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Lesson Plan TemplateTeacher: Allison HoodSubject/Grade Level: Business Essentials/

EthicsDate: 5-4-12Day(s) __1____ of instruction

BCS-BE-11: The student compares and contrasts common ethical issues.
a. Defines ethics.b. Defines work ethic.c. Offers opinion of honest and dishonest
business practices.
BCS-BE-12: The student evaluates personal responsibility of ethical behavior.
a. Identify ethical character traits (example: honesty, integrity, justice)b. Identify
unethical employee attitudes and behaviors that would lead to unsatisfactorycustomer
service.c. Outlines a business code of ethics.
BCS-BE-13: The student investigates the relationship between ethics and law.
a. Describes a person’s responsibility unde
r the law as it relates to business activities.b. Classifies unethical and illegal conduct
in business and related consequences.c. Describes federal laws dealing with fair
business practices including competition,advertising and pricing.d. Lists examples of
how unethical behavior leads to government regulations.
Learning Goal(s):
Enduring Understandings:

Students will understand ethics as a concept.

Essential Questions:

What are ethics?

What does it mean to be ethical?

Knowledge from this Lesson:

Offer opinion of honest and dishonest business practices

Identify ethical character traits (example: honesty, integrity, justice)

Describe federal laws dealing with fair business practices including

competition,advertising and pricing.

Identify how the media reacts to unethical situations.

Skills from this Unit:

Students will be able to recognize ethical dilemmas and apply a sound

decision makingprocess to help solve these situations.

Students will be able to use technology in an appropriate and ethical manner.

Lesson Essential Question(s):

What are ethics?

What does it mean to be ethical?

Type of Lesson: (Check
one)____New Learning Lesson _____Extending/Refining/Practice Lesson_X___
Assessment/Project DayActivating/Warm-up Activity:
When class starts, I will walk around the room with my pocketbook. I will pick up several
“school items” (Paper, pens, etc.) and put them in my bag. I will tell them that I really
need these at home and that the school gave them to me to use! After several minutes
of doing this, I will explain to them that the school gave them to me to use in my
classroomand that it was unethical for me to take them home to use.
Teaching strategies/methods fully detailed, including student activities and
any assessments given:
Ethical Traits

Students will rank some trait how they feel that they are ethical or unethical. They will
also report to the class their finding on Ethics in the News.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction (as necessary) for:Resource
Students:Non-Native English Speakers:Gifted Students:Learning Styles:Multiple
Intelligences:Academic Levels:
Students were able to select the news article of their choice.
Summarizing/Closing Activity:
Students will complete a Ticket out the Door. How are ethical situations looked upon in

Day 5
EQ: What are ethics? What does it mean to be ethical?GPS:
BCS-BE-11: The student compares and contrasts common ethical issues.
a. Defines ethics. b. Defines work ethic.c. Offers opinion of honest and dishonest
business practices.
BCS-BE-12: The student evaluates personal responsibility of ethical behavior.
a. Identify ethical character traits (example: honesty, integrity, justice) b. Identify
unethical employee attitudes and behaviors that would lead to unsatisfactory customer
service.c. Outlines a business code of ethics.
BCS-BE-13: The student investigates the relationship between ethics and law.
a. Describes a person’s responsibility under the law as it relate
s to business activities. b. Classifies unethical and illegal conduct in business and
related consequences.c. Describes federal laws dealing with fair business practices
including competition, advertisingand pricing.d. Lists examples of how
unethical behavior leads to government regulations.Unit: EthicsDaily Learning Agenda

Opening Session:
Bell Ringer Question: Define ethics and give an example of an ethical decision you
have made.

Work Session:
Teacher Instruction: Ethics, Goals, Decisions PowerPointStudent Work: Ethical
TraitsIndividual Work: Report on Ethics in the News

Closing Session:

Ticket Out The Door…. How are ethical situations looked upon in the news?

ETHICS IN THE NEWS Article Summary Assignment


Use the Internet to find two news articles that relate to ETHICS (notethat these should
be current events, not an advertisement or simplewebsite)2.

Type a summary

Be sure to summarize each article (in enough detail that I willunderstand the article
without having to read the entire thing)3.

Save the summary onto your drive as “Ethics in the News”


This will be for a grade.

Ethical Traits
Listed below are 20 character traits. Which character traits do you feel arethe most
important for a person?Rank the following character traits from most important to
least important. _____ Honest _____ Playful _____ Self Confident _____
Orderly _____ Aggressive _____ Courageous _____ Cooperative _____
Creative _____ Loyal _____ Responsible _____ Caring _____ Self-directing _____
Independent _____ Rational _____ Curious _____ Spontaneous _____ Friendly _____
Flexible _____ Open minded

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