Odd Systems in Deformed Relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov Theory in Continuum

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Odd systems in deformed relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov theory in continuum

Lulu Li,1 Jie Meng,1, 2, 3, 4 P. Ring,5, 1 En-Guang Zhao,3, 1, 6 and Shan-Gui Zhou3, 6, ∗
State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology,
School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
School of Physics and Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Institute of Theoretical Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Department of Physics, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Physikdepartment, Technische Universität München, 85748 Garching, Germany
Center of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, National Laboratory of Heavy Ion Accelerator, Lanzhou 730000, China
(Dated: April 30, 2018)
In order to describe the exotic nuclear structure in unstable odd-A or odd-odd nuclei, the de-
arXiv:1203.1363v2 [nucl-th] 8 Mar 2012

formed relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov theory in continuum has been extended to incorporate the
blocking effect due to the odd nucleon. For a microscopic and self-consistent description of pairing
correlations, continuum, deformation, blocking effects, and the extended spatial density distribution
in exotic nuclei, the deformed relativistic Hartree Bogoliubov equations are solved in a Woods-Saxon
basis in which the radial wave functions have a proper asymptotic behavior at large r. The for-
malism and numerical details are provided. The code is checked by comparing the results with
those of spherical relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov theory in the nucleus 19 O. The prolate
deformed nucleus 15 C is studied by examining the neutron levels and density distributions.

PACS numbers: 21.60.-n, 21.10.-k, 21.60.Jz

As one of the most fascinating phenomena found in where N is the dimension of the quasi-particle space and
exotic nuclei, the nuclear halo contains many new and the quasi-particle operators βk† , βk are obtained by the
interesting features, such as a largely extended spatial Bogoliubov transformation from the particle operators
density distribution, dilute and pure neutron matter, the c†l , cl ,
Borromean property, and the coupling between bound
U V∗
states and the continuum [1]. In the past, several rela- β †
= W , W = . (2)
tivistic Hartree Bogoliubov theories with or without the β† c† V U∗
Fock term have been developed for a self-consistent de-
scription of spherical halo nuclei [2–6]. In order to in- The matrix W of the coefficients U and V is unitary
vestigate halo phenomena in deformed nuclei in a mi- which guarantees that the quasi-particle operators satisfy
croscopic and self-consistent way, a deformed relativistic the same anti-communication rules as the particle opera-
Hartree Bogoliubov (RHB) theory in continuum has been tors [10]. Starting from the bare vacuum |0i, the ground
developed for even-even nuclei [7–9]. Within this model state of a system with an even number of particles |Φ0 i
a decoupling in shape between the core and the halo has can be constructed as,
been predicted in some deformed nuclei close to the neu- Y
tron drip line, e.g, in 42,44 Mg [8, 9]. |Φ0 i = βk |0i, (3)
In order to describe the exotic nuclear structure in un- k

stable odd-A or odd-odd nuclei, the blocking effect of one where k = 1, . . . N . For an odd system, in practice, the
or several nucleons has to be taken into account. In the corresponding ground state can be constructed as one
present Letter, the deformed relativistic Hartree Bogoli- quasi-particle state |Φ1 i,
ubov theory in continuum [7–9] is extended to incorpo- Y
rate the blocking effect due to an odd nucleon. In such a |Φ1 i = β1† |Φ0 i = β1† βk |0i, (4)
way, pairing correlations, continuum, deformation, block- k
ing effects, and extended spatial density distributions in
exotic, odd-A or odd-odd nuclei can be taken into ac- where β1† corresponds to the quasi-particle state with the
count microscopically and self-consistently. lowest quasi-particle energy. In other words, the one
In order to treat pairing correlations, the quasi-particle quasi-particle state |Φ1 i is the vacuum with respect to
concept is adopted and the ground state of an even-even the set of quasi-particle operators (β1′ , . . . , βN

) with
nucleus |Φi is represented as a vacuum with respect to
quasi-particles [10], β1′ = β1† , β2′ = β2 , . . . , βN

= βN , (5)
βk |Φ0 i = 0, for all k = 1, . . . N, (1) and the exchange of the operators β1† ↔ β1 forms a new
set of quasi-particle operators (β1′ , . . . , βN

, β1′† , . . . , βN
which corresponds to the exchange of the columns
sgzhou@itp.ac.cn (Ul1 , Vl1 ) ←→ (Vl1∗ , Ul1

