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Morgan Kane's character Derek Teller <translated "Duty-wrought Generation, I am

High-born"> is posted in .pdf format as a sample character.

Derek's Body Type of Normal provided the base Scores of STR, HLH, GRA, DSC, APP,
and POW.

The columns after the initial scores by STR, GRA, etc. are those modifiers derived from
Blood and Nature, and the character's Background. In this case, Derek's Military stint
improved his Strength, Health, and Grace.
Blood and Nature were determined narratively though in the full RPG rules set, they
would be player-chosen (or optionally rolled from a chart), via his personality sketch.

Task Resolution for this online game is a simplified 2d6 + Pool + Skill.

The Pools are determined as follows:

• Prowess (All things grossly Physical): The Modifiers of (STR, GRA, and POW)
• Focus (Hand-eye Co-ordination and Senses): (GRA, DSC, and POW)
• Glory (Social Interaction and PsychoSpiritual): (DSC, APP, and POW)
[The modifiers are determined by counting each point greater than 12, or less than 9 in a
score. The reason for this is based on the bell-curve probability distribution of 3 six-
sided dice.]

Derek Teller's military background in the Resth Clan Confederacy's Behekht NoShount
<Assault Scouts> deployed in Lhoma is the basis of most of his skills, although life back
in his Maln <Colonial Collective Outpost> provided the Wetlands Survival which aided
him during some riverine operations.

When faced with a Task, Derek's 2d6 + Pool + Skill result will determine the quality of
the outcome, and whether the Task was successfully resolved. I will generally keep the
Difficulty secret.
• Dynamic Opposed Tasks: The higher total result (usually) wins, unless there is a
Threshold or base result that is not met.
• Static Opposed Task: Similar, except that everyone who meets the Difficulty
meets the success criterion.
In general, as suggested by the bell-curve, a result of 09-12 is of Average 'quality'
outcome, while lower or higher results modify the narrative in more...exciting ways.
Likewise, if an extraordinary feat is attempted, only extraordinary results will be
acceptable for the Task to be properly resolved, while very simple Tasks ask virtually
nothing of a character.

Snake Eyes & Box Cars-

When a player's dice roll 1,1 (2) they have rolled 'Snake Eyes'. This generally foretells a
bad result, even if the Task result would normally be successful mathematically.
What exactly this means differs from Task to Task, and the general Mood of the Scene in
which it takes place.
Some results may simply be forgetting an item or overlooking a fact, to tripping and
falling while running for one's life.

When a player's dice roll 6,6 (12) they have rolled 'Box Cars'. This generally foretells a
good result, even if the Task result would normally be unsuccessful mathematically.
What exactly this means differs from Task to Task, and the general Mood of the Scene in
which it takes place.
Some results may simply be finding an item previously thought lost or remembering a
fact, to just barely grasping hold of a ledge when leaping for one's life across a chasm.

These two dice-based mechanics allow for the Providential or Cinematic events that
make stories interesting, without defaulting purely to Games Master fiat.

Damage, Fatigue, and Stun-

The Pools are all affected by the effects of the environment and actions against a
character. If the effect is minor and largely temporary, it will only impose a General Pool
This means that a punch that doesn't break anything or impose a concussion will simply
hang-about for a while until the character recovers and clears his/her head. During this
time, however, the Stun suffered is a General Pool Penalty, meaning that the number of
points are subtracted from all Task Resolution calculations.


Lemekht is struck with an oar as he wrestles the occupant of the boat he is attempting to
board. The defender's strike results in 11 Stun and no Hits.
All of Lemekht's actions that Round are now penalised by 11 points.

Stun returns at a rate of 1 point per Round (6 seconds). This means that next Round, Lem
is only suffering a -10 penalty. Five rounds after that, he is only at -5. Etcetera.

Fatigue is longer-lasting, requiring Hours per point of recovery.

Hits are actual damage to the character's Health (HLH) score.

Assuming the damage is not progressive (bleeding, poison, etc.), then a number of points
are recovered per day equal to the character's Current HLH modifier (if positive, or lost
if negative [HLH score lower than 9]).
If enough Hits are suffered to put a character into the negative-modifier zone, then they
will not recover without Medical or Mystical assistance.

Unfortunately, the worst wounds are Progressive, meaning that they continue to damage
the victim's HLH score, making the chances of survival slimmer and slimmer with each
Round's passing.
Only prompt life-saving aid can halt the progression of damage, and only if the care-giver
is successful at their Task (10 + Damage suffered).

Derek witnessed many friends, and opponents shuffle-off their mortal coil during his
term in Lhoma.

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