fnrlow Report

11:42 a.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysts

1229 p.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Barber

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
WEDNESDAY, July 13,2005 3:30-4:OO


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr Jed Babbm (USAF, JAG)
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cucullu (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Ezds (USA. Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF. Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
Colonel JefTMcCausland (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired) - tentative
Captain Chuck Nash (USN,Retired)
General Joseph Ralston (USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant General Erv Rokke USAF, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Carlton Shewood (USMC, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director for Community Relations and Public Liaison

Date June 29,2005

Re: Trip to Guantanamo Bay

Secretary Rumsfeld would hkc to offer another opportunity for those of you viho did not
participate in the last trip to visit Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The date currently being looked at is
July 11,2005. If you are interested and if this trip would fit into your schedule, please respond
lo Tam Jones at lara.ionesiSi, or call her at (703) 695-6795 by COB Thursday, June 30,

Instructions concerning logistics and the specifics of the trip-including the confirmed date and
t i m e ~ w i l follow
l via email or phone shortly.

We hope you are able to participate.

Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
July 12, 2005

Military AnalystsIDoD personnel board shuttle bus for Andrews AF3

Penlagon South Parking, Lane #8, Bus #I7 (703-604-0600)
Note: Mr. Ruff,RADMMcGarrak m d B G Hemiiig^vuy to meet delegation at
Andrews Naval Air Facility terminal

Arrive Andrews A F 8 Naval Air Facility Terminal

Board G-5 Flight to Gnantanamo Bay, Cuba

Special Air Mission ffR10519301

Wheels U p
Depart Andrews AFB for Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Coffee and breakfast served in flight


Welcome Briefing
Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to theDeputy Secretary of Defense

Detainee Policy
BG Thomas Heminsway, Legal Adviser to the Appointing Authority Office of
Military Commissions

Military Commissions Procedures

BG Thomas Hcmingway, Legal Adviser to the Appointing Authority Officeof
Military Conimissions

Combatant Status Review TribunaUAdministrative Review Board Briefing

RADM James McGarrah

CoffeeIBathroom BreaWPrepare for Landing

Wheels Down
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Met by Joint Task Force Commander, BG Jay Hood

Military Analyst GITMOeont.

JTF Operational Update

BG Jay Hood

Captain Kanun

Depart for Camp Delta

Arrive Camp Delta

Lunch with troops

Tour Camp Delta

View interrogation, ARB. unoccupied cellblock, detentim hospital

Depart for Camp V

Tour Camp V

Tour Camp X-Ray

Depart Camp X-Ray

Wheels Up
Depdrt Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for Andrews AFB
Dinner served on plane

Wheels Down
Andrews AFB, VA

Board shuttle for Pentagon

Arrive Pentagon, metro entrance

'All Baggage will be hand carved onto the plane (ensure all hags are clearly identified with your
Retired Military Analysts


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF, JAG)
Lieutenant Colonel Bill Cowan (USMC, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCamland (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerney (USAF, Retired)
Major General Michael I. Nardotti, Jr. (USA, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Carlton Sherwood (USMC, Retired)
Conference Call with Assistant Secretary of Defense for
International Security Affairs Peter Rodman, Principal Director,
Asian and Pacific Affairs Brigadier General John Allen and David
Helvey, OSDfISA China Policy Desk

Tuesday, July 19,2005 Room 2E572 9 3 0 a.m. to I M S a.m.

9:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Aihson Barber

9:31 a.m. Backgmund on the China Military Power Report

BG Allen
Mr. Helvey

9:45 a.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Andlysts

10:14 a.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

. Ms Barber

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired M i l i t a r y Analysts
TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2 1 ~ 5 9:30 a.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF. JAG)
Dr. James Jay Camfano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Major Dana R. Dillon (USA, Retired)
Colonel (Tim) J. Eads (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel David Finkelstein (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA, Retired)
General Montgomery Mags (USA, Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclncniey (USAF, Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN, Retired)
General Joseph Ralston (USAF, Retiied)
Lieutenant General Erv Rokke (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison
Office of lhe Secretary of Defense

Date: July 19,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD Officials

We invite you to participate in a conference call, WEDNESDAY, July20,2005 from Is 4:3(1p.m.

