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Question 1

Which structure theorem is used n a computer program or algorithm

to determine which particular step or set of steps is to be executed?

A. Sequence

B. Repetition

C. Selection

D. Subprogram

Question 2
Please select the best variable name for an employee's last name

A. emplastname

B. empLastName

C. empLstNm

D. lastNameOfTheEmployeeInQuestion

Question 3
When a program makes a true or false decision, it is an example of a(n)
_______ logic structure.

A. do until

B. do while

C. if-then-else

D. what-if

Question 4
In a(n) __________ structure, one statement follows the other with no
conditions having to be met.

A. selection

B. loop

C. sequence

D. conditional

Question 5
The __________ structure involves repeating a sequence until a
condition is met.

A. sequence

B. selection

C. loop

D. conditional

Question 6
What is incorrect function of the parameter using in communicating
between modules?

A. To store the reference data

B. "To pass information from a subordinate module to its calling


C. "To pass information from a calling module to a subordinate

D. To fulfil a two-way communication role

Question 7
"The test data about the part of a program shown in the flowchart is
specified by “decision condition coverage” (branch coverage). If this
test data is specified by “multiple condition coverage,” which of the
following is the appropriate data to add? Here, the part enclosed in

parentheses indicates the pair of test data elements. The test data
used by “decision condition coverage” (branch coverage): (A=4, B=1),
(A=5, B=0)"

A. (A=3, B=0), (A=7, B=2)

B. (A=7, B=0), (A=8, B=2)

C. (A=4, B=0), (A=8, B=0)

D. (A=3, B=2), (A=8, B=0)

Question 8
Flowcharts and pseudocode are examples of tools used in the program
__________ phase.

A. test

B. code

C. specification

D. design

Question 9
A(n) __________ error could be the result of the programmer making
an incorrect calculation

A. syntax

B. logic

C. general protection
D. breakpoint

Question 10
________ language is made up only of binary digits

A. Natural

B. Machine

C. Assembly

D. Procedural

Question 11
Which of the following is not necessary for a good program?

A. catches common errors

B. reliability

C. well-documented

D. colorful graphics
Question 12
Integers are stored in the 1st to N-th elements of an array A(N>1). The
flowchart below shows the process to check which element of the array
contains the same value as X. Which of the following correctly
describes the execution result of this process?

A. If the same value as X exists in two places of the array, the 1st
and N-th elements, k is set to N.

B. If the same value as X is not in the array, k is set to N.

C. If the same value as X exists in two places of the array, the 1st
and N-th elements, k is set to 1.
D. If the same value as X is not in the array, k is set to 1.

Question 13
In below definitions on the global data, which one is incorrect?

A. Every module in the program can access and change data

B. Variables which are defined within the sub module

C. Data that can be used by all the modules in a program

D. Lifetime of a global variable spans the execution of the whole


Question 14
__________ refers to testing by a select group of potential users in the
final stage of testing a program

A. Beta testing

B. Attempt at translation

C. Manual testing
D. Desk checking

Question 15
Please choose correct definition of the module parameters

A. Reference parameters pass a copy of the value of a parameter

from one module to another

B. Formal parameters are the one that appear when a submodule is


C. Variables and expressions that are passed to a submodule in a

particular call are called formal parameters

D. Value parameter pass the memory address of a parameter from

one module to another

Question 16

The function f(x) has real arguments and returned values. Consider the
procedure consisting of steps 1 ~5 as shown below using this function.
After starting execution and repeating the procedure a sufficient number
of times, y in step 3 stops changing. Which of the following expressions
holds at this point?

A. f(y)=y

B. f(a)=y

C. f(y)=a

D. f(y)=0

Question 17
Which of the following lines of code comes from a first generation
computer language?

A. set total to sum of totals

B. ADD255(3,10),02B(4,5)

C. 00010 1010 1101 0001 1010

D. this Total=TotalA + TotalC

Question 18
The program’s processing steps are grouped into logically-related
programming statements called

A. Module

B. unit

C. component

D. object

Question 19
When the expression 1-1/x+1/x^2 -1/x^3 +1/x^4 -…1/x^n is calculated,
which of the following should be inserted in the process box in the

flowchart shown below?

