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Name: Reynaldo C. Cortez Jr.

BSED – Math 2

Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts of

Performance Standard: The learners are able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to
formulate and solve real-life problems with precision and accuracy.
Learning Competency: The learners illustrate law of sines and cosines.
Code: M9GE-IVf-g-1

I. Objective
At the end of 60-minute class, 85% of the learners with at least 75% proficiency level should be
able to;

 Identify the cases wherein Law of Cosines can be applied.

 Use the Law of Cosines in solving problems based on real life situations: and
 Develop collaborative learning and problem solving skills.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Enhancement: Law of Cosines
Reference: Learners Manual Grade 9
Strategy: Collaborative Learning and Problem Solving

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

Good morning, class!

Good morning, Sir!
Before we will start, _______________, can you
please lead the prayer?
(_____,will lead the prayer.)
Thank you, _______________!

Please pick up the pieces of paper under your (Students will pick up the pieces of paper under
chair, and sit down. their chairs and will sit properly.)

Who are absent for today? (Students tell who are absent.)
A. Motivation

Okay class, eyes in front. Let us recall what

we had discussed by playing “FACT or (Students listen carefully on the instruction)
BLUFF”. Wherein all you need to do is to tell
if the statement that will be telling by my
friend is a fact or just a bluff. But for this
activity each correct answer corresponds to
4 points. Wherein if you got the correct
answer you will earn 4 points, but if you
don’t, 4 points will be distributed to other
groups. And every scores in our activities
will be written in this score board.

Is that clear?
Yes sir!
If everything is clear let us start.
(Statements are projected on the board.)


1. In SAS case, “A” is an included angle. Answers:

2. Law of Cosines can be used to find the 1. Fact

missing parts oblique of triangles with cases
SSS and ASA. 2. Bluff

3. Law of Cosines can be used if you have a

given measure of an angle and its opposite
side. 3.Bluff

4. The Law of Cosines states:

a2 = b2 + c2 − 2bc cos(A)
b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos(B) 4. Fact
c2 = a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(C)

5. You may use Law of Cosines in SSS case to

find the missing sides of oblique triangles.
5. Bluff
B. Lesson Proper

Very good class, it looks like you can recognize

the triangles and cases that can be solve using (Students go to their respective groups and listen
the law of cosines very well. Now let us proceed to the instruction of the next activity.)
with “Let’s Work-It-Out”. I want you to work with
your group. I have here five envelopes with all
the materials you need for your activity. It
includes problems with illustrations in the
cartolina provided and all your solutions must be
written in that cartolina.

Is that clear?
Yes sir!
In this activity I will be giving you 15 minutes to
finish your tasks and each group will be having
your own scoring sheets. Wherein you will be
the one to grade other group’s performance.
And you will be graded using these rubrics
(projected the rubrics). It includes cooperation,
accuracy and presentation.

Is there any questions regarding our activity?

None sir!
If none, you may go in front and get your own
materials per group.
(Representatives go in front to get their materials.)
And your 15 minutes starts now!
(Learners started working with their groups.)

E. Post-Activity

Time’s up! Now class, post your works on (Students post their works on the board.)
the board.

Choose one representative for your Good Morning everyone, here is the output of
group. And let us start with group number 1 group 1. In our problem, we are asked to get the
to present their work. distance of Ivan to Miguel based on their sitting
arrangement during Science class. With the given
2m as the distance of Ivan from John Ray, 3.5m
the distance of John Ray to Miguel and 65⁰ as the
angle formed from John Ray.
We let “t” be the distance from Ivan to Miguel.
𝑡 2 = 2𝑚2 + 3.5𝑚2 − 2(2𝑚)(3.5𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑠65°
𝑡 2 = 4𝑚 + 12.25𝑚 − 14𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠65°

𝑡 2 = 16.25𝑚 − 14𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠65°

√𝑡 2=√10.33334434𝑚
𝑡 = 3.21𝑚
Therefore Ivan is 3.21m far from Miguel based on
their sitting arrangement.

Hello everyone here is the work of our group, in

our problem Sherwin is asked to know how long is
Very good, group 1; now let us listen to the garden wire he needs to use to put on a
group number 2. triangular garden. If the givens are 13ft and 25ft as
the two sides of the garden and 40⁰ as the angle
formed between the sides, we must find the third
We let “s” be the third side.
𝑠 = 13𝑓𝑡 2 + 25𝑓𝑡 2 − 2(13𝑓𝑡)(25𝑓𝑡)𝑐𝑜𝑠40°
𝑠 2 = 169𝑓𝑡 + 625𝑓𝑡 − 650𝑓𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠40°
𝑠 2 = 794𝑓𝑡 − 650𝑓𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠40°
√𝑠 2 =√296.071112𝑓𝑡
𝑠 = 17.21𝑓𝑡.
Now we have all the measure of the sides, and all
we need to do is to add the measures of the sides
to get how long must be the garden wire.
Therefore Sherwin need to have a 55.21ft of
garden wire.

