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Production Process Plan

A teenage lifestyle magazine called “Teen Spirit”
Front cover 1: the outdoors
Front cover 2: mountain biking
Front cover 3: music
Front cover 4: fashion
Front cover 1 and 2: The greenbelt land located behind New Bold Estate, St Helens
Front cover 3 and 4: Warrington town centre
Photoshoot and Front Cover Production
Photograph Date Time Materials Equipment Personnel
Front cover 1 8/5/2019 6pm- A waterproof, Camera and Photographer
7:30pm walking boots tripod (me)
and walking Model (Arran
trousers McDonald)
Front cover 2 15/5/2019 6pm- A bike Camera and Photographer
7:30pm tripod (me)
Model (Arran
Front cover 3 19/5/2019 12pm- Beats Camera and Photographer
1:30pm Headphones tripod (me)
Model (Lara
Front cover 4 19/5/2019 3:30pm- Camera and Photographer
5pm tripod (me)
Model (Lara
Contingency 20/5/2019 4pm- Whichever Camera and Photographer
shoot 7pm materials were tripod (me)
required for Model (which
the shoot that ever one was
is being required for
redone the shoot that
is being
Reviewing Materials

Materials Date for reviewing and selecting images

photos from shoot 1 10/5/2019
photos from shoot 2 16/5/2019
photos from shoot 3 20/5/2019
photos from shoot 4 20/5/2019
photos from contingency shoot 22/5/2019

Post Production

Magazine Page Date Time Materials Equipment

Cover 24/5/19 10-11 Photographs Computer
Cover lines Photoshop
24/5/19 11:30-12:30 Photographs Computer
Cover lines Photoshop
24/5/19 1-2 Photographs Computer
Cover lines Photoshop
24/5/19 2:30-3:30 Photographs Computer
Cover lines Photoshop

Camera= £500
Tripod= £30
Adobe Photoshop= £16.24 a month (for students)
Contingency Plans
If a photoshoot had to be cancelled or one finished and when I reviewed the images none
were useable I am prepared to do another photoshoot on the 20/5/19.
Launch Date: 27/05/19

Relevant legal and ethical issues

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts,
films and typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their
material may be used. The rights cover: broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting,
issuing, renting and lending copies to the public.

This is a CIVIL law not a CRIMINAL law. This means it is not a criminal offence to break the law,
which could result in a fine or jail sentence. Instead, the person who owns the copyright has to sue
the person they believe has broken the law. The case is then heard in a civil court and if the person is
found guilty of breaking copyright law then they will have to pay damages to the owner of the
copyright. The amount of damages is set by the court.
This applies to my photos/magazine covers because if I use someone else’s image and not my own
then I would be breaking the law, therefore I will only use my own original images.

Equality Act 2010

This law legally protects people from discrimination in the workplace and in wider society.
It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
 Age
 Being or becoming a transsexual person
 Being married or in a civil partnership
 Being pregnant or on maternity leave
 Disability
 Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
 Religion/belief or lack of religion/belief
 Sex
 Sexual orientation

This is a CRIMINAL law.

Therefore anyone who is considered to be breaking the law could be arrested. It would result in a
criminal trial which if found guilty could result in a fine or jail sentence.

As to not break this law my photos will not present people as negative stereotypes of any of these
social groups, additionally I will attempt to use models that represent a range of these social groups.

Obscene Publications Act 1959

For the purposes of this Act an article shall be deemed to be obscene if its effect or (where the
article comprises two or more distinct items) the effect of any one of its items is, if taken as a whole,
such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons who are likely, having regard to all relevant
circumstances, to read, see or hear the matter contained or embodied in it.
In this Act ‘article’ means any description of article containing or embodying matter to be read or
looked at or both, any sound record and any film or other record of a picture or pictures.
This is a criminal law.

My images will be suitable for the target audience of the magazines which is teens, therefore none
of the images will deprave or corrupt viewers.

This is a civil law.
Trespass to land consists of any unjustifiable intrusion by a person upon the land in possession of
Civil trespass is actionable in the courts.

I will not enter private property to take photos and if I do I will get permission first.

Privacy Law is a law which deals with the use of people’s personal information and making sure they
aren't intruded upon. These laws make sure people can't have their information wrongly used
without permission.

This applies to my photos because if I included peoples personal details in the images for example
there number plate for their car or street name I would be breaking the law, to avoid doing this I will
attempt to not include personal details in any imagery and if I do I will blur it out in post-production.

Ethical Constraints
Rather than legal constraints, ethical issues are based on judgement. They are what society
considers as morally acceptable.

If something is seen as ethically wrong, then it is first investigated to see if it is breaking any laws.
However, if it is not in violation of any of these laws then it comes under ethical issues.

This means that no law has been broken, however the public may see it as offensive or controversial.
Many ethical concerns are raised by groups of specific people. These groups may find the publication
offensive, due to how the minority are represented.

Ethical concerns which come into media production are things such as:
 Protecting under 18s
 Representation of age, gender, race, disability, sexuality and religion
 Using off the record information
 The power to influence public opinion
 Interviewing vulnerable people or children
 Anything that could cause offence or harm
 Presenting an individual or their views as being representative of an entire group or people
 Running premium rate phone lines
 Using hidden microphones
 Making a product which offends or insults a viewer/listener/user
 Falsifying information
Relevant regulatory bodies
Each media industry has its own regulatory body which has a code of conduct and rules which all
media practitioners follow:
Protection of under 18s applies to my photos as they could contain content that is unsuitable. To
protect under 18s I will ensure that all of the content is suitable for them by not having graphic
To ensure that there is representation of age, gender, race, disability, sexuality and religion, I will use
attempt to use a mix of people from the different groups and won’t use negative stereotypes.
To avoid causing offence or harm I will ensure that the images won’t be offensive or harmful. I also
will have the images checked over by other people to check that it isn’t offensive or harmful.
As to not present an individual or their views as being representative of an entire group or people, I
will try to not use stereotypes and if I do they will only be positive ones.
To make sure that I don’t offend or insults a viewer/listener/user, I will have all of the content
checked over by multiple people.

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