A. c)

B. b)

C. d)

D. a)

Question 20
Object-oriented programming

A. converts source code into machine language code

B. allows you to interact with objects when coding software

C. is a type of assembler language

D. is a type of machine language

Question 21
Machine language is composed only of

A. keyword statements
B. 0s and 1s

C. memory address toggles

D. hexadecimal numbers
Question 22
A program error that violates the grammar rules of the programming
language is a(n) _______ error

A. modular

B. syntax

C. language

D. logic
Question 23
There are two important operations on a stack: PUSH and POP. PUSH
adds the new data to the top of the stack leaving previous data below,
and POP removes and returns the current top data of the stack. When the
operations shown below are sequentially executed, which of the
following is the correct combination of the values x and y? Here, the
size of the stack is big enough to hold the entire data. “PUSH(a)” inserts
the data a into the stack, and “POP(b)” removes the data b from the
[Operations] PUSH (5); PUSH (3); PUSH (6); PUSH (1); x= POP ( );
PUSH (7); y= POP ( );

A. x=5, y=7

B. x=1, y=6

C. x=1, y=7

D. x=5, y=3

Question 24
Which of the following flowcharts illustrates a “while repetition
structure” in the control structure of programs?
A. Image d)

B. Image c)

C. Image b)

D. Image a)

Question 25
"Which of the following is the appropriate basic structure in a flowchart
for working out the sum from 1 to 10 using the sequence below?
①Assign the initial value “0” to x
②Assign the initial value “1” to i
③End when i is greater that 10
④If i is 10 or smaller, add i to x, and substitute that value for x
⑤Add 1 to i, and substitute that value for i
⑥Return to ③"

A. d) Repetition structure

B. b) Selection structure

C. a) Sequence structure

D. c) Conditional branch

Question 26
The following figure is one example of binary-selection structure. Is that


Question 27
What can we do with the Circle symbol when drawing the flowchart to
represent the algorithm?

A. Use it to represent an event which occurs automatically. Such an

event will trigger a subsequent action, for example `receive telephone
call’, or describe a new state of affairs.
B. Use it to represent a decision point in the process. Typically, the
statement in the symbol will require a `yes' or `no' response and branch
to different parts of the flowchart accordingly

C. Use it to represent an event which is controlled within the

process. Typically this will be a step or action which is taken. In most
flowcharts this will be the most frequently used symbol

D. Use it to represent a point at which the flowchart connects with

another process. The name or reference for the other process should
appear within the symbol

Question 28
When a program repeats a portion of software code as long as a certain
condition doesn’t exist, it’s using a(n) _______ structure

A. if-then-else

B. what-if

C. do while

D. do until

Question 29
Which of the following corresponds to Process 1, when representing
the following procedure in the flowchart below?

A. Indicate value of n

B. Indicate value of m

C. Indicate as “Even number”

D. Indicate as “Odd number”

Question 30
The flowchart below shows a binary search algorithm to find the index
m of the array element A(m), such that the equation “A(m) = k” holds,
from the array elements A(1), A(2), …, A(n) already sorted in ascending
order. In case of “m= 0” at the end, there is no element such that the
equation “A(m) = k” holds. Which of the following is inserted in the
process box X in the flowchart? Here, the slash ( / ) indicates division
that truncates all digits after the decimal point.
A. (x+ y) / 2 → m

B. (x – y) / 2 → m

C. (y – x) / 2 → m

D. (x+ y) → m

Question 31
Which of the following is the correct result produced by executing the
program shown below? Here, the parameter “x” is called by value, and
the parameter “y” is called by reference.

A. a= 7, b= 5

B. a= 2, b= 5

C. a= 7, b= 3

D. a= 2, b= 3

Question 32
Software that helps programmers prepare reports, draw flowcharts, and
generate software code for prototypes is a(n)

A. CULP (combined users licensed protocols) tool

B. CLOC (computer licensed operations code) tool

C. CAUSE (computer assisted Unix software environment) tool

D. CASE (computer aided software engineering) tool

Question 33
The programming tool that uses linked symbols to show the sequence of
steps needed to solve a programming problem

A. grid table

B. pseudocode

C. algorithm

D. flowchart

Question 34
Which of the following variable name is the most retable and

A. emlstnam

B. lastNameOfTheEmployeeInQuestion
C. employeeLastName

D. last name

Question 35
What are the three control structures for creating programs in
structured programming?

A. Repetition, recursion, and selection

B. Repetition, sequence, and selection

C. Repetition, recursion and sequence

D. Recursion, sequence, and selection

Question 36
The actual coding of a program is done by a(n)

A. database administrator

B. systems analyst

C. software engineer
D. end-user

Question 37
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, how many space should
be used as the unit of identation?

A. 3

B. 1

C. 4

D. 2

Question 38
In programming, _______ are explanations that tell other programmers
what’s happening in the software code

A. table

B. documentation

C. selections
D. restrictions

Question 39
Output của giai đoạn Integrate Software Modules bao gồm những sản
phẩm nào sau đây?