Hello everyone, here is our output. We are asked

Nice one group numbers 2, now go in to get the perimeter of Bona’s garden with the
front group number 3. given sides measuring 15ft and 12ft and 50⁰ as
the angle formed between the two sides of the
First step, we must find the missing side to get the
We let “d” be the missing side of the triangular
𝑑 2 = 15𝑓𝑡 2 + 12𝑓𝑡 2 − 2(15𝑓𝑡)(12𝑓𝑡)𝑐𝑜𝑠50°
𝑑 2 = 225𝑓𝑡 + 144𝑓𝑡 − 360𝑓𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠50°
𝑑 2 = 369𝑓𝑡 − 360𝑓𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑠50°
√𝑑 2 =√137.5964605𝑓𝑡
𝑑 = 11.73𝑓𝑡.
Then we add all the sides to get the perimeter if
the triangular garden:

Good job, group number 3, for the next Good morning we are the group number 4, and in
group, group number 4. our problem we are asked to find the distance of
Dexter to the Board. And identify if he can see
clearly from his seat if he is a near sighted and
can’t see clearly at a distance of 4m. The givens
are 3m as the distance of Dexter to Patrick, 3.2m
the distance of Patrick to the board, and 110⁰ the
angle formed to Patrick.
Let “b” be the distance of Dexter to the board.
𝑏 2 = 3𝑚2 + 3.2𝑚2 − 2(3𝑚)(3.2𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
𝑏 2 = 9𝑚 + 10.24𝑚 − 19.2𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
𝑏 2 = 19.24𝑚 − 19.2𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
√𝑏 2 =√25.80678675𝑚
𝑏 = 5.08𝑚
Therefore Dexter cannot see clearly from his seat,
because he is 5.08m far from the board.

Good morning everyone, we are asked to find the

Very good, now let us hear it from the distance of Charity to Bea. With the given
last group, group number 5. measures 10m as the distance of Bea to Kath,
30m distance of Charity to Kath and 110⁰ as the
angle formed from Kath.
Let “x” be the distance of Dexter to the board.
𝑥 2 = 10𝑚2 + 30𝑚2 − 2(10𝑚)(30𝑚)𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
𝑥 2 = 100𝑚 + 900𝑚 − 600𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
𝑥 2 = 1000𝑚 − 600𝑚 𝑐𝑜𝑠110°
√𝑥 2 =√1205.212086𝑚
𝑥 = 34.72𝑚

Using the Law of Cosines we found out that the

distance of Charity and Bea is 34.72m.

Good job, everyone. Give yourselves a

round of applause for that activity.

F. Generalization

Class, to sum up what we discussed did

for today I want you to stay with your (Students placed 5 chairs in front.)
groups and prepare 5 chairs in front.

As you can see there are 5 chairs in

front, what you’re going to do is to fall in
line per group behind those chairs. The
first member will be sitting in front. After
that, I will be projecting some questions
on the board. All you need to do is to (Students are listening carefully.)
answer those questions within the time
provided for each questions. After that,
the next member will be doing the same

Is that clear?
Yes sir!
Each question is equivalent to 1 point.
And after all the 10 questions, your total
score will be added to your score in our
score board.

Is there any question about our activity?

None sir!
If none, get ready and let us start!

Questions: (Students fall in line and get ready for the activity.)

1. What is the case of the figure below?

26 1. SAS (Side-Angle-Side)


2. Complete the formula:
a2 = b2 + c2 − _______
2. 2bc cos(A)

3. What case does an oblique triangle where 3. SAS (Side-Angle-Side)

a=5, b=9 and ∠C=75⁰?

4. What is the case of the figure below? 4. SSS (Side-Side-Side)



5. Give the formula on law of cosine for finding 5. b2 = a2 + c2 − 2ac cos(B)

the side “b”.

6. Give the three cases wherein you may not

6. AAS (Angle-Angle-Side)
use the Law of Cosines.
ASA (Angle-Side-Angle)
SSA (Side-Side-Angle)

7. What is ∠B if a=10, b=12 and c=20?

7. ∠B=27.13⁰

8. What is the value of “c” if side a=16, b=17

8. 30.49
and ∠C=135⁰?

9. Solve for the side opposite to 45⁰.

9. 15.18


10. If you have given sides a=15ft and c=12ft 10. 𝑏 2 =152 + 122 − 2(15)(12) 𝑐𝑜𝑠50⁰
and ∠B=50⁰.
Give the formula with the given value for finding
side “b”

Class, settle down. From our activity. Group

number 1 got ____ points, group 2 got ____
points, group 3 got _____, group 4 got _____
points and lastly group number 5 got _____
points. The highest pointer in this activity is
group number ___. Let us all give them a round (Students give the group with the highest score a
of applause. round of applause.)

So class, that will be all for today, I hope you

had fun with our activities.

IV. Evaluation
(The Evaluation is the activities itself)

V. Assignment/ Agreement
Prepare all your papers and for portfolios tomorrow.

Category 4 3 2 1

All the members of

the group were
Some of them The leader always The group has no
involved, sharing
don’t share asks them to unity in doing the
Cooperation ideas and at the
ideas and hard focus on the task. task.
same time listening
time listening to
to other ideas.

The work was Satisfactory Explained but The work was not
explained used some some part were explained clearly.
satisfactory using Filipino words not clear
the English

The group’s The group’s The group’s The group’s

illustration and illustration of the illustration and illustration and
Accuracy problem is correct,
answers on the answers are answers were all
but some of the
problem are all somehow related incorrect.
answers are
correct. to the correct

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