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BAHIA Speed: 35 ft AC: 31 FF: 25 Tch: 19 HP:

Elf, Magus level 9 Initiative: +10 Temp:

Hd: d8
HP: (72 level 8 + )
STR 0 10
DEX +6 22 18 +2 por nivel+2 belt AC: amor + shield + dex + deflection + natural + misc Feats: (level 1,3,5,7, bonuslevel5, flaw, 9)
CON +3 16 14 +2 por raza Weapon Finesse
Armor: +8 (kikko+3)
INT +4 18 16 +2 por headband Dervish Dancer
WIS +1 12 Shield: +4 (Spell)
Dex: +6 Lunge (+5ft malee rango).
CHA -1 8
Intensified Spell (shocking grasp max10d6)
Deflection: +2
Fortified armor training (absorb a critical hit)
Fort: 12 (6 base + 3 con + 3 cloack) Dodge: +1 (Spell Extreme flexibility) Combat Reflexes
Refl: 13 (3 base + 6 dex + 3 cloack + 1 trait)
Will: 11 (6 base + 1 wis + 3 cloack + 1 trait) Extra: immediate (visualization of the body, +4 dodge for 3
+ 2 vs. Enchantment
Sylvan Scimitar +3 Traits:
+ 6 will and vs. Bluff/intimidate (Channel vigor)
+ 6 fort (Channel vigor)
Dmg. 1d8 – Critical 18-20 x2 - Elven: inmunities to magic sleep
Long limbed (+2 init, run feat)
Fleet footed (35 ft speed)
Skill total mod Rank * ARCANE POOL Elven magic (+2 to overcome SR, +2 spellcraft)
Climb - Enhance weapon. Swift Action +1 bonus. (level 9 +3). - Reactionary: +2 init.
Craft - Idominable Faith: +1 will
Fly 15 6 6 3 Keen (+1) Flaming Busrt (+2) Speed (+3) Flaw: Outlawed
Intimidate Flaming (+1) Icy Burst (+2) Dancing (+4)
Kng. Arcana 15 4 8 3 Forst (+1) Shocking Burst (+2) Vorpal (+5) Equipment:
Shock (+1) Sylvan Scimitar
Kng. Dungeon 15 4 8 3
Arcane Accuracy (1) Accurate Strike (2) When used outdoors in template climate it’s wielder uses
Kng. Planes 15 4 8 3
cleave feat and +1d6 damage.
Ride Spellguard Bracers
(1/6 Magus arcana. Elf Favored class)
Spellcraft 17 4 8 3+2 The bracers grant the wearer a +2 bonus on concentration
Swim checks made to cast defensively. Three times per day, the
- Empowered Magic (6) – 1/day 1.5 spell damage
Use Magic Dev 10 -1 8 3 wearer can choose to roll a concentration check to cast
- Arcane Accuracy (3) – 1 arc point, 1 round, +INT to attacks
defensively twice and take the better result.
Perform 4 -1 2 3 - Accurate Strike (9) – 2 arc. points, 1 round, melee =melee touch attacks
Perception 13 1 8 3+1 - Spellbreaker (extra) – Enemies in my threatened área that fails casting a - Cloack of Resistance +3
spell defensively provockes attacks of opp from me. - Headband of INT +2
2+int/level - Kikko mythrill armor +3
- Belt of DEX +2
Spells per day Spellbook Spells DC Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Scrolls:
Level 0: 5 All 14 - Magic Missile - 4° Llevel: dimensión door x2
Level 1: 5 + 1 7+2+2 15 - - Splinter’s Spell Resistance - Fly - 4° level: Paragon surge x2
Level 2: 4 + 1 2+2+2 16 - Frostbite - Scorching Ray - Vampiric Touch *Ȣ - 5° level: Breath of life x1 (a Orathiol)
- Blade of Tutor’s Spirit - Visualization of the Body - Slow
Level 3: 3 + 1 2+2+2 17 Potions:
- Color Spray - Invisibility - Channel Vigor
- Cure serious wounds x 3
- Ray of Enfleebement - Mirror Image
- Shield - Diminish Resistance -
- Shocking Grasp - Extreme Flesibility
- True Strike

Swift action/immediate: Arcana 1) keen Damage:

2) Empowered magic
3) Arcanne Accuracy/Accurate Strike 2d6 Scimitar 1d6 + 1d6
+3 Scimitar 2d6 +9
Full round action (Spellcombat + spellstrike) +6 DEX

Attacks: Efectos Arcana

+6 / +6 / +1 -- Base attacs 1d6 Fire / Cold / electricity
-2 / -2 / -2 -- spellcombat
+1 / +1 / +1 -- Tutor’s Blade (spell) Efectos Spellstrike
+6 / +6 / +6 -- DEX 9d6 +9 cold damage Frostbite
+3 / +3 / +3 -- Scimitar 9d6 electricity Shocking grasp
4d6 damage Vampiric Touch (+Temporary HP)
*Efectos spellstrike -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Superar Spell Resistance: d20 + 13

Move action + standard action d20 + 9 (level) + 2 (elf) + 2 (feat)

Spellstrike as standard action Concentration checks: d20+17*

- may use cleave (ataca a otro enemigo adyancete, pero me queda -2AC
hasta mi próximo turno) D20 + caster level + int + 2 (elfo) + 2 (Imp.SpellCombat) + * spellcombat

Attacks: +15 (base +6, dex +6, scimitar +3) Castear a la defensiva: DC 15 + doble nivel spell
DC Level 3: 21
DC level 2: 19
DC level 1: 17

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