The topic will be the report to Congress on Measuring Stability and Security in Iiaq. In
order to participate in thiscall, weask that you agree to EMBARGO any information
you acquire during the discussion until the report has been provided to Congress.

Participants in this conference call wilt be Mr. Peter Rodman, Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Affairs (bio at:
htt~:l/www.defenscluik.niil/bios/rodmanbio.html) and Lieutenant General Walter Sharp,
Director for Strategic Plans and Policy, J-5 (bio at.
htlu //www.ics.niil/bios/bio shainhtml].

Your host for this call will be Dallas I-awrence.

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call.

Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Jones at or call her at (703) 695-6795.

We hope you are able to participate.

Wednesday, July 20,2005 Room 2E572 4:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


4:00 p.m. Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Allison Barber

4 0 1 p.m. Background on the Measuring Smbility andsecurityin Iraq Report

4:02 p.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysts

4:29 a.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Ms. Barber

Note: Dial-in-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts
WEDNESDAY, JULY 20,2005 4:00 p.m. - 4 3 0 p.m.


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Carl Kenneth Allard (USA,Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF,JAG)
Dr. James Jay Carafano (LTC, USA. Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cucullu (USA,Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona (USAF,Retired)
Command Sergeant Major Steven Greer (USA,Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Masinnis (USA,Retired)
Colonel Jeff McCausland (USA,Retired)
Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerney (USAF.Retired)
Major General Michael J. Nardotti, Jr. (USA,Retired)
Captain Chuck Nash (USN,Retired).
Lieutenant General ErvRokke USAF, Retired)
Major General Donald W. Shepperd (USAF,Retired)
Major General Paul E. Vallely (USA, Retired)
To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Paul Boyce

U.S. Army Public Affairs

Date: July 25,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior Army Officials on Unit Locations

We invite you to participate in a conference call, TUESDAY, July 26. ZOOS,from l0:30
a.m. fo 11:00 a.m.

The topic will be the Army's planned locations of its Active Component Modular
Brigade Con~batTeams. Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Army Mr. Ray DuBois
and the Anny's Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard Cody will discuss the units' specific
locations in the United States and overseas, how these stationing initiatives will assist the
Army with the Global War on Tenorism, 2nd the anticipated efficiencies from these
transformational initiatives,

To participate in this conference call, please dial 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600 and
ask the operator to connect you to the Analysts conference call,

Please R.S.V.P. to Tara Jones at lara.ionesfi' or call her at (703) 695-6795

We hope you are able to participate.

Conference Call with Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard Cody

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Room 3E528 10:30 a.m. to 11:OO a.m.


10:30 a m . Welcome and Introduction (GUIDELINES)

Mr Paul Boyce

10:31 a.m. Background on Army's planned locations of its Active Component

Modular Brigade Combat Teams


10:41 a.m. Open forum (Q & A)

Retired Military Analysts

11:OO a.m. Conference Call Concludes (GUIDELINES)

Mr. Boyce

Note: Dial-In-telephone numbers are 1-800-860-2442 or (412) 858-4600.

Conference Call
Retired Military Analysts


Confirmed Retired Military Analysts:

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired)
Mr. Jed Babbin (USAF. JAG)
Dr. James lay Camfano (LTC, USA, Retired)
Colonel John Garrett (USMC. Retired)
Command Serecant Major Steven Greer (USA, Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis (USA,Retired)
Caplain Chuck Nash (USN,Retired)
Major General Donald W , Sbepperd (USAF, Retired)
Major General Paul E Vallely (USA, Retired)

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