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Act one


The scene opens on a cold, dull and boring day, with an

establishing shot from above looking down at the graveyard.
Followed by a shot ​with a gravestone in the foreground with the
focus on the back​, shifting onto the gravestone.

The scene then cuts to beside a tree, with Liam emerging from
behind the tree, a tracking shot then follows Liam Callaghan
walking down the path towards his grandmother’s grave. It is then
followed by an ​over the shoulder shot looking down on his
grandmother's grave then a ​low angle from the gravestone looking
up at him, as he mourns over the death of his grandmother.

A ​long shot will then be used to show Liam Callaghan walking away
and following another path through the graveyard, with a ​tracking
shot in front of him. Then cutting to a shot from beside a
gravestone with him approaching it and then an ​over the shoulder
shot looking down on his wife's grave.

Scene fades out


The scene fades in onto a ​birds-eye view of Liam Callaghan

sitting on his own on the floor drinking alcohol alone. The house
seems to be really unkempt, with many empty bottles of alcohol,
clothes on the floor and half-eaten pizza lying around. Followed
by an ​eyeline match of Liam Callaghan looking at his Wife and
kids photos with a ​depth of field​.

The shot then cuts to a frame within a frame being shot from the
stairway showing what's going on through the doorway, we see him
drink and slowly delve deeper into his depression.
Then cutting to a shot in front of him throwing the bottle
against the wall, as it shatters and he sits there in tears
crying to himself.

Scene cuts to outside of him leaning towards the shattered glass

and picking up a shard putting against his wrist.

An ​over the shoulder shot will be used showing him sliding the
glass across slightly, then cut to a ​close up of him fully
sliding it across and blood pouring out of his wrist and he
passes out and the scene fades to black.

The scene fades out.


The scene fades in with a ​Point Of View shot as Liam Callaghan is

lying down on the bed looking up at the doctor’s, with heightened
noises of beeping, Doctor’s/Nurse screaming with heavy breathing,
the screen then goes black, as Liam Callaghan blacks out. Then a
birds eye view shot will be used to look down on Liam as he wakes
up, followed by a ​Point Of View shot in Liam Callaghan’s
perspective, looking at the door. A doctor walks in approaching
Liam. A shot-reverse-shot will be used as the doctor and Liam
speak to one another.

(Looking at his clipboard)
Quite a hard time you gave us their huh.

Liam Callaghan
(Laying down still looking up.)

(Looking up at him)
Do you have anyone to come get you, or are you good to go by

Liam Callaghan
(Looking really depressed, staring into blank space, not giving
any eye contact)
No, I'm good.

(Looking back at his clipboard)
If you have any headaches or, seem to be getting any worse please
be sure to contact us straight away.

Liam Callaghan sits up without replying, a ​POV shot will be used

to show him looking into nothingness.

Scene fades out


Tracking shot of Liam Callaghan walking with his hand in his

pocket. Liam Callaghan takes something out of his pockets,
followed by a ​Close up of pockets as he takes out an envelope an
over the shoulder shot is then used as Liam Callaghan opens the
envelope up, he takes the note out from inside and starts reading
it, all the attention is then drawn onto the note with ​depth of
field​. A ​close up shows Liam Callaghan’s face, as he seems to be
thinking really hard.

Liam Callaghan continues walking but starts to slow down as he

starts thinking some more, a ​close up of his pockets is used, as
he starts searching for something. Liam Callaghan looks down
which is shown through the ​medium shot from in front of him. Liam
Callaghan looks up really puzzled. Liam Callaghan takes the note
out clenching it in his fists ​(close up)

Liam Callaghan
(Releasing the note out of his hands looks at it once again)
If she thought of me the way she said she did, then she wouldn’t
have left me this.

(Medium shot) Liam Callaghan puts the note in his pocket with
such force, puts his hoodie on and keeps walking.

The scene fades out.


Liam Callaghan opens his door ​(Match on action)​, a ​medium shot
from inside the house shows him walk in and throw himself onto
the Sofa (Panning from door to Sofa). We see Liam Callaghan put
his hand on his forehead through a ​birds-eye view​, he closes his
eyes thinking of something, and gets a flashback of him visiting
his grandmother's grave every day. He then falls asleep.

The scene fades out.


The scene then opens up to Liam Callaghan jumping out of his Sofa
(still will a ​Birds-eye view​), followed by a ​Medium shot​, from
beside him. Liam Callaghan takes the note out of his pocket
again, and a ​POV shot​ is used looking at the note.

Liam Callaghan
(Clenching his fist with the note)
Oh heck, why not!


