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Lesson Plan for University Entrance Exam

I. Topic:Context Clues
II. Objectives:
A. Know what is Context Clues
B. Enable to identify in the sentence the context clues
C. Answer the given questions

III. Preliminary Activity: Example Sentences

1. Julie bought a gift for her mom at a cart in the mall. The kiosk sells special
chocolate candies.

In this sentence, the word kiosk means

a. car
b. office
c. department
c. cart

2. I ate a portion of everything on my plate when I ate a small piece of meat, a

small piece of bread, and a small piece of chocolate pie.

In this sentence, the word portion means

a. whole
b. piece
c. spoiled
d. complete

IV. Lesson Proper:

What is context clue? Context clues are hints that an author gives to help define
a difficult or unusual word. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the
word to which it refers, or it may follow in a preceding sentence.

Giving of more examples:

Birds that migrate, such as some ducks and geese, leave their home in the winter.

In this sentence, the word migrate means

a. swimming
b. to move
c. flying
A limerick is a fun way to use words. You can make up poems, rhymes, and

In this sentence, the word limerick means

a. verse
b. copy
c. report
d. text

The professor was a favorite among the students at the college. His
sagacity was helpful to them as they pursued their degrees. The
professor was known to use his experience, insight, and common sense to
help students pursue their education.

Using the example clue, the word sagacity in this sentence means
silliness wisdom
thoughtlessness negligence

A sleuth, such as Sherlock Holmes, can be very helpful in solving


Using the example clue, the word sleuth in this sentence means
senior citizen pilot
man detective

Zack was a good at many sports. He excelled in swimming, running,

horsemanship, fencing, and target shooting. He decided to compete in the
pentathlon rather than having to choose one of the events.

Using the example clue, the word pentathlon in this sentence means
competition with two events competition with ten events
competition with eight events competition with five events

Asked if he/ she could give his/ her own example. If cant give more.

More example:

1. Jhey: Hows Michelle doing? The last time we met she looked little depressed
Gem: I saw her yesterday she seemed absolutely exuberant.
Jhey: Thats great im happy to hear that.

In this situation EXUBERANT means to be very?

A. Busy and stressed
B. Happy and energetic
C. Hardworking and healthy
D. Upset and nervous

2. Jacob: how are your summer plans? I've heard you are going to travel around
South Africa with your friend?
Hiro: well id made all the travel arrangements, but suddenly my friend told
me that she couldn't go, So then I got cold feet and canceled trip.
Jacob: Oh, too bad, its a shame that you felt to anxious to travel alone.
In this situation, got cold feet means?
A. Became sick
B. Became thrilled
C. Lost courage

V. Assessment

1. Tommy was a real avid baseball card collector. He inherited the desire to
collect cards because his dad had a collection, too.
a. eager
b. careless
c. apart
d. Fearful

2. Her Christmas bills added up. After the holidays, her extravagance was going
to take several months to pay off.
a. economy
b. praise
c. external
d. overdoing
3. It was gratifying to see how she acted toward her grandmother because her
grandmother was always kind to her.
a. pleasing
b. nervous
c. aggravating
d. unclear
4. The boy was caught stealing from the store. His larceny caught up with him
when the owner showed him a video tape.
a. gift
b. theft
c. lawless
d. honor
5. The ideas she presented to the class were clearly an untested theory because
there had never been any research done on it.
a. magic
b. brutal
c. indictment
d. belief
6. His eternal light would shine on the people even after his death.
a. temporary
b. ethical
c. reformed
d. endless
7. He cut the paper precisely on the line, and it fit perfectly in the grooves of the
picture frame.
a. exactly
b. embellish
c. outer
d. advance
8. The boy tried to justify his actions to his mother by explaining the reasons
why he did what he did.
a. depend
b. prove
c. strict
d. concourse
9. She did several backbends in a row to show how limber she was, so that she
could be chosen for the squad.
a. enthused
b. responsive
c. likely
d. flexible
10. He climbed the mountain and stood looking over the tops of the trees on the
mountain across from him. He was right on the precipice and could have fallen.
a. edge
b. stiff
c. top
d. Under

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