A. User Manual

B. System Description

C. Coding Summary Report

D. Integrated Software Package

Question 40
Please choose correct order of the following code review activities
(1) Prepare for review
(2) Conduct Review
(3) Rework and Follow up
(4) Evaluate review results

A. 1-2-4-3

B. 1-3-2-4
C. 1-3-4-2

D. 1-2-3-4

Question 41
Nếu không coding theo đúng coding conventions, phần mềm tạo ra có
thể có nhiều lỗi



Question 42
Hãy chọn cách phòng tránh lỗi sau đây:
The logic of date is not checked, user can type Start date greater than
End date, or From date is greater than To date…

A. Use CSS Style Sheet and GUI template

B. Optimize design, code

C. Use checklist

D. Use tool to test

Question 43
Những điều gì nên làm để tổ chức peer review code được tốt hơn?

A.Be careful with the scope of the review

B.Write everything down, especially decisions and action items

C.Don’t take the criticism personally and offer only technical

advice that will improve the code. Respect others’ opinions,
comments, and suggestions

D."Ask yourself these question: Which review comments must be

addressed before proceeding in the life cycle? What are valid reasons
for missing a review? Who can cancel a review? "

Question 44
A(n) __________ is a list of instructions detailing the steps needed to
perform a task.

A. agenda

B. plan

C. program

D. punch card
Question 45
Code conventions are important to programmers, because:

A.80% of the lifetime cost of a piece of software goes to


B.Code conventions improve the readability of the software,

allowing engineers to understand new code more quickly and

C.Hardly any software is maintained for its whole life by the

original author.

D.If you ship your source code as a product, you need to make sure
it is as well packaged and clean as any other product you create

Question 46
Common coding conventions may cover the following areas:

A.Programming practices

B.Naming conventions

C.Error conventions
D.Comment conventions

Question 47
The information software produces after it has processed the input is

A. output

B. objective

C. flowchart

D. prototype

Question 48
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, which naming
convention is not correct?

A. Avoid names that are similar or differ only in case

B. Method name must start with upper case letter and use an
'active verb'

C. Variables names must start with lowercase

D. Use a noun or noun phrase to name a class or code module

Question 49
Given below code block:
if (x == 0)
if (y == 0) error();
else {
z = x + y;
With the input value of [x, y, z] = [1, 2, 4], which value the variable z
would be after executing above codes?"

A. 2

B. 4

C. 3

D. 5

Question 50
Eliminating errors in a program is also called ______ the program

A. coding
B. debugging

C. modularizing

D. clarifying

Question 51
Input của giai đoạn Plan cho Coding bao gồm những sản phẩm nào sau

A.Customer requirements

B.Design documents

C.Project Plan

D.CM plan

Question 52
Please choose correct order of the following activities in coding
(1) Create System Description
(2) Code Planning
(3) Code Library Modules
(4) Code Functional Modules
A. 1-2-3-4

B. 2-4-3-1

C. 2-3-4-1

D. 1-2-4-3

Question 53
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, two blank lines should be
used in which case(s) among following cases?

A. Between sections of a source file

B. Before a block or single-line comment

C. Between methods

D. Between logical sections inside a method

Question 54
Coding conventions là tài liệu bắt buộc phải có trong tất cả các dự án
phần mềm


Question 55
Following Fsoft standard coding conventions, when an expression will
not fit on a single line, break it according to which of below principles?

A.Break after an operator

B.Break after a comma

C.Break after a logical operator.

D.Break after a number

Question 56 5
Output của giai đoạn Plan cho Coding bao gồm những sản phẩm nào sau

A.Review Report

B.Coding Convention

C.System Description
D.Coding Plan

Question 57
Program objectives, desired outputs, needed inputs, and processing
requirements are all recorded in the

A. project management database

B. program tracking log

C. program specifications document

D. management information system

Question 58
Challenges của Peer Review Code bao gồm

A.If team members are not familiar with peer reviews, the
experience can be frustrating for all participants

B.Some peer reviews take a long time

C.Reading unfamiliar code and correlating that code to unfamiliar

documentation takes programmers away from coding

D.It is hard to improve peer review code process after many time
Question 59
Benefits của Peer Review Code bao gồm:

A.Peer reviews provide the distance needed to recognize problems

B.Peer reviews provide the distance needed to solve every


C.Team cohesiveness

D.Fewer bugs

Question 60
Benefits của Peer Review Code bao gồm:

A.Developers have changes to do many works in project

B.Find many bugs

C.Less rework

D.Improved communication

Question 61
Developer to perform the self review while s/he is coding to reach which
of the following targets?
A.General programming practices are applied

B.Requirement logics are implemented correctly

C.The application input data is correct

D.No coding conventions or common defects existed

Question 62
Input của giai đoạn Coding Functional Modules bao gồm những sản
phẩm nào sau đây?

