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MODULE 1 Part 1

Engineering Management and

Safety - Introduction
Expected Outcomes
After completing this module, you should be able to describe:
a. The classification of project type
b. Characteristics of a project

MOOC FKM : Engineering Management: Route to Professional Engineers

What is a Project?
Project Defined
A complex, non-routine, one-time effort limited by time,
budget, resources, and performance specifications designed
to meet customer needs (develop SAMSUNG S4, bridge)

Project Scope
The work that needs to be accomplished to deliver a product, service, or
result with the specified features and functions (must ready for public)
Major Characteristics of a Project
–Has an established objective (in ½ year)

–Has a defined life span with a beginning and an end

(in market before S5 – BB)

–Requires across-the-organizational participation

(marketing, eng., mfg. etc)
Major Characteristics of a Project
–Involves doing something never been done
before (S5 with i7 capability)

–Has specific time, cost, and performance

requirements (price only RM600)
Programs versus Projects
Program Defined
– A series of coordinated, related, multiple projects that continue
over an extended time and are intended to achieve a goal (bigger
– A higher level group of projects targeted
at a common goal (auto – require R&D, mfg., eng.)
– Example:
• Project: completion of a required course
in project management.
• Program: completion of all courses required
for a business major.
Comparison of Routine Work with Projects
Taking class notes
Attaching tags on a
manufactured product Daily entering sales
receipts into the
accounting ledger

Routine, Repetitive

Routine manufacture of Responding to a supply-

an Apple iPod chain request

Practicing scales on the

Comparison of Routine Work with Projects
Wire-tag projects for GE
Designing an iPod that is and
approximately 2 X 4 Wal-Mart Writing a term paper
inches, interfaces with
PC, and
stores 10,000 songs


Setting up a sales kiosk

Writing a new piano for a professional
piece accounting meeting

Developing a supply-
chain information system
Project Life Cycle
The Challenge of Project Management
• The Project Manager
– Manages temporary, non-repetitive activities and frequently acts
independently of the formal organization.
• Marshals resources for the project.
• Is linked directly to the customer interface.
• Provides direction, coordination, and integration
to the project team.
• Is responsible for performance and success of the project.
– Must induce the right people at the right time to address the right
issues and make the right decisions.
The Importance of Project Management
• Factors leading to the increased use of project
– Compression of the product life cycle
– Knowledge explosion
– Triple bottom line (planet, people, profit)
– Corporate downsizing
– Increased customer focus
– Small projects represent big problems
From the discussion;
• Project has different characteristic comparing to routine works
• The management is critical during product life cycle
• There is a need to manage the whole project progress


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