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Client’s existing business ,‘Kaks Electronics’, comprises two broad areas:

1. Electronics: DVD/CD players; DVDs/CDs/VHS video tapes (presumably for rental & sales). This
side of the business is contracting for obvious reasons , including ‘The internet killed the video
2. Ladies bags and shoes.

Following a discussion of the existing business, its location, seeing it on Skype video, etc with the Client
Allen Kakooza and Project Manager Julius Magume (PM), the following recommendations and actions
were suggested and agreed:

Related to existing Electronics Business:

1. Cannibalise the existing business. This involves selling EVERYTHING (the entire inventory/stock) and
reinvesting the income generated from the clearance into a latest trend – Digital Studio.
2. Two areas have been suggested to be established in the space ‘vacated’ by the existing electronics
A. Digital Studio:
 Printing digital photos from smartphones, digital cameras, etc.
 Scanning & email facility;
 Simple Apps: Photo Studio, Photo to Cartoon, Photo to Caricature, Photo to painting, etc
Other ‘Fun’ apps that can attract a young crowd to the shop;
 Later: Photocopying, canvas printing, etc
B. Mobile Smartphone Sales/repairs:
 Stock and sell low-end smartphones in the $40-100 range. The market is in the growth
phase with massive potential;
 Later phase: add a repair centre within existing premises (does not require much space).

A.Digital Studio:
Actions Related to Digital Studio:
1. Visit 4-5 such existing ventures in the Kampala area to get a good idea of the processes, skills,
facilities, equipment needed. AND to get an idea of how to make yourself a little different.
2. Consider new layout within the shop to house the Digital Studio.
3. Identify & Purchase the equipment and software applications required for the Digital Studio: e.g.
Laptop, Printer, Scanner, Digital Camera, Screen/background, Photoshop software, etc;
4. Identify local art college with which to collaborate on a competition to design a new banner for
the Digital Studio;
5. Launch: One idea is to hire a person to walk around the neighbourhood all day with a banner
(front & back) placed over the neck. Big enough for people to notice and stop to read.

B. Mobile Smartphone Sales/repairs:

Actions related to Mobile Smartphones & Accessories where margins are very high:
1. Identify Chinese brands available at reasonable price in Uganda.
2. Make deal with local distributor of Smartphones and Accessories.
3. Make the requisite shelf space for display and start making money. I will send some sample
photos from Pakistan market.
4. Future: mobile handset repair centre.

Related to existing Bags & Shoes:

1. Maintain the existing business ;
2. AND consider moving to a new theme e.g. ‘Made in Uganda’. The idea is to collaborate with
local and international charities and development programmes promoting local specialities.
Start with leather goods (bags, shoes?), cloths, and later move to handicrafts, indigenous wood
carvings, etc.

Actions related to ‘Made in Uganda’:

1. Identify the local goods being funded/promoted by local and international charities &
development programmes. I gave the example of Shawls, carpets, custom jewellery, ornaments,
etc that are made and sold in Pakistan.
2. Create contact with the charities/development agencies to obtain good and also to help
promote the shop
3. Exploit the location close to busy road and route for tourists, international, diplomatic
community exploring rest of Uganda. Identify a way to get them to stop and shop.
4. Identify local art college with which to collaborate on a competition to design a new banner for
the ‘Made in Uganda’ theme.
5. Launch: promotion in collaboration with charities/development agencies. And simple pamphlet
to each diplomatic mission, international mission/org working in Kampala and local hotels..

Overall Time Lines:

 Digital Studio: Up and running within 1-month
 Mobile Smartphones: Up and running within 1-month
 ‘Made in Uganda’: Up and running within 1-month

Session 2: 08 12 2015:
Review of actions:
Allen has already started cannibalising or selling-out her electronics stock to raise capital for a digital
studio. She has already visited some existing studios to get a look & feel for the new business.
 Target the festive season to clear electronics stock by year-end. Once it is cleared, redesigning
the layout for the digital studion.
 Investigate price of equipment for digital studio. The printer should be restricted to a few
hundred US$ for the purpose of ID & family/holiday photos
 Work more actively of signpost for both Digital Studio and ‘Made on Uganda’ themes
 Continue to look at smartphones with the target of $40-70 range, chineses, that existing phone
users can easily upgrade to.
 Crafts should be looked at from a point of view of not only what can sell but also what designs
can sell. Many times the mistake is trying to sell the same, old, usual designs. An option is to go
for a blend of traditional & modernistic to attract a new type of customer e.g. younger age

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