Liam Callaghan comes to a sudden halt outside the abandoned

building ​(Establishing long shot)​, he looks up at the building
examining it from the outside ​(POV SHOT)​. Liam takes out the note
looking at the address again ​(medium shot)​, he looks up again at
the building looking really disappointed. Really confused he
decides to ask someone passing by. We get ​POV shot​, of Liam
Callaghan looking around for someone. A ​medium shot is used
showing a stranger walking down, and Liam Callaghan approaches

Liam Callaghan
(Looking at his note, and showing the man)
Excuse me, sir, do you know if I'm in the right place?

(Takes a look at the note, and looks up at the building)
Yeh, you're in the right place.
Liam Callaghan
(Putting the note back in his pocket)

(Medium shot) Liam Callaghan and Stranger part ways. A ​POV shot
will be used to show Liam Callaghan looking back up at the

After this exchange, Liam enters the building with more questions
in his mind than answers. A long shot is used to show Liam
entering the building as the door closes behind him.


It cuts to the interior of the decrepit building, this cut

happens as the door closes and we get a ​medium shot from inside
showing Liam close the door performing a ​match on action with the
door. Liam Callaghan begins to examine the place, the camera
slides into a wall, once again emerging, but showing Liam
Callaghan in a different place, walking down in disgust as he’d
look at the dirty walls. Liam Callaghan walks over to the wall
taking his finger and wiping the wall, looking at all the dirt in
his hand ​(POV)​, he’d blow the dirt off and continue walking, the
camera would once again go into the wall and emerge, showing Liam
Callaghan in a different place again. A ​tracking shot follows
Liam Callaghan up the stairs, then cuts straight to a shot of him
upstairs, looking around some more.

After exploring the building he hears strange noises sounds like talking, as he wanders down these
voices grow louder, some jovial, some angered, an over the
shoulder tracking shot of him coming down the stairs as the
voices grow louder...they sound to be playing the game


A medium shot of him coming around the corner is used to show him
peering around the corner, it then cuts to a ​POV shot of him
looking in on a group of, odd people is what he assumed they
were, playing a game of poker.

(Slamming his hand the table)

(Touching Wrath on the hand gently)
It’s ok hunny it happens. You win some you lose some.

The shot then cuts to a medium shot of Wrath.

(slides his hand away and gives lust a death stare)
Don't. just fucking don't.

A ​POV shot of greed. Greed would have many cards up his sleeves
and in his pockets. He would change some cards around trying to
to get caught. This is followed by a medium shot of Greed.

(Looking happy cheating as much as possible)
Read em and weep boys.
(Placing down a royal flush)

We get a ​Close up of Wrath’s face, as he looks really angry, this

is followed by a medium shot from beside Wrath.

(Looking even angrier)
Fuck this fucking shitty game!
(Flips the table and storms out)

POV shot from Liam Callaghan, of Wrath storming out the room and
pushing him backwards a bit.
Well, I guess I win.
(Raises his hands as the cards fall out his sleeve)

Liam Callaghan walks into the room looking around really puzzled
(Tracking shot from over the shoulder).

Well. I’ll take my winnings and be off.
(Greed just walks out and vanishes)

(Walking out vanishing)
I should probably go calm wrath.

(Envy follows)
Why don't you ever try and help me out huh?

A long shot will be used as the rest leave 1 by 1 except for

Sloth who is fast asleep on the sofa. A tracking shot then
follows Liam Callaghan as he walks further in.

(looking confused he takes a seat in a chair)
What is going on...

A ​POV shot follows Liam Callaghan as he looks around looking for

someone to answer his questions, he’d carry on looking around as
he’d spot someone sleeping on a sofa. He’d slowly approach this
person, he would cautiously tiptoe towards sloth. We would then
get a ​close up of a newspaper, the newspaper would slowly lower
as a face would emerge from behind.

(Looking at Liam)
Why hello there, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You see Sloth
requires a minimum of 20 hours of sleep PER day. Wake him up if
you would wish for your eyes ripped out from your face. Not by me
of course but by. Well sleeping beauty himself, only he isn't

(looking insanely confused moves his finger away from sloth and
W-Wait what? Who? Where are you? God is it you.

A shot reverse shot is used to show Liam and Pride speaking.

(Snaps his fingers)
How could you not notice me? Typical, always ignoring the beauty
in the world.

(More confused)
Oh...wait why are you here? Who are you?