A.Coding Plan


C.Coding Conventions

D.Coding Infrastructure has been setup

Question 63
Tài liệu Checklist_Code Review của Fsoft đưa ra các trường hợp cần
review code và chia làm những phần chính sau đây:

(Liên quan đến exception)"
(Liên quan đến các vấn đề thường gặp trong khi reivew code)"

(Liên quan đến các trường hợp phải comment cho source code)"

D."Source code
(Liên quan đến nội dung các dòng lệnh, hàm...)"

Question 64
The actual writing of a program in a programming language is called

A. coding

B. program design

C. logic structure

D. language translation

Question 65
Input của giai đoạn Create System Description/User Manual bao gồm
những sản phẩm nào sau đây?

A.Software Package



Question 66
Các best practice của giai đoạn Perform unit testing bao gồm

A.Test each feature once

B.Unit tests should be fully automated and non-interactive

C.Keep unit tests small and fast

D.Keep tests independent

Question 67
What's is "Decision coverage" ?

A. Each branch in the logic visited by a test

B. Each path through the logic is visited by a test

C. Each statement in the program will be visited by test

Question 68
Internal and unit testing can be automated with the help of ….. Tools.

A. testing

B. coverage

C. scaffolding

D. none

Question 68
Bước Equivalence partitioning của Black Box Test bao gồm những việc
nào sau đây

A.Anticipate that errors are most likely to exist at the boundaries

between partitions

B.Divide the input of a program into classes of data from which

test cases can be derived. This might help you to reduce number of test
cases that must be developed.

C.Behavior of software is equivalent for any value within

particular partition

D.A limited number of representative test cases should be chosen

from each partition

Question 69
The System test performed by

A. project manager

B. Customer

C. Tester

D. Developers

Question 69
What types of errors are missed by black box and testing and can be
uncovered by white box testing?

A. performance errors
B. behavioral errors

C. subtle logic errors

D. input errors

Question 70
A main focus of reviews and other static test is …..

A.To help remove the need of testing altogether carry out testing as early as possible

C.finding and fixing defects cheaply

D.preventing defects from appearing at later stages of this project

Question 71 =
The exact scope of a unit is left to interpretation. Supporting test code ,
sometimes called ………., may be necessary to support an individual

A. Scaffolding
B. All of above

C. Conjucture

D. RemUnit

Question 72
Choose valid test types :

A.Load test

B.Performance test

C.regression test

D.Security test

Question 73
The Acceptance test perform by

A. Developers

B. Tester
C. Customer

D. project manager

Question 74
Which of the following is appropriate as a description of boundary
value analysis?

A. A method where boundary values are identified for the data

entered into the system and used as test data

B. A method where equivalence class border values are used as

test data

C. A method of analysis for identifying input values that do not

produce errors but are on the borderline

D. A method of testing where boundary values that can be entered

into the system are analyzed

Question 75
Khi viết white box test case, chỉ cần viết đầy đủ số lượng test case thỏa
path coverage thì số test case đó đã thỏa điều kiện branch coverage


Question 76
Khi viết white box test case, chỉ cần viết đầy đủ số lượng test case
thỏa statement coverage thì số test case đó đã thỏa điều kiện branch



Question 77
Technical review are more …….. That is, they aim to remove defects as
soon as possible.

A. Descriptive

B. Objective

C. Preventive

D. Subjective

Question 78
Please select the test case design techniques that used to create unit test
A.Condition testing

B.Internal boundary value testing

C.Branch Testing

D.State transition testing

Question 79
Unit test is implemented by Development team to

A.Detect defects and issues early

B.Reduce the Quality Effort & Correction Cost

C.Create related documents: Unit Test cases, Unit Test Reports,

D.Ensure quality of software unit

Question 80
………It is a review where the author lead team through a manual or a
simulated execution of the product using predefined scenarios
A. checklist

B. inspection

C. technical reviews

D. walkthrough

Question 81
White Box Test phải đảm bảo hoàn thành các yêu cầu nào sau đây?

A.Decision (branch) coverage

B.Path coverage

C.Boundary value coverage

D.Statement coverage

Question 81
Which of the following is an appropriate statement in regard to a module
unit test?

A. The module design documents have already been verified. If a

problem is found in the test results, an error exists in the test case or the

B. Generally, test cases are created and executed by dedicated

testing staff, not programmers who have done the coding.

