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A position paper about using cellphone in classBy: Junalyn Binoya


Using cellphone during class serve as a tool quick reference in the classroom any cellphone can boost
participation in the classroom by inviting students to use text or twitter to ask a question on the teacher.
Although much of the public of the debate against it there are pros associated with allowing cellphones
in class this advantage should not be ignored since cellphone in school could add value to the
educational value to the experience rather than simply be a determent to it. his paper aims to
debunked the positive side of using cellphone during class! cell phone can be powerful and useful
participant in room ! and the present argument that will prove the negative effect such as programs.

II. Counter Argument

"n our society now children with their school days there is a distinct possibility that somestudent may
take photograph that they should not take considering that almost every cell phonethese day has a
system to built into digital camera.#$earson %tudy &ducation' showed that cell phone can be beneficial
to students whenreviewing and studying the exam or test most of cell can photograph a picture their
assignmentsand works."t can help them although they can be distracting at some points in time they
should not be on there phones if there not asked and if they play games that(s there fall cause they
wontknow how to do it they most likely fail. #Jod )huyt'

*ellphones should be use for the purpose of learning cellphones should be use for browsing through
the net research if the student are un able to understand a particular term andwant it to be explained
comprehensively to their browse through the web so as familiari+e withthat. #Ainesh ,eyth' here is
nothing wrong with the technology and its use in the classroom however wedon(t let the student have
unhindered computer access to the internet while in the class to play or use for non educational
purpose. #coolcat eacherBlog'"t depends on how the teachers to supervise their student! student can
learn usingtechnology that can improve their learning. -urthermore! i+ /olb an assistant professor
inuniversity of 0ichigan.

III. My Argument

*ell phone also good for education for many reason first you can use cell phone for education or
research purposes although most of school have one computer each room andcomputer lab for a school
equipment.%ometimes cell phone may have important number that stored to a phone for student
thiscan be important such as their parents1guardian can call them when they have sickness or in caseof
emergency.According to a study 234 of high school student use mobile devices regularly of
courseincreasingly population of cell phone among students come sharply contested.

IV. Conclusion
5opefully this article has helped to shed the light on some potential positive benefits of this rapid
technological and cultural charge which sharply contrasts the experience. 0any of ushad when we were
in school! students bringing phone to school has both positive and negative consequence. 0any of
school have set rules in their place regarding cell phones and whether they are permitted " school or

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