(placing his newspaper away)
We’ve been expecting you, Lucius, your grandmother said you’d

(Looks kinda hurt his grandma didn't remember his name)

Shit so much for the serious tone I had going there, sorry Luis.
(Smiles like he’s done a good job)

A ​close up of Liam Callaghan’s face shows him to be really

confused. We would get a ​POV shot of Liam Callaghan looking over
at Sloth, as he’d start moving around.

Well, I guess sleeping beauty is up.
(Backs away)
W-W-Wait what?

(Laughs slightly)
He’ll only hurt you if you wake him up. Actually, there was that
one time when he nearly bit lust’s finger off even though she
never woke him up... If it's natural...he’ll just complain that
he wants to sleep for 4 more hours.

(Gulping backing away slightly, becoming a little more
comfortable around pride)
Uhh..umm..ok I think?

A long shot shows all three of the people in the shot.

(Cracking his fingers)
Alright so who are we your wondering. We are the saviors of
humanity, steal from the rich give to the weak-

(Sits up)
Wrong. We my uhh person thing I can't tell what you are right now
sleep vision, but we are not allowed to tell you what we are
unless your name is Lucas.

Shot reverse shot between the two

(Sitting up)
It's Lucian…

(Looking tired)
No, no I’m 100% certain is Lucas.

(Leaning forward)
Or was it...Luis.

I think it might’ve been.

(Head in his hands)
It’s Liam guys...Liam.

Oh wait..yeah it was Liam.

(Looking puzzled)
So can I know who you are? And what you are doing here?

(looks tired)
Well... I guess we can tell you then. We are the physical
embodiments of the seven deadly sins. You see, we were perishing
in hell, our souls burning for eternity until your grandmother
summoned us attempting to rescue us from our damnation. But,
there was a catch. You see we can only leave once we all help
someone. She brought us here to help you.

(Looking confused)
What's that in… English

(looks at Liam shaking his head)
In basic terms. We bad but we can be good if help you. Yes.

(Looks at pride)
Ok... I get it now. Good prank guys, now get off my property
whilst I find a way to end it.

Screen fades out


We get a tracking shot of Liam walking up the stairs. He then

sits on the top of the stair’s taking a razor blade out, there
will be a ​close up used to show him taking it out. We then get a
POV shot of Liam playing around with razor on his hand. We then
get a ​low angle of Liam, with nothing behind him, this is once
again followed by a ​POV shot of Liam getting ready to put himself
in immense pain, this is then followed by a ​high angle​, with
Pride behind him arm’s cross looking angrily at Liam, Pride would
then slap the razor out of Liam's hand putting Liam in shock.
This is then followed by the same shot but from Pride’s
perspective ​(POV shot)​, Pride then slaps Liam on the head.

We get an over the shoulder shot from Pride looking down at Liam.

(Arms crossed once again looking down at Liam.
What do you think you're doing? Why would you try something as
stupid as this, ending your life? Over what, you lose a few
people, a couple things don't go your way and you're ready to end
it. Seriously dude what's your problem.

(Looks sad and angry up at pride)
What do you know about me, got a son who hates me and was taken
away, my wife died in a mugging when she got stabbed, got no job,
my family sees me as a burden, I have a drinking problem. What do
you know about me?

(looks away and has a harsh serious tone)
Your grandma cared y'know. She wouldn't wanna see you like this,
she summoned us to help you, to bring you out of this darkness
you put yourself in. Believe me, you can get through this. If you
let us help.
We get a medium shot of Liam looking down with his arms resting
on his leg’s, he then puts his hand on his forehead, which is
followed by a close up of him. There is then a medium shot from
beside him as Pride puts his hand on Liam’s shoulder

(Looking down)
Just let us help… And stop pushing people out of your life…

(Removing his hand from his face)
How can you help anyway?

(Shaking his head)
We have our specialties.


The scene opens in on a ​close up of pride wearing glasses and a

fake mustache, looking like a therapist. He takes his pen and a
clipboard, looking down at Liam who is laying down on the sofa,
where Sloth once laid.

(Biting on his pen)
(Not knowing what a therapist does)

We get a bird’s eye view of the two. There is gonna be a

shot-reverse-shot between the two of them talking afterward.

(Really confused)
What does a therapist do exactly?

(shaking his head)
I thought you said you have your “specialties”, and you don’t
even know what you're doing?

(Shaking his head)
IM RUSTY OK! It’s been 100 years since I’d last done this.

(Looking shocked)
How fucking old are you then?

Around 429 years young…

(Looking at him)
Are you… Mentally alright by any chance?

Nope! Now... tell me your problems in as much detail as possible.