C. Verification should be performed, in principle, using test cases

which cover all the logic paths at least once while reviewing the
module design documents.

D. The module interface falls outside the scope of the unit test
because the module interface cannot be tested using a single module.

Question 82
Which of the following is the appropriate description concerning
standardization in programming?

A. Its purpose is to define rules about common items that are

independent of programming languages.

B. Defining programming conventions is effective for preventing

errors that programmers tend to make.

C. Its original purpose is not to limit an individual programming

style, but to easily achieve the effect of optimization provided by a

D. It is effective for clarifying the standard execution time of a

program to promote the creation of efficient programs.

Question 83
The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate
that each program function is operational is called

A. black box testing

B. Grey box testing

C. White box testing

Question 84
Cho đoạn code sau :
public bool ValidateEmail(string strEmail) {
//Check null or empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strEmail)) {
return false;
//Check required character
bool blnRequireChar = false;
for (int i = 0; i < strEmail.Length; i++) {
if (strEmail[i].ToString().Equals(""@"")) {
blnRequireChar = true;
//Check incorrect character
for (int i = 0; i < strEmail.Length; i++) {
if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(strEmail[i])) {
} else if(char.Equals('.',strEmail[i]) || char.Equals('@',strEmail[i])) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
Đoạn code trên cần ít nhất bao nhiêu test case?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 8

D. 7

Question 85
When software is developed using a test driven-approach, the unit test
may take a place of …….. Each unit test can be seen as a design element
specifying classes, method and observable behavior.

A. informal design
B. formal design

C. unique design

D. both A & B

Question 86
……. A series of probing question designed to review a predetermined
area or function

A. Minutes

B. Meeting list

C. Checklist

D. Plan list

Question 87
………. Developer reviews code for accuracy

A. Design check

B. Requirement check
C. Technical check

D. Desk checking

Question 88 8
Regardless of whether a review is called an inspection or a
walkthrough, it is a systematic approach to examining source code in



Question 89
To ensure testing robustness and simplify maintenance, test should
never rely on other test nor should they depend on the ordering in wich
test are executed?



Question 90
There are two types of unit test case:
Black box unit test case and White box unit test case


Question 91
Unit Testing Conductor là Testing team



Question 93
Unit Testing is to validate that individual units of software program
are working properly.



Question 94
Unit Test should be conducted for each module (class or function) after
code review has been done



Question 95
Unit Testing Deliverables bao gồm
- Tested software units
- Related documents (Unit Test case, Unit Test Report)


Question 96
The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show
that the individual parts are correctly?



Question 97
Black box testing attempts to find errors in which of the following

A.performance errors

B.interface errors

C.incorrect or missing functions

Question 98
The unit testing performed by

A. Customer

B. Tester
C. project manager

D. Developers

Question 99
The below function calculate square of number

Public static integer Square (integer intNumber){

If input<0 THEN
Print error message ""Square root error – illegal negative input""
ELSE_IF input=0 THEN
Use square function to calculate the answer
RETURN the answer
Print error message “The system error”
End Try
How many test cases used for branch test ?

A. 1

B. 2
C. 3

D. 4

Question 100
As a consequence, unit testing is traditionally a motivator for
programmers to create ………. And …………. Code bodies. This
practice promotes healthy habits in software development.

A. uncoupled, cohesive

B. decohesive, coupled

C. decoupled, cohesive

D. uncoupled, uncohesive

Question 101
Bước Specification derived test của Black Box Test bao gồm những việc
nào sau đây

A.Create test cases for each statements of specification

B.Execute test cases to check test result will output as the

C.Divide the input of a program into classes of data from which test
cases can be derived. This might help you to reduce number of test
cases that must be developed.

D.Test the software at either side of boundary values

Question 102
Which of the following is the appropriate description concerning black
box testing?

A. Attention is focused on the internal structures of programs, and

verification is made as to whether necessary portions are executed.

B. If branch instructions and modules increase in number, the

amount of test data also leaps upward.

C. The test case coverage is used as criteria for preparing test data.

D. Even if any redundant code exists in a tested program, it cannot

be detected.

Question 103
public bool ValidPassword(string password) {
bool validPassword = false;
// Check valid password length
if(IsValidLength(password, minLength, maxLength)) {
validPassword = true;
// Check valid password mix between lowcase and upcase
return false;
// Check valid password mix between alpha & numeric
return false;
return validPassword;
How many unit test cases you must do to check this function to cover all

A. 4

B. 6

C. 5

D. 3

Question 104
Black Box Test bao gồm

A.Condition analysis

B.Boundary value analysis

C.Equivalence partitioning
D.Specification derived tests

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