) in the matrix W . That is, the

blocking effect in the odd system can be realized by ex-

TABLE I. Ground state properties of 19 O from deformed
changing the creator β1† with the corresponding annihila-
RHB and RCHB calculations. Rn , Rp and Rt refer to neutron,
tor β1 in the quasi-particle space. Accordingly, the block- proton and total root mean square radii in unit of “fm”. Epart ,
ing effect in a multi-quasi-particle configurations can be Eσ , Eσnon , Eω , Eωnon , Eρ , Ecoul , Epair and Etot refer to energies
treated. of particle, σ field, non-linear term of σ field, ω field, non-
The covariant density functional theory has been ap- linear term of ω field, ρ field, Coulomb field, paring energy
plied to describe successfully nuclear structure over the and total binding energy in unit of “MeV”.
entire periodic table [11–15]. The relativistic Hartree Bo- deformed RHB RCHB
goliubov equations [13–15] for the nucleons read, Rn 2.83 2.83
     Rp 2.57 2.57
Uk Uk
3 ′ hD − λ ∆ Rt 2.72 2.72
d r = Ek ,(6)
−∆∗ −hD + λ Vk Vk Epart −445.60 −445.73
Eσ 2259.26 2260.18
where Ek is the quasiparticle energy, λ is the chemical Eσnon −77.14 −77.18
potential which guarantees the proper average particle Eω −1880.10 −1880.83
number and hD is the Dirac Hamiltonian, Eωnon 32.76 32.77
Eρ −3.15 −3.16
hD (r, r ′ ) = α · p + V (r) + β(M + S(r)). (7) Ecoul −17.10 −17.10
Epair −3.82 −3.82
The scalar and vector potentials Etot −144.80 −144.78

S(r) = gσ σ(r), (8)

1 − τ3 0 10 10
V (r) = gω ω 0 (r) + gρ τ3 ρ0 (r) + e A (r), (9)
2 deformed RHB RCHB
0 0
depend on the scalar field σ as well as the time-like com- 1 3 5
+ + +
ponents ω 0 , ρ0 , and A0 of the iso-scalar vector field ω, the - - -
2, 2, 2
Ecan (MeV)

Ecan (MeV)
-10 -10
3-component of iso-vector vector field ρ and the photon -
field A. -
2 1p1/2
-20 - - -20
For a fully paired and axially symmetric deformed sys- 1 3 1p3/2
tem with the time reversal symmetry, the projection of
-2, -2
-30 -30
the total angular momentum on the symmetry axis Ω is 19
O 19
conserved and each single particle state has a degeneracy 1
-40 -2 -40 1s1/2
of two. The RHB equation (7) can be reduced to half
dimension M = N/2 and can be decomposed into de- 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
generate blocks with quantum numbers +Ω or −Ω. The 2 2
corresponding density and abnormal density matrix have
v v
dimension M and read
FIG. 1. (Color online) Neutron single particle levels in the
ρM ×M = V ∗ V T , (10)
canonical basis and their occupation probability v 2 for 19 O
κM ×M = V ∗ U T , (11) from the deformed RHB and RCHB calculations.

where V and U are the coefficients in the corresponding

subspace. the time reversal symmetry. In practice we average the
For an odd system with the kb -th level blocked in the density matrix ρ and symmetrize the abnormal density
+Ω subspace, the time reversal symmetry is violated and κ in two subspaces and replace the two densities by
there appear currents in the system. These currents show 1
ρ′ = ρM ×M + Ukb Uk∗T − Vk∗b VkTb ,

an axial symmetry, i.e., Ω remains a good quantum num- (12)
ber, but the quasi-particle energies are no longer degener- 2 b

ate for the two subspaces, because the subspace with +Ω κ′ = κM ×M Ukb Vk∗T + Vk∗b UkTb ,

− (13)
contains the odd particle and the corresponding subspace 2 b

with −Ω contains an empty level. Therefore, in princi- where Vkb and Ukb are column vectors in the matri-
ple, we have to diagonalize the RHB equation twice, one ces V and U corresponding to the blocked level. Note
for the subspace with +Ω and the other for the subspace that Eqs. (12) and (13) are the same as those given in
with −Ω. Using the equal filling approximation which is Refs. [16, 17] if one considers the time reversal symmetry
usually made [16, 17], we neglect currents and average and that the dimension of the densities here is M = N/2.
in a statistical manner over the two configurations of a In the following applications we use the density func-
particle in the +Ω space and a particle in the −Ω space. tional PK1 [18] and a zero range density dependent pair-
The corresponding currents cancel each other and in this ing force [4, 9]. The deformed RHB equations are solved
way we obtain in each step of the iteration fields with in a spherical Dirac Woods-Saxon basis [19] and the de-

