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Dumont/Willis WISC-III Groupings ©1999

Name: Diogo Miguel Picanço Age (yr.m): 10,0 Date analyzed: janeiro 26, 2018
WISC-III Subtest Scaled Scores

Subtest: PC I Cd S PA A BD V OA C SS Ds
ss: 11 5 6 11 10 6 5 4 14 6

SS Obtained Percentile Confidence Wechsler Classification

Total IQ Rank Interval
Verbal: (32) 80 73 4 %ile 68 to 81 Intellect. deficient to Low Average
Performance: (46) 96 93 32 %ile 86 to 102 Low Average to Average
Full Scale: (78) 87 79 8 %ile 74 to 85 Borderline to Low Average
Verbal Comprehension: (26) 76 5 %ile 71 to 84 Borderline to Low Average
Perceptual Organization: (40) 89 23 %ile 82 to 98 Low Average to Average
Freedom from Distractibility:
Processing Speed:
SCORE % Significance
Bannatyne Categories
Verbal Conceptualization VCS 83 12 %ile
Spatial PC BD OA 100 50 %ile strength
Sequential Ds A Cd 59 1 %ile weakness
Acquired Knowledge IVA 72 3 %ile
Horn Groupings
Fluid Intelligence Ds S PC PA BD OA 90 25 %ile strength
Crystallized Intelligence IVCS 79 8 %ile
Retention I Ds A 60 1 %ile weakness
Verbal Configurations
Little expression I S A DS 71 3 %ile
Much expression VC 72 3 %ile
Performance Configurations
Visual Organization PC PA 103 58 %ile
Visual motor organization BD OA Cd SS 89 21 %ile
Abstract stimuli BD Cd SS 77 5 %ile weakness
Meaningful stimuli PC PA 103 58 %ile strength
Nonverbal reasoning PA OA 112 79 %ile strength
Reproduction of models BD Cd 72 3 %ile weakness
Simultaneous PC BD OA 100 50 %ile
Visual sequential PA Cd SS 90 23 %ile
Visual closure PC OA 115 82 %ile strength
Visual sequencing PA Cd SS 90 23 %ile weakness
Visual memory PC Cd SS 92 30 %ile
Visual Synthesis PA BD OA 98 42 %ile
Both Scales
Social comprehension
Abstract thought C PA
S BD 88
90 21
23 %ile
Fund of information IV 70 2 %ile weakness
Trial and error BD OA 97 42 %ile strength
Verbal reasoning CS 92 27 %ile
Nonverbal reasoning PA OA 112 79 %ile
Auditory memory Ds A 58 1 %ile weakness
Visual memory PC Cd 90 25 %ile strength
Auditory memory Ds A 58 1 %ile
Reproduction of models BD Cd 72 3 %ile
Auditory sequencing Ds A 58 1 %ile weakness
Visual sequencing PA Cd SS 90 23 %ile strength
ACID A DS I Cd 59 1 %ile

©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991
©Dumont/Faro 1991

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