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Answer any seven

a) What is MIS?
b) What is E-commerce?
c) What is Decision Making?
d) Define Decision Support System?
e) What is E-collaboration?
f) What is the full form of BPR?
g) What is a Strategic Plan?
h) What are types of MIS?
i) What is Risk with regard to MIS?
j) What is an Organisational Decision Making?

Q2. Differentiate between E-communication and E-collaboration?

Q3. Explain the challenges faced by E-enterprises?

Q4. Explain the role of MIS in Organisational Decision Making?

Q5. Explain the General Model of MIS and problems faced in its implementation?

Q6. Differentiate between Structured System Analysis and Design and Computer System
Analysis and Design?

Q7. Explain the prerequisite required in an Organisation for development of MIS?

Q8. Explain the various applications of Management Information System to E-Business?

Q9. Write short notes on following

1) Decision Support System
2) Enterprise Management System
Model Answers

1. Answer
a. Management Information Systems (MIS) is the study of people, technology,
organizations and the relationships among them. MIS professionals help firms
realize maximum benefit from investment in personnel, equipment, and
business processes.

b. E-Commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods

and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network,
primarily the Internet. These business transactions occur either business-to-
business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer or consumer-to-

c. Decision-making can be regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the

selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative
possibilities. Every decision-making process produces a final choice that may
or may not prompt action.

d. A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-based information system that

supports business or organizational decision-making activities.

e. Electronic collaboration is the process of monitoring, critiquing, and

cooperating in a project or program by using internet, emails, groupware, etc.

f. Business Process Reengineering

g. Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or

direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this
strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the
implementation of the strategy.

h. Types of MIS
i. Conceptual system
ii. Empirical system
iii. Open system
iv. Closed system
v. Natural system
vi. Artificial system

i. A risk management information system (RMIS) is an information system

that assists in consolidating property values, claims, policy, and exposure
information and provide the tracking and management reporting capabilities to
enable the user to monitor and control the overall cost of risk.
j. Organizational decision making is a product of both the way individuals make
decisions and the context in which these individuals make decisions.

2. An electronic communication network (ECN) is a type of computerized forum or

network that facilitates the trading of financial products outside of traditional stock
exchanges. An ECN is generally an electronic system that widely disseminates orders
entered by market makers to third parties and permits the orders to be executed
against in whole or in part. The primary products that are traded on ECNs are stocks
and currencies. ECNs are generally passive computer-driven networks that internally
match limit orders and charge a very small per share transaction fee (often a fraction
of a cent per share). The first ECN, Instinet, was created in 1969. ECNs increase
competition among trading firms by lowering transaction costs, giving clients full
access to their order books, and offering order matching outside of traditional
exchange hours. ECNs are sometimes also referred to as alternative trading systems or
alternative trading networks.

Electronic collaboration (e-collaboration) is operationally defined here as

collaboration using electronic technologies among different individuals to accomplish
a common task. This is a broad definition that encompasses not only computer-
mediated collaborative work but also collaborative work that is supported by other
types of technologies that do not fit most people’s definition of a “computer.” One
example of such technologies is the telephone, which is not, strictly speaking, a
computer—even though some of today’s telephone devices probably have more
processing power than some of the first computers back in the 1940s. Another
example of technology that may enable e-collaboration is the teleconferencing suite,
whose main components are cameras, televisions, and telecommunications devices.

3. Following are the challenges faced by E-Enterprise:-

a. Consumers demand amazing mobile experiences.

b. Consumers also demand seamless experiences across all channels.
c. Legacy systems are holding retailers back.
d. Innovation is impaired by upgrade requirements of old platforms.
e. Current enterprise e-Commerce platforms utilize poor payment models.

4. Management information systems can help you make valid decisions by providing
accurate and up-to-date information and performing analytic functions. You have to
make sure the management information system you choose can work with the
information formats available in your company and has the features you need.
Suitable management information systems can structure the basic data available from
your company operations and records into reports to present you with guidance for
your decisions.
a. Information: When you base your decisions on data available from
management information systems, they reflect information that comes from
the operations of your company.
b. Scenarios: The capability to run scenarios is a key decision-making tool. Some
management information systems have this feature built in, while others can
provide the information required for running scenarios on other applications,
such as spreadsheets.
c. Projections: Any decisions you make result in changes in the projected
company results and may require modifications to your business strategy and
overall goals.
d. Implementation: While you make your decisions with specific goals in mind
and have the documentation from management information systems and trend
analysis to support your expectations, you have to track company results to
make sure they develop as planned.

