12 Rays-The Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy

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1. An Explanation of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Our Planetary Leaders

2. Ascending Masters
3. Reconnecting with the Ascended Masters and our Spiritual Leaders
Connection Exercise
4. Planetary Logos Lord Buddha
5. The Twelve Buddhas
6. Manu Allah Gobi
7. Christ Lord Maitreya
8. Mahachohan Saint Germain
9. World Teachers
10. World Teacher, Master Sananda
11. Master Kuthumi
12. Extension World Teacher Master Djwhal Khul
13. The Board of Karma


14. An Introduction to the Twelve Rays of Light
15. Master El Morya and the First Ray of Light
16. Master Joshua and the Second Ray of Light
17. Master Serapis Bey and the Third Ray of Light
18. Master Paul the Venetian and the Fourth Ray of Light
19. Master Hilarion and the Fifth Ray of Light
20. Master Lanto and the Sixth Ray of Light
21. Lady Portia and the Seventh Ray of Light
22. Lady Nada and the Eighth Ray of Light
23. Lady Mary and the Ninth Ray of Light
24. Lady and Master Andromeda and the Tenth Ray of Light
25. Lady Quan Yin and the Eleventh Ray of Light
26. Lady Pallas Athena and the Twelfth Ray of Light
27. An Insight into Connecting with the Rays


28. The Higher Manifestations of the Spiritual Hierarchy
Summary of the Twelve Rays, their Chohans & Qualities

Preview 1 – PART 1

Chapter 1

An Explanation of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Our Planetary Leaders

Spiritual hierarchy is a term often thrown into conversations of a spiritual nature to describe a
group of light beings on the spiritual planes that are assisting the Earth in its evolution, acting as
unseen forces. The word spiritual can describe individuals or groups of people who have awoken
to or realised the light of the Creator and are integrating the divine energies into their beings. A
hierarchy is defined as a group of individuals at different levels of ability and understanding,
working in ranks or levels governed by a figure of authority.

Our Creator or God is the figure of authority who ultimately governs and oversees the Earth.
Between the Earth and the Creator is a vast and intricate hierarchy of light beings who are all
focusing their energy and light to the inhabitants of the Earth. We could call this the Earth’s
universe, as there are many other spiritual universes and hierarchies that extend from the
different planets and stars in the open vastness of space. The Creator is a soul existing within a
greater universe which is also sustained by a spiritual hierarchy.

The distance and levels through which a person on the Earth must progress to be reunited with
the divine Creator are immeasurable, and continue once we reunite with the Creator. The Creator
is our greater, wiser soul who embodies the entire universe, travelling on a spiritual journey with
the inhabitants of the Earth and the Earth’s spiritual hierarchy.

When we understand even a small amount about our journey we can comprehend the importance
of our work on the Earth. Every action and advancement a soul achieves on the Earth assists the
whole hierarchy within the Creator’s universe to surge forward, raising the energy vibration of
the Creator. It would seem that our work of growth and spiritual discovery is to aid and benefit
the Creator; this is true, but we must remember that every soul on the Earth is a manifestation of
the divine Creator, so in truth we are the Creator, and are working for our own spiritual growth
and development.

The magnificent realm of the spiritual hierarchy exists on the inner planes as a consciousness
invisible to the physical eyes of humans until they gain a significant understanding and
awakening. We may imagine the universe as a continuum of layers, on each of which are
thousands of light beings and souls working to develop their inner souls. Every soul on these
levels has a mission to assist the souls below their level who are trying…………………

Preview 2- Chapter 15
Master El Morya and the First Ray of Light
Master El Morya is an Ascended Master from the Earth school. He lived as braham, father of the
Jewish race, and as one of the three wise men who travelled to the birth of Jesus. Like most
Ascended Masters he has overcome the initiations and lessons of Earth school and now occupies
an important role in the spiritual hierarchy. Master El Morya is the Manu Allah Gobi’s assistant.
This may sound as if his responsibilities are minor, but as with all the Masters connected with the
rays, his work is immeasurable. The Manu delegates much of his work to Master El Morya, and
is also training him to become the next Manu once Allah Gobi evolves to a new position.
Master El Morya assists the Manu in his work with the spiritual and Earth governments, as well
as understanding and distributing the will and plans sent by the Creator through the hierarchy.
Let us not forget that while Master El Morya is working with the Manu and the other Masters of
the rays, his focus is also placed on his own spiritual progression, and of course governing the
first ray of light. Master El Morya holds the title of Chohan or governor of the first of the main
three rays of light.

The first ray is of a red colour and holds the divine qualities of the Creator’s will within its
energy, to be invoked and absorbed both by us, and the Masters on the spiritual planes. At a
lower level the red energy of the first ray can offer courage, confidence, determination, strength,
bravery, action, boldness and focus. This fiery energy helps many souls on the Earth to achieve
their goals and gives them the qualities that are needed to overcome challenges and lessons.
Without the first ray of light we would not have the energy, power or driving force to stimulate
us to follow our spiritual path with passion.

Whenever we feel lazy with lack of energy, we can invoke the first ray of light to charge us with
the perfect amount of energy to lift our spirits and assist us in becoming active in our lives. The
red ray of light is a powerful energy and when invoking it we must always call on the guidance
of Master El Morya, ensuring that we state we wish to receive the perfect amount of this red
energy for our beings and growth. Receiving too much energy from this ray could cause an
imbalance. But we mustn’t be fearful when using the ray as it is vitally important for our growth.
We must trust we will always receive the perfect amount of energy for our beings and journeys
on the Earth.

Depending on their jobs, personalities and missions, some people will draw on the first ray of
light more than others, but our mission is to integrate specifically the first three………………

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