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Digital Creativity

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Charlie Gere’s Digital culture

Mike Leggett

To cite this article: Mike Leggett (2003) Charlie Gere’s Digital culture, Digital Creativity, 14:4,
255-256, DOI: 10.1076/digc.

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Published online: 09 Aug 2010.

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Digital Creativity 1462-6268/03/1404-0255$16.00
2003, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 255–256 © Swets & Zeitlinger

Charlie Gere (2002) Digital culture.
Reaktion Books, London. (ISBN 1 86189 1431) Paper: £14.95; $US 25.00

“The machine is always social Gere moves through 19th century commu-
before it is technical”, Gilles nication systems, office tools, touching on the
Deleuze reminded us many cinema (a co-conspirator that later had a part to
years ago and the adage is play in defining system configurations), and with
pursued rigorously in Charlie careful regard for the laws of exchange, moves
Gere’s recent survey of compu- inexorably to the demands made by wartime
ter-based process, which he politicians and generals, the gate-keepers of 20th
reasonably describes “…as a century cybernetic development. The genesis of
kind of cultural archaeology, the modern era is pieced together like a thriller,
digging under the surface of our the reader recognising the significance of each
contemporary digital landscape piece of detection work achieved 50 or 60 years
in order the reveal the underly- ago in relation to the contemporary machine and
ing structures that gave it its its use. Not everyone gets a look in though—it’s as
present shape”. if Europe and the USA won all the prizes—and
In a context of interna- pockets of individual activity that existed all over
tional academic and gee-whiz the globe are overlooked, unless they happen to
publi-biz, this is a refreshingly have stepped onto one of the main stages. For
lucid and (almost) complete coverage of the 200 instance, CSIRAC (1949–64) was the first
year ecology of the machines which come closest automatic electronic stored-program computer
to being the apotheosis of Western culture— built in Australia and one of the first in the world.
alongside, say, the car. His references and method It’s also the only first-generation computer still in
are classically European, not afraid to quote Marx existence. Some would claim it still runs the tax
and Smith when describing the development of system…
Artificial Intelligence or Analytical Engines, or The discoveries that flowed from the
machines from Jacquard looms 1810 onwards, pioneers were not only of benefit to science and
précising extensively the work of key luminaries, weapons makers but to modern disciplines like
be they scientists and technologists, inventors and cybernetics, (cybernétique: the art of governing
entrepreneurs, artists and philosophers, even the (1834), the word and its concept having a
occasional politician. Classical derivation), molecular biology,
This is no easy task, untangling the nodes structuralism, and theories of information,
and blind alleys of the literature and coming general systems, maths, control, games, etc. The
through with a cogent narrative, aided with stock investigations as well became a source of
shot illustrations and a layout reminiscent of a metaphors to describe the effect the new
scientific textbook—clear, concise with perfect machines would have, with terms like informa-
tonality. tion technology, the electronic society and
Organised via a series of themes, the cyberculture. The development of interdiscipli-
chronological overlap occurring with such an nary practice within the sciences, a strange
approach leads to apparently displaced sequences, notion back in the 1930s, led on to the more
more particularly to an occasional sense of recent insertion of science thinking into other
repetition. Such structural problems in presenting contemporary disciplines, in particular the
this complex and seminal field are more than humanities, becoming a part of the milieu
balanced by the needs of the undergraduate and where one set of propositions, investigations and
specialist reader who is led toward the next theme outcomes directly affects another. The descrip-
at the completion of the current one, before a bit tion extends into succinct contextualising of the
of rewind in order to examine the following role of realpolitik in the development of the
genesis in greater detail. tools and systems in question. For example the
Digital Creativity, Vol. 14, No. 4

Cold War development in the USA of the SAGE public domain. One of the few gaps in the saga
defence system that demanded ‘real-time’ comput- precedes the wider availability of the Internet
ing in the hair-trigger matter of nuclear warfare, making little of the 1980’s era peer-to-peer
followed more recently by the equally absurd SDI accessing, when an extensive global network of
‘Star Wars’ institutive—such projects represented BBS ‘nodes’ (FidoNet, GTNet in Australia)
rare opportunities for massive government-funded laboriously copied files from computer to compu-
research, the spin-offs of which benefited both ter over regional and local phone connections.
commerce and the two streams Gere then With the help of sympathetic university system
examines in some detail—the informal research of administrators for intercontinental links, local
artists and the agitational work of the counter subscribers could then log-in to collect mail and
culture. copy files, usually at no cost. The very ordinariness
In a matter of 36 pages he again manages of such committed enthusiasm for extending the
to capture the main players, from Cage through processes of cultural communication and dissemi-
Fluxus to the seminal Cybernetic Serendipity nation continued the earlier cultural tendency of
exhibition in London and on to Jodi and ZKM. elevating alternative social practice possessed by
Revealing distinctive shifts is the main issue in this intriguingly hazy objectives, over the objectives of
section, where the way in which the artists’ work the market-place that were for the majority of the
with media, in thinking about perception, population, enervating at best and plainly
cognition and the role of the audience when destructive at worst.
confronting conceptual issues often expressed with The Structuralists, the postmodernists,
the barest of means, is delineated. Though Gere’s even the Futurologists had anticipated this vector
focus is on structure, details like the short account and the final chapter—Digital resistances—cleverly
of the Lettriste group, their critique of the ancient adumbrates the arguments of a range of thinkers
technology of literacy and the social codes and brings us into the contemporary era via
continuing to flow unseen, help bind the simple techno, hacking culture, the new graphics and
act of transgression into an image of the times, liberation via the Internet. Digital culture reminds
where alliances and opportunities for mutual us of the lesser known theorists such as Mikhail
benefit were constructed on-the-fly in provisional Bakhtin whose “…work enabled a reintroduction
formations based on geographical communities of the historical into the structuralist paradigm,
and communities of interest. Away from the with its insistence on the necessity of understand-
coterie, political activists, hearts firmly on sleeves, ing a work within its particular context”. It was
aligned with sex and drugs and rock‘n’roll to create from here that Julia Kristeva (and others) devel-
a space within the military-industrial complex for oped the idea of intertextuality and from where a
tools like personal computers and video and the work like Digital culture essentially springs. In so
Whole Earth Catalogue to establish models for doing it also demonstrates the skilled use of
alternative and oppositional life-style. compression (so much a feature of the technology
Hard on the heels of the re-invented itself ) in synthesising this overview. Charlie Gere
consumer society come the first generation of achieves this using a commentary which is
Daniel Bell’s ‘theoretical knowledge’ workers, thorough in its broadly-based reference, careful in
preparing for the new brave world of the post- its summation and imaginative in its presentation,
industrial, information technology era. The providing the reader with the relatively painless
Internet though a constant reference throughout task of decompressing the narrative, leaving the
this ‘flexible chronology’, is dealt with in detail reader well informed and with an invaluable
here reflecting the curious alliances and conflu- reference source book on the shelf.
ences of the time that brought it out of the
government and university labs and into the Mike Leggett
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

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