5. A General Model of MIS organizes data elements and standardizes how the data
elements relate to one another. Since data elements document real life people, places
and things and the events between them, the data model represents reality, for
example a house has many windows or a cat has two eyes. Computers are used for the
accounting of these real life things and events and therefore the data model is a
necessary standard to ensure exact communication between human beings.

Following are the problems faced in implementation of MIS:

 Management process issues speak to the functional operation of an

organisation such as budgeting, personnel, and general management.
 Organisational environment issues are identified as factors which are less
tangible such as organisational culture, change, and behaviour.
 Leadership issues relate to the areas which involve the interaction and
direction of the organisation executive.
 Technical systems issues are mainly those referring to the hardware and
software considerations of information technologies.
 Personnel issues are those issues surrounding each individual in the

6. Structured System Analysis and Design Method (SSADM) is a waterfall method for
the analysis and design of information systems. SSADM can be thought to represent a
pinnacle of the rigorous document-led approach to system design, and contrasts with
more contemporary agile methods such as DSDM or Scrum. SSADM is one particular
implementation and builds on the work of different schools of structured analysis and
development methods.

System Analysis and Design refers to the process of examining a business situation
with the intent of improving it through better procedures and methods. System
analysis and design relates to shaping organizations, improving performance and
achieving objectives for profitability and growth. The emphasis is on systems in
action, the relationships among subsystems and their contribution to meeting a
common goal.

7. Following are the prerequisites of an effective MIS

a. Qualified System and Management Staff: The prerequisite of an effective
MIS is that it should be managed by qualified officers. These officers should
have a mutual understanding about the roles and responsibilities of each other
and be understand clearly the view of their fellow officers. For this, each
organization should have two categories of officers:
b. Futuristic Perspective: An effective MIS should be capable of meeting the
future requirements of its executives as well. This capability can be achieved
by regular monitoring and updating the MIS.
c. Support of Top Management: For a management information system to be
effective, it must receive the full support of top management.
d. Common Database: It is an integrated collection of data and information
which is utilized by several information subsystems of an organization. A
common database may be defined as a super file which consolidates and
integrates data records formerly stored in a separate data file. Such a database
can be organized as an integrated collection of data records into a single super
file or it can be organized as an integrated collection of several data file.
e. Control and maintenance of MIS: Control of the MIS means the operation
of the system as it was designed to operate. Sometimes, users develop their
own procedures or short cut methods to use the system which reduces its
8. Following are the various applications of Management Information System to E-
a. Financial MIS: A financial MIS provides financial information for managers
to make daily decisions on operations within the organization. Most systems
provide these functions:

i. Integrate financial information from multiple sources

ii. Provide easy access to financial information in summarized form
iii. Enable financial analysis using easy-to-use tools
iv. Compare historic and current financial activity

b. Marketing MIS: A marketing MIS supports activities throughout the many

activities of marketing departments. Some of the typical subsystems of a
marketing MIS are marketing research, product development and delivery,
promotion and advertising, product pricing and sales analysis.

c. Manufacturing MIS: Manufacturing is one of the areas where information

systems have made a major impact. A typical manufacturing MIS is used to
monitor the flow of materials and products throughout the organization. In a
manufacturing process, raw materials or parts are transformed to finished
products, and a manufacturing MIS is used at every stage. Some of the
common subsystems in a manufacturing MIS include: design and engineering,
production scheduling, inventory control, process control and quality control.

9. Short notes on

a. Decision Support System: A Decision Support System (DSS) is a computer-

based information system that supports business or organizational decision-
making activities. DSSs serve the management, operations, and planning
levels of an organization (usually mid and higher management) and help to
make decisions, which may be rapidly changing and not easily specified in
advance (Unstructured and Semi-Structured decision problems). Decision
support systems can be either fully computerized, human or a combination of
b. Enterprise Management System: Enterprise Systems Management (ESM) is
concerned with control, monitoring and the management of IT infrastructure
and applications in order to optimise IT service delivery.
It’s been around for a number of years and came into existence as a direct
result of the almost universal adoption of distributed network computing and
the new set of management challenges this created. ESM is essentially based
on a marriage between remote monitoring and configuration techniques
originally developed for distributed networks and control and management
practices borrowed from mainframe and midrange computing environments.

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