-1 10
10 14
C ρn(r) deformed RHB
-2 15
10 C ρn(r ) +
ρn (fm-3) 15
C ρn(rz)
0 1

Ecan (MeV)
-3 2
10 -10 1
-4 2 -
10 - -
-5 -20 1
10 -2
10 PK1 -30 15
C +
-7 1
10 -40 2
0 5 10 15
r (fm) 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
FIG. 2. (Color online) Neutron density profiles of 14 C and 15 C
in deformed RHB calculations with the parameter set PK1. FIG. 3. (Color online) Neutron single particle levels in the
canonical basis and their occupation probability v 2 for 15 C in
the deformed RHB calculation.
formed potentials and densities are expanded in terms
of the Legendre polynomials Pλ (cos θ) (for details see
Refs. [7–9]). In order to check the accuracy of the de- formed density distributions with an axial symmetry. In
formed code with the blocking effect we investigate the Fig. 2 the neutron densities along the symmetry axis
spherical nucleus 19 O and compare the results of the de- ρn (rz , r⊥ = 0) and perpendicular to the symmetry axis
formed RHB code allowing only the spherical compo- ρn (rz = 0, r⊥ ) are plotted as dashed and dashed-dotted
nents of the fields, i.e., λ = 0, with those obtained in lines. We also include the spherical density for 14 C as
the spherical relativistic continuum Hartree Bogoliubov a reference by a solid line. It is interesting to see that,
(RCHB) theory [4]. The ground state properties from in the direction perpendicular to the symmetry axis, the
the deformed RHB and the RCHB calculations are given neutron densities are almost the same for 14 C and 15 C
in Table I. It is clearly seen that both calculations agree at least when r⊥ < 6 fm. Along the symmetry axis the
well with each other. For example, the difference between neutron density of 15 C extends much further than that
the total binding energies is about 0.02 MeV, which cor- of 14 C. This is partly due to that 15 C is prolate and the
responds to an accuracy of about 0.01%. weakly bound 1/2+ level is occupied.
In order to check the details of the deformed RHB cal- The single particle levels of 15 C in the canonical basis
culation, we show in Fig. 1 the neutron single particle are plotted in Fig. 3. Since it is a deformed nucleus, the
levels in the canonical basis for 19 O in comparison with 1p3/2 orbit is split into two levels with Ωπ = 1/2− and
the spherical RCHB results. The length of each level is Ωπ = 3/2− respectively. There is one neutron occupying
proportional to the occupation probability. In the spheri- in Ωπ = 1/2+ level near the threshold. The occupation
cal RCHB calculation, the blocked orbital is 1d5/2 . In the probability v 2 = 0.5, indicating that it is averaged over
deformed RHB code, a spherical solution is enforced by the two configurations with Ωπ = ±1/2+ . Because of
allowing only λ = 0 component in the Legendre expan- the deformation, this level is a mixture of the spherical
sion mentioned earlier and therefore the three sublevels orbits 1d5/2 (62%) and 2s1/2 (36%). The weakly-bound
of the 1d5/2 orbital with Ωπ = 1/2+, 3/2+ , and 5/2+ are feature and the relatively large s-wave component of this
degenerate. The present results in Fig. 1 are obtained level results in that the neutron density of 15 C extends
with the level Ωπ = 1/2+ blocked in the deformed RHB further along the symmetry axis.
code, but blocking any of these three levels gives the same In summary, the blocking effect due to an odd nucleon
results. From Fig. 1 one finds a good agreement between is incorporated in a deformed relativistic Hartree Bogoli-
the results from the deformed RHB and RCHB calcula- ubov (RHB) theory in continuum in order to describe
tions. odd-A or odd-odd exotic nuclei. The formalism is briefly
After checking the code in the spherical case we now presented and the numerical checks are carried out by
turn to an application of the deformed RHB theory for comparing the results of the deformed RHB code for the
an exotic and deformed nucleus with an odd number of spherical nucleus 19 O with those obtained from the spher-
particles. The deformed halo candidate nucleus 15 C [20] ical RCHB code. As a first application, the deformed
is studied with the parameter set PK1 [18]. In contrary to nucleus 15 C is studied by examining the neutron levels,
the spherical even-even nucleus 14 C, the deformed RHB deformation as well as density distributions along and
theory predicts a deformation β = 0.25 for the odd-A perpendicular to the symmetry axis. Along the symme-
nucleus 15 C. The neutron root mean square radii of 14 C try axis the neutron density of 15 C extends much further
and 15 C are 2.56 fm and 2.79 fm respectively. because 15 C is prolate and the weakly bound valence level
The deformed RHB calculations lead for 15 C to a de- with Ωπ = 1/2+ has a relatively large s-wave component.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJCX2-EW-

N01 and KJCX2-YW-N32), by the Oversea Distin-
This work has been supported in part by the Natu- guished Professor Project from Ministry of Education
ral Science Foundation of China (10875157, 10975100, (MS2010BJDX001), and by the DFG cluster of excellence
10979066, 11105005, 11175002, and 11175252), by the “Origin and Structure of the Universe” (www.universe-
Major State Basic Research Development Program of cluster.de). The computation was supported by the Su-
China (2007CB815000), by the Knowledge Innovation percomputing Center, CNIC of CAS.

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