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BY EUGENE W. HANCOCK EUGENE W. HANCOCK ‘Born in St. Louis, Missourl, # graduate of she Universicy of Dewit received a Master of Musie degree toa the University of Michigan, has Served as assistant organist and choimaster of the Cathedeal Church of Se, Joha the Divine in New Yook since 1963, ‘A Word from the Composer ‘These pieces were written on the advice of ay good ftiend, Mr. Levi Elzy. Ie-was he who suggested that | set some Negro Sprisels to music in the style in which | improvise, Spicicuals were suggested because there hem acranged forthe ofgan ple as possible in "es without having to puc forth mach are very fem, if any, collections of Thhave tried to keep the ausic as performer might be sble to play the pi fine ia practice [have alse tried to keep them as pieces that would be effective on 4 snall organ of upon an instrument of cathedral proportions. For the sake of simplicity and availability w some perfomers, there is almost no obligstory pedal part. As an sid to the performer the words to the first vetse ofeach spiritual have been included. It is sincerely hoped that the organie: will bear in aind at all times chee these melodies were criginlly sung, and therefore must cemain Iyrcal, aad yet, highly thy Inical sod dramatic, The relasionship of the text muse govern thythm and the tenpo. The igive and take” so necessary to the rhythm, and So in possible to writ down, is chiefly governed by she singing of che words es tac the stration is to give some idea as to color, but should I that he ean improve upon it he should not hesitace The suggested the petlorner “T sincerely hope that these shore pieces will prove pleast for the periormer to play and forthe listener to heae, rable both An Organ Book of Spirituals, by Eugene W. Hancock a woe Fic Joie u Go, Tell Won the Monn a 2 Ioan Fog he Bae of en : Wy Lon, Pa ang! ‘ Seen Fel Lite Ness Ci 2 Swing Low, eet Car 6 We he Cine nes Lad ‘ Mere You The en They Cody Lox? : Pea! S20 epyiate 1965 by Lenn LORENZ publishing company

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