We get a ​POV shot of Pride looking down at his clipboard where it

writes “How to win a game of poker”. Pride turns the paper around
so its blank, then he clicks his pen on and leans forward.

(Looking up at him)
So ba-

(Stopping him)
Wait give me a second my pen has no ink.
(Pride puts his hand in his pocket’s taking out many

There is a ​close up​ of Liam’s face.

Are you gonna help or not.

There is then a ​medium shot​ of the two speaking.

Yea…let's get started. I am gonna help you with your
self-confidence and confidence in general. So tell me what’s

I Told you upstairs.

Ahh yes. Now I will instruct you. Write down everything troubling
you. On a sheet of paper. And write down everything you like
about yourself on another sheet of paper. Keep the sheet with the
good things close to you at all times and read it whenever you
feel down. And the sheet with all the bad things...BURN IT!
(He pulls out a lighter)

(Looking up at him)
Burn it?

(Looking really excited)
Yea. you burn all your problems out of your life. You let go.

Liam then sits up, ​(POV shot) looking at him taking the pen and
paper and starts writing down everything that comes into mind. He
then hands it over to pride letting him read it. We are then
given a ​close up of pride’s face where he looks really shocked.
He carries on reading everything he has written on both the
papers. There is then a medium shot showing both Pride and Liam.
Pride rests his hands on his knees as he's looking at Liam.

(Really shocked)
Wow, really deep stuff you have written here. But the thing I
don’t get is… why don’t you have anything written on things you
like about yourself?

(Looking up)
Because… There is nothing I really... like about myself.
(Thinking really hard)
There are many stuff. Cmon just try right something.

Pride hands Liam back the papers. We are then given a ​Close up of
Liam’s pen and the paper, slowly showing him writing something,
we are then given a ​close up of Pride nodding his head and
smiling as to what he is seeing. Pride then hands Liam the
lighter, looking him in the eye (Medium shot)

(Waiting for him to burn it)
Go on then.

(Looking down)
Are you sure you want me to burn it… All?

(Looking up at him)
Yeh, fuck the bad stuff in life, just burn in.

We are given a ​close up of the lighter as Liam lights it up,

depth of field is then used to focus on the lighter only, as the
paper gets closer to it from the back, out of focus. The camera
then focuses on both the paper and lighter, showing the paper
burn slowly.

(Looking at the paper smiling)
Let all the anger, hatred and bad stuff in life just burn away.

We get a ​close up of Liam’s face as he looks at the paper burn,

this is then followed by an eyeline match of Liam looking at the
Paper with a ​depth of field focusing on the paper burning, the
camera slowly starts zooming into the pap​er. Pride stands up
(Medium shot), and walks over towards the paper and starts
stepping onto it ​(Close up)​, this is then followed by a tilt up
to Pride’s face, and then a pan looking at Liam still staring at
the paper.
We are then given a shot-reverse shot between the two talking.w

(Looking at Liam)

(Looking up confused)
So? What?

(Shaking his head)
So did it do anything

(Face palming himself)
I don’t know I feel the same?

Yeh, physically it didn’t… But what I’m asking you is did it do
anything… MENTALLY…?

(Looking back up)
I don’t know?

This is then followed by a Medium shot of the two, Liam attempts

to stand up, however, Pride pushes him back down, and stares
deeply into his eye.

Did I say you can leave? Now then time to make this…
Pride points at Liam. And then takes out a magazine, ​(POV SHOT

(Pointing at someone on the magazine
Into… This…

Hold on wh-
Sh. Sh. Sh. Just roll with it.
The scene fades out.


The scene opens on a ​medium shot​, of Pride in a wardrobe throwing

clothes at Liam. This then cuts to another ​medium shot showing
just Liam getting covered in clothes whilst sitting down on the
floor until there are no more clothes being thrown at him, this
is then followed by a pan towards Pride, looking excited.


We are then given a ​close up ​of Liam’s face going into a face of
despair, Liam starts shaking his head slowly at Pride, we are
then given a ​close up of Pride shaking his head at Liam. This is
then followed by a montage ​(Medium shot) of Liam wearing stupid
stuff, with many ​close-ups of Pride’s face nodding and Liam
shaking his head until finally, they find the perfect one that
suits him perfectly.

(Nodding his head)
Perfect… How do you feel

(Smiling for the first time)
Like a new man

We get another ​close up of Liam, followed by a ​POV shot from

Pride’s perspective looking at Liam’s clothes which will be done
with a tilt going down showing his full clothes, and tilting back
up again, this is then followed by a ​close up of Pride’s face
showing him full of Pride.

Scene fades out

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